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11/12/2019 Update: Recent Campus Bias Incidents - Google Groups

Google Groups

Update: Recent Campus Bias Incidents

Peony Fhagen <> Nov 10, 2019 5:37 PM

Posted in group: wheaton_staff

Dear Faculty and Staff,

Our community is now dealing with a second incident of hate; a swastika was found on the room door of a
Jewish student living in Pine Hall on Thursday, 11/7, evening. The first incident involved derogatory words
against women written and a swastika drawn on a white board in a common area, also in Pine Hall, which was
found on Sunday, 10/27. 

We recognize that these incidents impact everyone in our community and faculty and staff may need space and
time to debrief these incidents.  We are working on scheduling a debrief session for faculty and staff this
upcoming week and will let you know the details in a separate email.  

We know that providing a variety of opportunities for students to process and debrief can be very helpful as they
grapple with this type of DEI campus community challenge.  This week we encourage you to demonstrate to
your students that you are aware of the incidents, that you recognize them as acts of hate and bias, and that you
also announce the various programming opportunities on campus that may be supportive and educational for
them (see below). 

In addition, if you are comfortable, we encourage you to make time during your classes, meetings, etc.  for
students to express their reactions, emotions, and ideas about these incidents. If possible, connecting these
incidents to course content or meeting agendas is also helpful.  We recognize that this type of difficult
discussion can be challenging, so if you need further support in having this conversation with your students,
please contact one of the DEAL co-chairs; Peony Fhagen, Raquel Ramos, or Shaya Gregory Poku. 


****Here are some of the upcoming supportive/educational events. Also included are some of last week's
events/programs so you are aware of the type of support that has already been provided.****

Upcoming, this Week:

starting Friday, November 15th: An educational gallery installation, hosted by SJCI/RSL and the Marshall
Center, in collaboration with student leaders, will highlight the history and meaning of the Swastika.

Tuesday, November 12th:  An Icon Series event, hosted by SJCI/RSL, about Sophie Scholl, a person who worked
towards anti-Nazi activism (see attached flyer)

starting Monday, November 11th: Collection of affirming messages along the themes of the signature hash tags
#WheaStandAgainstHate and #WheatonMAcares on display in Balfour hosted by SJCI/RSL and the Marshall

Last Week:
Friday, November 8th: Hillel hosted a Shabbat dinner which was open to the campus community. President
Hanno and Dean Zack attended to be supportive and address students' questions.  After the dinner there was a
campus wide solidarity rally

Thursday, October 31st: A community forum hosted by SJCI and the Marshall Center

Monday, October 28th: Pine Hall floor meetings with Dean Zach, Chief Winsor, Danni Alarie, and
Caleigh Grogan
Peony Fhagen, PhD 1/2
11/12/2019 Update: Recent Campus Bias Incidents - Google Groups
Wheaton College, MA
Associate Provost for Diversity & Faculty Development
Title IX Officer for Faculty & Faculty Affirmative Action Officer
Co-Chair of Diversity & Equity Access Leadership (DEAL)
Associate Professor of Psychology &
African, African American, Diaspora Studies Program
work phone: 508-286-3474 2/2

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