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Welcome to The Herald Democrat - Online! The Premiere News Source for Leadville, Colorado & Beyond!

October 23, 2003 Edition

• Front Page •

Contribution is cleared up

by Jenn Wiant
Herald Staff Writer
County Clerk and Recorder Patty Berger verified Monday
that what would have been an illegal contribution to mayoral
candidate Bud Elliott from the Fire Department for $185 was
actually a legal contribution from the local firefighters union.
Berger said she questioned Elliott about the contribution,
which was listed as being from the “Fire Dept.” According to
the Fair Campaign Practices Act, no department of the state
or any political subdivision thereof can make a contribution
to an election campaign. After viewing the $185 check,
Berger verified that the contribution was from the union and
therefore was legal.
Contributions to Elliott’s campaign totaled $1,991.80 as of
Tuesday, Oct. 21. Mayoral candidate Lisa Dowdney gained
$1,120 in contributions, and mayoral candidate Joe Swyers
had reported no contributions as of the same date. Advertise YOUR
Elliott’s contributions were as follows: Delaware Hotel, $500; Business HERE!
Bud Elliott, $200; International Association of Firefighters,
$185; Avalanche Motel, $100; John and Joann Cirullo, $100;
Chet Gaede and Sherry Robinson, $100; Leadville Hostel,
$100; Ski Country, $100; Sally Lein and Jeff Dick, $75;
Cloud City Coffee, $50; David Lipsher, $50; Mountain Peaks
Motel, $50; Maureen Scanlon, $40; Edward Solder, $40; Lori
and John Cabell, $30; Annmarie Bradach, $25; Shannon
Gipson, $25; Christopher and Hanna Sutton, $25; Linda
Lewis, $20; Caroline Puntenney, $20; and eight anonymous
donations totaling $156.80.
Dowdney received money from: Stephanie Olsen, $500; Joe
Fattor, $150; Marti Armstrong, $100; Carol Hill, $100; Bob
McConnell, $100; Bill Korn, $50; Matt Ritacco, $50; Meg
Young, $50; and $20 from an anonymous contributor. (1 of 6) [10/24/2003 9:54:30 AM]

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None of the city council candidates had reported receiving

contributions as of Oct. 21.
Contributions to the Lake County Schools Citizens
Committee were as follows: Colorado Fund for Children and
Public Education, $250 + $250 = $500; Christopher Barnes,
$150; Catholic Community of Leadville, $150; Skyline Little
League, $100; and John Wells, $75.
Helen Weiss also reported two contributions for her
candidacy for Colorado Mountain College Board of Trustees.
She received $100 from Joe Fattor and $50 from Linda

Kobe’s case will cost us

by Jenn Wiant
Herald Staff Writer
The 5th Judicial District wants Lake County to pay $10,689
of the personnel and trial costs for the Kobe Bryant trial in
Eagle County. Two of the three Lake County commissioners
have signed a letter saying they will pay the $10,689, but no
When people ask Lake County citizens about the Kobe
Bryant case, most respond that Lake County has nothing to
do with it. However, because it is part of the 5th Judicial
District, Lake County gets to help foot the bill, as do Eagle,
Summit and Clear Creek counties.
The Bryant trial will cost an estimated $188,952 in 2004
according to District Attorney Mark Hurlbert. Hurlbert
presented a special budget Oct. 2 and a revised budget Oct.
3 proposing that each county pay a share of the cost based
on population, assessed valuation, sales tax and case weight
(number of cases).
In the initial proposal, Hurlbert wanted Lake County to pay
about $8,400, said County Commissioner Ken Olsen. The
commissioners agreed to that amount.
Four days later, the commissioners received an updated
special budget proposal, requesting $10,689 from Lake
County instead of $8,400. Olsen was inclined to stay at
“Where does it end?” he asked. “Why are we doing this?
We’re treating this differently,” he said, explaining that this
special budget would not have been proposed if it hadn’t
been for “the media frenzy” surrounding the Bryant case.
At Monday night’s commissioners meeting, Olsen read a
letter that the commissioners were considering sending to
Hurlbert. It stated that the commissioners would “reluctantly
agree” to the $10,689, but would not agree to any additional
money for the Bryant special budget. The letter stated that
paying the extra costs is “not in the best interests of (Lake
County’s) citizens, regardless of the defendant or its being a
high profile case.”
One of the commissioners, Jim Martin, had not had time to (2 of 6) [10/24/2003 9:54:30 AM]

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review the letter as of Monday night’s meeting.

Hurlbert is asking the 5th Judicial District counties to
contribute a total of $143,452 for personnel and $45,500 for
the trial in the Bryant case in 2004, a total of $188,952.
According to Hurlbert’s original proposal, costs for the trial
are estimated as follows, for a total of $45,500:
– Trauma expert $1,000
– Strangulation expert $2,500
– Rape consultant $3,000
– Sex-assault nurse examiner expert $1,000
– Rape trauma expert $3,000
– Jury consultant $20,000
– Miscellaneous travel $5,000
– Trial presentation $5,000
– Exhibit preparation $3,000
– Miscellaneous experts $2,000
Total personnel costs were estimated at $248,650 on Oct. 2.
Eagle County has already paid $105,198 for the case out of
its 2003 budget, leaving the $143,452 for Clear Creek,
Eagle, Lake and Summit counties to divide among
themselves, plus the $45,500 for the trial.
Lake County accounts for nine percent of the 5th Judicial
District population, two percent of the assessed valuation,
two percent of the taxable sales and ten percent of the case
According to the Office of the District Attorney’s calculation,
Lake County’s $10,689 is 5.66 percent of the total
$188,952. Clear Creek County’s proposed obligation is 8.81
percent of the total, Eagle County’s share is 50.64 percent
and Summit County’s is 34.89 percent.

For more news, - click on the"Front Page" link - here,

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October 23, 2003 Edition

More Top Stories

•Ward 2 city council•

Brownlee concerned about police

Lue Ellen Brownlee

Born: Leadville
Age: 52
Family status: married to Allen, who is
employed by the city as a mechanic; two
grown sons
Education: graduate of Lake County High
Occupation: Has worked at Sayer &
McKee for 19 years.
Miscellaneous: Worked as a maid in Vail
after Climax closed down Advertise
by Marcia Martinek Business
Herald Editor
Lue Ellen Brownlee is a write-in candidate for the four-year HERE!
term in Ward 2. Although two people are running in Ward 2,
Brownlee and Caroline Puntenney, they are not opponents in
the election.
Brownlee does not characterize herself as a political person.
“I’m just ready to get involved in the community,” she said.
Her biggest concerns revolve around the police department.
As far as turnover is concerned, she notes that the police
officers know what the pay is when they come here, so the
city needs to look deeper to see why so many are leaving. (1 of 7) [10/24/2003 9:55:21 AM]

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She wants to see the officers more involved in code

enforcement. She wants the loud music turned down, the
old cars removed and the city cleaned up.
Brownlee thinks it’s a waste of time when the police go
around locating the owners of cars who leave them along
the streets after the streets have been posted for plowing.
“Just tow them,” she said, predicting that it will only take a
few incidents before people start complying.
She also feels the city need not rush to fill the fire chief slot.
It is important to find someone who will stay for more than a
few years, she said.
Although her husband works for the city, Brownlee doesn’t
see that as a problem. If there is an apparent conflict of
interest, she would not vote on a particular issue, she said.
She thinks that his position has given her insight into how
the city works.
Brownlee isn’t against growth or bringing business to
“But no one seems to be interested in coming,” she said. “We
need to look at what we have, not what we don’t have,” she
What Leadville has is its history, particularly its mining
“People want to look into an old mine shaft,” she said, adding
that the city could start on one small section at a time to
bring this history back.
She noted that the Delaware Hotel does a good job
attracting people to its Victorian murder mysteries, which
emphasize the history of the area.
As she works at Sayer & McKee, Brownlee encounters many
tourists with numerous questions about the city and its past,
so a need is there that can be filled.
She also emphasizes the importance of working as a
“Everyone needs to feel important, not isolated because
they’re not part of a certain group,” she said.
Likewise, the city and county should be able to work as a
team, not just as individuals, although she does not
recommend that the two merge.
The biggest complaints she has heard from people in the city
concern dogs at large, but this has improved with the
opening of the new animal shelter, she said. Other
complaints are about loud music, which goes back the the
issue of code enforcement.
Leadville is a nice place to live, she said, but the city needs
to work at becoming more attractive.
“We are who we are,” Brownlee said of Leadville. “We need to
use who we are to make us better.”

Puntenney: New leaders mean

adjustment (2 of 7) [10/24/2003 9:55:21 AM]

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Caroline Puntenney
Born: Covina, Calif.
Age: 46
Came to Leadville: became a property
owner in 1994 and a full-time resident in
Family status: single; two adult children
Education: B.A. degree in psychology
from the University of Northern Colorado;
graduate work in gerontology
Occupation: records specialist, Vail Police
Department; part-time waitress at Tracks
Miscellaneous: was a social worker in
Denver, Adams County and Jefferson
County helping the homeless, children
and the elderly.

by Marcia Martinek
Herald Editor
Caroline Puntenney, running for Leadville council from Ward
2, said that her political philosophy is to look at the people
and the issues. She’s definitely not a Libertarian, she said,
and is registered as an independent.
“Very independent,” she noted.
After serving one year on council, filling a vacated seat, she
is now running unopposed for a two-year term.
Once the new council takes over at the first of the year,
Puntenney sees a brief period of adjustment and possible
chaos which will need to be resolved.
The hiring of a new fire chief will be another issue requiring
more adjustment for the city.
She said she is interested in increasing sales tax revenue so
the city has more funds available to it.
A big problem she sees is the turnover at the police
department. The cost to the city of this turnover is
“incredibly horrible,” she said referring to a breakdown that
Police Chief Jim Zoller provided to council.
“If we had more money for raises,” that would be a major
step, she said.
“But we don’t have money in the budget,” she noted.
Puntenney said she admired the way former Fire Chief Mike
Osborn pushed for the things the fire department needed. In
many cases, this technique worked well.
She would like to see more money for all the city
“It hurts when someone gives their heart and soul to a job,
and just gets a 1 percent or 2 percent raise,” she said. “City
employees deserve better.”
Puntenney also is encouraging the Economic Development
Council to move forward.
“We need to look at the Forest Stewardship Project,” she
said, as one possibility.
Puntenney hopes that the new city council can have some
work sessions with the county commissioners. (3 of 7) [10/24/2003 9:55:21 AM]

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“A relationship can always be improved on,” she said. “We

have many common goals that we can work on.”
Currently the council doesn’t see much of the BOCC. It has
mostly been the mayor who has met with the
commissioners, but with a new mayor, this could change,
she said.
As far as feedback from her constituents is concerned,
Puntenney said she doesn’t hear too much from the people
in her ward; one person did come to her to say that she
didn’t want an Alco store here.
When Puntenney ran a year ago, trash was an issue, and
likely still is.
“People want the trash cleaned up,” she said.
During her year on council, Puntenney said she hasn’t
missed one city council meeting or work session.
“I’ve learned a lot,” she said, “and there is so much to learn.
I ask a lot of questions.”
People in local government aren’t the real leaders of the
community, Puntenney said. It’s the people who are
involved in the community such as those who put on the
events here who are the leaders.
“They do the important stuff,” she said.

•Dist.1 school board•

Barnes: Improve test scores,

Christopher Barnes
Born: Lincoln, Mass.
Age: 36
Came to Leadville: 1995
Family status: married to Molly Barnes,
has one son and another child due in
Education: B.A. in physics from Colorado
Occupation: Executive director of High
Mountain Institute
Miscellaneous: taught physics and ran the
outdoor program at a private school in
Mayer, Ariz.; has served on city and
county planning and zoning commissions

by Jenn Wiant
Herald Staff Writer
For Christopher Barnes, the number one challenge in the
Lake County School District is to improve test scores and
achievement because “the kids are the future of this (4 of 7) [10/24/2003 9:55:21 AM]

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Barnes is running unopposed for a second term on the
school board in District 1.
“I take the idea of civic duty very seriously,” he said. He was
disappointed that no one stepped up to run against him. He
wants opposition because “we need a vibrant democratic
process to assure that board members are dedicated,” he
In his four years on the board, the district has shifted its
focus to the educational needs of kids, Barnes said. He
explained that decisions are now more often being made
based on data charting the progress of individual kids,
making it easier to see how well teachers are teaching.
Although CSAP scores are only one of several indicators of
how well a school is doing, Barnes believes they are
important and need to improve in the Lake County schools.
He does not support teaching to the test, but he does
believe it is important for students to learn how to take a
Barnes would like to see improvement in the culture of the
school community, including the relationships that exist
between students, teachers, principals, administrators and
the community at large. He said that the school board needs
to set high expectations for the schools by demanding
higher graduation rates and test scores and by holding the
superintendent accountable.
An improvement in the “culture and community” of the Lake
County schools could also contribute to a better
teacher/principal relationship and a lower rate of turnover,
Barnes believes. He said one of the reasons teachers leave
the schools now is because of a lack of consistency with
principals in the recent past. Principals who stay at a school
for only a short time do not develop working relationships
with their teachers. Often the teachers “do their own thing”
because their bosses change so often, Barnes explained.
Other ways to retain teachers are to increase salaries, find
teachers who want to live in a high mountain town with long
winters, and do more to make teachers feel wanted and
Barnes has other suggestions for keeping students in the
district and lowering the high school dropout rate. He
praised Lake County High School Principal Bob Bye for his
steady, incremental improvement in this area, but
acknowledged that no “magic bullet” exists to improve the
problem. Barnes said the school board needs to find out why
kids are leaving and determine if it can eliminate some of
those reasons. He also believes that engaging parents more
with their children’s teachers could help lower the dropout
Barnes is an advocate of the policy approach to governance,
in which the school board sets goals and makes a plan to
achieve those goals. Barnes believes the job of the school
board is to govern the entire district, not to micro-manage (5 of 7) [10/24/2003 9:55:21 AM]

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the schools.
In addition, Barnes believes the community should be more
involved in the schools. He does not believe that the school
board is acting as a “secret society”, as it has been labeled,
because all of the meetings are public. He did add that, “By
definition, the school board can’t do enough in reaching out
to the community.” He wants to keep the community
informed of what the school board is doing all the time, “not
just from a position of crisis,” he said.
Barnes supports all three school-related ballot questions:
3A, 3B and 3C.

•Leadville city clerk•

Hiles only candidate for city clerk’s

Suzanne Hiles
Born: Pensacola, Fla.
Age: 50
Family status: single
Came to Leadville: spent two weeks here
every summer from 1991 to 1998 when
she became a permanent resident
Education: Ph.D. in history from the
University of California; B.A. in education
from the University of West Florida
Occupation: Tour guide at the Matchless
Miscellaneous: Has worked here for
Alpine Realty, for the Leadville/Lake
County Chamber of Commerce, for the
National Mining Hall of Fame and
Museum, as an instructor in sociology for
Colorado Mountain College; as a
substitute teacher for the Lake County
Schools and as an office supervisor for
Mount Hope Recovery; was assistant professor of history at the University of
Missouri - St. Louis for 11 years and a public school teacher in Pensacola, Fla.

by Marcia Martinek
Herald Editor
Although Suzanne Hiles has no competition in her run for
the city clerk’s position, a few people think she is running
against current City Clerk Eva Fenske. Fenske has held the
position for 29 years, but cannot run again because of term
“That’s Eva’s job,” someone told Hiles when hearing about
her run for office.
In fact, Fenske will stay on as city treasurer. Both the clerk’s
job and the treasurer’s job are part time.
Hiles said she decided to run at the suggestion of a friend,
and the first thing she did was talk to Fenske to get an idea
of what the job would entail.
She said that it’s a great benefit that Fenske will remain at (6 of 7) [10/24/2003 9:55:21 AM]

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the city.
“I look forward to the position and to working with her,” Hiles
Because she is a historian, many of Hiles’ jobs since moving
to this area have been involved with history. It’s one of the
things she appreciates about Leadville.
She said she can’t afford to retire, so she wants to do
something that she enjoys. With skills that include public
relations, computer literacy, editing, personnel supervision
and bookkeeping, Hiles feels she is qualified for the clerk’s
Although the clerk’s job is an elected position, Hiles said it is
not a political position.
She describes her politics as “pretty much casting a vote like
everyone else.”

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October 23, 2003 Edition

Sports Page

Football team ends season with more

wins than losses

by Jenn Wiant
Herald Staff Writer
Despite low numbers at the beginning and end of the
season, the Lake County High School Panther football
players ended on a high note, scoring 33 points in their last
half of play.
The final football game, a home game against Battle
Mountain on Oct. 20, resulted in a 53-28 win for the
Panthers. Coach Mike Schauer said that having a week off
caused the team to start out a little flat, but with a lead of
20-14 starting the second half of the game, the team “took
off from there,” said Schauer, scoring 33 more points and
holding Battle Mountain to only 14.
For seniors Scott Berger and Corey Pollock, Monday was
their last chance to play high school football. Schauer said
Berger was a “utility player,” meaning he played every
Advertise YOUR
position from running back to wide receiver. Pollock was an Business HERE!
offensive center.
Schauer praised Berger and Pollock for competing “for the
love of the game and their love of the program” and
supporting the decision not to play a varsity schedule this
year. Schauer said their support was “one of the best things
that could happen to a first-year coach.”
As a team, the Panthers ended the season with a winning
record of 4-3. Schauer said the team accomplished the goals
it had set for the season, which were to start to rebuild the
program and get the team ready to play varsity football next
season, and to rekindle some of the excitement about
football in the schools.
As a coach, Schauer had a season of peaks and valleys. He (1 of 4) [10/24/2003 9:58:22 AM]

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said the team started at 12 players, built up to 28 and went

down to 18 in the last week of play. He looks forward to
coaching a varsity team next season, but more immediately
he looks forward to coaching the LCHS girls basketball team
this winter.

Lady Panther seniors say goodbye

The Lady Panthers Volleyball Team said goodbye to three

seniors who have had a big impact on the team on
Thursday, Oct. 16. The seniors, along with their parents,
were recognized for their contributions to the team and
"All three girls have made coaching fun and exciting,” said
Coach Sean Sprague. “If they had their way, the gym would
be open 24 hours a day. They have set a great example for
Lake County volleyball girls to follow."
Each girl was given an opportunity to express her final
thoughts, memories and share thank yous.
Alyssa David: David played volleyball for six years and
played varsity for three years of her high school career. She
has also been a member of the Silver City Volleyball Club for
two years.
David's biggest honor was being chosen "Defensive Player of
the Year" two years in a row.
Some of her best memories involve finally acing those jump
David plans to attend UCCS, playing volleyball there and
majoring in nursing. She wants to thank her parents and her
coaches, Sprague and Chet Gaede.
Sprague's wish for David is to "never lose your competitive
Stacy Long: Long has played all four years on the varsity
squad and was honored by being named Honorable Mention
All-Conference during her junior year.
Long's favorite memories are almost beating league rival
Manitou Springs and out-taunting the football team in the
homecoming skit.
Long plans to attend a university to major in athletic training
and sports medicine while playing sports at the collegiate
"I would like to thank my mom for all of her years of
support,” Long said. “She is my #1 fan."
"Never lose your will to work hard to achieve what you
want," is Sprague's wish for Long.
Brittany McEwen: McEwen has played volleyball for four
years and played on the varsity squad for three of those
Her favorite memory comes from the Salida Volleyball Camp
during the summer of 2003. The team was able to take a
rafting trip and splash rival teams. The team also beat
Salida at its own camp. (2 of 4) [10/24/2003 9:58:22 AM]

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McEwen hopes to become a pediatric assistant in the future.

Thanks from McEwen go to her mother, father and Kirk for
always supporting her and putting in the long hours of drive
time to watch out-of- town games.
"I couldn't have asked for more supportive parents," she
Sprague hopes that McEwen "never stops smiling and

Cross country runners qualify for state

Contributed photo
Heading to the state cross country meet this coming Saturday are (from left)
Alex Willis, Oguer Peinado, Julio Flores, Robbie Deister, Claire DuPont, Coach
Don Quinn, Marco Peinado and Coach Carlos Martinez.

The Lake County Panther boys cross country team and

Claire DuPont are headed to the state championship at El
Pomar Youth Sports Complex in Colorado Springs Saturday
They qualified at the regional meet in Buena Vista on Oct.
18 under excellent racing conditions. Those who qualified
have been working hard during the season and put in some
mileage over the summer. With a good base, the team has
been able to run some quality interval sessions in
preparation for this weekend’s final event.
The boys showed up at regionals Oct. 18 ready to prove that
cross-country running is alive and well at Lake County High
School. They finished in third place as a team behind
powerhouse Buena Vista.
Sophomore Alex Willis led the boys with a strong 7th place
He was followed by Julio Flores, 16th, and Marco Peinado in
18th. The next two runners, Oguer Peinado and Robbie
Deister, put the team in great position to qualify. Pushing
one another, Oguer was able to close the gap behind the
lead pack. (3 of 4) [10/24/2003 9:58:22 AM]

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The girls all ran faster than a month ago. However, down
the stretch, they have been bothered with some nagging
colds. DuPont was able to qualify as an individual in the
number 12 spot.
Both DuPont and Willis have previous state championship
experience. DuPont finished 24th a year ago and the boys
finished 5th as a team.
12 Claire DuPont 21:33
21 Emily Stege 22:22
23 Nikki Ernzen 22:38
36 Ilea Dempsey 24:22
42 Mallory Rutkey 26:09
7 Alex Willis 17:38
16 Julio Flores 17:54
18 Marco Peinado 18:12
32 Oguer Peinado 19:12
46 Robbie Deister 20:05

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October 23, 2003 Edition

From the Editor...

Coming into the stretch

As election day approaches, we cannot help but think of a

prayer by the 19th century America preacher Lyman
“Oh Lord, grant that we may not despise our rulers; and
grant, oh Lord, that they may not act so we can’t help it.”
We thought election time might be a little dull this year
compared with last year’s county races, but the election
seems to be heating up nicely.
The good thing about the races for mayor, city council,
school board and CMC is that no one gets rich, or even
financially comfortable, doing these jobs, so we have to
assume some desire to do their civic duty on the part of
these candidates.
Looking at the Leadville City Council, it appears some
changes are in store for this town.
In a statuatory city, the elected mayor has considerably
more power than the council members. Leadville is fortunate
that it won’t end up with some rookie in this position –
someone who has never been involved in city government
before. All three candidates are council veterans.
The down side of this is that only one of the veterans will be
elected; the other two will leave city government, and in
many ways that will be a loss to the community.
People look for different things in selecting a candidate. The
political party plays a role, even in these so-called non-
partisan elections. People look to see if the person is a fiscal
conservative. (We don’t think we’ve ever come across a
fiscal liberal during a campaign, at least not anyone who’d
admit to it.) Honesty is usually important. Sometimes we’re
asked to choose between two crooks, and a decision has to
be made as to who is more or less crooked.
In interviewing candidates, we like to look for passion. (1 of 3) [10/24/2003 9:58:31 AM]

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Passion for change or passion for retaining the status quo.

Passion for fixing what’s broken. Passion for the entity that
person hopes to serve.
We also look for someone who is more than a “johnny one
note.” If a candidate is only concerned with one thing or,
more likely, angry about one thing, it’s hard to see what
kind of staying power he or she will have in office.
We have nine candidates running for either mayor or a city
council seat in Leadville.
Interestingly, they are very close in age, ranging from 42 to
54. Also interesting is the fact that only three are married;
six are currently single. Three were born in Leadville. For the
rest, tenure in this city ranges from four to 31 years.
One more thing. No matter how the election turns out, the
new council (including the mayor) will have a majority of
women. Depending on the vote, there will be from four to
six women and from one to three men.
A reminder: this issue is the last one in which letters to the
editor will appear regarding the Nov. 4 election. If you have
a last-minute issue or a relevant response to anything raised
in this issue of the paper, give us a call by noon on Monday
and we’ll consider doing a story for Oct. 30.
Marcia Martinek
Herald Editor

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Welcome to The Herald Democrat New Arrivals Page! The Premiere News, Weather, Sports and Classifieds Source for Leadville, Colorado & Beyond!

October 2, 2003 Edition

New Arrivals

Jesse Magill arrives

Ryan and Audrey Magill of

Leadville are the proud
parents of Jesse Reed
Magill born July 18, 2003.
He weighed 7 lbs., 3 oz.,
and was 20 inches long.
Maternal grandparents are
Frank and Mary Ellen
Gaeddert of Denver.
Paternal grandparents are
Jack and Velma Magill of
Leola, Penn.

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The Herald Democrat Obituaries...The Premiere News, Weather, Sports and Classifieds Source for Leadville, Colorado & Beyond!

October 23, 2003 Edition


June M. Franzen
June M. Franzen died Sunday, Oct. 19 at St. Vincent
Hospital. Franzen was 75. Memorial services will be
Thursday, Oct. 23, at 11 a.m. at St. Joseph Catholic Church.
Memorial contributions may be made to the St. Labre Indian
School, Ashland, MT 59004 or the Society of the Little
Flower, 1313 Frontage Road, Darien, IL 60561-5340.
Arrangements are being handled by Bailey Funeral Home. A
complete obituary will appear in next week’s paper.

Bernard J. “Barney” Donoher

Bernard J. “Barney” Donoher, 81, died Friday, Oct. 17, at St.
Vincent Hospital.
Memorial Services were Wednesday, Oct. 22, at 11 a.m. at
Annunciation Catholic Church. Arrangements are being
handled by Bailey Funeral Home. A complete obituary will
appear in next week’s paper. (1 of 3) [10/24/2003 9:58:48 AM]

Welcome to The Herald Democrat - Online! The Premiere News Source for Leadville, Colorado & Beyond!

October 23, 2003 Edition

Letters to The Editor...

Points missing in TC-zone article

Jenn Wiant's article (“Hearing set on new TC zone,” Oct. 16

issue) was good as far as it went, but was hardly timely.
Although the architect of this proposed zone, Mr. Korn, was
interviewed, he didn't mention a couple of points: (1) that it
was first necessary to emasculate the notification procedure
in the zoning ordinance (Ordinance #10 - Series 2002) to
protect this proposal's passage and, (2) that the off-street
parking provisions of the zoning ordinance will be waived for
this zone.
The first point is interesting in that it indicates how long this
has been in the works behind the scenes and the second
point will be a problem, and the less mentioned about it
beforehand, the better??? For whom, I wonder?
Unfortunately, the Herald Democrat waited too long to
report on the proposal. Public comment will be cut off before
your next edition is published, and what is normally the best
open forum in Leadville has been circumvented. Advertise YOUR
William H. MacFaden
Business HERE!

Editor’s note: Ordinance No. 10, Series of 2002, which

concerned notice requirements for land use public hearings,
allows notice of hearings to be sent by first-class mail rather
than certified mail, stipulating that the applicant shall submit
a signed affidavit to the city stating that the required mailing
was done. The ordinance goes on to say, “Failure to mail
such notice shall not affect the validity of any hearing or
determination by Planning Comission or City Council as
applicable.” That statement confused us, but Linda
Hollenback, city administrator, told us that it really means
that if someone doesn’t get a notice, that fact won’t make a
determination invalid. She said notification is required by (1 of 7) [10/24/2003 9:59:07 AM]

Welcome to The Herald Democrat - Online! The Premiere News Source for Leadville, Colorado & Beyond!

state law.

Dowdney is ‘heavy duty’

When I lived in Tiger, Colo., in the ’70s, I visited Leadville

on many occasions and always enjoyed its rustic charm. I
visited again this summer and again was struck by its
authentic mountain mining history, evident in every
weathered board and historic building.
I write in support of the candidacy of Lisa Dowdney. I’ve
known her since she lived in Summit County over 30 years
ago. She’s lived in a tipi, a van and a house. She worked at
Climax mine 12 years until it closed. She’s what we called
“heavy duty.”
Lisa has lived in Leadville for over 30 years. She’s given her
time and talents to government in Leadville and the state of
Colorado. She wants to preserve the historic, authentic,
affordable Leadville.
Leadville cannot support unbridled development. Over-
development will destroy what makes Leadville attractive. It
will become unaffordable to the present population if it is
developed for the sake of development and Californicated
into a series of ticky-tacky housing tracts.
On behalf of those who love Leadville, locally and from afar,
please vote for Lisa Dowdney for mayor on Nov. 4.
Chuck Jagoda
Huntington, N.Y.

Elliott is ‘more of same’

This year there is a clear choice for mayor if you are

concerned about the future of Leadville.
In the late ’80s and early ’90s, the city leadership took the
city to a fairly comfortable budget surplus. This surplus has
dwindled away under the Moore and Gaede administrations,
while they babbled garbage about “new” vs. “old” Leadville. If
you want more of the same, vote for Bud Elliott. Bud Elliott
trying to portray himself as a “fiscal conservative” is a joke.
If you want to stop this squandering of our tax dollars, Lisa
Dowdney is the candidate to get Leadville back on the right
track. On Nov. 4, vote for Lisa, the real fiscal conservative.
Howard Hill

Thoren has improved schools

This is an endorsement for Donald Thoren to be re-elected

to the Lake County School Board. Donald has been an
outstanding member of the community. He has served on
many boards throughout the community and has been
instrumental in bringing about significant improvements (2 of 7) [10/24/2003 9:59:07 AM]

Welcome to The Herald Democrat - Online! The Premiere News Source for Leadville, Colorado & Beyond!

during his past four years as a Lake County School Board

member. His background and years of experience lend
themselves to considering all issues when addressing
problems or changes. Please re-elect Donald Thoren to the
Lake County School Board.
Donna McGinnis

Contribution questioned

If Bud Elliott truly wants “to see a city where the constant
violations of the city codes would be diminished,” then I say
code enforcement, like charity, begins at home. I refer you
to ordinance 9.12.110, which addresses the issue of
depositing snow from private property onto roads or
highways. It seems to me that this mayoral candidate
violated this ordinance all last winter. I guess what’s good
for the goose isn’t good for the gander. Hey you there, clean
up those junk cars. But I’ll continue to plow the snow from
my Harrison Avenue business onto the highway to be hauled
away with taxpayers’ money.
This is just one example of this candidate’s hypocrisy. The
second deals with a contribution reported in Bud’s
mandatory campaign contribution report (public record). He
accepted a $185 contribution from the “fire department.”
First, this is a violation of campaign contribution guidelines;
he’s been notified by our county clerk to return the
Second, any candidate who would accept a political
contribution from a city department that has been at the eye
of the storm of budgetary issues is out of touch with the
voters. How many meetings were held over the financial
constraints of our fire department, how they desperately
needed that ninth firefighter? And yet this candidate is
willing to accept a $185 contribution for a small town
election. He probably didn’t have a tough time okaying that
$300 bill for the outgoing fire chief’s farewell party either.
You can’t have it both ways, Bud!
And if I have my way, Lisa Dowdney will be Leadville’s next
Kathy Bedell

Twin Lakes Visitors Center served many

The Twin Lakes Improvement Association gives a grateful

thank you to those listed below for helping the new Twin
Lakes Visitors Center get off the ground this past summer.
The Visitors Center at the Red Rooster building in the Twin
Lakes Historic Park hosted an average of 100 visitors per
day who were enlightened to the great things we have here
in Lake County. Our two main employees, Nyssa Aragon and (3 of 7) [10/24/2003 9:59:07 AM]

Welcome to The Herald Democrat - Online! The Premiere News Source for Leadville, Colorado & Beyond!

Charlie Padilla, were outstanding in their help to travelers

and organizing the displays.
A special thanks to Carolyn Popovich at the Leadville
Chamber, she was key. Amy Peters at the Colorado
Workforce deserves special recognition not only in helping
us, but for her work with the young people of Lake County.
We are lucky in Lake County to have U.S. Forest Service
personnel like Melissa, Megan, Esther, Nick and Bill who
aided with such professionalism.
Merilee O'Neal, Mike Cook, Sharon Downs, June Hervert,
Constance Erickson, Mrs. Olsen and Sangre De Cristo
Electric Assn. and all the members of the Twin Lakes
Improvement Association were instrumental in our first year
The Visitors Center has a great opportunity to catch
travelers on Highway 82 and let them know what we have to
offer in Lake County for recreation, history, dining, and
We are hopeful we can continue and expand this project in
Steve Erickson
Twin Lakes Improvement Association

Vote no on 3A, 3B and 3C

Just once, I would like to be able to support our school

district at the ballot box. Unfortunately, that won’t be
happening this year. I urge everyone to vote no on all three
of the district’s ballot questions.
Regarding Question 3A, the mill levy override, the ad
(presented as a “fact sheet”) supporting this measure states
that the reasons for this request are to stem the “high”
turnover rate of staff and teachers (by offering more
financial compensation and incentives in the form of
bonuses) and to replace “a portion” of our bus fleet. (One
bus? Two? Five? They don’t say how many.)
Just how does our turnover compare? You know me – I had
to go look it up. The following numbers (and all the data
used in this letter) are from the Colorado Dept. of Education
(CDE) website.
According to the ad, the turnover rate for teachers was 26%
last year, and total staff turnover was 32.5%. According to
CDE, the turnover rate for teachers was 24.7% in Lake
County for 2002-03, and the total staff turnover rate was
Comparing our turnover rate with Buena Vista, Salida, Eagle
County, Pitkin (Aspen) County, and Summit County indicates
there is no direct correlation between turnover rate and
salaries. Of these districts, Salida had the lowest average
teachers’ salaries (2001-02) at $30,464, followed by Lake
County ($30,617), Buena Vista ($33,650), Eagle ($39,124),
Summit ($40,199) and then Aspen ($46,532). While Lake
County had the highest teacher turnover rate in this group (4 of 7) [10/24/2003 9:59:07 AM]

Welcome to The Herald Democrat - Online! The Premiere News Source for Leadville, Colorado & Beyond!

(at 24.7%), the districts with the lowest teacher turnover

rates were Buena Vista (9.6%) and Salida (12.2%). For the
higher-paying districts, their teacher turnover rates were
18.6% for Eagle County, 17.1% for Aspen and 13.4% for
Summit County. The highest paying district, Aspen, had the
third highest turnover rate for teachers, and the second
highest total turnover rate.
Obviously, there are more than just salaries driving the
turnover rates. I suspect it has more to do with the fact that
a generation of teachers, the baby-boomers, are beginning
to retire. Scanning the numbers provided for all the state’s
school districts for 2002-2003, it looks like the total turnover
rate for most school districts is in the 20-25 percent range.
Even school board member Chris Barnes acknowledged that
high turnover rates are a growing issue for all public
education, not just Lake County. Another aspect of this to
keep in mind is that as experienced teachers at the high end
of the salary spectrum retire, they are replaced by new
teachers at the low end of the salary spectrum (with little or
no experience and fewer advanced degrees), thus creating a
lower “average” salary for a district.
As for Question 3B, I was hoping I could support this,
primarily because I do think it is time to make some
modifications and repairs to the intermediate school.
However, given that:
(1) for the $2 million in projects identified by the district,
the district was recently awarded $1.3 million in grants
(2) $200,000 was just bequeathed to the district by Helene
C. Monberg specifically for school repair, and
(3) the fact that after receiving the grants, the district could
have withdrawn this question from the ballot, but chose not
to, instead “promising” to issue only $1 million in bonds
instead of the $2 million being voted on, I again encourage a
“no” vote on Question 3B.
As for the argument that the district needs this bond
question passed in order to have money for the grant
match, they knew what the required match was going to be
when they applied for the grant. They certainly (hopefully)
didn’t apply for it without having a plan for the matching
As construction can’t begin until next summer, I urge voters
to reject this proposal and ask the district to give us a ballot
question next year for just the $1 million that is actually
needed to complete these projects. That’s a ballot question I
could support.
Last, but hardly least, I strongly urge everyone to vote no
on Question 3C, the “de-brucing” question. In his letter to
the editor in the Oct. 16 issue of the Herald Democrat,
school board President Jack Saunders states that a yes vote
would allow the district to “keep revenue received from other
sources such as grants and supplemental funds from the
state.” The district can already do that. We gave the district
that ability when we voted on their TABOR question a couple (5 of 7) [10/24/2003 9:59:07 AM]

Welcome to The Herald Democrat - Online! The Premiere News Source for Leadville, Colorado & Beyond!

years ago, and the district did not have to put this on the
ballot again until 2005. The only differences between this
question and the previous one are that (1) while previous
questions have specifically excluded property taxes, this one
does not, and (2) this one does not comply with the “sunset”
provision – this one will be forever. There is one other
difference: because the district’s previous TABOR questions
excluded property taxes, and included a sunset provision, I
have supported them.
One of the essential aspects of TABOR was that it required
tax-funded entities to plan for expenditures. Question 3C is
asking that we simply allow the school district to keep
whatever money comes its way, forever, without having any
plan at all. Also, the state is actively looking at making
changes to TABOR and a number of other financial changes.
Let’s let the dust settle after the state finishes its tinkering
before we start making any changes we won’t be able to
undo. Don’t destroy what little protection taxpayers
have—please vote no on 3C.
The 3A “fact sheet” ad concludes by saying: “3A is not
permanent, it ends in 10 years.” Want to bet? In 1993 this
community was asked, and agreed, to allow the district to
continue to collect the $433,000 a year (which, by the way,
has amounted to about $5 million for the past 10 years for a
district that has changed very little) that had been used for
the intermediate school bonded debt. The argument at that
time was, “it won’t cost taxpayers anymore -just let us keep
what we’ve already been getting.” The only realistic way to
look at, and vote on, all three of these questions is as
permanent. I urge everyone to vote no on questions 3A, 3B,
and 3C.
Carol Hill

Weiss should return to CMC board

Helen Weiss was a member of the CMC Board of Trustees

when I represented Lake County on the Foundation Board.
As a trustee, Helen was present at a number of foundation
meetings. Her suggestions and comments were always
pertinent and helpful. When there was a fierce movement to
close Timberline Campus, Helen helped lead and win the
crusade not to close Timberline.
Mrs. Weiss has all the qualities and skills that make an
excellent Colorado Mountain College trustee. Knowledge,
experience and dedication best describe the reasons to vote
for Helen Weiss.
Edith M. Seppi
Lake County

Airman tested helicopters here in ’60s (6 of 7) [10/24/2003 9:59:07 AM]

Welcome to The Herald Democrat - Online! The Premiere News Source for Leadville, Colorado & Beyond!

In 1965, I was on a program which tested helicopters for

cold weather and high altitude. We were based out of
Edwards Air Force Base in California (the desert) and were
testing the choppers for endurance.
One of the engineers said he knew of a place – high altitude
and cold! Just what we wanted. We made a flight to
Leadville, landing in a C130 cargo aircraft to look the place
over. The airport was very small – no buildings, a telephone
and overhead light. Later we flew in in three choppers and
started testing. We were there Aug. 12-22, 1965; Feb. 25-
March 24, 1966; and Aug. 12-22, 1966.
I enjoyed Leadville, eating at the Golden Burro cafe and
staying in a motel in town (on the left past the theater). I
am presently planning a trip back to Leadville for the week
of Nov. 16-25. Please send me the local paper.
Robert E. Lee
Lompoc, Calif.

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Real Estate Photo Gallery

only $15 a week
for an ad in both the print and online editions

To place an ad:
Contact Noreen for details @ 486-0641 or [email] (1 of 2) [10/24/2003 9:59:21 AM]

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The Herald Democrat Online Classifieds! The Premiere News, Weather, Sports and Classifieds Source for Leadville, Colorado & Beyond!

October 23, 2003 Edition



National Merchandising Co. hiring part time merchandiser for

service work in local retail store. Applicants with computer &
Internet access reply to: ronwulfers@ service-

Build a Generation Program Director: Must have experience

working in a community organization, demonstrated ability
to work with diverse populations and community agencies,
with strong communication and computer skills. Bachelor’s
degree preferred but not required. Bilingual English/Spanish
preferred. FT, salary depends on experience and
qualifications. Send cover letter and resume to Lake County
Health & Human Services, P.O. Box 884, Leadville, CO
80461. Attn: G. Bogovich, application deadline Friday,
November 14th.

The National Mining Hall of Fame & Museum is seeking a

friendly, mature, experienced person to fill a part time
position (including weekends) at the museum.
Responsibilities include retail & light office work. Applications
accepted until 5 p.m. Oct. 24. The National Mining Hall of
Fame & Museum is a non-profit corporation & an EOE. 120
W. 9th St. 486-1229.

Help Wanted
Reduce school staff turnover
Vote YES on 3A (1 of 23) [10/24/2003 9:59:34 AM]

The Herald Democrat Online Classifieds! The Premiere News, Weather, Sports and Classifieds Source for Leadville, Colorado & Beyond!


Lead Framer, with references needed for a custom home in

Dillon. Call Mike 303-435-3205.

Help Wanted
Your Support
Vote YES on 3A, 3B, 3C

Counter Person @ NAPA, full time position. Knowledge of

automobiles a must. 221 Harrison Ave. No phone calls.

Immediate opening for assistant in health professional’s

office. Will train. Approximately 30 hours a week. Mail
resume to P.O. Box 504, Leadville, CO 80461.

Early Childhood Teacher. Lake County School District

Preschool program has an opening for a group leader
qualified teacher in an 11am to 6pm position. Job
responsibilities include providing developmentally
appropriate experiences in all domains. Strong
organizational skills a must. For more information contact
Shelly Eibling at 486-6929. Applications are available at the
“The Center,” 315 W. 6th St.

Recreation Coordinator: Lake County, Colorado is seeking an

energetic, creative and team-oriented person to fill the
position of Recreation Coordinator. This is a new position
within the Department of Community Services. The
recreation Coordinator will be responsible for administrative
and supervisory work required in developing, maintaining,
and managing an organized county-wide recreation
program, including management of recreation facilities,
materials, and personnel. The recreation Coordinator will
coordinate work with the Lake County Recreation Advisory
Board, Community Services staff and members of the
community to offer creative and diversified recreation
programs to all age levels. Applicant must be proficient in
Microsoft computer programs and must have excellent
communication skills when working with the public.
The Recreation Coordinator will hold a Bachelors Degree
from an accredited college or university in Recreation
Management or a related field, with working experience in
Recreation Management. Training courses or seminars in
Recreation Management and swimming pool certification
desired. Applicant will be required to obtain a valid Colo. (2 of 23) [10/24/2003 9:59:34 AM]

The Herald Democrat Online Classifieds! The Premiere News, Weather, Sports and Classifieds Source for Leadville, Colorado & Beyond!

driver’s license.
This position is full-time with an excellent benefit package.
Salary will be based on qualifications.
The position will remain open until filled. Interested person
may mail or e mail a resume & letter of interest to:Ron
Newman, Director, Lake County Community Services, P.O.
Box 513, Leadville, CO 80461, 719-486-4114.
Lake County Colo is EOE.

Leadville Medical Center

Immediate Opening
Insurance Billing &
Collections Dept.
Full time. Past medical records experience a plus but will
train the right person. Must be dependable, courteous and
Please send resumes to:
Leadville Medical Center 825 W 6th Street
Leadville, CO 80461
or stop by to fill out an
application. EOE

Ski Cooper Annual Job Fair

at the Mountain Lodge
Saturday, Nov. 1st &
Saturday, Nov. 8th
9am to noon
Hiring for the following positions:
• Lift Operators
• Ski Patrollers
• Rental Technicians
• Nursery Attendants
• Retail Clerks
• Parking Lot Attendants
• Ski & Snowboard Instructors
• Ticket Office
Discounts at Retail Shop, Rental Shop & Food Service
Employees Ski FREE at
Copper Mountain, A-Basin, Monarch, Sol Vista, Eldora,
Loveland, Powderhorn, Sunlight & Winter Park
Pick up application at:
Ski Cooper Business Office
1101 Poplar St. Leadville
Mon-Fri 8am-5pm
719-486-3684 or

Vacancy Notice
Lake County School
District R-1
has the following positions open (3 of 23) [10/24/2003 9:59:34 AM]

The Herald Democrat Online Classifieds! The Premiere News, Weather, Sports and Classifieds Source for Leadville, Colorado & Beyond!

Special Education Teachers Aide

Varsity Girls
Basketball CoachFor information or application contact Reba
Neufeld at
Open until filled. EOE.

Looking for a
Website Designer
familiar with the following: Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Flash,
Paint Shop Pro, or PhotoShop. Experience with HTML 4, ASP,
VBScript, CSS, XML, NET, development of static & dynamic
server-side websites, and web-enabled applications
considered highly desirable. 395-5700.


The Herald Democrat publishes advertising in this

classification that lists possible job openings &/or financial
opportunities. Some advertising appearing in this
classification may require a fee for offered information.
$250-$500 per week. Will train to work at home helping the
U.S. government file HUD/FHA mortgage refunds. No
experience necessary. Call 1-800-778-0353

Home Business. Shop from home. 50 plus stores.


Lake County
Private Investigator
Shauna Matlock 719 486-5389


Pronto Cash & Pawn

Check Advance Service
and Pawn Shop
7555 W. Hwy 50
just east of TJ’s Liquor (4 of 23) [10/24/2003 9:59:34 AM]

The Herald Democrat Online Classifieds! The Premiere News, Weather, Sports and Classifieds Source for Leadville, Colorado & Beyond!


Now Open For Halloween

The Costume Shop
Costumes & Formalwear Sales & Rentals
7643 1/2 W. Hwy 50
2 Doors West of Salida Bowl

Mountain BOCES, 1713 Mt. Lincoln Dr. W. is accepting bids

for 2003-2004 snowplowing season. Bids close Oct. 31,
2003. Contact Debbie Lysne at 486-2603.

Two For One !

Vote YES on 3B

Wanted. Crafters and artists for Leadville Holiday Fair. Call


$1000 reward money available for substantial info about

those harassing me and their methods. Jim Duhig, P.O. Box
1236, Leadville, CO 80461, 486-9099.


20% - 40% off Whirpool Appliances
Hwy 50 and D St. • Salida, CO • 539-2001
28362 CR 317 • Buena Vista, CO • 395-2420
Valley Home Furnishings


Full Size Bed, w/ mattress, box spring & frame. 486-1565


Trailer axles, six, new. 719-486-2330 or 486-1323.


Trailer, 14’x4’ 2 axle used. 75 WATT solar panels, 1kw

generator, 60 AMP solar controller. 486-2679.

firewood. Dry, split, delivered. 486-2965.

p52x9/25 (5 of 23) [10/24/2003 9:59:34 AM]

The Herald Democrat Online Classifieds! The Premiere News, Weather, Sports and Classifieds Source for Leadville, Colorado & Beyond!

Frenchy Firewood. 719-395-9226.


Portable line boring equipment, nearly new. Boretec wire

feed welder. York boring machine, with accessories. Serious
inquiries only. 719-221-0273.

5. Wanted

Paying hundreds for old Leadville whiskey crock jugs. 307-


Cash paid for motorcycles (dirt or street), 4-wheelers,

snowmobiles, etc., running or not. 970-270-9288 or

wanted to buy:
Old carpenters tools,
levels, planes, tool boxes, etc.
Private collector,
not a dealer. Cash paid.
Call 395-4819


High Mountain Homes

Available for occupancy
2 homes with
1,500 sq. ft., 3 bed., 2 bath on 1/2 acre.
Many amenities.
719-486-0254 or 2808

House for sale cheap. Unique property, 4 bdrm on 9 1/2

acres. Nice inside stone work, incredible views. 10 miles
south of Leadville. Needs a little work but, but 40k beneath
appraised value $169,900. 486-2327


Centennial Real Estate is offering a variety of 1/2-acre to

two-acre parcels for your special home. Some are tree-
covered lots; others offer exceptional views. Call today so (6 of 23) [10/24/2003 9:59:34 AM]

The Herald Democrat Online Classifieds! The Premiere News, Weather, Sports and Classifieds Source for Leadville, Colorado & Beyond!

that we can help you find the perfect location. Centennial

Real Estate. 719-486-1409.

mining claims. 51 acres in mining district-$13,500. 34 acres

near Turquoise (St. Kevin Gulch)-$51,000. 2-10 acre claims
on Weston Pass-$12,500 each. 30 acres on Weston Pass
Road, near timberline, $37,056. 10 acre claim off Weston
Pass Road, some trees, stream-$22,500. 10.3 acres on
Forest Service road in Dry Union Gulch, $45,000. 74 acres
north of Camp Hale, Eagle County, $149,000. 45.8 acres
near Long & Derry Hill $57,250. 30.99 acres in S28-T8S-R-
79W $57,250. Lake County Realty 719-486-0576 or


Romantic, wilderness cabin, furnished. Near the Collegiate

Range. Buena Vista. 719-544-8741.

The American House,1 bdrm apt., clean, extremely quiet

bldg., non-smoking, no pets, 1 year lease. $475/mo. utilities
paid. Call Debbie 486-5849.

New House, 3 bdrm, 2 bath, call 486-0254 or 486-2808.


New House, 3 bdrm, 2 bath, warm, wood floors, great

views, pets negotiable $1000/mo. 486-1623.

The next best thing to free rent in Leadville!!

All rental rates just reduced:
1 bedrooms $432
2 bedrooms $519
3 bedrooms $601
Above rates for a one year lease
Other specials for less than a year
Section 8 units available
Eagles Nest
Mutual Housing
400 W. 17th St., Leadville
Located just south of Safeway on Mountain View Dr. 719-
Now open Saturdays too!
Open M-F 9-5 and Sat. 10-4 (7 of 23) [10/24/2003 9:59:34 AM]

The Herald Democrat Online Classifieds! The Premiere News, Weather, Sports and Classifieds Source for Leadville, Colorado & Beyond!

2 bdrm, in smaller complex, w/d, trash pick-up, water

included, no pets. $525 + security deposit. 486-3848.

Great Deal. Spacious 2 bdrm. apt. right in town. $585/mo.

includes utilities, no pets. 486-3934 or 486-2213.

Owner carry, lease to own or rent. Newly remodeled mobile

homes on East 3rd St. Rental terms: 3 bdrm, 2 bath $585
mo; 3 bdrm, 1 bath $545 mo., lot rent included. Lake
County Realty 719-486-0576 Kevin Gwyn.

2 bdrm + loft 1.5 bath quiet setting, fenced yard. Available

Nov. 1, 921 Diamond St. $850/mo. + utilities. Call 303-775-

3 bdrm, 2 bath. Great house, 509 Pine St. $1,200/mo. +

deposit and utilities. 1-505-474-1444.

Office-Warehouse space for rent, 400 to 4,500 square feet

available in Buena Vista. Call 970-376-5137.

3 bdrm, 1 bath, $610-640/mo.486-3850


2 bdrm + loft home, 1.5 bath quiet setting, fenced yard.

Available Nov. 1, 921 Diamond St. $850/mo.

3 bdrm, 2 bath home, garage, d/w, w/d hookups, sun space.

Base hot water heat. $875/mo. + $500 damage deposit, no
pets. 486-0701.

Office Space for Rent

in Tabor Grand Building
711 Harrison Ave.
4 Offices
Lg. Reception area
Excellent location
Ready to Move In!


AT THE TABOR GRAND (8 of 23) [10/24/2003 9:59:34 AM]

The Herald Democrat Online Classifieds! The Premiere News, Weather, Sports and Classifieds Source for Leadville, Colorado & Beyond!

• 2 bedroom
• Reduced from
$565 to $474
per month on
selected units
• Must sign 1 year lease
Inquire at the Tabor Grand
711 Harrison Ave or call 719-486-3889

Why are you still renting when you can own your home with
no bank needed? Village at East Fork 486-0365.

Duplex apartment, two bdrm, w/ wood & gas heat.

$550/mo. plus deposit. Prefer longer term renters w/
references, (pets optional). Located approx. 8 miles north of
Leadville on Colo. 91. Exit at the Colorado Belle Ranch sign.

3 bdrm home available immediately with w/d. 115 E. 17th

St. 1 year lease, no pets. $725/mo. $725 deposit. 719-486-

3 bdrm home. Very nice. w/d, dishwasher, hardwood floors.


3 bdrm, new bathroom + 1/2 bath & family room. 304 Mt.
Sherman. Large yard. $795/mo. $795/dep. 1 year lease. No
pets. 486-3412.

Senior Housing-Mt. Massive Manor, 131 W. 12th St.,

Leadville, CO 80461. Now accepting applications for future
occupancy. Preference given to seniors 62 and up. HUD
subsidized. Call 719-486-2431.

2 story, 4 bdrm, 2 1/2 bath executive Victorian home fully

furnished. In Leadville. w/d, fenced yard, many antiques.
NS/NP. First, last deposit. $1,100/mo. + utilities.
References. 719-395-6158.

2 bdrm apts. $300 and $475. No pets. References. 486-

3625. (9 of 23) [10/24/2003 9:59:34 AM]

The Herald Democrat Online Classifieds! The Premiere News, Weather, Sports and Classifieds Source for Leadville, Colorado & Beyond!


Office space: Buena Vista Square, 301 E. Main. 400 to 800

sq. ft. Bruce Ward, 395-4700.

mtn. peaks motel & kitchenettes, furnished, includes cable.

All bills paid. Rent daily, weekly or monthly. 486-3178.

High Country Apartments, 921 Mt. Massive Dr., Leadville,

CO 80461. Two bedrooms, town house style, w/d hookups.
All utilities paid. HUD subsidized. 486-2363.

2 bdrm homes $575 & $650. 3 bdrm homes, $700 to $800.

2 bdrm duplexes, $575 and $650 References. 486-3625.

Avalanche Motel. Weekly rates, kitchens available. 719-486-


Excellent Location on Harrison Avenue

• Commercial Space
• 1000 sq. ft.
• Paid heat & electric
• Off street parking
• Affordable rent
• Available Now!
Merle Baranczyk
719-539-6694 ext.17

(possible owner-carry)
3 bedroom, 1-3/4 bath, home on fenced 1/3 acre near golf
course and town. 1,400 sq. ft., open floor plan, deck, sheds,
mature F/B lawns, domestic well, septic, wood stove.


12’x60’ 2 bdrm, 1 bath, new stove with some upgrades.

$3000, best value in the park. 486-8484.
p4x11/13 (10 of 23) [10/24/2003 9:59:34 AM]

The Herald Democrat Online Classifieds! The Premiere News, Weather, Sports and Classifieds Source for Leadville, Colorado & Beyond!

14’x67’, 3bdrm, 1.5 bath with large storage shed. Space 40,
Lake Fork. $7000. 970-255-1973 or 970-856-4363.

Now, brand new double wide 3 bdrm 2 bath home priced @

$37,000. 3 months free space rent with the purchase of any
of our homes for sale. We have a large selection of used
homes in great condition starting @ $8,500. 719-486-2562
or 719-486-4850.


1996 manufactured home for sale. Assumable loan, pay off

amount $38,000. Great condition. 3 bdrm, 2 full bath, walk-
in closet, w/d & d/w. At Lake Fork MHP. Call Lisa 850-723-


3 bdrm 16’x80’. On 3.5 acres of private property. Partially

furnished $700/mo.+$500 deposit. In Lake County. Call 970-

2 bdrm on private property. Washer & dryer, wood-burner.

First months rent, security & utility deposits. Must have
references. Call after 6 pm, 970-524-7112


1989 Ford Taurus, 3.0 V-6, auto. w/ cd/ac, rear defrost.

Good condition. $1500. 486-4237 or 486-0670- evenings.

Wanted - 6 new buses. Vote YES on 3A.


1979 Jeep Cherokee Chief, runs good, $500 OBO. 486-1159.


1999 Ford P.U. F150 2x4, extended cab XLT. 5.4 engine, 58
K miles, $12,900. 486-1104 ask for Carl.
b/tfn (11 of 23) [10/24/2003 9:59:34 AM]

The Herald Democrat Online Classifieds! The Premiere News, Weather, Sports and Classifieds Source for Leadville, Colorado & Beyond!

1981 Jeep C-J5, 6 cyl. Good condition. Call 486-1116 after

6pm or see at 200 Chestnut.


1996 Bombadier 440 MXZ Ski doo used 3 times. $1,500 or

OBO. 486-0865.


137 W. 7th. Saturday Oct. 25. Weather permitting.


1817 Silver Eagle Court, Saturday, Oct. 25, 9 am-3 pm.

Some furniture & misc.



Intermountain Self-Storage
Sizes from 5’ x 4’ - 10’ x 24’

Weekly Trash Service

As low as $11.50 per month.
Mtn. Feed and Coal.
Call 486-3566 or 486-1593.


Pit Bull Pups, red nose blondes. Males $200 ea. Females
$250 ea. Call 719-486-0601 or 970-389-1541.


Whether you have lost it or found it, did you know The
Herald Democrat will run your ad for no charge for two (12 of 23) [10/24/2003 9:59:34 AM]

Welcome to The Herald Democrat Staff Contact List! The Premiere News, Weather, Sports and Classifieds Source for Leadville, Colorado & Beyond!

Leadville Herald
717 Harrison Ave.
P.O. Box 980
Leadville, CO 80461
719-486-0641 fax: 719-486-0611

The Leadville Herald Staff

Publisher: Merle Baranczyk

Editorial Staff:
Editor: Marcia Martinek

Copy Editor: Cathy Hagemeyer

Staff Writer: Jenn Wiant

General News Stories


Advertising Staff:
Advertising Manager: Noreen Dewhirst

Composition Staff: (1 of 2) [10/24/2003 10:00:21 AM]
Welcome to The Herald Democrat Staff Contact List! The Premiere News, Weather, Sports and Classifieds Source for Leadville, Colorado & Beyond!

Composition Staff Associate: Thomas Rider


Administrative Staff:
Office Manager: Mary Franz
Administrative Director: Karen Hasselbrink
Administrative Assistant: Linda Ferbrache
AVP Subscription Manager: Carol Lyn MacKelvie

Web Design Staff:

Web Design/IT: Thomas Rider

Front Page | Subscribe | Visitor's Guide | Classifieds | PeaksNewsNet

The Web Site contains material which is protected by international Copyright and trademark laws. No material may be copied, reproduced, republished,
broadcast or distributed in any way or decompiled, except that you may download one copy of the Materials on any single computer for your personal, non-
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On-line publication, Copyright 1998, Herald Democrat.
Web page design, Copyright 2001, Arkansas Valley Publishing.
Please report all site viewing problems to our WebMaster.
This site is updated weekly (every Thursday) on or before 4:00 P.M (2 of 2) [10/24/2003 10:00:21 AM]

Newspapers of Salida, Poncha Springs, Buena Vista, Leadville, and Fairplay Colorado!

The Mountain Mail

The Chaffee County Times

The Herald-Democrat

The Flume

Welcome to Arkansas Valley

Publishing's Family of Newspapers!
For More Information about AVP Please
call Toll Free:
1-(888) 539-1880
To subscribe to these newspapers, fill out this Name:
form completely and click the "Submit"
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via fax, phone or email with your Card:
Subscription Rates:
The Mountain Mail
3 Month Subs - $18.00, 6 Month Subs - $29.00,
1 Year Subs - $53.00, 2 Year Subs - $82.00 City: State:
Seniors (65 or over) 3 Month Subs - $15.00, 6
Month Subs - $26.00, 1 Year Subs - $46.00, 2
ZIP: Phone:
Year Subs - $73.00
For Mail Delivery, Newspapers are bundled for (1 of 4) [10/24/2003 10:00:25 AM]

Newspapers of Salida, Poncha Springs, Buena Vista, Leadville, and Fairplay Colorado!

1 week, then sent. Email Address:

Call at (719) 539-6691 Ext. 14, or Email Sandra

The Chaffee County Times Payment by: VISA: MC: Discover:

Subscriptions are $25 per year within Chaffee
County; and $32 per year out-of-county. Number: - - -
Call at (719) 395-8621, or email Joy at: Exp:

The Herald Democrat The Mountain Mail

Subscriptions are $19 per year within Lake The Chaffee County Times
County, and $27 per year out-of-county. The Herald Democrat
Call at (719) 486-0641, or email:
The Fairplay Flume
Length of Subscription:
The Park County Republican and Fairplay
Subscriptions are $22 in county, $26 in state,
and $30 outside Colorado.
Call at (303)-838-4423, or email Lori at:

Submit Reset

The Mountain Mail, Salida Colorado
The Mountain Mail, AVP's flagship publication, is a five-day-a-week daily newspaper
based in Salida. The Mail covers local issues in both Salida and Poncha Springs, and it
covers Chaffee County government and politics. Unlike other small dailies, The Mail is
strictly a local product. No national news is provided, as the Mail is dedicated to covering
issues of local concern without the help of a wire service.

For more information, contact Mountain Mail News Editor Pat Windolph at (719) 539-
6691x21, or use The Mail's e-mail address, (2 of 4) [10/24/2003 10:00:25 AM]

Newspapers of Salida, Poncha Springs, Buena Vista, Leadville, and Fairplay Colorado!

For Subscription rates, Call (719) 539-6691.

The Chaffee County Times, Buena Vista

The Chaffee County Times was established March 18, 1880, and is the official newspaper
of Buena Vista in Chaffee County, Colorado. Edited by Mike Bullock.

The mailing address is P.O. Box 2048, Buena Vista, CO, 81211. Telephone number:
(719) 395-8621. FAX: 719-395-8623. Subscription rates are $22 per year within Chaffee
County; and $29 per year for the rest of the world.

The Herald Democrat, Leadville Colorado
Reflecting the area's rich heritage and independent spirit, The Herald Democrat has been
the best source of local information in Leadville and Lake County for more than a century.
The Herald was established in October 1879,The Democrat in January 1880, and the
papers were combined in 1883.

Subscriptions are $19 per year within Lake County, and $27 per year out-of-county. For
more information, write P.O. Box 980, Leadville, CO 80461; or call (719) 486-0641, FAX:

The Fairplay Flume Bailey, Colorado
The Park County Republican and Fairplay Flume has served Park County for 117 years. (3 of 4) [10/24/2003 10:00:25 AM]

Newspapers of Salida, Poncha Springs, Buena Vista, Leadville, and Fairplay Colorado!

The county has a rich heritage of mining, ranching and railroading.With its proximity to
both Denver and Colorado Springs, it is a prime mountain recreation area and offers some
to the top Gold Medal fishing in the state.

The newspaper is located at 5138 County Road 64, Bailey, CO, mailing address, P.O. Box
460, Bailey, CO, 80421-0460. Subscription rates are $19 in county, $23 in state, and $26
outside Colorado. Phone: 303-838-4423 or 303-838-2108, FAX 303-838-8414.

Custom Web Press Services from Arkansas

Valley Publishing
Specializing in short run, fast turnaround tab and mini-tab printing, we are anxious to serve
you... For more information on these services, please call Merle Baranczyk at 719-539-
6691x17 or, e-mail

PeaksNewsNet! Your Area Wide Source for News, Weather,

Sports, and Recreation! (4 of 4) [10/24/2003 10:00:25 AM]

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