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Department of Education

Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula

Division of Zamboanga City
Ramon Enriquez Senior High School
Zamboanga City
Senior High School Department

NAME:__________________________ SECTION:___________________________ SCORE:_____________________________


1. What is a broad perspective in sociology and anthropology which sets out to interpret society as a structure with interrelated parts?
A. Marxism B. Psychoanalysis C. Structural Functionalism D. Symbolic Interactionism
2. Who came to describe a particular stage in the methodological development of social science, rather than a specific school of thought?
A. Freud B. Talcott C. Spencer D. Marx
3. What state does society have to have normal functions to occur? A. Unbalance B. Equilibrium C . Abnormal D.Functional
4. What is recognized and intended consequences of any social pattern?
A. Latent Function B. Manifest Function C. Latent Dysfuntion D. Manifest Dysfunction
5.What is the unrecognized and unintended consequences of any social pattern?
A. Latent Function B. Manifest Function C. Latent Dysfuntion D. Manifest Dysfunction
6-8 identify whether its: A. Latent Function B. Manifest Function C. Latent Dysfuntion D. Manifest Dysfunction
6. If a student goes to school and makes friends.
7. Schools are established to educate people.
8. Getting bad grades means getting a bad job
9. According to Karl Marx what causes alienation? A. Bourgeois B. Social Change C. Communism D. Capitalism
10. What is the other term for workers according to Marx? A. The Proletariat B. Bourgeois C. Communist D.Capitalist
11. What was used to spread propaganda according to Marx? A. Books B. News C. Work D. none of the above
12. What do we call what the Bourgeois use their control of institutions to keep the masses ignorant of their exploitation?
A. Work Control B. Ideological control C. Social Control D. Monetary Control
13. According to Marx what leads to increasing levels of exploitation? A. Capitalism B. Competition C. Alienation D. Communism
14. In order to stay competitive, Capitalists would have to do what?
A. Pay their workers more B. Buy more machinery to increase productivity C. Sell goods at lower prices D. All of the above
15. Exploited proletarians crammed into ever expanding cities would eventually lead to a what according to Marx?
A. Communism B. Capitalism C. Competition D. Revolution
16. The Bourgeois is what part of society according to Marx? A. Rich B. Poor C. Middle Class D. Upper Middle Class
17. What is a micro-level theory that focuses on the relationships among individuals within a society?
A. Marxism B. Psychology C. Structural Functionalism D. Symbolic Interactionism
18. According to Symbolic Interactionism, how do we communicate? A. Text B. Action C. Symbols D. all of the above
19. Subjective meanings are given primacy because?
A. depends on what one believes B. depends on what society believes C. depends on what is objective D. All of the above
20. It is the construction of social reality . A. Language B. Meaning C. Thought D. Idea
21. The source of meaning. A. Language B. Meaning C. Thought D. Idea
22. Taking the Role of the Other. A. Language B. Meaning C. Thought D. Idea
23. What is the basis of the construction of social reality? A. Thoughts B. Ideas C. Perception D. Imagination
24. When people interpret one another’s behavior, and it is these interpretations that form the social bond. These interpretations are called the
definition of what? A. Interaction B. Situation C. Socialization D. Competition
25. What is defined as a set of psychological theories and therapeutic techniques that have their origin in the work and theories of Sigmund Freud?
A. Marxism B. Psychoanalysis C. Structural Functionalism D. Symbolic Interactionism
26. According to Freud personalities are created at what age? A. 4 B. 6 C. 5 D. 7
27. What contains all of the unconscious, basic and primal urges? A. Id B. Ego C. Super Ego
28.What is the part of the personality that must deal with the demands of reality? A. Id B. Ego C. Super Ego
29. What part of the personality to emerge and it contains our ideals and values? A. Id B. Ego C. Super Ego
30-33 Which part of the personality is acting in these situations
31. A child is throwing a tantrum because it wants candy . A. Id B. Ego C. Super Ego
32. You spend your allowance based only on what you need. A. Id B. Ego C. Super Ego
33. Returning money you found on the sidewalk A. Id B. Ego C. Super Ego
34. Why did C. Wright Mills explain culture as "one of the spongiest words in social science"?
A. It includes many ideas its definition. B. It serves as a cushion for loftier concepts.
C. It allows for the inclusion of several theories. C. It is difficult to observe directly.
35. Which statement is true regarding rational choice theory?
A. People act in their own best interests B. An elite few make all the decisions
C.Government is a manipulative entity. D. Bureaucracy is the real source of power.
36. According to the rational choice view
A. Delinquents choose to violate the law B. All juveniles are delinquent C. They do not choose to violate the law D.They violate the law due to need
37. The Law Assumes
A. All minors are delinquents B. All juvenile delinquents weigh the benefits against the penalties of their actions
C. All minors should be tried in adult court D. Juvenile delinquents only violate they law because they need to survive
38. Reasons for juveniles violating the law
A. Personal Problems, Financial Needs, Parental Control, Revenge, Scripts B.Its fun C. There is no reason D.Personal Problems only.
According to rational choice theory, when we make a decision we consider the benefit or use we will get from something as part of our decision-
making process. This is known as _____. A. Utility B. Motivation C. Rationality D. Reward
39. When criminal acts are based on rational decision making. A. Edgework B. Crime C. Rational Choice D. None of the above
40. According to rational choice theory, social interaction is a matter of what?
A. Social structure B. Psychology C. Empathy D.Exchange
41. The main goal of feminism is to:
A. Change the patriarchal nature of society B. influence the government. C. assert minority rights. D. protect women from alienation.
42. Feminists argue that women's values are based primarily on:
A. prescribed social roles. B. religious (God's) laws C. biology. D. biology and prescribed social roles.
43. What type of feminists seek to expand the rights of women through legislation?
A. Radical B. Liberal C. Socialist D.Capitalist
44. Which type of feminism proposes that men not only benefit from the exploitation of women, but that they are responsible for it as well.
A. Radical B. Liberal C. Socialist D.Capitalist
45. Which type of feminism regards capitalism as increasing patriarchy by concentrating power in the hands of a small number of men?
A. Liberal B. Socialist C. Radical D. Capitalist
46. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of feminist theory?
A)Feminist theory treats women as the central subjects of investigation.
B)Feminist theory promotes activism on behalf of women.
C)Feminist theory is multicultural in orientation.
D)Feminist theory advocates a linear understanding of the historical experiences of women.
47. What is a Basic theme of Hermeneutic Phenomenology? A. Textual meaning B. Dialogue C. Preunderstanding D. All of the Above
48.Who is not a Foremost representatives of the movement of Hermeneutic Phenomenology?
A. (Martin) Heidegger B. (Hans-Georg) Gadamer C. (Karl) Marx D.(Jean Paul Gustave) Ricoeur
49. Who is father of phenomenology? A. (Martin) Heidegger B. (Hans-Georg) Gadamer C. (Karl) Marx D. (Edmund)Hurrscel
50. Who believed in Essence vs Existence? A. Sarte B. Heidegger C. Gadamer D. Ricoeur
51. What is Hermeneutics?
A.Individualism (ontology) - Understanding (epistemology)
B. is the art of interpretation
C.It tries to understand meanings and to unveil meaningful explanations for a phenomenon y understanding underlying meanings.
D. All of the above
52. Hermeneutics is also believed to be?
A. interpretation of texts
B. reaction to Enlightenment
C. multiple interpretations
D. All of the above
53. An institution is best described as?
A. bearer of a set of practices B.a structural arrangement C. a configuration of rules D. All of the above
54.What forms informal institutions? A. conventions B. norms C. values D. All of the above
55. What is the most significant element of an institution? A. Structure B. Stability C. Constance D. All of the above
56- 60 identify what kind of institution is listed below
56. Bank A. Social B. Educational C. Financial D. Professional
57. School A. Social B. Educational C. Financial D. Professional
58. Lending Company A. Social B. Educational C. Financial D. Professional
59. PRC A. Social B. Educational C. Financial D. Professional
60. Family A. Social B. Educational C. Financial D. Professional

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