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Cash held in the bank’s vault and any deposits placed with other

1 depository institutions are included as part of:

A)Cash and Due from Depository
B)Investment Securities
C)Trading Account Assets
D)Federal Funds Sold and Reverse
Repurchase Agreements

Secondary reserves for the bank include:

A)Short term government securities
B)Privately issued money market
C)Interest bearing time deposits
D)Treasury Bills
E)All of the above are part of
secondary reserves

If a bank makes a home mortgage to Jane Caldwell, which

3 account on the balance sheet would this mortgage be included
A)Cash and Due from Depository
B)Investment Securities
C)Trading Account Assets
D)Federal Funds Sold and Reverse
Repurchase Agreements

If a bank makes a temporary loan of its reserves held on

4 deposit with the Federal Reserve this would show up in which
account on the balance sheet?
A)Cash and Due from Depository
B)Investment Securities
C)Trading Account Assets
D)Federal Funds Sold and Reverse
Repurchase Agreements

When a bank has not received payment on a loan for 90 days or

5 more it is classified as part of:
A)The allowance for loan losses
B)Unearned discount income
C)Nonperforming loans
D)Other real estate owned
E)None of the above

Interest the firm has received from customers but has not yet
6 earned under accrual accounting is included as part of:
A)The allowance for loan losses
B)Unearned discount income
C)Nonperforming loans
D)Other real estate owned
E)None of the above

Deposits held by federal, state and local governments are

7 known as:
A)Money market deposit accounts
B)NOW accounts
C)Public funds deposits
D)Federal funds purchased
E)All of the above

Information about banks’ use of derivatives contracts can be

8 found in:
A)Report of Condition
B)Balance Sheet
C)Report of Income
D)Off-Balance-Sheet Items
E)None of the above

Which of the following is part of interest expenses on the Report

9 of Income?
A)Interest Earned on Loans
B)Interest on Deposits
C)Service Charges on Deposit
D)Wages, Salaries and Employee
E)All of the above

What are loans that finance companies make generally called on

10 the balance sheet?
B)Home Mortgage Loans
C)Accounts Receivables
D)Accounts Payable
E)None of the above

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