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ED 345Calvin University Teacher Intern Lesson Plan Template

Teacher Intern: Noah Treffers Date: October 13

Grade Level: 5/6 Subject/ Topic: Social Studies and Science
Approx. time spent planning this lesson: 60 minutes *The
template will expand as text is added.*
Main Focus/Essential Questions:
● Why have temperatures around the globe been rising over the past century? How has
this affected different biomes?
Brief Context:
● This is the fourth lesson in a unit on biomes. This is a lesson that comes after adaptations. The
students have looked at the different biomes, they have examined why these climates exist in
certain places around the world, they have looked at how climates and biomes are different but
still connected, and they have learned about structural and behavioral adaptations between
animals and plants.
Prerequisite Knowledge/Skills:
● Adaptations
● Biomes
● Climate
Lesson Objectives/Learning Targets Aligned Assessments
Consider formative & summative tools

Please number objectives and the aligned assessment measures.

The learner will: I will assess learning by:

1. Identify the rising temperatures due 1. Worksheet
to climate change.
2. Determine the causes of climate 2. Worksheet
change throughout the last century.
3. Reflecting on what we can do to 3. Worksheet
help the earth.

Standards Addressed in Lesson: (Include full standard.)

● MS-ESS3-5 (Science) Ask questions to clarify evidence of the factors that have caused the rise in
global temperatures over the past century.
● 6 – G2 .1 .1 (Social Studies)
Locate and describe the basic patterns of landforms.
● 6 – G2 .1 .3 (Social Studies)
Locate and describe the characteristics and patterns of major world climates and ecosystems.
Instructional Resources:
● Kahoot
● Worksheet
● Computers for students
● Projector
● Paper
● Coloring supplies

Consideration of Learners:
How have you responded to your diverse learners? Consider UDL (Multiple means of Engagement,
Representation, Action & Expression)& principles of differentiation. If appropriate, identify individual
accommodations you will make in response to needs or interests of students.
● Provide visual diagrams, charts, notations of music or sound
● Provide tasks that allow for active participation, exploration and experimentation
● Provide options for organizational methods and approaches (tables and
algorithms for processing mathematical operations)


BUILDING RESPECTFUL RELATIONSHIPS:(Note any specific ways in which you plan to establish rapport,
build mutual trust, monitor & maintain relationships. Consider student-teacher & student-student
● Students may sit where they choose, if they can prove that they are showing a mutual respect
by getting work done and listening.
● Classroom discussions
● Group work
ORGANIZATIONAL ROUTINES:(Identify ways that you have intentionally organized time, space,
materials, & students to minimize disruptions and maximize learning.)
● Use “Bum, bad, dah, bum, bum” … Students say “Eyes Up”
● Clap and have students repeat the clap back
● Students will sit in their seats that they choose
● Desk are placed in groups of three
● They will be faced towards the front of the room where they can see the screen
SPECIFYING & REINFORCING PRODUCTIVE BEHAVIOR:(Note how expectations are specified,
productive behavior is reinforced and disruptive behavior is redirected.)
● Use positive reinforcements (“________ is doing a good job of working with their group”)
● Owe me 5 minutes at recess if being disruptive



Motivation/Opening/Intro: [Think creatively about how to recruit learning.]
● Ask the students to get their chromebooks from the computer carts.
● When all students have their chromebooks and are seated share your expectations.
○ The Kahoot is in place of a quiz, although it is fun to do a kahoot we still need to use it as
a learning activity.
○ With Kahoot we need to keep our voice levels down, we realize it is exciting, but there
should not be sharing with friends or yelling about how well you are doing.
○ Everyone should use their name or their class nickname. If there are any inappropriate
nicknames then I will click on it you will need to pick a new name for Kahoot. Also this is
important so I am able to keep records from the Kahoot.
● Allow the students to sign up to play Kahoot on
● Teacher link:
● After each question stop the students and discuss what the correct answer is and why that is the
correct answer.
● Move from adaptations into climate change.
○ Share question: Why do animals need to adapt?
○ What is the problem with our world right now?
Development: [It may help to number your steps with corresponding times.]
● Pass out the worksheet
● Pull up this website: and put it on the projector.
● Talk through each part (Carbon Dioxide, Global Temperature, Sea Ice, Sea Level) and have the
students fill in notes on their worksheets.
○ Explain what Carbon Dioxide is. It is a gas that we breathe out. It is a gas we can’t see
that is odorless. Explain that it is a contributor of the green house gases. Show this
picture to help explain
○ As you talk through each section, share what the website has to share about each
section on the projector. Open up the links that help explain each section.
● Send the students off to do the next section of the worksheet. Students will be looking at a
picture and examining how carbon dioxide is absorbed and emitted. Allow them to work
through the questions on the front page of the worksheet with their groups around them. Give
them 5-10 minutes to do this.
● Once most students seem to have the answers on your worksheets, then use a classroom
management strategy (clap once if you hear me) to get their attention. Talk through each
question. Allow the students to talk and facilitate the talking and their thinking through
○ What absorbs carbon dioxide?
○ What emits carbon dioxide?
○ What can we do to have less carbon dioxide in our world.
● Show this video to further show climate change and give the students visuals:
● After the video have a class conversation about the video. The students can take notes in their
worksheet about what they learned regarding:
○ Oceans
○ Weather
○ Food
○ Health
Closure: (Be creative and consider authentic audiences for the work. Think beyond giving an
assignment or independent practice.)
● Allow students time to finish the worksheet. This includes reading an article on climate change
from national geographic kids. They will be reflecting on the reading through doing a drawing,
writing a poem, prayer, or informative text.
○ Show them where all the supplies are for this activity.
○ If students finish early they may research their country and how climate change has
influenced it.


EVIDENCE OF PROFESSIONALISM: Please note recent evidence of your efforts as a professional.


This lesson the students found so interesting. The handout that went with the lesson went
over well. They were so interested in climate change that they actually started a climate change group
at school to help the school take more measures of decreasing CO2 output. The Kahoot also went over
well within the lesson, it was a formative assessment that excited the students.

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