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Communicative strategies get a feeling that the topic wasn’t fully

discussed. When done well, it may cause

Blueprint for how information will be exchanged
the listeners to have a positive attitude
during the communication process.
towards the speaker even when not enough
Nomination information was given.

 At the start of a discussion, a topic must be Forms use when shifting topic
identified or nominated  Let us now turn to the issue/topic of…
 “Let’s talk about…..”  I will now talk about…
 “I would like to talk about…”  In addition to (current topic), there is also
 “Today, I am going to discuss…” (next topic)
 A speaker must restrict the topic of  Speaker is misunderstood by his/her
discussion to make it specific enough to be audience. In this case, the speaker must
manageable. clarify what he or she is saying.
 On some occasions, topics that are too  When this happens, you may paraphrase or
broad don’t get to be properly discussed restate what you said. (Note that repairing
because there isn’t enough time. When a speech, may affect the whole speech and
properly restricted, the most important it may deviate from how it was originally
parts are discussed intended).
Turn-taking Forms that can be used to signal repair
o “I mean…”
 Involves changing from one speaker to o “What I mean is…”
another in a way that does not disrupt the o “Let me rephrase that….”
communication process. Termination
Tips to remember  Any speech or discussion must be
o Know when your turn is up terminated properly. If not, this will leave
o Don’t take too much time speaking the listeners confused.
o Make subtle signals so others know Forms that are applicable:
you’re done talking o “Let me end by saying…”
Topic control o “In conclusion…”
 Speaker should focus on the topic without o “In summary…”
straying to other discussions o “We were able to discuss….”

Tips to remember Prevention of communication breakdown

o Don’t mention unrelated topics 1. Ask for clarification
o Don’t give examples and illustrations 2. Repetition
that are too lengthy 3. Rephrasing
4. Using non-verbal Language
Topic shifting 5. Build on what others have said
 When changing from one topic to the other,
prepare the audience or listeners for the
 The change must be done smoothly through
known expressions
 When not effectively done, the listeners will
be confused and may even take offense and

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