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Detailed Lesson Plan in English 8

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson , the students should be able to:

a. Recall the parts of a sentence, the two types of clauses and the types of conjunctions.
b. Differentiate the types of sentences according to structure.
c. Construct simple, compound, complex and compound-complex sentence

II. Subject Matter:

A. Topic: Kinds of Sentences According to Structure ( Simple, Compound, Complex
and compound-complex
B. Reference/s
. Teacher’s Module pp. 123-126
. English Communication Skills pp. 34-35
C. Materials: Power point Presentation

III. Procedure:
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities

“Good morning!” “Good Morning Ma’am!”

“Let us pray first…” (One Student will lead the Prayer)

(Checking of Attendance) (Students will tell who’s absent for the day)

“So how’s your day? Is it good so far?” “It was great Ma’am!”

“That’s good to know. So, are you ready to “Yes Ma’am!”

discuss our new topic today?’

B. Review

“Before we proceed to our new topic, let’s recall

first our previous lessons.”

“What are the main parts of a sentence?” “The main parts of a sentence are subject and

What are the types of clauses? The two types of clauses are the independent and
dependent clauses.
What are the kinds of conjunction?
The three kinds of conjunction are coordinating,
subordinating, and correlative conjunction.

C. Motivation

I will divide your class into four; each group will

be given pieces of paper with words written on
them. You are about to arrange the words in order
to make a sentence in two minutes. You will post
your answers on the board.
Is the instruction clear? Yes Ma’am

Are you ready? Yes Ma’am

Alright! Your time starts now.

The students should be able to come up with the (Students will post their answers on the board.)
following sentences.

1. Lito and Joey played basketball in the

2. Rey did his best but his father was
not happy.
3. The principal scolded the students
when she caught them without their
4. I like Mathematics but my brother
likes biology because he wants to be
a doctor.

D. Presentation

“Very nice! I am very pleased you were able

to finish the task given to you. Now let’s
discuss your answers. Anybody who can tell Ma’am, I noticed that the sentences have independent
me what he/she notices with the following and dependent clause.

“Very good observation! Who can guess what Ma’am, Sentence Structure
would be our lesson for this day?

Very good!
Now, let me introduce you the sentence
structure. In English there are four basic
sentence structures namely Simple,
Compound, Complex and Compound-
Complex. “A simple sentence composed of one independent
‘Would someone read this sentence for me?” clause.

“Thanks. Now, let’s take a look at the “Ma’am, because it only has one independent
sentence that group 1 came up with. This one clause.”
is a simple sentence. Could you tell me the
reason why it’s classified as simple

“Very good. Well said. Now, can somebody “The sun rises in the East.”
give me an example of a simple sentence?”

“Nice answer! Now let’s talk about the “A compound sentence composed of two
second type of sentence. Would someone read independent clauses and connected by coordinating
the definition written on the board?” conjunction, punctuation mark or both.

“Nice one! Could you give me an example as

well?” “I want to buy a new phone, but I have no money.”

“Very good! Did you get it?” “Yes, Ma’am!”

“So let’s proceed to the next type of sentence
which is the complex sentence. Read the “A complex sentence composed of one independent
definition.” clause with at least one dependent clause.”

“Thanks. Now, let’s check the sentence that

group 3 came up with. Always remember that
dependent clause introduced by a (The student will underline the independent clause
subordinating conjunction. Can somebody and encircle the dependent clause.)
underline the independent clause and encircle
the dependent clause?

“You got it! Perfect! Now, I want you class to The football match was cancelled because it was
give me an example of complex sentence.” raining.

Great! Compound-complex composed of two independent

Now let’s discuss the last type of sentence. clauses and one or more dependent clauses.
Read the definition, please.

“Thanks. That’s good. Let’s take a look at the

sentence of group 4. Let’s identify the The student will underline the independent clause
independent clauses and the dependent clause. and encircle the dependent clause.)

“Thanks. That’s good. Can somebody give me Although I like to go camping, I haven’t had time to
another example?” go lately, and I haven’t found anyone to go with.

“Well done, class! Do you have any questions? “None Ma’am”

Any clarifications?”

If none, could you please differentiate the four

A simple sentence composed of one independent
types of sentence according to structure?
A compound sentence composed of two independent
clauses and connected by coordinating conjunction,
punctuation mark or both.
A complex sentence composed of one independent
clause with at least one dependent clause.
A Compound-complex composed of two
independent clauses and on or more dependent
Excellent! Why do you think structure is
Ma’am, it is important because structure helps us to
become organized.

How will you relate our lesson into our life? We need to become organized so that we know
when and how things to be done.

Always remember that we need to have structure
not only in grammar but also in our life because
structure is a way of organizing our life so that it
makes sense to us. This structure provides
direction in our life.
If we have directions/goals, we know where we
are going to.
E. Application

“Great job! I am pleased with your

participation. Now let’s have a short activity Yes Ma’am.
before you take the quiz.”

Using the pictures shown on the board, I want

you to form different types of sentences
according to structure.” Perform it in class.

Group 1 Song
Group 2 Dialogue
Group 3 Poem


Mechanics - 30% (The students will perform their output.)

(relevance of the content, choices of
sentences, flow of communication)

Delivery – 10%
(voice, clarity, intonation, pronunciation)

Stage Presence- 10%

(behavior, style)

Total – 50 %
IV. Evaluation

Classify the sentences as simple, compound,

complex or compound-complex

1. The children were very happy because they

were given free candies.
2. Unless you study very well, you will be an
honor student and your parents swill be proud
of you.
3. This summer our vacation should be both
exciting and restful.
4. Older television sets had tubes; the newest
model which take less space, are digital
5. John went to school today but James
remained at home.
6. Barbara and Joan whispered and giggled all
7. My mother cooked dinner while I was
doing my homework.
8. Her name is Sachiko and she comes from
9.We were doing a mathematics test when the
fire alarm rang yesterday.
10. While I was doing my homework, my
father cooked the dinner and my mother was
asleep in front of the television.

V. Assignment

For your assignment,

Write a short narrative about your most

unforgettable experience. Construct at least 2
simple, 2 compound, 2 complex and 2
compound –complex sentences.

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