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and not truly representative of physicians practicing in the United Box 1. Drugs That Can Cause Pseudoelevation in Serum
States, Canada, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand. Creatinine Concentration
Participant selection was not random, and the opinions of physi-
cians in other parts of the world (eg, Asia, Africa, and South America) Sources of Extrinsic Creatinine
were not sought. The opinions of nonphysician professionals, such as 8 mg creatinine in dexamethasone, 3.3 mg
transplant nurses/coordinators, also were overlooked. We share the 16 mg creatinine in hydrocortisone, 100 mg
concern that incentives perhaps could reduce the selflessness of organ 37.5 mg creatinine in azasetron hydrochloride, 10 mg
donation, but various forms of compensation for donors in Iran,
Analytical Interference
Ireland, Israel, Singapore, and Saudi Arabia have not destroyed their
altruistic systems of living or deceased organ donation.2-4 5-Fluorocytosine
It puzzles us that mixed motivations are seen as such a threat Cefoxitin
when it comes to organ donors while we pay military personnel,
firefighters, and others who take considerably greater risks for their of 8.1 mL/min/1.73 m2), and a nephrologist was consulted for acute
services to humanity. Moreover, in an analogous situation that kidney injury (AKI). Extensive examinations were performed, but
involves health care professionals and healthy participants, we only serum creatinine level supported the diagnosis of AKI (serum
allow payment to women who donate their eggs or become sur- urea nitrogen was 14.9 mg/dL). Later, we learned that the blood
rogate mothers. The moral issues raised by accepting a system that sample had been drawn by a physician in training and was obtained
includes controlled compensation should be weighed against the from the patient’s left cubital vein, with tourniquet applied, at the
morality of allowing as many as 18 patient deaths per day when same time that dexamethasone was being infused into the left dorsal
there are people who would be willing to help if only a legal hand vein. Then we noticed that dexamethasone contains creatinine
compensation system were in place.5 as a buffer. Thus, approximately 1 hour later, a new blood sample
was obtained from the patient’s right arm; serum creatinine level was
Alireza Hamidian Jahromi, MD, MRCS1 normal in this sample.
Sigrid Fry-Revere, JD, PhD,2 Bahar Bastani, MD3 From case reports and drug information, we compiled a list of
Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center, Shreveport medications that can cause pseudoelevation of serum creatinine
Louisiana concentration (Box 1).1-4 To help offset chemical and physical
Center for Ethical Solutions, Lovettsville, Virginia instability, dexamethasone, hydrocortisone, and azasetron hydro-
Saint Louis University School of Medicine, St Louis, Missouri chloride contain creatinine as a buffer.5 The 5-fluorocytosine mole-
Acknowledgements cule interacts with creatinine iminohydrolase, causing spuriously high
creatinine concentrations measured by the enzymatic method.3 In
Financial Disclosure: The authors declare that they have no
addition, pseudo-AKI can result from cefoxitin interference with the
relevant financial interests.
Jaffe method for creatinine measurement.4 Our findings warn clini-
References cians to consider exogenous creatinine and other drugs that influence
1. Tong A, Chapman JR, Wong G, Craig JC. Perspectives of creatinine measurement as a possible cause of pseudo-AKI.
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sation, and incentives for living kidney donors. Am J Kidney Dis. Hideki Kato, MD, PhD, Masaomi Nangaku, MD, PhD
2014;64:484-485. The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Medicine
2. Khatami SM, Mahdavi-Mazdeh M. Perfect is the enemy of Tokyo, Japan
good: the Iranian system of paid donation. Am J Transplant. 2014;14:
Financial Disclosure: The authors declare that they have no
3. Fry-Revere S. Stop organ trafficking now: articles pertaining
relevant financial interests.
to medical, political, ethical, and cultural aspects of kidney
Accessed December 19, 2014. References
4. Global Observatory on Donation and Transplantation (GODT) 1. Darby D, So J, Russell J, Monaghan PJ. Spuriously raised
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2014. nous dexamethasone formulation. Ann Clin Biochem. 2012;49(pt 3):
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December 19, 2014. pseudo-elevation of serum creatinine immediately after intra-
articular injection into a wrist joint of a pharmaceutical prepara-
Tong et al declined to respond. tion of dexamethasone containing creatinine as a buffer. Nihon
Jinzo Gakkai Shi. 2011;53(2):200-206.
Ó 2015 by the National Kidney Foundation, Inc. 3. Mitchell RT, Marshall LH, Lefkowitz LB Jr, Stratton CW. Falsely elevated serum creatinine levels secondary to the presence
of 5-fluorocytosine. Am J Clin Pathol. 1985;84(2):251-253.
Pseudo–Acute Kidney Injury Secondary 4. Sherman RA, Eisinger RP, Weinstein MP, Samel J. Cefoxitin-
induced pseudo acute renal failure. Clin Ther. 1981;4(2):114-117.
to Intravenous Dexamethasone 5. Akers MJ. Excipient-drug interactions in parenteral formu-
To the Editor: lations. J Pharm Sci. 2002;91(11):2283-2300.
A 64-year-old woman was admitted to our hospital due to a severe
asthma attack. On admission, her serum creatinine and serum urea Received August 5, 2014. Accepted in revised form September 29,
nitrogen levels were 0.75 mg/dL and 20.9 mg/dL, respectively. 2014. Originally published online November 13, 2014.
Intravenous therapy with dexamethasone was initiated for treatment Ó 2015 by the National Kidney Foundation, Inc.
of the asthma attack. The next day, serum creatinine level increased
to 4.63 mg/dL (corresponding to estimated glomerular filtration rate

344 Am J Kidney Dis. 2015;65(2):342-347

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