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A Proposal
Submitted as A Partial Fulfillment of Requirements to Obtain Strata One (S1)
Degree On English Department


Advisor I Advisor II

Febria Sri Artika, S.S., M.Pd. Irwandi, S.S., M. Pd

NIP. 198002012009122002 NIP. 197912262011011008







TABLE OF CONTENT..........................................................................


A. Background of The Problem.............................................................. 1

B. Problem and Focus of The Problem.................................................. 6
C. Research Question............................................................................. 7
D. Purpose of The Research................................................................... 7
E. Significance of The Research............................................................ 8
F. Definiton of The Key Terms.............................................................. 8


A. Review of The Related Theory......................................................... 10

1. Short Story as a Subject............................................................... 10
a. Aim of Studying Short Story.................................................. 10
b. Scope of Studying Short Story............................................... 12
2. Stylistic in Short Story............................................................... 15
a. Stylistic and Stylistic
Analysis.................................................................................... 15
b. Stylistic Analysis Categories.................................................... 16
B. Review of Relevant Studies............................................................. 28
C. Conceptual Framework..................................................................... 31


A. Kind of The Research.................................................................... 33

B. Data and Source of the Data.......................................................... 36
C. Technique of The Data Collection................................................. 36
D. Technique of The Data Analysis.................................................... 37
E. Triangulation of The Data............................................................. 38





A. Background of the problem

Language is one of the most important things that the human should

have. It is needed in interaction and communication processes around the society.

It is used to express the feelings, emotions, and tools for communication. Hence it

is needed not only in one place but also around the world. Even the International

Language has specified for the people to interact with others in different country

which also has different language. English as an International language is learned

by the people around the world includes Indonesia. One of the subjects that

essential to be learned is about linguistics.

The field of linguistics includes both science and humanities. Linguistics

connected with humanities, because brain is used by human to acquire the

language. Linguistics has two different side, at one side it relates to hard sciences

as physics and anatomy, and at the other, it involves such traditional arts subjects

as philosophy and literary criticism. Hence the researcher decided to investigate

the topic about literary works according to linguistics term.

Literary work uses language as medium. Some experts define the word

of literature as a written works.1 It was taken from the word of literature in

English comes from Littera in latin which can be defined as letter or written

Bachrudin Mushafa, Teori dan Praktik Sastra dalam Penelitian dan Pengajaran
(Jakarta: PT. Cahaya Insan Sejahtera, 2008), p. 21.

works. Literature according to Hudson, cited by Tarigan The exploration of the

phenomena by the people in life from the impressing experience which poured by

an author or a poet into the beautiful sentences.”2Simply, it can say that language

is a tool of expression in literary works. Thus to comprehend the language people

should learn about linguistics, especially in reading since it is related to a


According to Soenjono Dardjowidjojo there are two phases in reading,

beginning period and advanced period.3 The beginning period is a phase that

conducive human to have reading competencies which needs to notice two things

such as form and letter aliance pattern. Meanwhile the advanced period is not a

phase that relates to the aliances between letter and sound, but it is a phase where

a human should comprehend the meaning which implied in reading. Thus in this

phase human also can learn about linguistics.

Linguistic competence can be learned through four skills in english

which one of them is reading. Linguistic competence in reading can be reach by

understanding stylistics that defined as linguistic model or linguistic style in

words or sentences that the authors used in literary works. The researcher uses the

term stylistic because it is always related to literary works such as novel, short

story, poetry, etc. Moreover to comprehend linguistic by stylistic term, the

researcher choose a short story as the object of the research.

Hendri Guntur Tarigan, Prinsip-prinsip Dasar Sastra (Bandung: Angkasa, 2009), p.10.
Soenjono Dardjowidjojo, Psikolinguistik: Pengantar Pemahaman Bahasa Manusia
(Jakarta: Yayasan Obor Indonesia, 2003), p. 300.

One type of literary works is short story. It has received less attention

from literary scholars than the novel. The short story emerged as a more or less

independent text type at the end of eighteenth century, parallel to the development

of the novel and the news paper. It is a piece of prose fiction which can be read at

a single sitting. There is often little action and the plot is not very complex, but it

often has an abrupt beginning and surprise ending.

According to Mario Klarer, there are four most important elements of the

short story, plot, characters, narrative perspective, and setting. 4 Plot is related to

what is going happen in the story, character is who are acts, then narrative

perspective or point of view discuss about who sees what, and the last is setting

tell the reader about where and when do the events take place.

The short story also uses the language as a medium. Whether it is

interesting word or not, it depends on the ability of the author. The author tried to

create a variety of techniques to pay attention to the words in literary works.

Language is a tool that the author use to express the phenomena or the ideas in

story form. Thus, the author should be able to create interesting language because

of the language is an important role in the allure for the literary works.

Authors have different style to create a literary work in terms of

linguistic pattern. According to Short and Candlin in ALLS Journal, stylistic also

can define as an approach. It deal with an analysis of a literary text based on

Mario Klarer, An Introduction to Literary Studies (London and New York: Routledge,
2004), p. 14.

linguistic domain.5 The linguistic style that is used by the authors will be analyzed

as stylistic analysis. Leech and Short in Advances in Language and Literary

Studies journal, mentioned that, there are four stylistic analysis categories, they

are lexical categories, grammatical categories, figure of speech, and contex

cohesion.6 These categories are related to the style of the author to creat a literary


One American author Kate Chopin wrote two published novels and about

a hundred short stories in the 1890s. Most of her fiction is set in Lousiana and

most of her best-known work focuses on the lives of sensitive, intelligent women.

Her short stories were well received in her own time and were published by some

of American’s most prestigious magazines such as Vogue, The Atlantic Monthly,

Harper’s Young People, Youth’s Companion, and The Century.

Among the popular literary works by Kate Chopin, the researcher

decided to research one of her short stories which the title is “The Story of An

Hour.” The short story was written on April 19, 1894, and first published in

Vogue on December 6, 1894, under the tiltle “The Dream of an Hour,” one of

Kate Chopin stories that Vogue published. It was reprinted in St. Louis Life on

January 5, 1895.

The title of the short story “The Story of An Hour” refers to the time

elapsed between the moment at which the protagonist, Louise Mallard, hears that

Abdul Bari Khan, Stylistic Analysis of The Short Story ‘The Last Word’ By Dr. A. R.
Tabassum, Online published : Advances in Language and Literary Studies Journal (vol. 6/3), p. 1.
Retrieved from e-journals, on January, 2019.
Ibid., p. 2

her husband is dead. The theme of this story focus on the idea of freedom on

selfhood, self-fulfillment, the meaning of love, or possession of self-assertion. The

researcher provides the summary of “The Story of An Hour” by Kate Chopin as


“The Story of an Hour" follows Louise Mallard as she deals with the
news of her husband's death. When the news is broken to her, Mrs. Mallard begins
weeping into her sister, Josephine's, arms. She then goes to her room to be alone
and sits down in an armchair. She finds she feels relieved that she is free of her
husband. She begins looking forward to living her life for herself. Mrs. Mallard
keeps whispering to herself, "Free! Body and soul free!" and as Josephine listens
in to her sister from the other side of the door, she feels tells Louise to open the

After a few minutes, Mrs. Mallard gets out of her chair and opens the
door for Josephine and they both walk downstairs together. Upon arriving to the
bottom of the staircase, the front door opens and Mrs. Mallard's husband, Brently
Mallard, appears, alive and well. Josephine and Richards try to hide the sight from
Louise, but it is too late. When she sees that her husband is still alive, she lets out
a startled cry and dies from a heart attack.”

From the story above the researcher conclude that, Mrs. Mallard is

unhappy with her marriage. Because although she is burst in tears at first when

she hears the death of her husband, in deeply sorrow she think about the freedom

from him and her mind full with the happiness. Finally when she knows that Mr.

Mallard is still alive, she dies by a heart attack.

Based on preliminary research to the short story, “The Story of An Hour

by Kate Chopin, the researcher found that there were several types of figurative

speech that included to the stylistic analysis categories. Then the researcher

wanted to know the accurate meaning of it. Here, the researcher mentioned one

example types of figurative speech found in that story, Symbol.


Source Language

“Knowing that Mrs. Mallard was afflicted with a heart trouble, great
care was taken to break to her as gently as possible the news of her husband’s

Hidden meaning

The heart is commonly a symbol of individual’s emotions core. In the

first line above inform that Mrs. Mallard has heart trouble. Her physical heart
problem symbolize her emotional heart problems as it relates to marriage.

Based on the example above, the researcher assumed that the people who

were not a native English would be rather difficult to comprehend the hidden

meaning and the types of figurative speech with the other categories in that story.

The researcher need to know the categories in stylistic analysis and the meaning

behind the words or sentences. So that the researcher will discuss about stylistic

analysis categories in a short story.

Based on the phenomenon above, the researcher needs to investigate

deeply through a research under the title, “An Analysis of Stylistics Used in

Kate Chopin’s ‘The Story of An Hour’.”

B. Problem and Focus of The Problem

Based on the background of the problem, the researcher wanted to

identify the problem was the analysing of language use it self. There were

variations in the way of the author used language. Sometimes the variations

created ambiguity which was needed to be comprehended by found the accurate

meaning of the phrase or sentences in that story.


Based on the problem above, this research focuses on “An Analysis of

Stylistics Used in Kate Chopin’s ‘The Story of An Hour’.”

C. Research Questions

Based on the problem and focus of the research above, this research is

formulated as follow:

1. How is the stylistic categories employed in Kate Chopin’s “The Story

of An Hour?”

2. What are the meaning of the phrases and sentences that belong to the


D. Purpose of The Research

Based on the research question above, the purpose of this research is the

researcher wants to know deeply about stylistic analysis categories that implied in

the short story and its meaning. Furthermore, short story as the object of the

research because it is can be used as a media in learning English especially in

linguistic competence in reading through stylistic analysis. By studying stylistic

analysis, the students suppose that the short story not only a means of to amuse

but also an apliance to improve the linguistic competence. So that the researcher

decided to discuss about short story in linguistic pattern.


E. Significance of The Research

The result of this research hopefully can give contributions as follow:

1. For The College

Hopefully this thesis will be extra references for the next


2. For The English Teacher and Lecturers

Hopefully the teachers and the lecturers will get extra

informations and insight in the English Literary works.

3. For The Researcher

Hopefully this research can be the best experience for the

researcher and also help in order can be better for the next time in

writing activity.

4. For the Reader

Hopefully through reading this thesis, the reader inspirated to

write or read English Literary works more.

F. Definition of The Key Terms

In order to avoid misunderstanding, the researcher defines some essential

terms which are used in the title of the research. They are:

1. Short story can be defined as a piece of prose fiction which can be

read at a single sitting and there is often little action and the plot is

not very complex, but it often has an abrupt beginning and surprise

ending. One of the most famous literary works by Kate Chopin is a


short story entitled ‘The Story of An Hour’ as the object of the


2. Stylistic can be defined as the author’s style in linguistic pattern to

construct the idea, feeling, and expression into a literary works and

stylistic analysis defines as a way to investigate deeply about

linguistic style by the researcher in a literary work.



A. Review of Related Theories

1. Short Story as a Subject

Short story is one types of literary fiction in prose which consist of

at least 2,000 words but under 7,500 words. The boundary between a long

short story and a novella is vague. It is an invented prose narrative shorter

than a novel usually dealing with a few characters and aiming at unity of

effect and often consentrating on the creation of mood rather than plot.

a. Aim of Studying Short Story

Short story can be used as a media in teaching learning

English processes, but nowadays it is not too have high

attention by science involver. Whereas a short story can be a

means to learning four skills in English especially in reading

and linguistics. According to Suwignyo in Bambang Eko Haro

Cahyono in International Journal of Advanced Research said

that, there are four mental activity that involves in learning

short story7, they are:

1) To understand and enjoy short story

2) To put a high value on how short story writers are

Bambang Eko Hari Cahyono, “Short Story-Based Learning At The Indonesian
Education And Literature Study Programs Of Higher Education Institutions In Madiun Regency,
Indonesia: An Explorative Study”, Online published : International Journal of Advanced Research
(vol. 4/3), p. 413.
Retrieved from, on May, 2019.

3) To be sensitive to the values of the short story.

4) To appreciate the short story critically.

Based on the statement above the researcher conclude that

lerning English by a short story first of all the students will

enjoy the story because it is interesting. Then by a shory story,

the students will learn about the values that the authors implied

in the story. Finally the students will aware that a short story can

be a media to learning English favorably.

Brier & Lebbin state in the same journal that a short story

is a learning tool that has a big influence because of its potential

to stimulate students’ imagination and it is effective to improve

students’ understanding.8 The short story is able to explain

things that are still abstract and elusive to be more modest,

memory support, encourage teaching and learning situation to be

fun, and is able to minimize the time used in teaching and

learning. This study describes the achievements that have been

obtained in terms of delivering lectures in developing language

skills by using short stories. Through the mindset and attitudes

conducted by figures contained in the short stories, the inability

of students' proficiency in understanding literacy will be known

further. The achievement was obtained because a short story has

four characteristics that make it as a medium to convey

Ibid., p. 414.

proficiency, namely understanding, memory, exciting system,

and effectiveness.

b. Scope of Studying Short Story

1) Short Story Elements

According to Mario Klarer there are several most

important elements of the novel and short story9, they are:

(a) Plot

Plot is the logical interaction of the various

thematic elements of a text which lead to a

changeof the original situation as presented at the

outset of the narrative. An ideal traditional plot

line encompasses the four sequential levels:

exposition, complication, climax or turning point,

and resolution. The exposition or presentation of

the initial situation is disturbed by a complication

or conflict which produces suspense and

eventually leads to a climax, crisis, or turning

point. Then the climax is followed by a resolution

of the complication.

(b) Characters

Generally speaking, characters in a text can

define as types or as individuals. There are two

Mario Klarer, op. cit., p. 14-27.

kinds of characters, the first is flat character that

is dominated by one specific trait. The second is

the term round character that usually denotes a

person with more complex and differentiated

features. The existances of the characters

influencing the story. Thus, characters is really

needed because when a story without characters,

it will be not interesting by the readers.

(c) Narrative Perspective

The term narrative perspective or point of

view can define as a text that presents persons,

events, and setting. The three basic positions of

narrative perspective are:

(1) Omniscient point of view refer to the

acting figures in the third person and present the

action from an all knowing, God-like perspective.

(2) First-person narration is a person

involved in the action as seen through a

participating figure, who refers to her- or himself

in the first person.

(3) Figural narrative situation, the narrator

moves into background, suggesting that the plot


is reveald solely through the actions of the

characters in the text.

(d) Setting

Setting is another aspect included in analyse

of prose fiction. It is denotes the location,

historical period, and social surroundings in

which the action of a text developes. Authors

hardly ever choose a setting for its own sake, but

rather embed a story in a particular context of

time and place in order to support action,

characters, and narrative perspective on an

additional level.

2) How to Analyzing A Short Story

According to Academic Centers for Enrichment

Journal, analysing a short story or a literary analysis is not

just a plot summary10. It focuses on one or more elements

and makes a specific about how the elements related each

other. In summary to analyse a short story the students

need to know deeply about elements that belongs to the

short story such as the topics, characters involved, plot,

point of view, setting, figurative languages, even the values

that can be found in the short story. Meanwhile, in linguistic

Academic Centers for Enrichment Middlesex Comunity College, Lowell Writing
Center: LC-406B, 978-656-3365, Online Publish . p. 1.
Retrieve from E-journal on May, 19.

pattern to analyse a short story the students also should

learn about stylistic which related to how the authors create

a truth and beauty literary works.

2. Stylistic in Short Story

a. Stylistic and Stylistic Analysis

1) Stylistic

Abdul Bari Khan mentioned in ALLS Journals, “Stylistic is a

branch of applied linguistics, originated as a way of applying

linguistic models to literary text. Widdowson defines it as “The study

of literary discourse from a linguistic orientation.” According to Short

and Candlin stylistic is an approach to the analysis of literary texts

using linguistic description.”11 In summary stylistic can define as the

author’s style in linguistic form to construct the idea, feeling, and

expression into literary works.

2) Stylistic Analysis

Stylistic Analysis is how the way to investigate deeply the style

that the authors used in their works. Thornborrow and Wareing in

Abdul Bahri Khan Journals stated that, “ Link choices in text to social

and cultural context.”12 It means that the author takes the certain

choices for the stylistic in relation to the particular context.

Abdul Bari Khan, “Stylistic Analysis of The Short Story ‘The Last Word’ By Dr. A. R.
Tabassum”, Online published : Advances in Language and Literary Studies Journal (vol. 6/3), p. 1.
Retrieved from e-journals, on January, 2019.

b. Stylistic Analysis Categories

According to Leech and Short in ARIEL Journal, the stylistc

analysis of the given story has been carried out using the checklist of

stylistic categories.”13 These are the stylistic analysis categories:

1) Lexical Categories

Lexical categories similarly stated as part of speech or

classes of words which is the fundamental concern in linguistic

research. Lexical category is generally used to describe the

categories of noun, verb, adjective, and possibly certain others.

There are four major types of vocabulary, High Frequency

Words, Academic Words, Technical Words, and Low

Frequency words.

The first is High Frequency words. This type devided into

two main parts which are function words, for example: at, a,

you and content word that includes some classes of words like

nouns, verbs, and adjectives. The second type is Academic

Words which can defined as words for special purposes in

certain area. The next is Technical Words, this type of words

are explain about the concepts, phenomena, experiments, tools,,

softwares,engineering terms, science term and so on. Technical

Words does not have synonym or similar words. For example

the word Logarithm, Acetic Acid, Microsoft Office, etc. The last
Waseem Hasan Malik,, “Stylistic in Fiction : A Stylistic Analysis of The Bull and
The She Devil”, Online published : ARIEL Journal (vol. 26), p. 1.
Retrieved from , on January, 2019.

type is Low Frequency Word. A word is considered as low

frequency if the word is not commonly used in the text, for

example the word strait.

2) Grammatical Categories

Grammatical categories show the certain style of the

authors in the story. The discussion of this category commonly

about tense, number, and gender. Although the use of terms

varies from author to author, a distinction should be made

between grammatical categories and lexical categories. Lexical

categories largely correspond to the parts of speech of

traditional grammar, and refer to nouns, adjectives, etc. Thus

another way to define grammatical category is as a category

that expresses meanings from a single conceptual domain,

contrast with other categories, and is expressed through

formally similar expression.

Grammatical category divided into several classification:

a) Sentence type

Based on the function there are three sentence

types, they are Declarative, Interrogative, and

Imperative Sentence. Declarative sentence is a

sentence which state an idea. It does not give a

command, request, or ask a questions. For example: I

know how to write this book Meanwhile interrogative


sentence is a sentence that asks a direct question and

has a question mark at the end of the sentence. For

example: Do you have a minute? Furthermore

imperative sentence asks, request, or command

someone to do something. For example: Open the door


b) Sentence Complexity

In general there are two main structures of

sentences, simple and complex sentences. This

classificataion differentiate the sentences based on the

complexity. A sentence is considered as a simple

sentence whenever it contains only a single clause or

has one subject and one verb. For example: The baby

cried for the food. Hence, a sentence which consist of

two or more clause is included into a complex

sentence. For example: After eating lunch at The

Cheesecake factory, Tim went to the gym to exercise.

In this sentence The independent clause is ‘Tim went

to the gym to exercise.” The subordinating clause

before it is dependent on the main, independent clause.

If one were to say “after eating lunch at The

Cheesecake Factory,” it would be an incomplete


c) Noun Phrase

This classification discusses the complexity of

the noun phrase in a text. There are three components

in describing a complex noun phrase, such as first is

the head. It can define as something around which the

other components cluster and which dictates concord

and other kinds of congruence with the rest of the

sentence outside the noun phrase. The second is The

Pre-modification. It comprises all the items placed

before the head – notably adjectives and nouns. The

last is The Post-modification. It comprises all the items

placed after the head – notably prepositional phrases,

non-finite clauses, and relative clauses. For example,

in the noun phrase The nice baby crying in the

bedroom, the Head is baby, the Pre-modification is the

nice, and The Post-modification is in the bedroom and

crying is verb.

3) Figure of Speech

Figure of speech basically used by the authors to make

expression of the language more beautiful and effective in order

to the message in the story can be delivered indirectly to the

readers. Gautam stated in Lok Raj Regmi NELTA Journal that,

“A figure of speech is a way of saying something other than the


literal way. It adds extra dimention to language and reveals one

thing by relating it to something else.”14 Furthermore Gray

stated, “Any form of expression or grammar which deviates

from the plainest expression of meaning is designated a figure

of speech.” 15

A figure of speech expresses an idea, thought, or image

with words which carry meanings beyond the literal meaning.

more specifically according to Christina Alm-Arvius figurative

language can be defined as, “The occurence of words and

formulations that have some kind of extended or transferred

meaning.”16 It means that figurative language is the way of

words formulated into a beautiful word which can not be

translated literally. Morover Wales stated in Winnie Lingua

Cultura Journal that, “Figurative language uses unusual feature

semantically or grammatically, while figures of speech are used

in creating imagination by comparing two or more different

things.”17 It can be said that figure of speech is the choices

words that the authors use to make the expression more

beautiful and interesting to be read.

Lok Raj Regmi, Analysis and Use of Figures of Speech, Online published : NELTA
Surkhet Journal (vol. 4), p. 77.
Retrieved from e-journal , on January, 2019.
Christina Alm-Arvius, Figures of Speech, (Sweden: Studentlitterature, 2003), p. 9.
Winnie; Akun, The Study of Figurative Languages Using Stylistic Theory in What My
Mother Doesn’t Know By Sonya Sones, Online published : Jurnal Lingua Cultura (vol. 2/2), p. 159.
Retrieve from, , on July 2019.

In one source the researcher found the types of figure of

speech18, they are:

a) Metaphor

According to Sven P. Birket, metaphor is the

substitutions of word for a word whose meaning is

close to the original word. A metaphor is literally a

“carrying across, or substitution. Wren and Martin say

that a metaphor is an implied simile. It does not like

the simile, state one thing is like another or acts as

another, but takes that for granted and proceeds as if

the two things were one. According to Hall a

metaphore resembles a simile by talking about one

thing in terms of another, but a netaphor’s comparison

is implicit, it does not use like, or as, seems or

appears. A metaphor is generally supposed to be one

thing equated with another thing, such as: “a” is “b”.

Where “a” is something and “b” is some non-related

thing, but have some common ground; that common

ground is supposed to give understanding. Foer

example: Oh, she is a flower! It means that the girl is

not really a flower. The flower can defines as one of

Gorys Keraf, Diksi & Gaya Bahasa, (Jakarta: PT. Gramedia, 1986), p.112.

the characters of a woman that is beautiful and

gorgeous like a flower.

b) Personification

Personification is an inanimate object or animal is

given human qualities. It gives an inhuman thing

human quality or assigns human qualities or abilities to

abstract or to intimate objects or it means the

attribution of personal nature or character to inanimate

objects or abstract notions, especially, as a rheorical

figure.19 According to Katharine Barnwell,

personification is a figure of speech in which an

abstract idea, or something which is not alive, is

treated as thought it were person.20 Personification is

not a natural form in all languages, or in all contexts,

so it may sometimes be necessary to adjust the form.

Personification permits us to use knowledge about

aourselves to comprehend other aspects of the world,

such as time death, natural forces inanimate objects,

etc.21 For example: The wind has hit my cheek at the

beach. In this sentence the wind has hit the cheeck. In

Laurence Urdang, The Random House Dictionary The English Language, (New York :
Random House, 1968), p. 191.
Katharine Barnwell, Introduction to Semiotic and Translation, (England : Summer
Institute of Linguistic, 1980), p.116.
Zolth Koverseas, Metaphor A Practical Introduction, (New York : Oxford University
Press, 2002), p. 49.

reality the wind does not have hand to hit someone, so

it can conclude that at the beach there are strong wind.

c) Apostrophe

Apostrophe, speaking to an inanimate object, or

to a person who is absent. Apostrophe is a figure of

speech that literally means “a turning away.” It occurs

in poetry when the speaker addresses words to some

person or thing, very often calling it to mind in its

absence. For example: Oh! Stars and clouds and

winds, ye are all about to mock me.

d) Simile

Simile is two things shown to be similar in some

way. According to Wren and Martin, simile is a

comparison made between two objects of different

kinds which have, however, at least one point in

common.22A simile is a direct comparison that omits

“like” or “as”.23 For example : She can swim as fast as

a fish. This sentences can be defined as a girl a has an

ability to swim or a person who can swim pretty well.

e) Hyperbole

Hyperbole is an exaggeration to effect an

emotional response. Wren and Martin says that in

Siswantoro, Op. Cit., p. 24.
Gillepsie, Fonseca, and Sanger, Literature Across Culture, (USA: Allyn and Bacon,
1994), p. 989.

hyperbole a statement is made emphatic by

overstatement.24 It is an exaggerated or extravagant

statement used to make a strong impression, but not

intended to be taken literally. For example: I will die if

I do not pass the exam.

f) Antithesis

Antithesis is a repetition of clauses or idea by

negation. For Example: Man propose, God disposes.

g) Synecdoche

Synecdoche is a part represents the whole or a

part is used to designate the whole. Synecdoche is the

substitution of part for whole, genus for species, or

vice versa. Synecdoche makes us of a part to indicate a

whole. For example: The word “bread” refers to food

or money as in “Writing is my bread and butter” or

“sole breadwinner”.

h) Paradox

Paradox is a seemingly self contradictory

statement, which yet is shown to be true. According to

Perrine, paradox is an apparent contradiction that is

nevertheless somehow true.25 Paradox is a statement

that appears to be contradictory and absurd but

Siswantoro, Op. Cit., p. 34.
Siswantoro, Op. Cit., p. 41.

displays an element of truth.26 For example: For what

the waves could never wash away.

i) Metonymy

Metonymy is one thing used to refer to another

(related and used foor reference, not understanding).

Metonymy is similar to a metaphor, but different

function. The function of a metaphor is understanding

via comparison. The function of a metonymy is simply

reference, no more. A noun is substituted for a noun in

such a way that we substitute the cause of thing of

which we are speaking for the thing itself; this might

be done in several ways; substituting the inventor for

his invention, the container for thing contained or vice

versa, an author for his work, the sign for the thing

signified, the cause for the effect or vice versa, an

author for his work, the sign for the thing signified, the

cause for the effect or vise versa. For example: The

pen is mightier than the sword. The pen stands in for

the written word and sword stands in for military

aggression and force.

Gillespie, Fonseca, and Sanger, Op. Cit., p. 990.

j) Irony

Irony is expressing a meaning directly contrary to

that suggested by the words. Irony is a dryly humorous

or lightly sarcastic mode of speech, in which words are

used to convey a meaning contrary to their literal

sense. For example: If we look out the window in the

morning and see the dull clouds and rain, we may

exclaim, “Oh, don’t you just love this kind of day for a

picnic?” and the word love will of course convey a

meaning something like that of hate.

k) Litotes

Litotes is deliberate understatement or denial of

the contrary. It is an emphatic statement made by

saying that the opposite idea is not true. For example:

They do not seem the happiest couple around.

l) Symbol

Perrine says that a symbol may be defined as

something that means more than what it is.27 For

example: Some dirty dogs stole my wallet at the bus.

The words ‘Some dirty dogs’ simbolize the thiefs.

m) Allusion

Siswantoro, Op. Cit., p. 43.

A literary allusion is a brief reference to a person,

place, or event drawn from or literature. Allusions are

effective not because of the meaning of the words

themselves but because of the association or

connotations that allusive words carry for the

intelligent reader. For example: This will be the day

when all of God's children will be able to sing


4) Context and Cohesion

a) Context

Context is a frame that surrounds the even and provides

resources for its appropriate interpretation. In linguistic

pattern verbal context refers to the text or speech

surrounding an expression like word, sentence, or speech

act. Verbal context influences the way an expression is

understood. In words context can define as the scope of the

story that the author used in the story. It can depen on the

condition, situation, and the author interest with something

around them.

There are two types of contex, linguistic and non-

linguistic context. Linguistic context is the language that

surrounds or accompanies a piece of discourse under

analysis. On the other hand, the non-linguistic context is the


experiential context within which the discourse takes place.

It includes the type of communicative event, the topic, the

purpose of the event, the setting, the participants and the

relationships between them, and the background knowledge

and assumptions underlying the communicative event.

b) Cohesion

Cohesion is the grammatical and lexical linking within

a text or sentence that holds a text together and gives it

meaning. There are two types of cohesion, the first is

grammatical cohesion which is based on structural content.

The second is lexical cohesion which is based on lexical

content and background knowledge. Cohesion can defined

as a way in which sentences are connected and how the

connections are made, for example by using coordinating

conjunction, linking adverbials, word repetition, etc.

B. Review of Relevant Studies

To support this research, some relevant studies are conducted by some

researchers. First, the researcher conducted by Esa Yolanda Putri the student of

English Letter Department of Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University,

Faculty of Letters and Humanities Jakarta. Her thesis title was “An analysis of

Stylistics in Dear John Novel by Nicholas Sparks. Her thesis focuses on the

analyzing of stylistic that discuss the figurative language used by the author in

Dear John novel. The aims of her research is to know the style used by the

author at his literary work. The result of her research is the writer concludes the

most common figures of speech may be grouped in three categories : figures of

comparison, figures of contrast, and figures of assosiation. The relevant of her

research with the researcher is the focuses of the research, which is the

researcher also want to investigate the figure of speech in the story. The

differences from the categories and the types of figure of speech that the

researcher and the writer discuss. Then while the researcher used a short story as

a object going to be research, the writer used a novel.

Another relevant studies was conducted by Diyah Henny Puspitasari, the

student of English Letters and Language Department Faculty of Humanities and

Culture, The State Islamic University of Malang. Her thesis title was “ Language

Style Analysis on Anton Chekhov’s The Boor’ Play.” The aims of her research

is to know about the language style used in text of the drama tragedy entitled

The Boor. The result of her study shows that levels of language style used in the

“The Boor” are formal, informal, and colloquial style. The relevance with the

researcher are the same of method, that is qualitative and the difference is on the

focus of the research and the writer used a text of drama as the research material.

The last relevant study was conducted by Muhammad Ilhamuddin the

student of English Department Faculty of Adab and Cultural Science State

Islamic University Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. His thesis title was “Stylistic

Analysis of Sir Walter Ralegh’s ‘What is Our Life?’.” The aim of this research is

to describe the special features of the poet’s language style in Sir Walter

Ralegh’s “What is Our Life?” The result of discussion shows that the special

features of the poet’s language style arepresented through variations of different

word order, turning over units to form sentence and turning on the atmosphere

image of thought or the poet’s message. The relevance with the researcher is the

method as qualitative research. The difference is the writer used a poet as object

of the research.

In this research, the researcher focuses on stylistic analysis in the figures

of speech category that the author used in the short story, “The Story of An

Hour” by Kate Chopin. The researcher found that there are several figures of

speech in that story. This research be covered entitled “Stylistic Analysis of a

Short Story ‘The Story of An Hour’ by Kate Chopin.”


C. Conceptual Framework

Conceptually, the framework of the research is illustrated as the

following figure:

Short Story

Kate Chopin’s The Story of an Hour

Instrinsic Aspect

Stylistic Analysis

Stylistic Analysis Categories

Lexical Grammatical Figures of Context and

Category Category Speech Cohesion

An Analysis of Stylistic Used in Kate Chopin’s Short Story ‘The Story of An


What are the Stylistic Analysis Categories that implied in a Short Story “The
Story of An Hour” by Kate Chopin and what are the meaning of the phrases
or sentences that belong to the categories?

The diagram above explains the conceptual framework. From the

Literature subject, the researcher choose a short story as the object of the research.

Kate chopin’s ‘The Story of An Hour’ is one of the others famous works that the

researcher wanted to discuss. Then the researcher interested to investigate intrinsic

aspect of the short story. Thus, stylistic analysis is a way that the researcher

choose to know deeply about linguistic style by the author. Finally the researcher

will analyse the short story by stylistic analysis categories which according to

Leech and Short, they are lexical category, grammatical category, figures of

speech, and context and cohesion.




D. Kind of The Research

In designing this research the researcher uses qualitative content analysis

research. The qualitative research is concerned with qualitative phenomena that

relates to quality or variety. Such type of reserach is typically descriptive and

harder to analyze than quantitative data. Qualitative research involves looking in-

depth at non-numerical data and more naturalistic or anthropological.28 Thus the

qualitative research relates to how the researcher processess the data in words not

in numerical. Qualitative research aims to comprehend the social phenomena

based on the people perspective.

The qualitative method is used to research about the natural objective

condition. In this method the instrument is human who is the researcher herself

(human instrument).29 The researcher as the key instrumentation should has the

knowledges and theories to analyse the data. The result of qulitative research is

used to get the data deeply and for collecting the data it uses the depth interview,

observation, and documentation.

The researcher’s aims uses the quliatative research is to explore the

knowledge about stylistic especially figures of speech. Not only to know about

the types of figures of speech but also the meaning of sentences that contain in it.

Donald Ary, Introduction to Research in Education, (USA : McGrawHill, 2006), p.
Prof. Dr. Suryana, M. Si, Metodologi Penelitian Model Praktis Penelitian Kuantitatif
dan Kualitatif, ( Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, 2010), p. 40.

Therefore, the researcher collect the data from the original text by read the tex

many times and find the sources about figures of speech and its meaning.

Content analysis applies significance or meaning to information you

have collected and helps to identify patterns in the text. Content Analysis is an

extremely broad area of research. Its coverage includes both quantitative and

qualitative approaches to analysis. Krippendoff has stated content analysis to be

simply a research technique for making replicable and valid inferences from data

to their context.30 To conduct a content analysis, the data are coded or grouped in

to categories. These categories or codes will include words or theme, word

senses, phrases, or whole sentences. Once coded, the textual data are interpreted

and the result of the analysis provided. This process is shown in box below:

David Wilkinson and Peter Birmingham, Using Research Instruments: A Guid for
researchers, (London : RoutletgeFalmer, 2003), p. 68.

Figure 2.1 Content Analysis Flowchart

Identify the topic of your research

Establish content categories

Test the categories generated

Collect data

Analyse content of data and provide result

Qualitative research is concerned with capturing the richness, and

describing the unique complexities of data. Some argue that counting numbers so

dilutes the quality of the information collected as to make it of little use.

Additionally, there are many researchers who argue that themes and issues can be

determined more readily through a qualitative, more holistic, approach rather than

by employing advanced statistical and analytical techniques. Reading a number of

newspaper articles to establish key issues, rather than subjecting them to

predefined searches for key words and phrases, allows a more thorough and

accurate analysis to take place.


It is often the case that themes and issues can be established quickly

using a qualitative approach, rather than the more resource-intensive and time

consuming quantitative approach. The former requires no predefined coding

frame to be applied; nor does it require complex numerical analysis.31 Thus,

content analysis is one of the techniques instrumentation that match with the

qualitative research which the researcher analyse the story by the content in

original text.

E. Data and Source of Data

The object of this research is a short story by Kate Chopin entitle The

Story of An Hour. The researcher finds the story from copyright by Holt,

Rinehart, and Winston that originally published at 1894. This research deal with

the context of the original text. After the researcher read the story in one time,

there were several unfamiliar sentences and words that could not translated

literally and could not get the true meaning of the sentences even the researcher

could not comprehend the story at all. Then the researcher tried to read the story

many times and found that there are several types of figures of speech in the

story. Thus the researcher searched the sources that relates to figures of speech

and its meaning then reread the story again.

F. Technique of Data Collection

Instrumentation is one of important part in a research. The instrument is

needed to get the information to answer the research questions. The instrument of

Ibid., p. 76.

the research should be designed optimally to get the real data. In this research the

researcher used documantation to get the data from the original text. The

researcher also uses the human instrument as one of the characteristics of a

qualitative research.

Documentation is one kinds of instrumentation that the researcher

searches the data about the variable in form of texts such as notes, transcript,

books, magazines, agenda, and so on.32 In this instrument, the researcher

perseived inanimate object. The researcher uses the documentation instrument

because object of the research in text form which is a literary works a short story

by Kate Chopin under the title “The Story of An Hour.” The researcher uses the

original text to collect the data to answer the research questions about stylistics

analysis that concern on the figurative language. Furthermore the researcher

wants to investigate this story because extracted to know the style of the author’s

works and types of figures of speech that is used in this story. Finally after read

the story the researcher found several figures of speech that is used by author to

make the allure of the story more interesting.

G. Technique of Data Analysis

In this step, the researcher analyzed the data that had been collected to

get the conclusion. Analysis of data is a process to analyze and interpret the data

Dr. Sandu Siyoto, SKM., M. Kes and M. Ali Sodik, M.A, Dasar Metodologi
Penelitian, (Yogyakarta: Literasi Media, 2015), p. 78.

to find the various information that is suitable with is function.33 So that, the data

must be clear and relates with the purpose of the research.

The researcher’s step were:

1. Firstly, data collection. The researcher collected the data from the

sources such as the short story and the material about stylistic

analysis categories.

2. Secondly, data reduction. The researcher made the summary of the

data and focused on the research aspects.

3. Thirdly, display the data. The researcher made the result of the data

that have been found by explaining the data to know the stylistic

analysis categories implied by the author in the short story.

4. Finally, the researcher concluded the data that there were belong to

the stylistic categories and found the meaning of each words or

sentences in the short story.

H. Triangulation of The Data

In doing the research, the researcher also used triangulation of the data.

According to Johnson Honorene in Scholarly Research Journal for

Interdisciolinary studies, triangulation is a powerful technique that facilitates

validation of data through cross veriification from two or more sources.34 Denzin

Wina Sanjaya, Pendidikan Tindakan Kelas: 2nd ed, Jakarta: Kencana Persada Media
Group, 2010), p. 106.
Johnson Honore, “Understanding The Role of Triangulation in Research”, Online
Published:Scholarly Research Journal For Interdisciplinary Studies (vol. 4/31), p. 1.
Retrieved from ,on March 03, 2019.

and Patton in Johnson Honorene in Scholarly Research Journal for

Interdisciplinary studies identify four types of triangulation35:

1. Methods Triangulation, to check the consistency of findings that is got

by different methods of data collection. It is common to have

qualitative and quantitative data in a study. These elucidate

complementary aspects of the same phenomenon. Often the points

were these datadiverge are of great interest to the qualitative researcher

and provide the most insights.

2. Triangulation of sources, examining the consistency of different data

sources from within the same method. For example: at different points

in time; in public vs. private settings; comparing people with different

view points.

3. Analyst Triangulation, using multiple analyst to review findings or

using multiple observers and analyst. This can provide a check on

selective perception and illuminate blind spots in an interpretive

analysis. The goal is not to seek consensus, but to understand multiple

ways of seeing the data.

4. Theory/ perspective triangulation, using multiple theoretical

perspective to examine and interpret the data.

For the research the researcher used triangulation source in which it means

that the researcher got the data from the various sources by using the same


Ibid., p. 1-2.


“The Story of an Hour” follows Louise Mallard as she deals with the
news of her husband's death. When the news is broken to her, Mrs. Mallard begins
weeping into her sister, Josephine's, arms. She then goes to her room to be alone
and sits down in an armchair. She finds she feels relieved that she is free of her
husband. She begins looking forward to living her life for herself. Mrs. Mallard
keeps whispering to herself, "Free! Body and soul free!" and as Josephine listens
in to her sister from the other side of the door, she feels tells Louise to open the

After a few minutes, Mrs. Mallard gets out of her chair and opens the
door for Josephine and they both walk downstairs together. Upon arriving to the
bottom of the staircase, the front door opens and Mrs. Mallard's husband, Brently
Mallard, appears, alive and well. Josephine and Richards try to hide the sight from
Louise, but it is too late. When she sees that her husband is still alive, she lets out
a startled cry and dies from a heart attack.


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