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Addie Schlegel

Ms. Tekotte
Honors English III - 2nd Period
5 November 2019
Counter Arguments
Ethos​, ​Pathos​, & ​Logos

- A high school teacher in North Carolina has to get a bachelor’s degree, complete an
approved teaching preparation program, and must also participate in at least ten weeks of
student teaching in a secondary setting.​ As high schoolers, we have thirteen years of
education. Teachers have four more years of higher education as well as certification.

- Additionally, the internet is incredibly unreliable. ​A Michigan State University Extension

educator published an article on the accuracy of the internet.​ She said, “We’ve all heard
the joke ‘If it’s on the Internet it must be true!’ In reality, anyone can create a website and
put information on the Internet whether it’s true or not. Often, entities that are selling a
product will only list the information that supports their products. It is important as
consumers that we seek out balanced, factual information.”

- In our experience, the majority of our teachers have not brought their personal opinions
into the classroom, especially not in an obvious way.​ While we have had teachers who
discriminate or teach based on their political opinions or religious beliefs, the majority
keep their personal and work life separate. Sometimes students make judgments about
what they ​think​ their teacher actually believes even if the teacher never alludes to their
personal beliefs. Those students tend to judge their teachers based on stereotypes and
perceived beliefs instead of the real experience of their teacher.

- “Stereotypes are stereotypes for a reason.” This statement rings true for most people.
Even though stereotypes do not represent ​everyone​ in a certain group, they do represent
some form of reality. The reason stereotypes exist is that someone found a trend within a
group. However, they wrongly put that judgment on everyone within that label. ​The
reason teenagers are seen as rebellious, unintelligent, and reckless is because there is a
trend of teens focusing on themselves and acting without thinking.​ ​However, most of us
can attest that the majority of our thoughts and actions are not stupid and reckless.
- Most teachers care about teaching. They wouldn’t sign up to sit in a classroom for eight
hours with a bunch of teenagers if they didn’t somewhat care. ​We have all had many
teachers who genuinely ​want​ to be teachers and it shows in their classrooms. They talk to
us about life and give us advice whenever they can.​ Our teachers are worthy of trust, but
they do not always talk to us in a way that causes us to trust them. ​We are fed incomplete
information through curriculums and judged based on assumptions about our character
before they’re proven true.

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