Contrast 1

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CONTRAST FOR BACHILLERATO 1 GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY EXERCISES WITH ANSWER KEY Vocabulary 1 Choose the correct answer. 4. The family decided to face / hire a large car for the trip. 2. Mary loved the souvenir / scenery in the desert 3. It was difficult climbing the rocky / flat mountain 4, Ican’t hear you because itis very deserted / noisy in the room. 5. The most interesting travel arrangements / landmarks are in the centre of the town. Match A to B to form sentences. A 1. The policeman warned us wis 2. Jane painted a colourful picture aa: 3. Imade a reservation c 4, Ifyou want to achieve good marks, wn 5. This rural area doesn’t have e 6. The journey will be long, f 7. He is from a foreign country, ve Be B good roads. for the hotel in Istanbul. you must study hard. so he doesn’t understand English to stop driving fast. that won a competition so bring some food, ‘Complete the sentences with the words and phrases below. Make any necessary changes. Unpredictable + guided tour + go abroad + guide + local - sandy + steep travel ‘arrangements Le Mr Parker off ..n0sonnmnnnnnn for Work, Last month, he went to France. 2. When we came back from the beach, Mum told us to leave our shoes outside. 3. The weather is Very corneunsnmennnen in the spring. You never know when it might rain. 4, My friends and | are going 09 OF Paris next month, 5. The child couldn’t walk Up the StaifS, $0 his father carried him, 6. OUP srs rsmnsnsinaneenee COMMUNItY Centre has Interesting activities. 7. We are going on holiday. My brother is responsible for the Choose the correct continuation. 1. This room is crowded. a. There are very few people here b. There are too many people here. 2. Jean is a very lively gir. a. She talks alot. b. She is very quiet. 3. Young people like to live in an urban area. a. They want to live in the city b. They wantto live in the country. 4, Be careful of that hostile dog. a. It likes to be with people. b. It likes to bite. 5. The band’s performance was impressive. a. I thought the band played very well. b. I thought they were terrible. Complete the sentences with the phrasal verbs below. Make any necessary changes. set off « watch out « take off + turn back + give up + run out of 1. The class con the school trip at 7.00 this morning. 2. Dad sent me to the shops because we sugar. 3.1 11 don’t understand this homework 4. Jerry didn’t want to , but he was too tired to continue walking, 5. The weather was bad 50 OUr plane wnm:snnmnmeninmene WO hours late. 6. for hot pots while you are cooking. You may get burnt. Replace the words in bold with the words below. Make any necessary changes. route * exotic « remote * peaceful + accommedation 1. We looked for a hotel room when we got to Rome. ..... 2. There isa new way to get to the shopping mall. 3. This flat is too far away. | want a place that is closer to the city centre. .. 4. This park is very quiet in the late afternoon. 5. The supermarket sells strange and unusual fruits from Asia... Grammar 1 Choose the correct answer. 1. Charles... the car at the moment. a. is washing b. washes 2. ... our friends with their homeworkin the afternoons? a. Are youhelping —_b. Do you help, 3. Slow down! You ... too fast. a. are driving b. drive 4. My brother .. to sleep before midnight. a. isn’t going b. doesn’t go 5. Where ... the school bus in the morning? a. is Marty catching —_b. does Marty catch 2 Write sentences with the words given and the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple or Present Continuous. 1. tolock / Peter / never / the door /. (forget) 2. you/ why / ? (cry) 3. the / always / they / evening newspaper / . (buy) 4, friends / my parents / tonight /. (not visit) 5. her sister / tomorrow / Anne / the cinema / . (take) 6. dinner / Mum / every Saturday /. (not make) Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets, Use the Past Simple or Past Continuous. 1 The teacher ornsnnssesnmeune (LOBE) the room while the students ... (do) atest. The d0g wmsmnnmmennsnme (Sleep) when the thief the house. suow (Get) dressed when my boyfriend .. (run) in the park. sn (break) his leg. ANY snnsnnnisnsnnnsnanens ($28) US While he .. JAKE sr nnnninnenenoe($tOP) working When he We -vnosnsnsnnansnsnone (Watch) a film on television when Mark. (arrive), Choose the correct time expression, My friends play basketball ... a. twice a week b. aweek ago Did you finish your homework ..? a. atthemoment —_b.. last night The dog ... wakes me up in the morning a. on Tuesdays b. always The telephone is ringing... . a. now b. yesterday It began to rain ... Kate was driving a. when, b. sometimes Does the department store... have a sale in January? © tomorrow every day last Tuesday every evening while a. today b. usually . every Monday 5 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets, Use the Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple or Past Continuous. 1 {g0) to Aspen last month. Unfortunately, she (break) her leg while She * wns (Ski) and she .- (have) to come home early. 2 (have) a party on Saturday night. *... invite) you? 3. Steffi is fate. IY snes (Ot Wait) for her any more because me ~~ {not want) to miss the beginning of the film, 4 (watch) my favourite TV show when the phone 2 (FIM). 1 sn swmnnes (decide) not to answer it, because | * 1 . (love) that TV show and 1 * (not want) to miss anything! Vocabulary 1 Circle the word that doesn’t belong. 1. escape « firefighters * rescue workers # accident 2. terrified + stay calm * screamed + fear of 3. brave * hero # rescue * health 4, alive * safe © bored * lucky 5. satisfied © worried * frustrated * exhausted Choose the correct continuation to show that you have understood the meaning of the words in bold. 1. Lizisterrified of. a. getting up in the morning b. snakes 2. Put on keep warm before you go outside. a, aheavy coat b. a bathing suit 3. The teacher praised the students when they a. did well in the test b. failed the test 4. My keys are missing from my bag. a. Lknow where | put them b. Ican‘t find them anywhere. 5. The coach was irritated by ... a. the team’s performance b. the evening meal 6. Brad and Ellen were a. acarhitthem b. they went to hospital jjured when 3 Complete the sentences with the words and phrases below. relieved + trapped + emergency landing + crew + eventually « realised * reached 1. We drove for three hours before we .... . a town with a hospital. 2. The pilot made an because of an engine problem. 3. The young mother WAS swwnsmnnnne When the police found her lost child. 4, Michelle . ‘that Tim wasn’t interested in her when he stopped phoning. 5. The train was very late but .. itarrived at the station. 6. The cat WaS on nnenssnsns if the tree, 50 Will climbed up to bring it down. T. The ShIp'S sesnenonnsne WAS Waiting to Welcome Us, 4 Replace the words in bold with the words and phrases below. victim * screamed * stayed calm + be scared of + on his own * passengers 1. The people who were riding on the bus complained about the uncomfortable seats. 2. The little gir fears the dark and loud noises... 3. Alan solved the problem by himself... 4. When the fire started, the office workers didn’t get upset. They left the building quietly. 5. The person who was attacked was an 80-year-old woman, 2 Becky shouted in a high voice when she saw a mouse in her room, 5 Choose the correct answer. 4. When are you interested / interesti 2 ‘The concert was excited / exciting. We loved every minute! Peter was confused / confusing by the instructions. He had to ask his teacher to repeat them. This cake is the most amazed / amazing thing | have ever tasted in visiting us? Kate was thrilled / thrilling when Andrew asked her to marry him. Driving in the heavy snowstorm was a frightened / frightening experience. 6 Match A to B to form sentences. 6. A The man risked his life to save the girl . The news reports natural disasters building, We searched the whole neighbourhood, How did you manage The shocking news made summer job? They reached the airport Grammar 1 Choose the correct answer. 1 6. Judy left / has left the building an hour ago. an hour after the plane had left. when he went into the burning Sandra cry. like earthquakes and hurricanes. to save so much money from your but we couldn't find our eat. id you have / Have you had time to visit your grandparents lately? . I didn’t like / haven't liked the book that | read for my English project. |. The children were / have been tired after the hike on Saturday. . The company didn’t hire / hasn't hired a new secretary yet. . How long did they know /have they known each other? 2. Write sentences with the words below. Make any necessary changes. Use the Present Perfect, si 1. already /for the evening / the shop / close imple or Past Simple. 2. my sister / to buy / yesterday / a new pen / forget 3. miss / the film / we / the beginning / just / of 4. 2009 / not see / Jake / his cousins / since 5. towork / not take / they / last week / the car 3 Complete the sentences with the time expressions below. just + since + for * yet + never 1. My family has owned this shOp .rnsnnnnne 1982. 2. I've know Terri six years, 3. I've been to the USA. I'd love to go! 4, Have you had lunch it? 5. Oh, no! We've... . missed the bus. 4 Choose the correct answer. 1. The dogs stopped / had stopped barking by the time the police came / had come. 2. Did you turn off / Had you turned off the stove after you finished / had finished cooking? 3. John heard / had heard the news before he read / had read it in the newspaper. 4, No one enjoyed / had enjoyed the party because Andrew forgot / had forgotten to bring the music. 5. By the time the technician called / had called, my brother fixed / had fixed the computer. 5 Write questions for the answers below. Pay attention to the words in bold. Use the Past Simple, Present Simple or Past Perfect Simple. 1 Yes, she has just signed a new contract. | walked to school because I need the exercise. ‘The singer had sung two songs alone. Yes, all the students passed the test. The basketball team won the game last night. ‘They have lived in the house for three years. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple, Present Perfect ‘Simple or Past Perfect Simple. 1. Larry's parents (give) him money for his birthday last month. Larry 1» (just buy) a new bicycle with the money. 2. Bythe time the train (come) to the station. . (arrive), many people 3. We (sell) all the tickets for the party yesterday, but the girls (not decorate) the room yet. StOVE -nsnnennnenne (Send) the letter before he +» (talk) to his boss? Be Mate nnn nenenine (NOt Stop) crying since Graham... town, -. (leave) Vocabulary 1 Choose the correct continuation. 1. Tom shut down his computer. a. Then he went home. b. Then he started to write an e-mail 2. Sherrie is making progress on the project. a, She has done a lot of work. b. She hasn't managed to do any work 3. That ringis very valuable. a. It’s made of plastic. b. Don’t lose it! 4. Judy is a very considerate person. a. She often insults her friends. b. She always cares about her friends. 5. Ireminded my brother to wash the dishes. a. He had forgotten to do them. b. He had already washed them. Match A to B to form sentences. A 1. Mel has put on a lot of weight 2. My new laptop is so small 3, The students conducted the experiment clothes, B a. thatit fits into my schoolbag b, that she is moving to New York. cc. and now she can’t wear her 4. Dad spread the blanket on the floor d. in the chemistry lab. 5. Jean's latest news is w= @. sothe baby could lie there. Complete the sentences with the words and phrases below. download music « environmentally-friendly + Foolproof + out-of-date * search engine + no longer L. Most teenagers .anennnnsennen instead of buying CDs in a music shop. 2. Don’t buy this shirt. itis .. because it's last year’s fashion. Paper bags are more vn. than plastic bags. 4, Itis quiet in our area because Our NeIMDOUTS ..nrnnmmnnnnmnm have their noisy dog. 5. The easiest way to find information on the Internet is to use a 6 We have a plan to surprise Anne on her birthday. She'll never guess. Choose the correct answer. 1L. The instructions for the camera are very creative / complicated. 2. Why don’t you start up / fight to the car while I lock the door? 3. My computer occurred / crashed because of a virus. 4, The breakthrough / coast was too far to walk to. We had to take the car. 5. The group stored information / came up with new ideas to improve the company. 6. This jacket isn’t very practical / long-lasting for the snow. It won't keep you dry, Replace the words in bold with the words below. reliable + personal + innovative + famous + user-friendly 1. Don’t read my diary. Itis private. 2. When you need help, you can always ask Henry. He is someone yau can depend on. . Itis always exciting to meet a well-known person. 4. Iwork for a company which invents new and different products. .. 5. Don’t panic! This computer program is easy to understand and use. 6 Complete the sentences with the words and phrases below. deal with * set on fire + dangerous « efficient * accurate * convenient 1. The children accidentally snus. the ROUSE ns snnannee When they played with matches. 2. Karenisan ... secretary. She makes a list of daily tasks when she comes to work 3. The results of the last experiment were MOF s.r than the first experiment 4. Speeding on the road is very os .. to other drivers. 5. The police are trying to .. : oe the growing violence at football games. 6. My flat is in a _ = place, close to the bus stop and supermarket. Grammar 1 Choose the correct answer. 1. 1am going to take / will take the six o'clock train. I've already got a ticket. 2. Take an umbrella. | think itis going to rain / will rain today. 3. I'mangry with Alan —he won't help / isn’t going to help clean the house. 4, My parents promised that they are going to lend / will lend me the money. 5. Jennifer is going to wear / will wear a pink dress for the wedding, 2 Write questions for the answers below. Use a future tense. Pay attention to the words in bold. 1 Yes, they will save a place for you. We are going to go to Paris on holiday. John will get the message after school. Yes, it will be too early to visit Cathy. Isabel will have tea because she doesn’t like coffee. Yes, Burt is going to work for his father. 3. Choose the correct answer. 1. Three days from now, I... on the beach in Turkey. a. will have sat b. will be sitting 2. I'msure Eric... for the test this evening. a. will be studying b, will have studied 3. You'll see them soon. In two weeks, they ... any more. a. won'tbe travelling b. won't have travelled 4. Our boss... us a salary rise by March a. willbe giving b. will have given 5. Robert and Marie ... at the cinema by the time we get there. a. will be waiting b. will have waited 6. ... fora job this time next year? a. Will Jason have looked b. Will Jason be looking 4 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets, Use the Future Continuous or Future Perfect Simple. 1. Iwant to borrow your history book tonight. you (use) it? 2. In another 30 minutes, the students (finish) the test. 3. Richard ..nmmnnnmerssinnesnnen (receive) the letter by Now. AL TRY crn snnnnnsnmenninnennsne (Sleep) at nine o'clock, so don’t phone them. 5. Let's meet later. I .n.nmnnnmnmnnmmnnes (COME) home from work by then. 6. By the end of summer, the children ten times. .- (go) to the beach about Complete the sentences with the words in brackets. Use a suitable future tense. There may be ‘more than one possible answer. 1. We {not buy) anew car next week. 2. The dancers (perform) ten dances by the end of the performance, 3. James .- (return) the library books by tomorrow. suow the street lightS ... sw (GO) on later? Sandra . (throw away) all her old clothes? 6. The teacher (make) an announcement in five minutes. Write sentences with the words following each sentence. Use a suitable future tense. There ‘may be more than one possible answer. 1. Nick has special plans for the weekend, in the mountains / he / hike 2. Zack doesn’t want to leave before he finishes complete / by / he / seven o'clock / his homework 3. The sun is shining and it’s very hot today. take / a hat /1/ sunscreen / and 4. Kate loves classical music. her / buy / we /a disc / for /her birthday Vocabulary 1 Choose the correct answer to show that you have understood the meaning of the words in italics. 1. A shy person likes / doesn’t like going to parties. 2. Jason does / doesn’t do what other people want because he is very stubborn. 3. Brad is very muscular because he often / occasionally goes to the sports club. |. Cathy always / never says good morning because she is a cheerful person. 5. My sister is quite petite, so she can / can’t reach that high sherf. 6. Ifyou enjoy doing extreme sports, you must be an energetic / a generous person, Complete the sentences with the phrases below. average height « perfect match * good-looking «give it a chance « make friends « tie the knot 1. Thomas hopes that he will at his new school. 2. My sister can’t stop talking about a... sum boy she met yesterday. 3. Rosa doesn’t like her new job but she has decided to ... 4, Gina and Mark have decided to They're getting married in June. 5. Anthony and Kate broke up last week. | guess they weren't a 6. Derek dreams of being a basketball player but he is only... Choose the correct answer. 1. I think that this arrangement / relationship of flowers is lovely. A person that you don’t know very well is a fiancé / an acquaintance. |s there a relative / possibility that it will rain on Saturday? |. Daniel is busy on Friday night because he has a date / decision with Fran, - Daisy has been on a diet. That's the reason she is so slim / selfish. . You have been so moody / outgoing lately. Is anything wrong? 4 Match A to B to form sentences, A 1. Everyone needs a close friend 2. The description of the thief 3. Adam wants to start the new research, 4, Jane is engaged to Steven 5. The partners couldn't work out their problems B a. and the wedding is planned for June. b. so they closed the business. matched the information that the police had d. but he needs his professor's agreement. e. for help and support. 5 Replace the words in bold with the words and phrases below. Make any necessary changes. get along * keep in touch + claim + doubt + take after 1. I don't believe anything that Linda tells me... 2. They stay in contact by sending e-mail messages... 3. The child says that itis true that the lost dog belongs to him. 4, The children are very similar to their mother. They all have blond hair and blue eyes. 5. My sister and! don’t have any disagreements. . 6 Complete the sentences with the words and phrases below. Make any necessary changes. single + get to know + go out * fall love + married + couple «relatives + friendship + happiness 1. When Bob was * sn a he liked to* restaurants with his friends. Now that he is * spend time with her. snneune 10 Clubs and ... to Alice, he prefers to with my girlfriend when we were at school. We each other while we were studying for our tests in the library. We have Been 8 © nnenmmnnnnnn FOF FOUF Years: 3. MY? ssmmnsnmnnnsene With my COUSINS Very important to me. Although | only meet my* at family celebrations, the short time | spend with them gives, me a lot of * Grammar 1 Choose the correct answer. 1. John leave at eight o'clock because he has to catch the train, a. might b. must © may 2. You... help your sister in the kitchen. Mum wants you to do it. a. may b. can © ought to 3. Inthe past, people ... travel long distances quickly. a. couldn't b. shouldn’t ©. didn’t have to 4. ...| close the window? I'm cold a. Must b. May © Should 5. The doctor says that Bram... go to school. The other children will get il. a. mustn't b. might not © couldn't 6. Oliver .. speak French, English and Spanish a. ought to b. must © can 2 Rewrite the sentences. Replace the words in bold with a suitable modal. 1. My grandfather isn’t able to hear well 2. You aren’t allowed to wear flip-flops in the gym. 3. Ihave to finish this project today. 4, Jennifer is allowed to stay out until midnight. 5. I think it’s a good idea that we finish our homework early. 3. Complete the sentences about Thomas with the modal perfects below. could have - should not have « must have - might not have « should have 1. Thomas didn’t come to the meeting. HE sennnnsnnenennne forgotten about it. 2A. reminded him about it, but | decided not to. 3. The boss called Thomas at the start of the meeting, but he didn’t have time. 4, THOMAS snesenmnenoseneannee Written the date in his work diary. Maybe that’s why he forgot. 5. Thomas has missed meetings in the past. H€ ..u.:nmenumnune done it again! 4 ‘Match the sentences in A with the responses in B. A 1. Sharon is tired in the morning. 2. Jack failed the last maths test. 3. The visitor forgot her umbrella 4. The boys left the kitchen in a mess. 5. We were waiting for Andrew but he didn’t come. 6. Look, my shoe broke. B a. Marie can retum it to her tomorrow. b. You ought to buy a new pair. He might have called to let us know. d. He should have asked the teacher for help. €. She must try to go to bed early. £. They might not have had time to clean up before they left. 5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Add a modal or modal perfect. 1. The dog made a mess on the fl0Or. YOU (take) him for a walk. 2. Leet il \ (leave) the classroom? 3. The neighbours aren't at home. I'm not sure, but they (go) away for the weekend, 4, My legis broken. |... (play) football 5. Donna didn’t come to the party last night. She -...mmnnmmeesenmennne (FORGO) it Was Jack’s birthday. 6 Choose the correct answer. 1, Eric woke up late on Saturday morning, He ~ must have / should have / could have set the alarm clock because he had plans. He had promised to help Charlie repair his bicycle. Eric is very good with his hands and he * can / should / must repair anything that's broken. But Eric is very lazy. His friends know that you * might / can / must be patient if you want him to help you. 2. The children * must have / should have /couldn’t have eaten alll the cake. | have nothing to offer my guests tonight! 1* could / mustn’t / don’t have to call my husband and ask him to buy a cake at the supermarket, but | know that! * shouldn’t /couldn’t / might not phone him when he’s ina meeting. Vocabulary 1 Choose the correct answer to show you have understood the meaning of the words in bold. 1. She’s out of work now. a. She left at 5 o'clock. b. She hasn't got a job. 2. I didn’t recognise Paula. a. She’s cut her hair. b. She hasn't changed. 3. Jake's opinion influenced me. a. Ichanged my mind. b. | still think 'm correct. 4. Lori was upset when she saw her test mark a, She gota low score, b. She did very well 5. I'm going to exchange the belt my parents gave me. a. Ill give it toa charity shop. b. Iwant a black one instead. ‘Complete the sentences with the words below and the correct form of make or do. plans + money + (one's) best + an appointment « the shopping + a favour 1. She 2 ats SOME ....-- een fast summer, but not enough to buy a car. 2. He forgot to buy eggs when he .... | promise that I'l ... to be there on time tomorrow. 4. There's no need to... at the clinic. 5. Ihaven't . suo for the weekend. 6. John vm and helped me paint my room. Match A to B to form sentences. A B 1. Iean't afford ve a tosee if they're the right size. 2. Try themon vue b. these. They're expensive. 3. Idon’t earn 80 I'll look for something cheaper. 4, These don't fit smd, enough money to go abroad every year. 5, These cost a fortune, vom @, very well. | need a bigger size. Complete the passages with the words and phrases below. SHOPPING IN THE CITY sensible « the latest styles « brand names « outstanding The best place to shop for * is Clothing Warehouse. They sell all the well- known? at incredibly low prices, and have an es w» Selection of sizes for everyone. You'll find everything here from * -- coats to party clothes. second-hand + appreciate « brand-new + bargains + discounts * customers FOr real ® sa numsnsnsenensonane ON NW laptops and cameras, gO to JH Electronics. ssa from all over the country * .onmnueenenns the expert advice they get at J&H. In addition to® . . merchandise, J&H also sells tems at huge“. Choose the correct answer. A painting / kitchen appliance is a useful gift. 2. It usually makes us feel bad / good when someone ignores us. 3. A talented person has very little / alot of ability 4, People often pay more / less for a status symbol. 5. A customer buys / sells something in a shop. 6 Complete the sentences with the words and phrases below. on sale « a luxury item + price tag + out of fashion + arip-of F 1. That shop doesn’t puta on anything ~ because everything is £2! 2. ThISiSA't vancnnnnnnnnmnnnnnn «HSA Necessity. 3. These Were wnnnnmmnemmnmnnnmnnn ten years ago, but now they're trendy again. 4, That Concert WaS snmmmnnemennennnminens | It Was expensive and the band was terrible! 5. We only paid £5 for these! They were Grammar 1 Match A to B to form sentences. A B 1L. Unless we go to the shops today, cow @ we wouldn't get a special discount. 2. We would be upset b. we'll miss the year-end sales. 3. We wouldn't buy these today ©. ifthey weren't a good deal. 4. Ifwe didn't work in the shop, d. you won't get the special discount. 5. If you don’t work here forat least 20 hours a week, €. if we missed the year- end sales. 2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the first or second conditional. 1. Jack . (be) disappointed if he isn’t in the team. 2A. {not go) to see that film if| were you. It’s not very good. 3. Unless Jane. .. (get) here soon, she'll miss the beginning of the show. 4. Vesesnemennnsnnnes (NOT ASK) for his help unless | really needed it. 5. She... {not sleep) well if she has coffee now. 2 They would call usif they (have) time to see us. 3. Choose the correct continuation. 1. Iwouldn’t have come late if | had remembered that this was a surprise party a. I'm so glad | arrived on time. b. I'm so sorry I was late. 2. Jeff would have paid for our lunch if we had let him. a. It was nice of him to treat us to a meal. b. We didn’t want him to pay for the meal. 3. She wouldn't have seen the film if we hadn’t recommended it. a. She enjoyed it, actually. b, It’s a pity she didn’t go to see it. 4 Complete each sentence according to the meaning of the original sentences. Use the conditional. 1. | forgot my camera, so | didn’t take any photos. Ih. . ve my camera, | some photos. 2. It snowed last weekend, so we went snowboarding. We ornsnsnsnnanninanesennan SOWDOATEING if it 3. Ididn’t answer the phone because I didn’t hear it ring. Il. see the phone fing, | esrnninesnnnnnenese 5 Complete the sentences so they logically follow each original sentence. Use the words in brackets and the first, second or third conditional. 1. I didn’t feel well yesterday, but | went to schoo! Ifthere {not be / an exam / 1 /not go) 2. I'm sure William is waiting to hear from you a (be you /1/ write / to him / today) 3. Dan hasn't exercised enough lately. In my opinion, he {have / more energy /if / he / exercise / more often) 6 Complete the e-mail with the verbs in brackets. Use the first, second or third conditional. Dear Aunt Lucy, Thanks for the bag you sent for my birthday. | love it! How did you know what | wanted? If you : (give) me money, |” (buy) the same thing! On Saturday night, my best friend is having a big party for me. If everybody we've invited A .- (come), | think there *. (be) about 50 people! Mum agreed to make the cake~ she makes the best chocolate cake in the world! if | £. (be) you, 1® (try) to be here on Saturday night ~it’s going to be great! Thanks again for the wondertul gift! Love, Joni Vocabulary 1 Choose the correct answer to show you have understood the meaning of the words in italics. 1. Jennifer was quite relaxed / tense during the gory film. 2. The lesson was so dull that | almost fell asleep / laughed loudly. 3. [had to read the subtitles because the film was in a foreign language / my native language. 4, The woman was arrested for driving too fast / stopping at a red light. 5. The play is worth seeing because the actors are terrible / very good. 6. Justin is very independent and always / rarely asks for help. Choose the correct answer. 1. Andrew is .. to win the race. a. clever b. determined ©. realistic 2. We didn’t enjoy the party. It was very .. a. disappointing b. entertaining ©. breathtaking 3. What a wonderful film! Everyone agrees that it’s a real a. let-down b. waste of time ©. boxoffice hit ‘Complete the sentences with the words below. Make any necessary changes. leader star * pride * release + right + distrust 1. You have no to tell me what to do. 2. My school has great in the arts programme that we study. 3. I don’t remember the name of the actress who in the film. 4. The of my youth club asked everyone to come early to the meeting Most people ncsennnnsnne Hats. 6. When Shelley .n.onmnnnnn the dog, it ran away from the house. Replace the words in bold with the words and phrases below. moke it to viewers + cast » impossible + unhappy + umecessary hilarious 1. You asked me to do something that is not able to be done. 2. Mother says that washing the car was not needed because itis going to rain 3. The newspaper says that our team will get a place in the finals. 4, The actors in the play practised for four months before the play opened. ... 5. This television programme is very funny. 6. The audience didn’t enjoy the film and many left in the middle. 7. They are sad about the news you gave them. Match A to B to form sentences. A 8 1. The tour guide led the group swe @ because I left my lunch at home. 2. The critics hated the film b. if you know it’s going to rain. 3, Itis ridiculous to plan a picnic vow. that the audience clapped for ten minutes 4, There was a minority of pupils vow d. through the streets of Paris. 5. Inged to share your food smn @, because it was long and boring. 6. He gave such a wonderful performance 1. who didn’t want to volunteer Complete the sentences with the words below. based on + disadvantage + event * success + plot + disappointing 1. Hardly anyone came to the because we had worked so hard. Itwas 2. The os ss OF this book is very confusing. | don’t think that there will be a film swe the book in the future. 3. OMe wnnnnnmmeane OF being very tall is that Ihave very lithe .neamnnmmenn in finding, clothes that fit. Grammar Choose the correct answer. 1. John ... home from school because he felt ill. a. sent b. was sent 2. The tables... by the students. a. arebeingsetup —_b. aresetting up 3. Everyone... at once because there isa fire a. must leave b. must beleft Kim... her purse again? a. Has... been forgotten b. Has ... forgotten 5. The tickets .. for by my boyfriend. a. will pay b. will be paid 6. The dog... that mess on the floor. a. mayhave made —_b._ may have been made Complete the sentences with the correct passive form of the verbs in brackets. 1. The students complained because they to complete the exercise. (give) just ten minutes 2. Batt’s CF snr mnnennmninsnmnenes (fix) By the mechanic right now. 3 «the WindOW (break) by the boy next door yesterday? 4, Your homework wm nmnenennmenees (SHOU finish) before you go to bed. 5. The tOYS wrornnmnnnnnnnnesnin (put away) before the guests arrived, Rewrite the sentences in the passive. Omit the agent when possible. 1. Has he told Emily the reason for the argument? 2. Someone put the photos on Facebook. 3. She won't teach Chapter 4 in class next week. 4. These men didn’t steal the jewels. 5. Our chef makes delicious meals. ‘Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets, Use the causative form. 1. We don’t have time to paint the room. We it (decorate) by professionals. 21 the shopping (deliver) because it was very heavy. 3. Robert can’t answer the phone now. He his hair (cut), 4, Debra was unhappy with the skirt she Bought, $0 $h@ ..onsnnnsonmnonen het money (refunded) 5. My friends are staying with me this week because theY ....nunmnnnnnnn theif HOUSE .. (paint). ‘Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets, active or passive. 1. The airport. .. (close) because of the snowstorm. People .. (wait) in the terminal for hours, 2. Ron always his umbrella . (lose) three or four umbrellas every winter. Last week, (leave) on the train, 3. The girls .. (not open) at nine o'clock. {not understand) why the shop 4. Your seats at the restaurant (save) until eight o'clock. After that, ANYONE we sonennnsnenenenen (CAN take) them. 5. How Jason (pay) his rent now that he is out of WOTK? His FeNt wnsnsnsnennensnmanenn (pay) by his parents. 6 Janet (study) Chinese at college this year. Chinese (teach) all over the world now. 7. The protesters (stand) in the middle of the road when they (attack) by police dogs. 8 I.. smonsun (Collect) money for charity Next WEEK. It... mnsnnnnne (RIVE) to the poor the following week. Vocabulary 1 Circle the word or phrase that does not belong. 1. raise money * drop out * charity + donate 2. support a cause « take action + charge * protest 3. slums « crime « violence + marriage 4. queue * inequality + ignorance * hunger Choose the correct answer. 1. The nicotine in cigarettes is a harmless / harmful substance that destroys your health. Joe carried the heavy box for the teacher. He isa helpful / helpless person. 3. Ellen is a careless / careful driver who does not pay attention to the road signs. S My friends from London called to wish me happy birthday. What thoughtless / thoughtful people! My computer is so slow that it is useless / useful to me. Complete the sentences with the words and phrases below. Make any necessary changes. jobless poverty « hide » signa petition « rent + hopeless + drugs 1. My brother is looking for @ FON 10 -.rmsn-eununnrnee RAF the university. 2. My daughter my car keys and now | can’t find them. 3. The doctor sadly told the family that the situation was 4. Andrew was for six months before he began working in our office. 5. There are many places in the world where people live in and the government does nothing. 6. We heard a lecture at school about the dangers of taking 7. love dogs and that’s why | for a law to protect animals. Roplace the words in bold with the words below. Make any necessary changes. alone + elderly « spot + make sure « beautiful « worthless 1. Stop here. I've just seen the house we are looking for.. 2. This necklace is made of plastic. It has no value... 3. The old people need help in their daily lives 4. Did you check that we tured off the lights before we left the house? 5. Carrie wants to share her flat. She doesn’t want to live by herself. 6. Matt only dates attractive girls. Match A to B to form sentences. A 8 1. Sam decided to move a. that they will find the murderer. 2. My company’s prejudice against women b. and we will have to use our car to get to work. 3. Grandad helped my little brother overcome .....¢ has kept me from getting a better position. 4, The police are hopeful swe because he had noisy neighbours. 5. The bus drivers may go on strike swu @. his fear of the dark. Complete the sentences with the words and phrases below. Make any necessary changes. successful + end up « unemployment « demonstrations * volunteer « peaceful 1. Although Jeffrey studied to be an engineer, he ... .» teaching maths. 2. Our new house is in a very . area, with no buses or trains. 3. Janet dreams of being a... .» model and earning a lot of money. 4, The president said that... biggest problem. ‘among young people is the government's 5. My best friend wants to in Africa for a year before she goes to university. 6. The news on television showed the workers’ against low wages. Grammar Choose the correct answer in reported speech. 1. “Cindy took the baby to the doctor yesterday.” ‘a. He said that Cindy had taken the baby to the doctor the day before. b. He said that Cindy took the baby to the doctor the day before. 2. “The game will be over soon.” a, The coach said that the game would be over soon, b. The coach said that the game will be over soon. 3. “I don’t want your help.” a, Tom said that he doesn’t want my help, b. Tom said that he didn’t want my help. 4, “Were they sleeping during the film?” a. My boyfriend asked if they had been sleeping during the film, b. My boyfriend asked if they were sleeping during the film. Rewrite the sentences in reported speech. Make any necessary changes. 1. “Jim hasn't visited me for a long time.” Tony said that 2. “The party will begin at eight o'clock.” ‘The girls said that 3. “Open your books, please!” ‘The teacher told the students .. 4, “The biscuits are baking in the oven.” Mum said that. 5. “Let's ask Matt to bring 2 pizza.” Karen suggested 6. “My family has already been to Pari The man told the travel agent that 3 Complete the sentences with the correct verb and reported speech. Make any necessary changes. 1. "I'm the best student in the class,” Bob said. Bob boasted / reminded 2. “The neighbours made a lot of noise,” Janice said, Janice complained / admitted 3. “Don't use my computer!” the boss said to her secretary. ‘The boss wamed / suggested .. 4, “Please buy a newspaper,” Guy said to Daniel Guy told / threatened 5. “Iwill punish you the next time you are late.” Dad threatened / ordered 6. "We didn’t invite Larry to the meeting.” ‘The girls boasted / admitted .. 4 Rewrite the questions in reported speech. 1. “Is Mark buying a new car?” Sara asked. 2. “Has the water boiled?” Clive asked. 3. "What do you want to order?” the waitress enquired. 4. "Why must they go to bed so early?” Aunt Ruby asked. 5. “Will the concert start on time?” Peter wanted to know. Write the sentences in reported speech using the words given. Make any necessary changes. 1. The hotel clerk / say / the bellboy / take / suitcases / later 2. The officer / order / the people / leave / the building /immediately 3. William / suggest / try / the new Chinese restaurant Vocabulary 1 Match A to B to form sentences. A B 4. It was an embarrassing moment a. toyour health 2. Smoking is harmful smb, on-your Facebook page. 3. Ifyou want to log out of the website, ...._¢. when dropped my glass at the party. 4. Chris decided to take part in woud, push the escape button. 5. My boss commented on fe. my good work. 6. Please post the announcement sew f. the marathon 2 Choose the correct answer to show you have understood the meaning of the words in italics. 4. t's confidential, so please don’t tell / tell your friends. 2. If Dad gives me permission, lean / can't go to the film with you. 3. The young lawyer had excellent terrible qualifications, so he was hired. 4. Julie has obviously been dieting because she's thin / fat. 5. Ihate / love that annoying music that you listen to. 3 Complete the sentences with the words below. Make any necessary changes, wall + insulting « profile « block + application + inbox + password + remove A. FACEBOOK IS ere snsnnnnninnnnene IM SOME COUNtreS. 2. When I came home from my holiday, MY ..n.u:::unennnen WAS full of messages. 3. Jeff didn’t put any personal information in his 4. I've just posted some photos on my 5, Experts recommend that you change your often. 6. What do I need to play this game on the computer? 7. Nan asked us to vm Our dirty shoes from the kitchen. 8. I want to apologise for my ... comment. Choose the correct preposition. 1. Ben may tur out / against his best friend when he hears what happened. 2. Lwas surprised that my house key turned into / up after | lost it last week We expect lots of people to turn out / off for the festival tomorrow. - The day turned out / up to be sunny even though it rained in the morning 5. Claudia tured against / down Tom's proposal Replace the words in bold with the words below. Make any necessary changes. rude + criticise + access + truthful’ update» embarrassed 1. The teacher punished the student for saying something that was not polite. 2. The company gave the latest information to their customers about the winter sales. 3. Canyou find his personal details on this website? . 4, We believe Sharon because she’s honest. ... 5. The doctor said something bad about the amount of junk food that | eat. 6. The singer felt uncomfortable when he forgot the words to the song. Complete the mini-dialogues with the words and phrases below. invasion of privacy * account * log in + request + distracting « privacy settings 1. A: Are you on any social networking sites? B: No, | think they're an As Don’t WOFTY, the .nnnsnnnsoninnnn ON Many sites are very good. 2. A: Why did you put in a... to move to a different office? B: The other worker listens to the radio and I find it very 3. A: Iwant to check my bank online, but I don’t know how. B: fll help you to the bank site. Grammar 1 Choose the correct relative pronoun. 1. They chose the ice cream ... had nuts init. a. who which c. where 2. That's the house... | grew up. a. where b. that . when 3. The reporter... wrote this article is Chinese. a. whose b. who which 4. Did you see a film ... had a happy ending? a. who b. whose © that 5. That's the man ... son won the race. a. whose b. where which 6. Idon't remember the days .. the Internet didn’t exist. a. which b. when © where 2 Adda relative pronoun and match A to B to make sentences. There may be more than one possible answer. A 1. Do you remember the night .... 2. The postman is looking for a family 3. The girl . 4. Ifinally bought 2 car 5. The phone book ison the shelf... 6. The box... B a. the telephone is. b, was large enough for the whole family. ©. contains the glasses is very heavy. d. we went on our first date? . left early didn’t feel well f. last name is Baxter. 3 Complete each sentence with a suitable relative pronoun. There may be more than one possible answer. Tick the sentences in which the relative pronoun can be omitted. Le The CAKE nsnrnnmsenne Paula baked is delicious. 2. The only time she asked for help was she didn’t do her homework 3. I don't like the neighbours dogs make a noise all night. 4, The BUS StOP wsnmmnnnenes | Wait every morning is at the corner. 5. Look for the note wn Mum left us. 6 The man Chris introduced to usis.a professor at my university. 4, Combine the sentences using the relative pronoun in brackets. Make any necessary changes. 1. Amy wants to see the photo album. It has pictures of our trip to France. (which) 2. Thisis my friend Sam. He knows how to windsurf. (who) 3. Have you been to the restaurant? The waiters sing there. (where) 4, Jimis good at maths. His father is an engineer. (whose) 5. The test was on Tuesday. | was ill that day. (when) 5 Combine the sentences with non-defining relative clauses. Use the relative pronoun in brackets and add any necessary commas. 1. Tokyo is one of the largest cities in the world. itis in Japan. (which) 2. The head teacher is popular with the students. He visited my class last week. (who) 3. Jack is still in hospital after the accident. His car was hit. (whose) 4, My computer isn’t new. It’s been fixed twice. (which) Combine the sentences using a suitable relative pronoun. Make any necessary changes, 1. The photos were put in an album. You sent them to me. 2. Our tour guide is very knowledgeable. He is taking us to the Acropolis. 3. Easter is a special time, We have a big family meal then. 4. The driver drove fast on the motorway. He had just got his licence. 5. This part of the city is dangerous at night. I never go there, Vocabulary 1 Choose the correct answer to show that you have understood the meaning of the words in bold. 1. Your suggestion is acceptable to me. a. lagree with your suggestion, b. I don’t agree with your suggestion. 2. Your sister has grown up since | last saw her. a. She is much older. b. She is still young. 3. Bob accomplished everything on the list. a. He still has some tasks to finish b. He finished all the tasks. 4, The students misunderstood the instructions. a. They didn’t know what to do. b. They knew what to do. 5. Mary is a, She hasn't got time to go to plays. b. She acts in plays. wolved in the drama club at school. 6. The bank clerk was offended. a, The customer smiled at her. b. The customer shouted at her. ‘Complete the sentences with the words and phrases below. wandered * was born + stranger » lifestyle « pastimes + sunrise « multi-cultural site + tolerant 1. We woke up very early because we wanted to see the... 2. Iknow everyone here except that man. He is a... tome, 3. The organisers of the concert are looking for an outdoor... 4, Michael's favourite are playing chess and running in the park. 5. My baby brother .. In Christmas Day. 6. We couldn’t find the museum, so in the end We jUSt nn .nensninenee around the streets. 7. I don’t know Spanish well, so please be ....mmmmmnnenne OF MY Mistakes. 8. Large cities usually have .. neighbourhoods. 9. They may not be rich, but they have a very expensive Choose TWO possible answers to complete each sentence. 1. The driver kept his eyes on a. the music b. the road light 2. The class celebrated . a. my birthday b, the end of the school year 3. My friends and | hang out at... at weekends. a. school b. the shops club 4. Paul's ambition is to be a. asuccessful soccer player ba famous actor 5. Anne is considering a career as a... the traffic the test the dance a poor person a. chef b, student doctor Match A to B to form sentences. A B 1. Michelle spends most of her free time a. because all our friends were there. 2. It takes time to web, answering the questions in the test 3. From time to time, my family sen Gwe Will miss the train, 4. We had a good time at the party d. with her boyfriend, 5. If you don’t come on time, €. goes out to eat ata good restaurant, 6. The teacher told the students to take their time: f. bake a cake, 5 Replace the words in bold with the words below. Make any necessary changes. adapt + open-minded « kind + of fensive + guest 1. My neighbour is a caring person who is always willing to help. .. 2. Our visitor was late for dinner. 3. Linda made some insulting remarks about my clothes 4, The new secretary got used to working in our big office. 5. I like talking to George because he is willing to consider new ideas. Grammar 1 Choose the correct answer. 1. Mark always... his answers before handing in his test. a. checked b. checks © is checking 2. Bythe time the waiter came to the table, Jean ... to order steak, a. decided b. has decided « had decided 3. 1... 2 much larger salary this time next year, a. willhavemade ——_b. will make . will be making 4. ... many people .... about the job offer yet? a. Have ... called b. Did... call © Were... calling 5. She ...a storyto her son at the moment. a. reads b. is reading ©. has read 2 Match A to B to form sentences. A 1. Ifthe flat weren't so small, 2. Someone will steal your purse 3. Karen won't be able to buy a new car » If you had read the instructions, How will they find the house 6. Iwouldn’t bother Dad a. if |were you b. Beth and Sam would rent it you would have known how to use the new washing machine. d. unless the salesman gives her a discount. €. if you leave your bag open. f. if they don’t know the address? 3. Complete the sentences with the modals and modal perfects below. have to « could have + may + should have + can’t « should 1. You go in to see the doctor now. 2. I'msorry, but | leave now. Bye! 3, Mum's nervous. She thinks that We .....nm:mmnm leave early tomorrow morning 4, It's already Six O'CIOCK. 1a snmsesnsnnanssnimnenn arrived by NOW. 5. Tim hurt his leg and he ‘take part in the race today, 6. Why didn’t you tell us you had a problem? We ...:m:u:mnnnnne Helped yOu. 4 Complete the sentences without changing their original meaning. 1. Someone gave me an invitation to the party. 1 2. Jack will bring the latest report to the meeting, ‘The latest report 3. They haven't prepared dinner. Dinner 4. A technician can fix the fridge. The fridge 5. The hairdresser is cutting Linda's hair. Linda's hair... Write the sentences in reported speech. Make any necessary changes. 1 “have eaten all the chocolate cake,” Bob admitted, Bob admitted “When are you going to finish?” Carol wanted to know. Carol wanted to know “Cover the baby with the blanket,” Mum told me. Mum told me “The heater doesn’t work,” the girls complained. ‘The girls complained “Let's surprise Julia with flowers,” suggested Nick Nick suggested ‘Complete the sentences with a suitable relative pronoun. There may be more than one possible answer. 1 a . Paula asked for help from the salesgir ‘They'll never forget the SuMMET nm. The books... You should talk to the student ... . Why did you put the papers ina place .. sno WaS Organising the shelves. w they learned to surf. are on sale are in the front of the shop. 1 brother took this course last year. .. they would get wet? MORE PRACTICE ANSWER KEY} More Practice 1 Vocabulary 1 1. hire 4, noisy 2. scenery 5. landmarks 3. rocky 2 Le 3b Sa 7d ac 68 3 1. goes abroad 5. 2. sandy 6 local 3. unpredictable 7. travel arrangements 4. guided tour 4 1b 2a 3a 4b 5a 5 1. set off 4, turn back 2. had run out of 5. 3. give up. Watch out 6 1, accommodation 2. route 5. exotic 3. remote Grammar 1 ta 2b 3a 4b 5b 2 1 Peter never forgets to lock the door. 2 Whyare you crying? 3 They always buy the evening newspaper. 4 My parents aren't visiting friends tonight. 5. ‘Anne is taking her sister to the cinema tomorrow. 6 ‘Mum doesn’t make dinner every Saturday. 3 left, were doing was sleeping, entered was getting, rang. saw, was running stopped, broke 6. were watching, arrived yaune More Practice 2 Vocabulary 1 Grammar vRune 1. since 3. never 3b 42a 5c 6b 1. went 3. was skiing 2. broke 4. had 1. had/ishaving 2. Did... invite 1. amnotwaiting 2. don’t want 1. waswatching 4 love 2.rang 5. didn'twant/ 3. decided don’t want L escape 4 bored staycaim 5. satisfied health Ba 4b Sa 6a 1. reached 5. eventually 2. emergency landing 6. -—trapped 3. relieved 7 crew 4. realised 1. passengers 4 stayed calm 2. isscaredof 5. victim 3. onhisown 6. screamed 1. excitings. interested 2. confused «5. thrilled 3. amazing 6. frightening Bf 4e Se 6a Lief 4 were 2. Haveyouhad 5. hasn't hired 3. didn’tlike 6, have they known The shop has already closed for the evening, My sister forgot to buy a new pen yesterday. We just missed the beginning of the film. Jake hasn’t seen his cousins since 2009, ‘They didn’t take the car to work last week. just aya wne More Practice 3 Vocabulary 1 2 L a a for 4. yet had stopped, came Did you turn off, had finished had heard, read enjoyed, had forgotten called, had fixed Has she just signed a new contract? Why did you walk to school? How many songs had the singer sung alone? Did all the students pass the test? When did the basketball team win the game? How long have they lived in the house? gave, has just bought arrived, had come sold, haven't decorated Had.... sent, talked hasn't stopped, left vaene 1. download music 2. out-of-date 3. environmentally-friendly 4, no longer 5. search engine 6 foolproof 1. complicated 4 coast 2. startup5. came up with 3. crashed5, practical 1. personal = 4.——innovative. 2. reliable5. user-friendly 3. famous 1. set..onfire 4 dangerous 2. efficient 5. deal with 3. accurate 6 convenient Grammar 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 3 Lb 2a 4 5 2 3 4 5 6 6 i 2 3 4 More Practice 4 Vocabulary 1 1. amgoingtotake = 4 ——willlend 2. will rain 5. is going to wear 3. won't help Will they save place for you? Where are you going to go on holiday? ‘What will John get after school? Will it be too early to visit Cathy? ‘Why will Isabel have tea? Is Burt going to work for his father? Ba 4b Sa 6b 1. Will... beusing 4. willbe sleeping 2. willhavefinished 5. will have come 3. willhavereceived 6. -—_ will be going 1. aren't buying /aren’t going to buy will have performed will have returned ‘Are... going to go / Will... go Is... throwing away / going to throw away will be making /is going to make He is hiking / is going to hike in the mountains. He will have completed his homework by seven o'clock, Jam taking / am going to take a hat and sunscreen. We are buying / are going to buy her a disc for her birthday. doesn’tlike 4. always 2. doesn'tdo 5. can't 3. often 6, energetic make friends 4 tie the knot 2. good-looking 5. perfect match 3. giveitachance6. average height 1. arrangement 4 date 2. an acquaintance 5. slim 3. possibility 6. moody 3d 4a Sb 5 1. doubt 4, take after 2. keepintouch 5. get along 3. claims 1 Lb 2e wewn More Practice 5 single goout married fellin love got to know couple friendship relatives happiness, Ba 4b Sa ac 1. My grandfather can’thear well ‘You mustn't wear flip-flops in the gym. | must finish this project today. Jennifer can / may stay out until midnight. | think we should finish our homework early. 1. musthave 4. might not have 2. couldhave 5. should not have 3. should have Ba AF Se 6b should have taken May.... leave might have gone can't play must have forgotten should have can must must have could shouldn't Vocabulary 1 Lb 2 3 Lb 4 5 6 Grammar 1 Lb 2 3 Lb 4 L 2 3. 5 L 2 3. 6 x 2 a e Ba 4a Sb 1. made ... money 2. did the shopping 3. do... best 4, make an appointment 5. made ... plans 6. did ...a favour 3d 4e Se 1. the latest styles6. Customers 2. brand names 7. appreciate 3. outstanding 8 brand-new 4, sensible 9. second-hand 5. bargains 10. discounts 1. kitchen appliance 4, more. 2.bad 5. buys 3. alotof 1. price tag 4. arip-off 2. aluxuryitem 5. onsale 3. out of fashion Bc 4a Sd 1. willbe 4 wouldn't ask 2. wouldn’tgo 5. won’tsleep 3. gets 6 had a had brought / hadn’t forgotten, would have taken wouldn't have gone, hadn’t snowed had heard, would have answered hadn't been an exam, | wouldn’t have gone were you, | would write to him today would have more energy if he exercised more often Lhadgiven = 4 willbe 2. wouldhave bought 5. were 3. comes 6. would try More Practice 6 Vocabulary 1 1. tense 4 driving too fast 2. almost fell asleep —«5.—=—very good 3. aforeign language 6. rarely 2 Lb 2a 3e 3 1 right 4 leader 2. pride 5. distrust 3. starred 6. released 4 1. impossible 5. hilarious 2. unnecessary 6 viewers 3. makeitto 7. unhappy 4. cast 5 Ld 2e 3b AF Sa Bc 6 1. event, disappointing 2. plot, based on 3 disadvantage, success Grammar 1 Lb 2a Ba 4b Sb ba 2 1. had been given 4. should be finished 2. Isbeingfixed 5. were putaway 3. Was ... broken 3 1, Has Emily been told the reason for the argument? 2 The photos were put on Facebook. 3 Chapter 4 won't be taught in class next week. 4 The jewels weren't stolen by these men 5. Delicious meals are made by our chet. 44 are having / getting ... decorated / are going to have /get .. decorated 2 had / got... delivered 3 is having / getting ... cut 4 had / got... refunded 5 are having / getting .. painted 5 1 was closed, were waiting / is closed, have been waiting 2 loses, was left open exuow More Practice 7 Vocabulary 1 didn’t understand, wasn’t open / doesn’t understand, doesn’t will be saved, can take will... pay /is going to pay, will be paid / does ... pay, is paid is studying, is (being) taught were standing, were attacked am collecting / am going to collect, will be given 1. drop out 3. marriage 2. charge 4. queue 1. harmful 4 thoughtful 2. helpful 5. useless 3. careless Lrent 5. poverty 2hid 6. drugs 3. hopeless 7. signed a petition 4, jobless 1. spotted4. make sure 2. isworthless 5. alone 3. elderly 6, beautiful Be 4a 5b lendedup 4. 2. peaceful 5. 3. successful 6, unemployment volunteer demonstrations 1 La 2a 2 L 2 3. 4 5. 6. 3 L 2 3. 4. 5. 6. 4 L 2 3. 4, 5. time, 5 L later. 2 3 More Practice 8 Vocabulary 1 Le 2a 2 3 Jim hadn't visited him for a long time the party would begin at eight o'clock ‘to open their books the biscuits were baking in the oven asking / that they ask Matt to bring a pizza his family had already been to Paris boasted that he was the best student in the class complained that the neighbours had made a lot of noise warned her secretary not to use her computer told Daniel to buy a newspaper threatened to punish me the next time | was late admitted that they hadn't invited Larry to the meeting Sara asked if / whether Mark was buying a new car. Clive asked if / whether the water had boiled. The waitress enquired what | wanted to order. ‘Aunt Ruby asked why they had to go to bed so early. Peter wanted to know if / whether the concert would start on ‘The hotel clerk said (that) the bellboy would take the suitcases ‘The officer ordered the people to leave the building immediately. William suggested trying / that we try the new Chinese restaurant. Bd 4f Se 6b 1. don'ttell 4 thin 2can 5. hate 3. excellent 1, blockeds. password 2. inbox 6. application 3. profile 7. remove 4. wall 8 insulting 4 1. against 4 Rup 5. 3. out 5 1. rude 4. 2. updated 3. access 6. 6 1 out down truthful 5. criticised embarrassed invasion of privacy, privacy settings 2. request, distracting 3 account, log in Grammar 1 Lb 2a 3b 4c Sa 6b 2 1. that/when,d 4, that/ which, b 2. whose, 5. where, 3. who/that,e 6. that / which, ¢ 3 1. that/which 4 where 2. when 5. that /which 3. whose 6. that /who ‘The relative pronoun can be omitted in sentences 1, 5 and 6. 44 ‘Amy wants to see the photo album which has pictures of our trip to France. 2 This is my friend Sam, who knows how to windsurf. 3 Have you been to the restaurant where the waiters sing? 4. Jim, whose father is an engineer, is good at maths. 5. The test was on Tuesday, when | was ill 5 oo. ‘Tokyo, which is in Japan, is one of the largest cities in the world. / Tokyo, which is one of the largest cities in the world, is in Japan, 2. The head teacher, who visited my class last week, is popular with the students. / The head teacher, who is popular with the students, visited my class last week. 3 Jack, whose car was hit, is still in hospital after the accident 4. My computer, which isn’t new, has been fixed twice. /My computer, which has been fixed twice, isn’t new. is 2 3. 4 5 More Practice 9 Vocabulary 1 La 2 3 Lbe 4 id 5 Grammar 1 Lb 2 Lb 3 44 2. 3 4 5. Dab 2 The photos that / which you sent to me were put in an album. Our tour guide, who is very knowledgeable, is taking us to the Acropolis. / Our tour guide, who is taking us to the Acropolis, is very knowledgeable. Easter, when we have a big family meal, isa special time. / Easter, Which isa special time, is when we have a big family meal The driver who drove fast on the motorway had just got his licence. / The driver who had just got his licence drove fast on the motorway. never go to this part of the city, which is dangerous at night. 1. sunrise 6. 2. stranger 3. site 8 4. pastimes 5. was born sb ab wandered 7. tolerant multi-cultural 9. lifestyle Bbc 4ab Sac Be 4a kind 4, guest 5. 3. offensive Be 4a ad 4c 1. may 4, 2. have to5. 3. should 6. Be 6b adapted open-minded 5b 5 f ba should have can't could have was given an invitation to the party will be brought to the meeting hasn’t been prepared canbe fixed is being cut eating / that he had eaten all the chocolate cake ‘when | was going to finish to cover the baby with the blanket that the heater didn’t work surprising / that we surprise Julia with flowers that / who that / when that / which whose where

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