Advanced Worksheet. Advertising

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1. Find words in the text which mean the following

a. proud, arrogant (paragraph 1)

b. to have too much of something (paragraph 1)

c. generous, abundant (paragraph 1)

d. a sign of something (paragraph 6)

e. quick, agile (paragraph 8)

f. to support (paragraph 9)

g. very demanding (paragraph 9)

h. to take in (paragraph 10)

i. feeling of pessimism (paragraph 13)

2. Word formation. Use the words given in CAPITALS to form the word fit into
the gaps.

a. The advertising industry faces an ____________ need for change (EXIST)

b. Agencies risk falling further into _____________ (RELEVANT)

c. The cost of marketing is going up and the number of channels has ____________
proliferated (EXPONENT)

e. Steven Moy, the chief executive of the Barbarian agency, said that multiyear
contracts had _______________ (SHORT)

f. Smaller agencies, such as Cutwater in San Francisco, are feeling the _________

g. Companies must ________ their operations, even if it means “the ____________

of some pretty storied, ________ advertising brands (CENTRAL, DISAPPEAR, ICON)
3. Rewrite the sentences using the words given

a. Advertising giants are facing competition for clients from consulting companies.
In contrast, independent agencies have beaten out legacy advertising companies
for major accounts.

While ….

b. Smaller agencies are feeling the pressure. But Chuck McBride said that changes
in the industry would allow companies to express their creativity.

Despite ….

c. What kind of competition are advertising giants facing?

I wonder…….

d. Agencies are better informed than ever before about consumers. But many of
those consumers hate ads so much that they are paying to avoid them.

…………… However, ………….

e. Some start-ups have begun rewarding or compensating consumers to look at

ads. But they must also incorporate data-driven, tech-fueled approaches and
platforms into the creative process.


f. How can the advertising industry face the change?

I’d like to know…………

4. Complete the following paragraphs with ONE word

The consolidation will bolster agencies ___ clients scale back their budgets,
according ___ the Forrester report. Steven Moy, ____ chief executive of the
Barbarian agency, said that multiyear contracts had shortened, with budgets
tightening and performance metrics becoming _____ stringent.
Global spending ___ expected to grow ___ slower rates this year and next year
compared with 2018, weighed down by signs ____ a weakening economy _____
rising geopolitical tensions, according to data released Thursday from the WARC
research group. For _____ first time ever next year, Facebook, Google, YouTube
and other online platforms ____ expected to soak up the majority____ advertising
dollars, according to WARC.

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