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Summer/Fall 2019

Issue 18



Growing Speak the truth in love,

Gospel-centered growing more like Christ.

Leaders Ephesians 4:15 ERV

Join us for our
concerts and banquet!

Thanks to The Nelons
your support, November 15, 7 p.m.

28,783 McDiarmid Drive Alliance Church,

Brandon, MB

children and November 17, 6 p.m.

youth heard Calvary Temple, Winnipeg, MB

the Gospel
this year.
Manitoba Banquet
Monday, February 24, 2020
Winnipeg Evangelical Free Church
Winnipeg, MB

Prairie Joe

April 2-5 & April 15-19

Support-raising tour in Manitoba

Contact 1 888 960 2580 or visit
for more information.
Summer/Fall 2019
Issue Eighteen


Ministry Resource Centre
Unit 6 - 875 Gateway Road
Winnipeg, MB R2K 3L1

888 960 2580

One Hope Canada partners

with the local church
to develop life-long
followers of Jesus by
clearly communicating
the Gospel to more than
28,000 children and youth
each year through camps,
community outreaches, and
creative ministry strategies.

Canada’s Hope is the Kenosee Lake Bible Camp,

biannual publication
of One Hope Canada.
Features Saskatchewan

Letters, articles, and photos

are welcome. Names
appearing in articles may 4 Engaging Canada
have been changed.

5 Remembering Our Roots

Kelly Rempel
6 Letters from Our Readers
Gloria Pedersen
David Nadeau
7 Faithful Servant
12 Camp Ministry Inspires Gospel-centered Service
Melanie Mushaluk

18 Ministry Map
Bill McCaskell

20 A Vision that Compels: Part 2
Iced Tea Designs
Winnipeg, MB 28 Growing Gospel–centered Leaders
Derksen Printers
Steinbach, MB

Regional Stories
Publications Mail Agreement
8 British Columbia 22 Saskatchewan
Number 40019747
10 Alberta 25 Quebec
Undelivered copies,
change of address, and 14 Manitoba 26 Atlantic Canada
new requests should be
addressed to our office.
16 Ontario
Please note: To save printing
and postage costs, one

Our Supporters
magazine is mailed
per household. If you 29
would like additional copies,
please contact

I was 22 and attending a training weekend for a national youth ministry

organization. At the first workshop, the seasoned ministry veteran leading
the session welcomed us with, “Jesus has called you to make disciples. Disciples!
Not decisions. Do you understand the difference?”
It was an unforgettable pep talk and one that has helped me over the years to
focus on the mandate God gave every believer (Matthew 28:19-20). Discipleship 33%
Canadian young adults who attended
is not opposed to decisions; in fact, it is comprised of many decisions—big and
church as a teenager and now identify
small. Our task in disciple-making is to encourage and equip others to make solid as atheist, agnostic, or none
Christ-centered and Gospel-focused decisions.
Making disciples has been the purpose of One Hope Canada since its 1927 founding:

To present and promote the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ

primarily to the otherwise unreached in Canada and elsewhere
to the end that the lost should be evangelized and that Christian
believers should be taught and strengthened in the faith.

Our current purpose statement, which you can read on the following page
1 in 20
Canadian Christian teens
near the end of the article, uses updated language but expects the same—clear converting to other world
communication of the Gospel and the creation of disciples for life and service religions (usually Buddhism or
Islam) by young adulthood
through the Church.
This edition of Canada’s Hope highlights how One Hope Canada, by God’s
grace, is growing a generation of Gospel-centred leaders. Our focus: ensure young
leaders stay centered on the incredible good news of Jesus.
Research says that is the best focus for today.
For example, Faith Today’s 2018 research study Renegotiating Faith says
Christian camps help young adults mature by encouraging them to develop a
personal faith identity while remaining connected to the Christian community.
The 182-page report states that young adults who had been involved with
Christian camps either as teen campers or camp staff were roughly three times
as likely to connect with a Christian campus group and at least twice as likely to
Three fears of today’s young
connect with a new church after having left home. Moreover, camps help young adults created by social media:
adults to grow up and find their place faster and significantly, to find that place
within the Church. 1. Fear Of Missing Out (FOMO),
Each summer we see what young adults focused on Jesus can do by the power of 2. Fear of Not Being
the Holy Spirit. It is discipleship in action, disciples making disciples, encouraging Amazing (FNBA)
and equipping others to make Christ-centered and Gospel-focused decisions. 3. Fear Of Passionless
Read on and be encouraged! Monotony (FOPM)

Bill McCaskell
National Director SOURCES
All stats from Renegotiating Faith,
Faith Today Publications, 2018

Our Roots
O ne cold, wintry evening in Illinois, two men
knelt together to pray at a street mission. They
Mid-prayer, yet another rap sounded at the door.
The same man handed Lloyd a second cheque. “I didn’t give
were as different as night and day. One was a young you what the Lord wanted me to,” he confessed. “Here is the
pastor, heart-burdened for those who had yet to hear rest.” The second cheque was for $100.
of Christ; the other was a weathered, homeless man, Through the raw faith of Lloyd and his wife, Bertha,
emerging from a life of alcoholism to find new hope and those who joined them, the newly formed Canadian
in Jesus. Sunday School Mission launched. Lloyd wasted no time
The young pastor, 23-year-old J. Lloyd Hunter, was in living out his passion to reach children. A free week
overcome with a single thought after leading the older of camp was offered in exchange for memorizing and
man to Christ: “If only this thread of wasted existence reciting 500 Bible verses. Children across Canada rose to
had been won to Christ as a boy, not only his soul, the challenge.
but his life would have been saved!” The mission purchased Gimli Bible Camp on the shores of
That thought, planted by the Holy Spirit, was a Lake Winnipeg in 1930. Hundreds of children memorized
seed that grew and germinated in Lloyd’s heart. Bible verses, and soon other provinces acquired camp
A few years later, in 1926, Lloyd eagerly met property. By 1950, the Canadian Sunday School Mission
with a group of Christian businessmen in was sharing the Gospel with children in every province.
Winnipeg to discuss the need for rural parts of In 2014, the mission changed its name to One Hope
western Canada to be reached with the Gospel. Canada (L’Espoir du Canada) to better reflect its passion
However, he left discouraged because nothing for bringing the hope of Jesus to the nation. Those serving
was decided. Lloyd returned to his hotel room with the mission reaffirmed their purpose to “present the
and dropped to his knees. “Lord,” he prayed, Gospel, particularly to those having the least opportunity
“if You really want me in children’s work in to hear of Christ, and especially to children and youth”
Manitoba, provide me with $150 as a sign to get and to “disciple believers for living and serving through
the work started!” His Church”.
A knock at the door disturbed his prayer. A man Today, One Hope Canada has more than 150 year-round
he had met earlier in the lobby shoved a slip of paper missionaries from Pender Island, BC, to Newfoundland.
into his hands and hurried down the hall. Lloyd They work at 45 camps and community outreaches,
looked at it; he was holding a $50 cheque. Back in his annually serving more than 28,000 children, youth,
room, he breathed a prayer of thankfulness. and families.

from Our
We would love to hear from you! Send your letters to or by mail to:
One Hope Canada, 6-875 Gateway Road, Winnipeg, MB, R2K 3L1.

I recently watched your video My childhood years were spent on the Saskatchewan prairie in the
highlighting retired missionary hamlet of Ravenscrag. I came to know Jesus as my Savior while very
Shirley Whitehead. What an young. Times were hard, but fellowship with other Christians was
inspiration to so many, me included. always appreciated and we welcomed the CSSM missionaries as they
I am sure she and Rosie were camp came from time to time to conduct Gospel services, DVBS, and in
speakers at Torch Trail Bible Camp, time, the summer Bible camp at Cypress Hills Provincial Park. I recall
Saskatchewan, when I was a camper. missionaries Peter and Bertha Hildebrand, Johnny Reimer, Art Ramage,
I had them come back a few times and at camp, Elmer Snider, Lillian Swanson, and Daisy Jeffries. Their
while I was director at Torch and ministry was important to me and some of my siblings in establishing
appreciated every time they were our personal relationship with the Lord.
there. They were so good with the Years later after I married, we joined the fellowship and ministry of
children and clearly explained the CSSM pastors in Hines Creek, Alberta. We later moved to BC, but stayed
Gospel. Watching the video brought in touch with CSSM. I shall always remember with great appreciation
back many memories. the wonderful experiences I had with CSSM. I see so much of God’s love
and goodness connected to this and firmly believe God will continue to
KENT LITTLE use your outreach to needy Canadian families from shore to shore.

Faithful Servant
Fred Penner 1948–2019
For 27 years, Fred Penner kept the printing press at the
Canadian Sunday School Mission (CSSM) Winnipeg office in
tip-top shape, rolling out countless printed materials for the Fred and Mary served with mission
mission: curricula, Best Book Club lessons, and much more. organizations in California, Ontario, Quebec,
Graphic designer Jackie Johnson worked in Fred’s Saskatchewan, and finally, Manitoba, where
department and remembers him as a man dedicated to his he ran the CSSM print shop from 1984–2011.
work; sometimes jobs kept him so busy, he slept in the office. In 2016, Fred and Mary moved to Mayerthorpe,
“He knew how to run and fix the press. I was amazed Alberta, to be close to family.
how much he knew about it,” she recalls. “He loved CSSM Fred will be well remembered as a man who came alive
and being the behind-the-scenes guy who brought Jesus with every opportunity to preach, provide pulpit supply,
to so many children. He was a nice man, direct when he speak at Bible camps, lead Bible studies, perform wedding
needed to be, with a big heart. He was patient with me when ceremonies, and teach Sunday school. He shared his faith
explaining how to set up a file to print more efficiently.” with his many friends and neighbors.
Fred was passionate about the Gospel and had a deep love Fred passed away September 7 at the age of 71. A
for people, often going the extra mile for those in need. He is celebration of his life was held in Mayerthorpe, Alberta,
remembered for his vibrant storytelling and wise words. September 14.

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Amasa’s ministry to adults with
special needs is named after a
biblical person, Amasa (2 Samuel 17),
whose name means burden bearer.
Karen and Eric Scheffers of
Vanderhoof, BC, have assisted
our ministry in Salmon Arm for
two years. They realized a special
needs ministry was missing in the
northern part of the province and
gathered believers with a heart
for this demographic. Amasa of
the North was born! Nine campers
attended the inaugural camp
this summer, and all are excited
to see God’s plan for 2020!


We praise God for the 124 campers
who put their faith in Christ this
summer and for the 180 who
indicated recommitments. We pray
Standing Strong
they would be welcomed into the life
and nurture of the local church. We
also praise God for our camp’s 50th STEVE DUNCAN
for the Truth
year at beautiful Lake of the Trees. Camp Director


Program Director Phil was wearing
clown make-up, a fuzzy purple
top hat, and what looked like a
M y daughter has attended your camp for four years, and always had a
wonderful experience. Unfortunately, this time was different, and she is
not sure she wants to go again.”
fur jacket over his costume. After The parent’s troubling words following a week of camp were confusing.
a few minutes of performing a It had been a dynamic, fun-filled week. The Gospel had been preached. Cabin
ridiculous skit, Phil spoke in chapel
discussions were engaging. Children made decisions to follow Christ, and our
about God changing his life. The
kids listened to him because cabin leaders had poured out Jesus’ love.
they saw a guy who loved them “I expected teaching about God and religion to be shared in a positive light,
and was genuinely secure in his not a negative one,” said the parent. Cabin leaders had said a person would not
identity of following Jesus. go to heaven unless he or she was a Christian. This had unsettled the child.
We met with cabin leaders to discuss the situation, seeking more context.
It was encouraging to hear (through tears) how they had shared and affirmed
A Prince George schoolgirl won a
week at camp. She had never been the Gospel with clarity and gentleness as campers posed questions. The
to camp, heard about God, or read leaders did not compromise the truth that Jesus is the only way to heaven.
the Bible. She received a Bible, This situation reminded us of our call to speak the truth in love with
started reading it immediately, gentleness and humility, to live out the Gospel, to let the Holy Spirit move
and told her cabin leader, “Camp
in His time. As for the parent and unsettled child, we believe their story
is amazing. I would do this every
day if I could!” Every year campers isn’t over.
tell us camp is not only the best
week of their summer, but the best ECHO LAKE BIBLE CAMP • 250 996 0227 •
week of the year. What a privilege Echo Lake Bible Camp is 33 kilometres north of Vanderhoof, BC, and
to be part of such a ministry! 27 kilometers south of Fort St. James.


Making All Things New

Ministry Director
T his summer we were blessed with a young team, average age 16. Admittedly,
it sometimes felt like a perpetual youth night that was supposed to be summer
camp, but I was inspired as the teens’ trust and courage was shaped by the Gospel
while they learned, served, confronted fear, and grew in community.
“At times, leaders I saw Jesus in them during difficult camp sessions, when campers arrived with
had to absorb big questions and bigger hurts. I saw them step up and be available, undistracted
immense hurt by electronic devices or division. I saw them disarm anger and set aside
popularity to serve selflessly.
and quietly and
It seemed we had every form of childhood trauma represented at our little
selflessly say, camp this summer. At times, leaders had to absorb immense hurt and quietly and
'Jesus, carry this selflessly say, “Jesus, carry this with us. It’s just too much.”
with us. It’s just Two older cabin leaders, amazed by the week’s intensity, were surprised to find
too much.'” summer camp more taxing than anticipated. “You think it’s summer camp, how
hard can that be? But now we realize how much hurt bombards these little hearts.”
I saw tears as leaders looked into the faces of campers who had suffered tragedy,
accepting that there were no easy answers to the why. But they spoke much-
needed words of comfort, love, and blessing.
God is intentionally making all things new, redeeming surrendered souls,
making us children of light. Our comfort is knowing darkness will never
overcome the light, especially not in the grace and glory of bandaged knees,
wide games, and fireside laughter at summer camp!

HOPE BAY BIBLE CAMP • 250 629 3194 •

Hope Bay Bible Camp is on the northeastern corner of Pender Island, BC, just steps
from the ocean.

One cabin leader was doing well in most
aspects, but struggled to lead spiritually.
When challenged to grow in this area, he
responded by organizing a nightly prayer
meeting with male cabin leaders where they
prayed for each other and each cabin.

One family came to camp every year for five
years. They were moving to British Columbia, but
changed their departure so the kids could attend
camp! We thank the Lord for the opportunity
to share the Gospel with this family before
they moved and, with the 75 campers who
came to know Jesus as Savior this summer.


How did God bless a day camp with only
seven campers? The disabled adults soaked up
attention, we brought one-and-a-half hours of FAITH BIBLE CAMP
camp to a group home that couldn't send their

Learning Together
clients to our other camp—a new cooperative
relationship developed with that agency—and
campers grew closer to Jesus, Light of the World.


We have enjoyed many opportunities to build
as Leaders
community relationships by holding a weekly

praise and worship service for many full-time aul explains in Ephesians how Christians are
and part-time community members. We are
joined in a mystic union with Christ. This became
active volunteers in the community library,
clear to me in a moment of disunity, when I snapped
allowing it to be open longer. It is a great way
to have deep conversations about Jesus. Along at a junior team member. To be fair, I needed to say
with two churches, we also provided Christmas something when the individual talked back to one
presents for children on the Big Horn Reserve. of my co-leaders but, in my fervor to shut down a bad
situation, I made it worse with volume and tone.
Assistant Director
I yelled. Yes, I yelled at the team member we’ll
We first met Gwen at church—a smiley eight
call Eddy. Immediately, I felt terrible. I had succumbed to my emotions!
year old who then came to Ross Haven as a
camper. Now she has grown into a valuable Conviction pushed into my heart because earlier that week, I had told
team member who, for the past three years, Eddy several times that what we did was less important than how we
has passionately encouraged campers toward did something. And look what I had done: engaged in doing the right
godliness. A source of encouragement thing (confrontation) the wrong way (yelling).
and playfulness, Gwen willingly pitches in
What Eddy did not know: I had been trying to learn how to deal
wherever needed, be it cleaning toilets or
with conflict for almost a year. Now, I had reached the point where I
leading singing at a moment’s notice.
understood the role of tone and voice in correcting with gentleness.
 WHITNEY LAKE BIBLE CAMP I apologized and Eddy showed great mercy and offered grace,
Whitney Lake Bible Camp is making great something I had not expected. This showed me that growing our leaders
strides in its leadership training program. Over is not a trickle-down activity; instead, it is more like a tapestry, with
the past two years, we tripled the length of pieces deliberately interwoven and unified as one magnificent picture
our pre-camp leadership training, added a
of Christ among us.
Leaders-In-Training camp, and started daily
mentoring classes for summer missionaries.
Campers and summer missionaries are FAITH BIBLE CAMP • 780 335 0500 •
excited. Praise the Lord! Faith Bible Camp is on Pigeon Lake, near Wetaskiwin, Alberta.


Mission-minded Team
Makes Serving Top Priority
Camp Co-director

O ver the years, we have enjoyed watching our team members grow in loving Christ and
passionately sharing the Gospel. Having a mission-minded team begins with a mission-
minded camp culture. It must be central in all we do.
This summer our team was small but unified, never taking its eyes off the goal of sharing
the good news of Jesus with children. Many campers heard about Him for the first time.
Some female junior team members came through the ranks as campers, work crew, and
leaders in training. They now flourish in leading and discipling campers, and encouraging
other team members in their faith.
Each of our junior girls had the blessing of leading a camper to Christ! What excitement
on their faces, knowing they had made an eternal difference in a life by giving up their
summer for the sake of the Gospel!
They learned to serve graciously by putting others first. They went canoeing, even
though not a favored activity, and could still laugh with campers after the boat tipped.
They boldly shared their stories and the truth of the Gospel, even when campers said they
didn’t believe in such a thing as truth. They loved those ignored by others and leaned on
Jesus for strength and endurance when tired. These girls dug deeper into their faith when
faced with hard questions, cried with campers who struggled, and rejoiced with those who
experienced breakthroughs.
What a joy to see this team grow more like Jesus every day!

DAVID THOMPSON BIBLE CAMP • 780 494 2103 • David Thompson Bible Camp is
in the heart of the Peace River country, 20 kilometres north of Fairview, Alberta. After four and a
half years at DTBC, the Weidericks now serve at Camp Livingstone in Quebec.

Andrew Sevigny (second
from right) with his
cabin-mates at Carberry
Bible Camp in 1999.

Camp Ministry
Inspires Gospel-centered Service

T he 12-year-old in the 1999 camp photo could not

have known he was poised on the edge of his life’s
calling. Grin firmly in place and sporting a cabin
leader’s too-large tie, he was at his first overnight camp.
Andrew Sevigny would spend the next two decades
discovering his passion for ministry.
“I was living two lives,” he says. “Partying on Saturday
but going to church on Sunday. God got through to me
and I learned I had to surrender not just 90 percent, but
100 percent.”
He finished Bible college, spent time at DBC as Program
Director, and married Tasha in 2011. “She loves camp as
Today, serving as Executive Director at Dauphin Bible much as I do,” says Andrew. “She says she dreamed of
Camp (DBC) in Manitoba, Andrew remembers enjoying marrying a camp director so she could be at camp for the
that first camp experience despite getting homesick rest of her life!”
every night. “I didn’t tell anyone and cried myself As the young couple considered their options, Andrew
to sleep. But I loved camp so much I didn’t want to remembers praying one evening, “God, show us where
go home.” You want us.” The next morning he received a phone call
Andrew recalls, “I grew up going to church and from DBC Director Richard Bankert (one of his leadership
Sunday school but didn’t really understand Jesus’ love mentors), with a job offer. “It was definitely an answer
for me until I went to camp that first time.” In 2002, he to prayer!” says Andrew.
joined the summer team at Valley View Bible Camp in He served at DBC until 2016, first as Site Director, and
Manitoba as kitchen help. He was hooked, and through then as Camp Director after Bankert’s departure. While
the years moved from kitchen to maintenance to cabin he learned much about leadership, it was a small team
leading, eventually becoming Program Director. and, in an effort to do everything perfectly, Andrew
At 18, he experienced a defining moment at camp. burned out.

God got ahold of my
heart at camp.
Andrew and Tasha moved to Roseau River Bible
Camp (in Manitoba), where Andrew served as Programs “I want to make sure others
Director and Tasha worked with the horse program. understand what being Gospel-
By then daughter Madison had joined the family. centered means. Our lives need
Andrew says it was time to learn the importance of to be focused on Jesus and God’s
rest and trusting God. love for us. Everything we say
“A tired or dead leader is not a good leader,” he says. and do needs to point people to Christ,” he says. “It’s not
”Take time to do something you enjoy doing. Make sure about me, it’s about Him. Through that, we live out the
your family is taken care of and make memories with Gospel. That’s what I want my camp leaders to practice.”
your kids. I don’t want to look back and wish I had spent This summer, more than 450 children and youth came
more time with my daughter. I want to be there while I to DBC; many do not come from a Christian background.
can to help her grow. I want my and my wife’s marriage “These kids don’t even know what a Bible is,” Andrew
to be strong.” says. “Nowhere else can you spend 24 hours a day
Sensing God’s call back to DBC, Andrew and Tasha teaching kids about Jesus. Through that opportunity
returned in February 2019, Andrew as Executive Director we see lives changed.”
and Tasha, Horsemanship Director. Andrew is proof of that life change. He is excited to see
Andrew says his philosophy is to “work like Jesus where God will lead him next. “God got ahold of my heart
worked”, building relationships with a core team, at camp. I know He called me to be part of what He is
that then builds into others. doing in camp ministry."

It’s more than the thought that counts.
This year, you could change lives for eternity.
Find out how at

The wide game finished and
campers were told to grab their
Bibles and head to chapel. When
Tamara asked Sara what a Bible
was, I overheard the conversation
and explained it was God’s Word
and we would learn about it this
week. On the last day, Tamara
responded to the Gospel and
began a relationship with God.


This summer we needed male
cabin leaders, so one leader
convinced a friend to take a week
off work to help. Because the
friend had grown up wealthy—
attending a Christian school and
church camp with people like
himself—he had little in common
with our campers. However, he ADVENTURE DAY CAMP
loved serving so much, he quit
his job and stayed all summer!
When we offered an honorarium,
he refused, praising God for the
Rainy Day Miracle
privilege of sharing his life and

faith and being blessed to see the
his summer for the first time we traveled to
Spirit at work. HILDEBRAND
Wawanesa, Manitoba, to run a day camp program
 ROSEAU RIVER BIBLE CAMP in conjunction with two churches. There had been no
This summer we were reminded children’s Christian programming for ten summers, so many unchurched
of why we do what we do; it is campers heard about Jesus for the first time!
so neat to see campers return This group was mostly young boys eager to learn and ask questions about
to participate in the discipleship
God. They were equally eager to get outside after the lesson to play soccer!
program. Suddenly, they realize
they now have the opportunity to Midway through the week, with the lesson wrapping up and the boys
give back to children in the same getting antsy for their soccer game, rain pounded on the church roof.
way a cabin leader took time to As we began setting up crafts, a boy yelled, “I’m going to pray for the
invest in their lives! rain to stop; anyone can join me!” Several boys prayed while staring out
the window at the pouring rain. Minutes later, the rain let up and a huge
Janice served in our laundry
rainbow arced over the church! The boys cheered, thanked God for stopping
facility this summer. At 43, she the rain, and ran to look in amazement at their answered prayer!
found herself in a dark place In just a few days, these boys went from not knowing who Jesus is to
and planned to take her life at leading a prayer meeting among themselves!
the end of the week. But as she
heard the message of God’s
ADVENTURE DAY CAMP • 204 332 9000 •
transforming work, she chose
Jesus instead and was baptized. Adventure Day Camp is a mobile day camp program that partners with
“I chose truth, freedom, love, and communities to bring week-long, Gospel-centered, recreational children’s
life!” Janice says. “My whole life, programming to rural and remote locations, primarily in Manitoba.
the devil told me I was nothing,
but I now know the truth. I’m a
child of God. God isn’t just good,
He is absolutely amazing!”
“I’m going to pray for the rain to stop;
anyone can join me!”
“A short time of prayer may not seem like
a big deal, but it really impacted me...”


Iron Sharpens Iron

B efore I met Valley View Bible Camp Director Henry Enns he called me in the spring
of 2013. I had never visited the camp, except for a winter trip to the tubing hill. After a
mutual friend connected us and after that phone call, Henry invited me to consider serving at
Valley View. We discussed the role and prayed together.
A short time of prayer may not seem like a big deal, but it really impacted me, setting the
precedent for my relationship with Henry. We have prayed and shared many times since I
joined the Valley View team.
Henry has been more than a boss; he is a brother and a friend. He reminds me of Paul, who
called Timothy his son, rather than a disciple or pastor in training. My relationship with Jesus
grew, thanks to my relationship with Henry and many others at camp. They encouraged and
prayed and rebuked me when necessary. As Proverbs says, “Iron sharpens iron”.
The Lord is calling me to serve cross-culturally overseas. He has shaped and prepared me
for this through the people and circumstances at camp. I am so thankful for how Jesus has
used this camp to impact me deeply.

VALLEY VIEW BIBLE CAMP • 204 685 2999 •

Valley View Bible Camp is south of MacGregor, Manitoba.

What a privilege to see young
people grow from attending as
campers to serving as volunteers
and cabin leaders, and then moving
into leadership. Like Graham, our
waterfront director. Watching him
grow in his faith to become a leader
who shepherds others is truly
amazing. There are few ministries
that disciple young people like
camp does.


As I prayed about what to teach
this summer, the action song Head
and Shoulders came to mind. Our
lessons centered on how we can
worship God with those body parts
and our heart. We worship God
by having a heart like His. Our cry
was, "My heart . . . is a GOD heart!"
Forty-two campers prayed for a
God heart!

Growing Gospel-centered leaders
has been our ministry theme for
33 summers. We intentionally
homegrew our team, identified
Christ’s Love
spiritually minded and responsible
children, and gave them roles as
junior leaders until they could serve
as cabin leaders at age 16. Identifying
T his year SONshine Bible Clubs is running four
programs in Sault Ste. Marie. As always, we
depend on faithful volunteers who devote time
spiritual maturity in children has and energy to share the Gospel with children.
always been the catalyst to growing
What a joy to see them exhibiting Christ’s love
today’s Gospel-centered leaders.
as they teach, interact, and have fun. The many
KATHY BRONSON roles within each club present opportunities
Program Administrator Ivanna Director for community volunteers to use their spiritual
Robert met Jesus at Willow Springs gifts in practical ways. Though they may become
thirteen years ago. "It was there I physically tired, they never tire of sharing the truths of God’s Word.
learned to be the best version of
As they eagerly speak the truth of the Word, they develop connections
myself," she says. "It has been a
joy to serve on the Willow Springs with children (many are unchurched), present the Gospel, and share
team for the past six years to Christ’s love with each child.
encourage young leaders." It is my prayer that the children will follow Christ and that the
volunteers have an area of service where they can grow in their faith
and strengthen their roles as leaders.


To support the work of
One Hope Canada, including
Clubs serve children in grades 1-6, and are currently running in Sault
any of our ministry points Ste. Marie and the North Shore Township of Ontario.
or missionaries, please visit
to make a donation. “Though they may become physically tired, they
never tire of sharing the truths of God’s Word.”


Saying Yes!
Ministry Director
T his summer I read a Clarissa Pinkola Estés
quote: “Ours is not the task of fixing the
entire world at once, but of stretching out to
mend the part of the world that is within our reach.” Some of our leaders did that while
interacting with campers facing trauma or difficult home lives.
Having been a camper since age eight, Tim returned this summer to serve as an
“It’s nice to adult. Each night we heard him engaging his campers on deep issues. After camp Tim
slow the pace wrote, “Life gets crazy, and sometimes people struggle with pursuits for happiness.
and embrace It’s nice to slow the pace and embrace meaningful connections with people, nature,
meaningful yourself, and God.”
Amy, a summer missionary for five years and a runner with Olympic aspirations,
was often challenged to race other team members and campers. She had that same
with people, enthusiasm for sharing Christ, usually asking for some strange item to use as an object
nature, yourself, lesson. “Camp is a positive environment for spending time with others and furthering
and God.” my growth as a Christian,” said Amy. “The camp community taught me how everyday
actions can reflect Christ to others.”
Pat made a commitment to Jesus 65 years ago at Camp Dorion. She abounds with
love and energy! From sitting on the ground, to hanging around the jungle gym, to
capturing the attention of all 38 children in chapel, she truly is inspirational. We
gifted her with a hoodie emblazoned with our camp theme, “SAY YES”. The next day
she wrote, “Your gift is reaching others; today, someone asked about my hoodie and I
shared the Gospel.”
We pray that the Christ-centered leaders we saw this summer will continue
impacting the world with the hope only Jesus can bring.

CAMP DORION • 807 857 2331 • Camp Dorion is on the shore
of Lake Superior, 45 minutes northeast of Thunder Bay, just north of Sleeping Giant
Provincial Park.

British Columbia Alberta
1 Manitoba

1 2 3

8 4
3 6 3 5
4 7
4 6
6 5 7

8 3 5

9 6
2 1

British Columbia Saskatchewan
1 Echo Lake Bible Camp 1 Ranger Lake Bible Camp
2 Ness Lake Bible Camp 2 Manitou Lake Bible Camp
3 Lake of the Trees Bible Camp 3 Luseland Bible Camp
4 Amasa 4 Torch Trail Bible Camp
5 Maple Springs Bible Camp 5 Stoney Lake Bible Camp
6 Hope Bay Bible Camp 6 Madge Lake Bible Camp
7 Dallas Valley Ranch Camp
8 Kenosee Lake Bible Camp
9 Estevan Bible Camp
1 David Thompson Bible Camp Manitoba
2 Bear Lake Bible Camp
3 Joy Chapel Ministries 1 Dauphin Bible Camp
4 Nordegg Community Ministry 2 Turtle Mountain Bible Camp
5 Ross Haven Bible Camp 3 Valley View Bible Camp
6 Faith Bible Camp 4 Gimli Bible Camp
7 Camp Silversides 5 Adventure Day Camp
8 Whitney Lake Bible Camp 6 Roseau River Bible Camp



2 3

5 6 8
Quebec 7

1 2


5 We present the Gospel,

6 particularly to those having the
least opportunity to hear of
Christ and especially to children
and youth, and we disciple
believers for living and serving
Ontario through His Church.
1 Rainy River District Ministries
2 Camp Dorion Visit to contact
3 Sonshine Bible Clubs any of our ministry points.
4 Galilean Bible Camp
5 Monarch Bible Camp
6 Willow Springs Camp

1 Camp Des Iles
2 Camp Livingstone 1 New Found Life Bible Camp
2 Miramachi Valley Bible Camp
3 Kensington Community Church
4 Cape Breton Bible Camp
5 Sandy Cove Bible Camp
6 Dorey Family
7 Hampton Bible Camp
8 Blomidon Bible Camp

A Vision
that Compels
The second of two articles on One Hope Canada’s vision statement by National Director Bill McCaskell

I n early 2018, after receiving feedback from its forty-five

ministry points, One Hope Canada’s national board
established a vision statement to guide future ministry
reality that for many of our missionaries,
aggressively pursuing new ministry strategies
often leads to a year-round focus on ministry.
endeavors over the next ten years. The vision states that This maximizes the unique geographical
and cultural settings of where they serve.
One Hope Canada will intentionally equip The outcome? More children, youth, and their
current and next-generation leaders to be families are impacted by the Gospel.
Gospel-centered, and to aggressively pursue In this article, I draw our attention to the first
new ministry strategies that recognize part of the vision statement—intentionally
cultural and geographical realities. equipping current and next-generation leaders to
be Gospel-centered—and examine what it means
In the last edition of Canada’s Hope, I examined the to be a Gospel-centered leader and how One Hope
second part of the vision statement by exploring the Canada equips leaders to that end.

“ To only develop leaders is to fall short of the purpose God
has entrusted to One Hope Canada. It is why the Gospel,
even in leadership development, must remain central.”

Defining Gospel-centered Leadership Serving as a summer missionary gives an opportunity

Leadership is a valuable and necessary quality for God’s Spirit to continue the pruning process in young
for ministry; however, as Ryan Skaling, One leaders' lives as they serve in community. “Young leaders
Hope Canada’s Atlantic Field Director explains, might think they are patient until they live and serve with
being a Gospel-centered leader goes deeper than fifteen other leaders who do things differently,” says Gary
leadership skills. Long, a 30-year One Hope Canada veteran. Gary and his
“When we think about these next-generation wife Christina serve as camp directors of Sandy Cove Bible
leaders—our summer missionaries—we will, of Camp, 50 kilometres west of Fredericton. “Eventually, they
course, train them to care for campers’ safety and realize they need to confess their selfishness and remind
teach them practical ministries such as washing themselves of the Gospel of Jesus once again.”
dishes and feeding horses. But we use work and
service to point them to Christ, so everything they do One Hope Canada ensures
is about knowing Jesus, loving Jesus, serving Jesus, current leaders are Gospel-centered
and then showing Him to others through leadership.” Being a Gospel-centered leader means life-long learning
To only develop leaders is to fall short of the and is why all new missionaries take a 60-hour
purpose God has entrusted to One Hope Canada. It is credentialing program over two years while serving at
why the Gospel, even in leadership development, their ministry point.
must remain central. “The credentialing program reminds them what the
Gospel message is and in the context of their ministry
One Hope Canada equips future point, challenges them to describe how that message works
leaders to be Gospel-centered out in daily ministry,” explains Roland McQuade, who
Equipping next-generation leaders to be Gospel- oversees the credentialing program.
centered in their leadership begins with 14- and The credentialing program means that new
15-year-olds attending multi-week work camps to learn missionaries can immediately embrace and
why and how serving is central to the Gospel. Through incorporate One Hope Canada’s purpose and
guided Bible study, they discover Jesus as the greatest vision into their daily ministry.
servant of all, and through cutting grass, scrubbing Each year, over 4,000 men and women of
toilets, feeding horses, washing dishes, and dozens of all ages serve in leadership capacities with
other tasks, they internalize a servant’s heart which is the mission. It is what makes reaching
central to the Gospel. over 28,000 children and youth annually
While the seeds of humility, initiative, and with the Gospel possible. May God continue
selflessness are planted during the work weeks, to give us a growing passion for building
these characteristics often take root in following His kingdom, rather than our own
summers when these young adults return as summer empires, as we reflect and act on
missionaries serving as cabin leaders, skill leaders, the good news of who Jesus is
programmers, lifeguards, and wranglers. and what He has done.

During chapel, a girl struggled with
the message. Her cabin leader took
her aside and the camper explained
how she felt abandoned, unloved, and
uncared for by her father who had walked
out on the family. The leader shared
about our heavenly Father who loves
and cares for her, and who will never
abandon her. After this conversation,
the camper gave her life to Jesus,
confident in the Father’s love for her.


It was, without doubt, a summer to
remember. Arrival. Settling into cabins.
Renewing friendships. Anticipation.
“We recently started a mentoring program at
Excitement. Anxiety. Feeling overwhelmed.
Thankfulness for those who were Kenosee Lake Bible Camp to encourage growth
praying. God stories. Faith building. in our summer missionaries.”
Remembering it is God’s camp, not
ours. Sensing God’s promises. Not being
self-confident, but Christ-confident. His KENOSEE LAKE BIBLE CAMP

power made perfect in our weakness.
Four baptisms. Stepping out of comfort
zones. Remembering that we can do all

Produces Change
things through Christ who strengthens us.


Imagine a whole month of staining cabins.
Our spring team members stuck it out
with Christ-like attitudes! Team member M any of our summer missionaries are teens
when they arrive, hoping to see changes in
campers’ lives. They may not expect significant
Abby Davenport, who also served as
a cabin leader said, “I learned much change in their lives.
about patience, loving others even when We recently started a mentoring program at
it was hard, trusting God, and being
Kenosee Lake Bible Camp to encourage growth in
open to listen to Him in new ways." ALLISON WEBER our summer missionaries as they serve children
Executive Director
in their cabins. Each summer missionary is
During craft time, a girl told our summer paired with a leadership team member who not
missionary she had accepted Christ the only challenges the younger leader’s faith journey, but helps share the
night before. Another girl asked what responsibility of loving their campers.
that meant, so our missionary took the This summer, one pair, meeting for the first time, got off to a tough
opportunity to explain salvation. She
start. They persevered and over the weeks, saw trust grow and a
accepted Christ and spent the afternoon
excitedly sharing her good news. friendship form. When they realized they would be living in the
same city, the mentor recognized the opportunity to continue the
 TORCH TRAIL BIBLE CAMP relationship, and made plans to help her mentee connect with a
This summer we held an adult camp for church in her new city.
members of area First Nation reserves. Change happens at camp and beyond! As ministry leaders, it is
One camper said, "I read the Bible before
encouraging to see summer missionaries continue serving those
but never knew what it was saying to
around them even when summer is over.
me. This week the speaker taught the
Bible so I could understand." When
he left, we gave him a study Bible and KENOSEE LAKE BIBLE CAMP •
showed him how to use it. He went 306 577 4623 • Kenosee Lake Bible Camp is at Kenosee Lake in Moose
home excited about God’s Word. Mountain Provincial Park, Saskatchewan.


What We Do in Life
Echoes in Eternity
Executive Director

“Our mission, to
W e don’t often see the results of God’s work each
summer but occasionally, we witness the
life-changing impact of camp ministry.
share true hope, Decades ago, Julie came to camp for one week.
carries eternal She didn’t make a significant decision, but many
significance years later when she discovered she was pregnant,
she recalled that camp week and told her husband
with an impact
they needed to raise their children with Jesus’ input.
far beyond Twenty years ago, their children served as summer
what we can missionaries and this summer, Julie’s grandchildren
imagine.” came to camp for the second time.
The longer I’ve been in camp ministry, the more the line, “What we do in life echoes in
eternity” (from the movie, Gladiator), rings true. Each week, about 100 campers enter our
gates and for many, like Julie, it is their only exposure to biblical teaching. That is why
we challenge ourselves to make the most of every opportunity. Our mission, to share
true hope, carries eternal significance with an impact far beyond what we can imagine,
shaping future leaders to continue this mission for years!

RANGER LAKE BIBLE CAMP • 888 406 1733 • Ranger Lake Bible Camp is
located half an hour east of Cando, Saskatchewan.

“Many who attended our summer camp grew in their
confidence in the Lord. Others encountered Jesus for the first
time and two baptisms testified clearly to God’s power.”


Weighing the Impact

D on’t get me wrong, it was a great summer. We welcomed hundreds of campers,
worked with dozens of high-quality men and women on our summer ministry
team, and were blessed by 200 volunteers and many faithful supporters who upheld us
through prayer and donations.
Yet, as I completed my year-end report, I was discouraged and asking God, “Were we
effective?” I had to force myself to remember: “This is the end of camp; I’m tired and the
SETH BRIGGS results are not mine to produce!”
Executive Director Later that evening I received a note and donation. A mom explained how her
daughter had brought a friend to camp, someone they had been praying for and
inviting to church without success. At camp, the friend was profoundly impacted and
accepted Jesus as Savior. Talk about an answer to my question!
I was moved to tears, humbled to remember that the camp’s impact is evident in
such stories. Many who attended our summer camp grew in their confidence in the
Lord. Others encountered Jesus for the first time and two baptisms testified clearly to
God’s power. Some decided to pursue Bible school or begin internships. Yes, it certainly
was a great summer!

MANITOU LAKE BIBLE CAMP • 306 826 5440 •

Manitou Lake Bible Camp is on 42 acres of beachfront property near
Marsden, Saskatchewan.

Julie registered her family
for camp last summer, not
realizing ours was a Christian
camp. She connected well
with our interpreter, who gave
her a Bible. Julie returned
this summer and, on the last
day of family camp, told our
speaker, “I gave my life to
God this week and I really
wanted to tell someone!”


National Board Chair Challenges
M inistry comes with challenges, as the Camp des Iles community discovered
this summer.
The camp was founded in 1985 by René and Elizabeth Hainaut, former
missionaries in Africa, who moved to the area to help plant churches and
evangelize rural Quebec. Camp des Iles joined One Hope Canada in 2012 and
Our Purpose
continues to be the camp of choice for area children. Statement
Early in 2019 Camp des Iles encountered setbacks, including facility issues We present the Gospel,
and the director’s resignation, which prevented its operating an overnight camp particularly to those
program this year. The camp board still expressed a strong desire for some form having the least
of summer ministry, and two weeks of day camps were conducted in July, with opportunity to hear of
about 20 children attending each week. They had a wonderful time. Christ and especially to
Meanwhile, the wider Christian community offered support through work children and youth, and
we disciple believers
bees and fundraising. The camp’s beautiful dormitory and brand new climbing
for living and serving
tower are in excellent condition, but the camp director’s residence is old and
through His Church.
needs replacing. Thanks to the help received, buildings and infrastructure have
been improved and are up to code. We praise God for His provision! 

CAMP DES ILES • 450 562 3355 • Camp des Iles is on an

island in the Rivière du Nord, an hour and a half west of Montreal, near Lachute.

We thank God for another summer
of significant growth; our camper
numbers increased 26 percent. We
loved hearing how camp impacted
the new campers’ families. One
mother said her son reported his time
at camp was so good he wanted to
read his Bible every day! With growth
come challenges and we look forward
to watching God provide!


We experienced many highlights this
summer! Most memorable was when
Rob Greenwood spoke at junior teen
camp and a girl responded positively
to the Gospel. The transformation MIRAMICHI VALLEY BIBLE CAMP

Wholeness in
in her life was evident for the rest
of that week.

the Gospel
Summer was full as we traveled to
many communities in Nova Scotia and
New Brunswick presenting five-day
VBS programs. How exciting to see
God work in children’s lives! These
next few months will be busy as we
help our church launch new children’s
I hate myself, and I know you guys hate me,
too!” The young camper screamed at cabin
leaders and me as we tried to calm her. She was
ministries. Andrew speaks weekly to in so much pain, believing the lie that she had
70-plus students at Sussex Christian
no worth, that her identity was defined by her
School as their elementary chaplain.
behavior. This girl needed to know she was
 NEW FOUND LIFE BIBLE CAMP loved and accepted, not only by her leaders and
“Be ready always to give an answer to others at Miramichi Valley Bible Camp, but most
every man who asks you a reason for importantly, by Jesus!
the hope that is in you” (1 Peter 3:15). That week’s chapel speaker asked, “How do we
For the first time, our summer “Cabin leaders go through something impossible? We trust in
missionaries were asked to share
who have God!” Camp is an amazing place for discipleship,
their testimonies during leadership
training. With great trepidation, experienced where campers and summer missionaries have
eleven young people spoke about Christ’s love opportunities to learn what trusting God and
their struggles and God’s grace in finding identity and wholeness in the Gospel
their lives. This was a significant step
and patience
looks like.
in their walk of faith which the Lord can share that
Cabin leaders and volunteers who have
used to unify our team! consistent experienced Christ’s love and patience in their
and patient lives can share that consistent and patient love
One cabin leader wrote a personal love with the with the campers. At week’s end, our campers
note in a camper’s new Bible: campers.” leave, having clearly heard and sometimes
“This Bible is very important.
experienced Christ’s love and forgiveness.
Look after it as your most valuable
possession. Read it every day so
you can learn about God and how MIRAMICHI VALLEY BIBLE CAMP •
He wants you to live. God has a 506 625 8708 • Miramichi Valley Bible Camp is on the Miramichi River near
plan for your life.” Derby, New Brunswick.


Day Camp Veteran

Loves to Serve Bailie served as day camp junior
assistant this summer.

B ailie came to Hampton Bible Camp when she was eight and has attended nearly
every week of day camp since 2015, receiving more than 200 hours of Bible
instruction. She did not know much about God before coming to HBC and says,
"All I  knew was that God created everything.”
Through our team’s example, Bailie learned what it means to trust God and live by
faith. She believes Jesus is her Savior, and says the most important thing she learned
BEN LAWSON from day camp was John 3:16—"For God so loved the world that He gave His one and
only son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life."
This summer, Bailie served as a day camp junior assistant. "Working in day camp
“We are changed my life a lot,” she said. “It was an incredible experience to teach kids more
privileged about God and the Bible and get to know so many faithful team members.”
to see the Our day camp manager, Sandi Killeen (and Bailie's primary Bible teacher for
five years), says Bailie is committed to knowing her Bible. "She collected her cabin
seeds of faith
leader’s favorite Bible passages to highlight and memorize, and had me assemble
being planted, verses so she could memorize one verse from each book of the Bible, the verse which
watered, and best summarizes that book’s message.”
producing Only God can grow Gospel-centered leaders. We are privileged to see the seeds of
the fruit.” faith being planted, watered, and producing the fruit of the Holy Spirit in young
lives. What a joy to see God at work in Bailie and many others like her.

HAMPTON BIBLE CAMP • 506 832 4669 • Hampton Bible

Camp is along the Kennebecasis River Valley in Hampton, New Brunswick.

“Speak the truth in love,
growing more like Christ”
(Ephesians 4:15).

G ro w i n g G o s p e l
c entered Lea d ers
T he statistics are telling. Only 11 per cent of Canadian Christians read their
Bibles at least once a week. Many children, even regular church attendees,
struggle with basic Bible literacy.
With the Bible clearly highlighting the importance of passing the faith
to the next generation, it is encouraging to see One Hope Canada equipping
children and youth to read and understand God’s Word. It is passionate about
intentionally growing Gospel-centered leaders, the future of the Church,
through camp ministry.
CHERYL WALSH One of the ways One Hope Canada is doing this is through Going Deep
National Board member intensive discipleship weekends, where cabin leaders and campers come
together for a two-day, deep dive into Bible learning. Designed by One Hope
Cheryl is a member of
Canada, the program is for children and youth who don’t regularly go to
One Hope Canada's
national board and serves church and are interested in learning more about the Bible, God, and His great
as the Canadian missions rescue plan for them.
director for Bible League The program also helps cabin leaders grow in their knowledge of the Bible, in
Canada. She and her leadership skills as they disciple others, and in their personal relationship with
family live in Toronto.
Jesus. This no-cost camping program is funded by Bible League Canada.
Quotes from cabin leaders who experienced Going Deep weekends:
• I grew in my ability to engage/talk with campers and communicate
the idea of salvation and of God’s love for them.
• I began to understand the depth of the Old Testament’s storyline and
how it is connected to Jesus as Messiah. It is cool to have a better
big-picture understanding of the whole Bible.
It is a pleasure to see young leaders grow to be more and more like Christ.
One Hope Canada is well on its way to fulfilling its vision of growing Gospel-




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If you are interested in partnering with One
Hope Canada and reaching more than 20,000 SUPPORTING FAMILY VALUES
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God always has your I learned
back, no matter what. read the
God is with me and nd it ’s
more. A Je s us is a lw
He h as a plan. not borin
yo u r b e s t
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Even foo Primary camper Ca mp is super c a n a lway
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"So much, my brain a s ne ve
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2019 Summer
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“If ere G od is righ t be side me,
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camp whe at
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Bi b aught
e in it?

even if I do n’t se e Hi m .
the song,
For God S
no hol Loved The o

For additional copies or to receive a complimentary subscription to Canada's Hope (two times a year)
please contact or 1-888-960-2580.

Publications Mail Agreement Number 40019747

Canada’s Hope
One Hope Canada
Ministry Resource Centre
Unit 6 - 875 Gateway Road
Winnipeg, MB, R2K 3L1

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