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CAGANDAHAN, [c]ertificate of Jennifer Cagandahan upon payment of the prescribed

QUISUMBING, J.: a) By changing the name from Jennifer Cagandahan to
This is a petition for review under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court raising purely JEFF CAGANDAHAN; and
questions of law and seeking a reversal of the Decision[1] dated January 12, 2005 of the Regional b) By changing the gender from female to MALE.
Trial Court (RTC), Branch 33 of Siniloan, Laguna, which granted the Petition for Correction of It is likewise ordered that petitioner’s school records, voter’s
Entries in Birth Certificate filed by Jennifer B. Cagandahan and ordered the following changes of registry, baptismal certificate, and other pertinent records are hereby
entries in Cagandahan’s birth certificate: (1) the name “Jennifer Cagandahan” changed to “Jeff amended to conform with the foregoing corrected data.
Cagandahan” and (2) gender from “female” to “male.” SO ORDERED.[3]
The facts are as follows. Thus, this petition by the Office of the Solicitor General (OSG) seeking a reversal of
On December 11, 2003, respondent Jennifer Cagandahan filed a Petition for the abovementioned ruling.
Correction of Entries in Birth Certificate[2] before the RTC, Branch 33 of Siniloan, Laguna. The issues raised by petitioner are:
In her petition, she alleged that she was born on January 13, 1981 and was THE TRIAL COURT ERRED IN GRANTING THE PETITION CONSIDERING
registered as a female in the Certificate of Live Birth but while growing up, she developed THAT:
secondary male characteristics and was diagnosed to have Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia I.
(CAH) which is a condition where persons thus afflicted possess both male and female THE REQUIREMENTS OF RULES 103 AND 108 OF THE RULES OF COURT
characteristics. She further alleged that she was diagnosed to have clitoral hyperthropy in HAVE NOT BEEN COMPLIED WITH; AND,
her early years and at age six, underwent an ultrasound where it was discovered that she has II.
small ovaries. At age thirteen, tests revealed that her ovarian structures had minimized, she CORRECTION OF ENTRY UNDER RULE 108 DOES NOT ALLOW CHANGE OF
has stopped growing and she has no breast or menstrual development. She then alleged that “SEX” OR “GENDER” IN THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE, WHILE RESPONDENT’S
for all interests and appearances as well as in mind and emotion, she has become a male MEDICAL CONDITION, i.e., CONGENITAL ADRENAL HYPERPLASIA DOES NOT
person. Thus, she prayed that her birth certificate be corrected such that her gender be MAKE HER A “MALE.”[4]
changed from female to male and her first name be changed from Jennifer to Jeff. Simply stated, the issue is whether the trial court erred in ordering the correction
The petition was published in a newspaper of general circulation for three (3) of entries in the birth certificate of respondent to change her sex or gender, from female to
consecutive weeks and was posted in conspicuous places by the sheriff of the court. The male, on the ground of her medical condition known as CAH, and her name from “Jennifer”
Solicitor General entered his appearance and authorized the Assistant Provincial Prosecutor to “Jeff,” under Rules 103 and 108 of the Rules of Court.
to appear in his behalf. The OSG contends that the petition below is fatally defective for non-compliance
To prove her claim, respondent testified and presented the testimony of Dr. with Rules 103 and 108 of the Rules of Court because while the local civil registrar is an
Michael Sionzon of the Department of Psychiatry, University of the Philippines-Philippine indispensable party in a petition for cancellation or correction of entries under Section 3,
General Hospital. Dr. Sionzon issued a medical certificate stating that respondent’s condition Rule 108 of the Rules of Court, respondent’s petition before the court a quo did not implead
is known as CAH. He explained that genetically respondent is female but because her body the local civil registrar.[5] The OSG further contends respondent’s petition is fatally defective
secretes male hormones, her female organs did not develop normally and she has two sex since it failed to state that respondent is a bona fide resident of the province where the
organs – female and male. He testified that this condition is very rare, that respondent’s petition was filed for at least three (3) years prior to the date of such filing as mandated
uterus is not fully developed because of lack of female hormones, and that she has no under Section 2(b), Rule 103 of the Rules of Court. [6] The OSG argues that Rule 108 does not
monthly period. He further testified that respondent’s condition is permanent and allow change of sex or gender in the birth certificate and respondent’s claimed medical
recommended the change of gender because respondent has made up her mind, adjusted to condition known as CAH does not make her a male.[7]
her chosen role as male, and the gender change would be advantageous to her. On the other hand, respondent counters that although the Local Civil Registrar of
The RTC granted respondent’s petition in a Decision dated January 12, 2005 which Pakil, Laguna was not formally named a party in the Petition for Correction of Birth
reads: Certificate, nonetheless the Local Civil Registrar was furnished a copy of the Petition, the
The Court is convinced that petitioner has satisfactorily shown Order to publish on December 16, 2003 and all pleadings, orders or processes in the course
that he is entitled to the reliefs prayed [for]. Petitioner has adequately of the proceedings,[8] respondent is actually a male person and hence his birth certificate has
presented to the Court very clear and convincing proofs for the granting to be corrected to reflect his true sex/gender,[9] change of sex or gender is allowed under
of his petition. It was medically proven that petitioner’s body produces Rule 108,[10] and respondent substantially complied with the requirements of Rules 103 and
male hormones, and first his body as well as his action and feelings are 108 of the Rules of Court.[11]
that of a male. He has chosen to be male. He is a normal person and Respondent undisputedly has CAH. This condition causes the early or
wants to be acknowledged and identified as a male. “inappropriate” appearance of male characteristics. A person, like respondent, with this
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the Civil Register of Pakil, condition produces too much androgen, a male hormone. A newborn who has XX
Laguna is hereby ordered to make the following corrections in the birth chromosomes coupled with CAH usually has a (1) swollen clitoris with the urethral opening at
the base, an ambiguous genitalia often appearing more male than female; (2) normal internal
structures of the female reproductive tract such as the ovaries, uterus and fallopian tubes; as female but he did not. He chose not to do so. Nature has instead taken its due course in
the child grows older, some features start to appear male, such as deepening of the voice, respondent’s development to reveal more fully his male characteristics.
facial hair, and failure to menstruate at puberty. About 1 in 10,000 to 18,000 children are In the absence of a law on the matter, the Court will not dictate on respondent
born with CAH. concerning a matter so innately private as one’s sexuality and lifestyle preferences, much less
CAH is one of many conditions[21] that involve intersex anatomy. During the on whether or not to undergo medical treatment to reverse the male tendency due to
twentieth century, medicine adopted the term “intersexuality” to apply to human beings CAH. The Court will not consider respondent as having erred in not choosing to undergo
who cannot be classified as either male or female.[22] The term is now of widespread treatment in order to become or remain as a female. Neither will the Court force respondent
use. According to Wikipedia, intersexuality “is the state of a living thing of to undergo treatment and to take medication in order to fit the mold of a female, as society
agonochoristic species whose sex chromosomes, genitalia, and/or secondary sex commonly currently knows this gender of the human species. Respondent is the one who
characteristics are determined to be neither exclusively male nor female. An organism has to live with his intersex anatomy. To him belongs the human right to the pursuit of
withintersex may have biological characteristics of both male and female sexes.” happiness and of health. Thus, to him should belong the primordial choice of what courses
Intersex individuals are treated in different ways by different cultures. In most of action to take along the path of his sexual development and maturation. In the absence of
societies, intersex individuals have been expected to conform to either a male or female evidence that respondent is an “incompetent”[27] and in the absence of evidence to show
gender role.[23] Since the rise of modern medical science in Western societies, that classifying respondent as a male will harm other members of society who are equally
some intersex people with ambiguous external genitalia have had their genitalia surgically entitled to protection under the law, the Court affirms as valid and justified the respondent’s
modified to resemble either male or female genitals.[24] More commonly, position and his personal judgment of being a male.
an intersex individual is considered as suffering from a “disorder” which is almost always In so ruling we do no more than give respect to (1) the diversity of nature; and (2)
recommended to be treated, whether by surgery and/or by taking lifetime medication in how an individual deals with what nature has handed out. In other words, we respect
order to mold the individual as neatly as possible into the category of either male or female. respondent’s congenital condition and his mature decision to be a male. Life is already
In deciding this case, we consider the compassionate calls for recognition of the difficult for the ordinary person. We cannot but respect how respondent deals with
various degrees of intersex as variations which should not be subject to outright denial. “It his unordinary state and thus help make his life easier, considering the unique circumstances
has been suggested that there is some middle ground between the sexes, a ‘no-man’s land’ in this case.
for those individuals who are neither truly ‘male’ nor truly ‘female’.”[25] The current state of As for respondent’s change of name under Rule 103, this Court has held that a
Philippine statutes apparently compels that a person be classified either as a male or as a change of name is not a matter of right but of judicial discretion, to be exercised in the light
female, but this Court is not controlled by mere appearances when nature itself of the reasons adduced and the consequences that will follow.[28] The trial court’s grant of
fundamentally negates such rigid classification. respondent’s change of name from Jennifer to Jeff implies a change of a feminine name to a
In the instant case, if we determine respondent to be a female, then there is no masculine name. Considering the consequence that respondent’s change of name merely
basis for a change in the birth certificate entry for gender. But if we determine, based on recognizes his preferred gender, we find merit in respondent’s change of name. Such a
medical testimony and scientific development change will conform with the change of the entry in his birth certificate from female to male.
showing the respondent to be other than female, then a change in the WHEREFORE, the Republic’s petition is DENIED. The Decision dated January 12,
subject’s birth certificate entry is in order. 2005 of the Regional Trial Court, Branch 33 of Siniloan, Laguna, isAFFIRMED. No
Biologically, nature endowed respondent with a mixed (neither consistently and pronouncement as to costs.
categorically female nor consistently and categorically male) composition. Respondent has SO ORDERED.
female (XX) chromosomes. However, respondent’s body system naturally produces high
levels of male hormones (androgen). As a result, respondent has ambiguous genitalia and EN BANC
the phenotypic features of a male. G.R. No. 172776 December 17, 2008
Ultimately, we are of the view that where the person is biologically or COMMISSION ON HIGHER EDUCATION, petitioner,
naturally intersex the determining factor in his gender classification would be what the vs.
individual, like respondent, having reached the age of majority, with good reason thinks of ATTY. FELINA S. DASIG, respondent.
his/her sex. Respondent here thinks of himself as a male and considering that his body DECISION
produces high levels of male hormones (androgen) there is preponderant biological support PER CURIAM:
for considering him as being male. Sexual development in cases of intersexpersons makes This is a Rule 45 petition for review1 of the 15 September 20032 Decision and 18 May 2008
the gender classification at birth inconclusive. It is at maturity that the gender of such Resolution3 of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 61302.
persons, like respondent, is fixed. The factual antecedents of the case follows.
Respondent here has simply let nature take its course and has not taken unnatural Respondent Felina Dasig (Dasig) was the Chief Education Program Specialist of the Standards
steps to arrest or interfere with what he was born with. And accordingly, he has already Development Division, Office of Programs and Standards, of petitioner Commission on
ordered his life to that of a male. Respondent could have undergone treatment and taken Higher Education (CHED). She had also served as the officer-in-charge of the Legal Affairs
steps, like taking lifelong medication,[26] to force his body into the categorical mold of a Service (LAS) of the CHED.
In a Memorandum dated 9 October 1998,4 the Director of the LAS brought to the attention of committee to dismiss her from the service as her actions constituted gross misconduct,
the CHED several complaints on the alleged anomalous activities of Dasig during her stint as dishonesty, and conduct prejudicial to the best interest of the service.11 The Civil Service
the officer-in-charge of LAS. Attached to the memorandum were the sworn affidavits of the Commission (CSC) upheld the decision of the CHED12 and denied Dasig's motion for
complainants.5 The complainants consisted of Rosalie Dela Torre (Dela Torre), Rocella Eje reconsideration.13
(Eje) and Jacqueline Ng (Ng), students who applied to have their names corrected in their Dasig filed a petition for review under Rule 43 with the Court of Appeals and raised four
scholastic records to conform with their birth certificates; Maximina Sister (Sister), the CHED issues before it.14 The first issue was whether Dasig was denied due process of law; the
Human Resource Management Assistant assigned to the Records Unit; and Don Cesar second was whether the CSC erred in not giving weight to the 1 June 1999 Resolution of
Mamaril (Mamaril), Leysamin Tebelin (Tebelin), Joemar Delgado (Delgado), and Ellen Grace CHED Chairman Angel Alcala (Alcala) absolving her from any administrative liability; the third
Nugpo (Nugpo), all from the CHED LAS staff. All the students alleged that Dasig tried to exact was whether the CSC erred in not considering evidence discovered after her dismissal which
money from them under the pretense of attorney's fees in connection with their requests for would have materially affected the result of the case; and the fourth or last was whether the
correction of names in their academic records. Dasig's former staff at the LAS corroborated CSC erred in not considering that the penalty of dismissal imposed on her was too harsh and
the allegations of the students. They also alleged that Dasig attempted to persuade them to oppressive taking into account her thirty years of government service.
participate in anomalous activities. Sister, in turn, claimed that Dasig refused to return the While the case was pending before the appellate court, this Court came out with a
Official Record Book of the CHED which the latter borrowed from her. Resolution dated 1 April 200315which ordered the disbarment of Dasig. Several high-ranking
Dasig submitted a Memorandum6 and a Counter-Affidavit7 to answer the charges against her. officers of the CHED filed an administrative case for disbarment against Dasig, charging her
In her memorandum, she denied all the charges against her. She alleged that it was not with gross misconduct in violation of the Attorney's Oath "for having used her public office to
within the CHED's power to entertain the request for change of name so she advised the secure financial spoils to the detriment of the dignity and reputation of the CHED" with one
students to file petitions in court. Dasig denied that the alleged closed-door meeting on 3 of the grounds for disbarment being Dasig's exaction of money from Dela Torre, Eje and Ng.
September 1998 with her former staff at the LAS in which she tried to persuade them to In the administrative case, the Court affirmed the following findings of fact:
accept P20,000.00 from Ng had ever taken place for she was then allegedly in the Office of In this case, the record shows that the respondent, on various occasions, during
the Chairman for the Investigation and Performance Audit of Dr. Jaime Gellor, then President her tenure as OIC, Legal Services, CHED, attempted to extort from Betty C.
of the Central Mindanao University. As to the charge that she improperly took the Official Mangohon, Rosalie B. Dela Torre, Rocella G. Eje, and Jacqueline N. Ng sums of
Record Book on 7 September 1998 at around 3:00 p.m. and refused to return the same, Dasig money as consideration for her favorable action on their pending applications or
insisted that she was inside the LAS hearing room during that time conducting the requests before her office. The evidence remains unrefuted, given the
preliminary conference on the administrative complaint filed by Dr. Aleli Cornista against Dr. respondent's failure, despite the opportunities afforded her by this Court and the
Magdalena Jasmin, Dr. Perlita Cabilangan, Dr. Arsenia Lumba, and Dr. Teresita de Leon, all IBP Commission on Bar Discipline to comment on the charges. We find that
from CHED Region 3, together with Special Investigators Buenaventura Macatangay respondent's misconduct as a lawyer of the CHED is of such a character as to affect
(Macatangay) and Eulando Lontoc (Lontoc). her qualification as a member of the Bar, for as a lawyer, she ought to have known
In her counter-affidavit,8 Dasig explained that she had not offered her services as a lawyer to that it was patently unethical and illegal for her to demand sums of money as
any person and that she had never represented any clients other than the immediate consideration for the approval of applications and requests awaiting action by her
members of her family ever since she was admitted to the bar. Dasig denied the allegation office.16 (Emphasis supplied.)
that she had offered to look for a lawyer for the petitioners since it was inconceivable to The Court denied with finality the motion for reconsideration of Dasig in a resolution dated
have a lawyer who would accept P5,000.00 as attorney's fees. 17 June 2003.17Despite the Court's findings in the disbarment proceeding, the Court of
The CHED formed a hearing committee and designated the members to investigate the Appeals, however, gave a different assessment of the evidence on record as it found that
complaints against Dasig in Resolution No. 166-98.9 Dela Torre and Eje were not able to Dasig was only "moonlighting" when she offered her legal services to the students who were
participate in the hearings conducted by the committee for they could not be notified in their requesting the CHED to change their names appearing in their academic records to conform
given addresses while Ng and Dasig chose not to participate despite notice. However, to their birth certificates. The money which Dasig had asked from the students was, as found
Mamaril, Tebelin, Delgado, and Nugpo all affirmed before the by the appellate court, for "attorney's fees" and other litigation expenses. The appellate
committee the veracity of Ng's claim that Dasig solicited money from him and attested to the court held that the acts of Dasig had constituted only simple misconduct.
fact that Dasig even called them together with Macatangay and Lontoc for an emergency Only the aspect of the Court of Appeals' decision finding Dasig liable only for simple
closed door meeting at the LAS conference room at around 4:00 p.m. on 3 September 1998. misconduct is subject to review before this Court. The appellate court decided all the first
Dasig allegedly told them that Ng was willing to pay P20,000.00 for the publication of her three issues in favor of the CHED. It held that administrative due process was complied with
request for correction of name and persuaded them to accept said amount for the purchase since Dasig was given a fair and reasonable opportunity to explain her side. It also declared
of a television and VHS player for their office and that any excess money would be divided the 1 June 1999 resolution of CHED Chairman Alcala absolving Dasig invalid and without legal
equally among them. They all objected to Dasig's suggestion.10 effect since it was he alone who signed it, contrary to the collegial structure of the CHED. And
The hearing committee concluded that there was substantial evidence on record to hold it gave scant attention to the additional affidavits submitted by Dasig as they were not
Dasig liable for dishonesty, grave misconduct, and conduct prejudicial to the best interest of presented during the proceedings before the CHED in line with the rule that no question,
the service and recommended that she be dismissed. The CHED found that the complaints issue, or evidence shall be entertained on appeal unless it was raised in the court or agency
against Dasig were substantiated and affirmed the recommendation of the hearing below.
The Court of Appeals explained its "moonlighting" approach, thus: court would propound and insist on its "moonlighting" conclusion when even Dasig herself
After a close perusal of the vital portions of Jacqueline S. Ng's Affidavit, We find had denied offering her services to anyone in the first place. It was only after the Court of
that Petitioner was trying to collect the money from the three students as her Appeals had come up with such finding that Dasig incorporated it into her theory of defense,
attorney's fees and for the purpose of covering the expenses which shall be belatedly arguing that she should not be held liable for "moonlighting" since the CHED allows
incurred in instituting the appropriate action or proceeding in court- filing fee, limited practice of law pursuant to an alleged CHED memorandum dated 16 January 1995
publication, etc. for the correction of the name of said student affiant.18 entitled, "Authorizing Lawyers of the Commission to Engage in Limited Practice of
xxxx Profession."
We are of the well-considered view, that [p]etitioner was not trying to use the Despite having been apprised of the Court's findings in the disbarment case which should be
influence of her position to cause the correction of the names of the students a matter of judicial notice21 in the first place, the Court of Appeals still insisted on its
within the CHED. It can be safely assumed that as a lawyer, [p]etitioner is fully divergent finding and disregarded the Court's decision ordering the disbarment of Dasig in
aware that an error in a person's name may only be legally corrected upon the which one of the determinative facts in issue was whether Dasig had attempted to extort
filing of the necessary Special Proceeding under the Rules of Court, specifically Rule money from Dela Torre, Eje and Ng who in turn had wanted to have their academic records
108. Analy[z]ing [p]etitioner's acts, therefore, [w]e hold that she was merely trying corrected to conform to their birth certificates.
to engage in the private practice of the legal profession while employed at the Apart from its mandated duty to take judicial notice of the resolution in the disbarment case,
CHED. This is a classic case of "moonlighting", that is, holding an additional job in the Court of Appeals is bound by this Court's findings and conclusions in the said resolution in
addition to a regular one. We are perfectly mindful of [p]etitioner's indiscretion, accordance with the doctrine of "stare decisis et non quieta movere."22 Although the
and so hold that her acts were improper and unbecoming of a public servant, more administrative case is different from the disbarment case, the parties are different and trials
particularly of one with a relatively high and responsible position like her. Simply were conducted separately, there can only be one truth: Dasig had attempted to extort
put, [p]etitioner's acts must not be condoned, particularly considering that she money from the students. For the sake of certainty, a conclusion reached in one case should
even attempted to persuade her former staff at the Legal Affairs Services Office to be applied to that which follows, if the facts are substantially the same, even though the
partake of and materially benefit from her would-be earnings in the aborted deal parties may be different. Otherwise, one would be subscribing to the sophistry: truth on one
with the three students.19 x x x. side of the Pyrenees, falsehood on the other!23
After having been apprised of the Court's factual findings in the disbarment case against Obstinately, the appellate court sought to justify its presumptuously aberrant stance on the
Dasig, the Court of Appeals maintained its decision and denied petitioner's motion for alleged circumstance that Dasig had not participated in the disbarment case. A careful look at
reconsideration. Specifically, it held thus: the Court's decision shows that Dasig had been duly informed of the disbarment case when
The foregoing ruling of the Highest Court of the Land notwithstanding, [w]e still do the Court in a resolution dated 3 February 1999 required her to file a Comment on the
not find the propriety of modifying [o]ur conclusion that petitioner should be held charges against her. The resolution was sent to the same address she had used in filing the
administratively liable only for the less serious infraction of Simple Misconduct. petition for review with the Court of Appeals. She likewise chose not to comply with the
Verily, the disbarment proceedings against petitioner was predicated in part upon order of the
the provisions of the Attorney's Oath which contained more stringent and rigid Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP) Commission on Bar Discipline dated 6 February 2001
standards by which a lawyer's act must be tested, whereas [w]e examine which had directed her to submit an Answer to the Complaint. The IBP Commission had
petitioner's conduct by using the rules as fixed by the CSC as well as jurisprudence. directed her anew to file her Answer in an order dated 8 January 2002, but again she failed to
But more importantly, aside from the difference in the laws applied, [w]e cannot comply with the directive.24 Although Dasig had chosen not to respond to the complaints
defer to and take bearing with the ruling of the Supreme Court considering that against her, she was still able to file a motion for reconsideration, which this Court denied
there is a significant variance between the undisputed facts as found by the High with finality. Clearly, Dasig was given sufficient opportunity to respond to the charges against
Court in the disbarment proceedings against petitioner, on one hand, and the her.
material factual backdrop upon which [w]e tested petitioner's conduct in public The Court of Appeals asserted that "petitioner did not participate in the disbarment
service, on the other. It must be emphasized that petitioner did not participate in proceedings, and as a necessary consequence of her omission it became automatically
the disbarment proceedings, and as a necessary consequence of her omission it undisputed, and thus glaring in the eyes of the High Court, that she extorted money from the
became automatically undisputed, and thus glaring in the eyes of the High Court, students."25 In more comprehensible terms, the appellate court declared that petitioner did
that she extorted money from the students by way of consideration for a favorable not participate in the disbarment proceedings; and because of her non-participation the
resolution of the students' applications and formal requests for the correction of conclusion on her extortion activity was unquestioned and appeared ineluctable from the
their names, which were purportedly pending before petitioner's office at the Court's perspective. It is worth noting that disbarment proceedings are under the
CHED.20 x x x. administration of the Supreme Court under the Rules of Court26 pursuant to its constitutional
The lone issue raised in the present petition is whether the Court of Appeals had correctly mandate.27 Thus, the statements of the Court of Appeals constitute a desultory assault on
held Dasig liable only for simple misconduct. the institutional integrity of this Court, aside from being incorrect and illogical.
The Court finds the present petition meritorious. Indeed, the remarks tend to erode and undermine the people's trust and confidence in the
The Court of Appeals committed a monumental blunder when it arrived at findings of fact judiciary, ironically coming from one of its subordinate courts. No lower court justice or judge
different from those of the Court in the disbarment case. It is inexplicable why the appellate may deride, chastise or chide the Supreme Court. And the "with due respect" approach that
preceded the remarks as a veneer cannot justify much less obliterate the lack of respect dated 29 November 1999 is hereby REINSTATED with theMODIFICATION that the accessory
which the remarks evince. In fact, it is the duty of lower courts to obey the decisions of the penalty of forfeiture of leave credits be deleted. Hence, Felina Dasig isORDERED to
Supreme Court and render obeisance to its status as the apex of the hierarchy of courts. "A be DISMISSED from the service with cancellation of civil service eligibility, forfeiture of
becoming modesty of inferior courts demands conscious realization of the position that they retirement benefits, and perpetual disqualification from reemployment in government
occupy in the interrelation and operation of the integrated judicial system of the service, including that in government-owned or controlled corporations.
nation."28 "There is only one Supreme Court from whose decision all other courts should take Let a copy of this decision be furnished to the Presiding Justice, Court of Appeals, Manila, for
their bearings," so declared Justice J. B. L. Reyes.29 dissemination to the Associate Justices, Court of Appeals, for their information and guidance.
Quite obviously, when this Court dispensed the supreme penalty on Dasig in the disbarment SO ORDERED.
case based on the factual milieu it had upheld, the Court of Appeals should have done no less
by affirming the most severe penalty imposable under the law which the CHED and the CSC G.R. No. 165060 November 27, 2008
had inflicted on Dasig in the administrative case that involved the same factual milieu. But, ALBINO JOSEF, petitioner,
alas, the appellate court unjustifiably chose to reduce the penalty by downgrading the vs.
administrative offense. OTELIO SANTOS, respondent.
The Court of Appeals erred when it found that Dasig had merely attempted to practice law DECISION
while employed at the CHED in offering her services to the three students for the correction YNARES-SANTIAGO, J.:
of their names through judicial proceedings under Rule 108. The procedure under Rule 108 This petition for review on certiorari under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court assails the
of the Rules of Court was not applicable to the students who only wanted to correct entries November 17, 20031Resolution of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 80315, dismissing
in their academic records to conform to their birth certificates. Rule 108 is for the purpose of petitioner’s special civil action of certiorari for failure to file a prior motion for
correcting or canceling entries in the civil registry involving (a) births; (b) marriages; (c) reconsideration, and the May 7, 20042 Resolution denying the motion for reconsideration.
deaths; (d) legal separations; (e) judgments of annulments of marriage; (f) judgments Petitioner Albino Josef was the defendant in Civil Case No. 95-110-MK, which is a case for
declaring marriages void from the beginning; (g) legitimations; (h) adoptions; (i) collection of sum of money filed by herein respondent Otelio Santos, who claimed that
acknowledgments of natural children; (j) naturalization; (k) election, loss or recovery of petitioner failed to pay the shoe materials which he bought on credit from respondent on
citizenship; (l) civil interdiction; (m) judicial determination of filiation; (n) voluntary various dates in 1994.
emancipation of a minor; and (o) changes of name.30 Hence, there is no justification for Dasig After trial, the Regional Trial Court of Marikina City, Branch 272, found petitioner liable to
to ask for money under the guise of attorney's fees and litigation expenses when it was her respondent in the amount of P404,836.50 with interest at 12% per annum reckoned from
duty as the officer-in-charge of LAS to either approve or disapprove the students' request to January 9, 1995 until full payment.3
change entries in their academic records to conform to their birth certificates. Petitioner appealed4 to the Court of Appeals, which affirmed the trial court’s decision in
From another perspective, the appellate court erred when it disregarded the factual findings toto.5 Petitioner filed before this Court a petition for review on certiorari, but it was
of the CHED. It ignored the well-settled rule that by reason of the special knowledge and dismissed in a Resolution dated February 18, 2002.6 The Judgment became final and
expertise of administrative agencies over matters falling under their jurisdiction, they are in a executory on May 21, 2002.
better position to pass judgment thereon; hence, factual findings of quasi-judicial and On February 17, 2003, respondent moved for issuance of a writ of execution, 7 which was
administrative bodies are accorded not only great respect but even finality by this Court opposed by petitioner.8 In an Order dated July 16, 2003,9 the trial court granted the motion,
when they are supported by substantial evidence.31 The gauge of substantial the dispositive portion of which reads, as follows:
evidence,32 which is the least demanding in the hierarchy of evidence, is satisfied since there WHEREFORE, premises considered, the motion for issuance of writ of execution is
are reasonable grounds to believe that Dasig is guilty of the charges against her which led to hereby granted. Let a writ of execution be issued commanding the Sheriff of this
her dismissal from service. And neither Dasig nor the Court of Appeals was able to show Court to execute the decision dated December 18, 1996.
gross abuse of discretion, fraud, or error of law on the part of the CHED and the CSC. The SO ORDERED.10
findings of the administrative agencies were further bolstered when the Court arrived at A writ of execution was issued on August 20, 200311 and enforced on August 21, 2003. On
similar findings of fact in the disbarment case, in which the quantum of proof is August 29, 2003, certain personal properties subject of the writ of execution were auctioned
preponderance of evidence. In evaluating the same evidence as this Court in the disbarment off. Thereafter, a real property located at Marikina City and covered by Transfer Certificate of
case, it is truly inconceivable how the Court of Appeals could have arrived at its Title (TCT) No. N-105280 was sold on October 28, 2003 by way of public auction to fully
"moonlighting" finding. satisfy the judgment credit. Respondent emerged as the winning bidder and a Certificate of
However, the accrued leave credits of Dasig shall not be forfeited despite the imposition of Sale12 dated November 6, 2003 was issued in his favor.
the penalty of dismissal from government service. The forfeiture of leave credits is not one of On November 5, 2003, petitioner filed an original petition for certiorari with the Court of
the accessory penalties of dismissal from service imposed by Section 5833 of the Uniform Appeals, questioning the sheriff’s levy and sale of the abovementioned personal and real
Rules on Administrative Cases in the Civil Service. properties. Petitioner claimed that the personal properties did not belong to him but to his
WHEREFORE, the petition is hereby GRANTED. The assailed Court of Appeals' Decision and children; and that the real property covered by TCT No. N-105280 was his family home thus
Resolution dated 15 September 2003 and 18 May 2008 respectively are REVERSED and SET exempt from execution.
ASIDE, and Civil Service Commission Resolution No. 001302 affirming the CHED Resolution
On November 17, 2003, the Court of Appeals issued the assailed Resolution dismissing the The records show that a decision was rendered by this Court in favor of the plaintiff
petition for failure of petitioner to file a motion for reconsideration of the trial court’s July on December 18, 1995 which decision was affirmed by the Court of Appeals on
16, 2003 Order granting the motion for execution and ordering the issuance of a writ June 26, 2001 and by the Supreme Court on February 18, 2002. On June 18, 2003,
therefor, as well as for his failure to indicate in his petition the timeliness of its filing as this Court received the entire records of the case from the Court of Appeals.
required under the Rules of Court. On May 7, 2004, the appellate court denied petitioner’s Considering the foregoing, it is now the ministerial duty of the Court to issue a writ
motion for reconsideration. of execution pursuant to Sec. 1, Rule 39 of the Rules of Court.
Thus, the instant petition which raises the following issues: WHEREFORE, premises considered, the motion for issuance of writ of execution is
I. hereby granted. Let a writ of execution be issued commanding the Sheriff of this
WHETHER OR NOT THE LEVY AND SALE OF THE PERSONAL BELONGINGS OF THE Court to execute the decision dated December 18, 1996.
AUCTION OF HIS FAMILY HOME TO SATISFY THE JUDGMENT AWARD IN FAVOR OF The above Order did not resolve nor take into account petitioner’s allegations in his
RESPONDENT IS LEGAL. Opposition, which are material and relevant in the resolution of the motion for issuance of a
II. writ of execution. This is serious error on the part of the trial court. It should have made an
WHETHER OR NOT THE DISMISSAL OF THE PETITIONER’S PETITION FOR CERTIORARI earnest determination of the truth to petitioner’s claim that the house and lot in which he
BY THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS IS JUSTIFIED UNDER THE and his children resided was their duly constituted family home. Since it did not, its July 16,
CIRCUMSTANCES. 2003 Order is thus null and void. Where a judgment or judicial order is void it may be said to
Petitioner argues that the trial court sheriff erroneously attached, levied and sold on be a lawless thing, which can be treated as an outlaw and slain at sight, or ignored wherever
execution the real property covered by TCT No. N-105280 because the same is his family and whenever it exhibits its head.14
home; that the execution sale was irregular because it was conducted without complying The family home is a real right which is gratuitous, inalienable and free from attachment,
with the notice and posting of requirements; and that the personal and real properties were constituted over the dwelling place and the land on which it is situated, which confers upon a
sold for inadequate prices as to shock the conscience. The real property was allegedly worth particular family the right to enjoy such properties, which must remain with the person
P8 million but was sold for only P848,448.64. constituting it and his heirs. It cannot be seized by creditors except in certain special cases.15
Petitioner also argues that the appellate court gravely abused its discretion in dismissing the Upon being apprised that the property subject of execution allegedly constitutes petitioner’s
petition based purely on technical grounds, i.e., his failure to file a motion for family home, the trial court should have observed the following procedure:
reconsideration of the trial court’s order granting execution, and his failure to indicate in his 1. Determine if petitioner’s obligation to respondent falls under either of the
petition for certiorari the timeliness of filing the same with the Court of Appeals. exceptions under Article 15516 of the Family Code;
Respondent, on the other hand, argues that petitioner’s alleged family home has not been 2. Make an inquiry into the veracity of petitioner’s claim that the property was his
shown to have been judicially or extrajudicially constituted, obviously referring to the family home;17conduct an ocular inspection of the premises; an examination of the
provisions on family home of the Civil Code – not those of the Family Code which should title; an interview of members of the community where the alleged family home is
apply in this case; that petitioner has not shown to the court’s satisfaction that the personal located, in order to determine if petitioner actually resided within the premises of
properties executed upon and sold belonged to his children. Respondent argues that he is the claimed family home; order a submission of photographs of the premises,
entitled to satisfaction of judgment considering the length of time it took for the parties to depositions, and/or affidavits of proper individuals/parties; or a solemn
litigate and the various remedies petitioner availed of which have delayed the case. examination of the petitioner, his children and other witnesses. At the same time,
The petition is meritorious. the respondent is given the opportunity to cross-examine and present evidence to
Petitioner, in his opposition to respondent’s motion for issuance of a writ of execution, the contrary;
claimed that he was insolvent; that he had no property to answer for the judgment credit; 3. If the property is accordingly found to constitute petitioner’s family home, the
that the house and lot in which he was residing at the time was his family home thus exempt court should determine:
from execution; that the household furniture and appliances found therein are likewise a) if the obligation sued upon was contracted or incurred prior to, or
exempt from execution; and that these furniture and appliances belonged to his children after, the effectivity of the Family Code;18
Jasmin Josef and Jean Josef Isidro. Thus, as early as during proceedings prior to the issuance b) if petitioner’s spouse is still alive, as well as if there are other
of the writ of execution, petitioner brought to the fore the issue of exemption from beneficiaries of the family home;19
execution of his home, which he claimed to be a family home in contemplation of the civil c) if the petitioner has more than one residence for the purpose of
law. determining which of them, if any, is his family home;20 and
However, instead of inquiring into the nature of petitioner’s allegations in his opposition, the d) its actual location and value, for the purpose of applying the provisions
trial court ignored the same and granted respondent’s motion for execution. The full text of of Articles 15721and 16022 of the Family Code.
the July 16, 2003 Order provides, as follows: The family home is the dwelling place of a person and his family, a sacred symbol of family
This resolves the "Motion for the Issuance of Writ of Execution" filed by plaintiff love and repository of cherished memories that last during one’s lifetime.23 It is the sanctuary
thru counsel and the "Opposition" thereto filed by the defendant on her own of that union which the law declares and protects as a sacred institution; and likewise a
behalf. shelter for the fruits of that union. It is where both can seek refuge and strengthen the tie
that binds them together and which ultimately forms the moral fabric of our nation. The determining whether the same is petitioner Albino Josef’s family home, and if so, apply the
protection of the family home is just as necessary in the preservation of the family as a basic pertinent provisions of the Family Code and Rule 39 of the Rules of Court; and (2) to conduct
social institution, and since no custom, practice or agreement destructive of the family shall an inquiry into the ownership of all other properties that were levied upon and sold, with the
be recognized or given effect,24 the trial court’s failure to observe the proper procedures to aim of determining as well whether these properties are exempt from execution under
determine the veracity of petitioner’s allegations, is unjustified. existing law.
The same is true with respect to personal properties levied upon and sold at auction. Despite Respondent Otelio Santos is hereby DIRECTED to hold the abovementioned real and personal
petitioner’s allegations in his Opposition, the trial court did not make an effort to determine properties, or the proceeds thereof, in trust to await the outcome of the trial court’s inquiry.
the nature of the same, whether the items were exempt from execution or not, or whether Finally, the trial court is DIRECTED to resolve, with utmost dispatch, Civil Case No. 95-110-MK
they belonged to petitioner or to someone else.25 within sixty (60) days from receipt of a copy of this Decision.
Respondent moved for issuance of a writ of execution on February 17, 2003 while petitioner SO ORDERED.
filed his opposition on June 23, 2003. The trial court granted the motion on July 16, 2003,
and the writ of execution was issued on August 20, 2003. Clearly, the trial court had enough G.R. No. 177703 January 28, 2008
time to conduct the crucial inquiry that would have spared petitioner the trouble of having to VILMA G. ARRIOLA and ANTHONY RONALD G. ARRIOLA, petitioners,
seek relief all the way to this Court. Indeed, the trial court’s inaction on petitioner’s plea vs.
resulted in serious injustice to the latter, not to mention that its failure to conduct an inquiry JOHN NABOR C. ARRIOLA, respondent.
based on the latter’s claim bordered on gross ignorance of the law. DECISION
Being void, the July 16, 2003 Order could not have conferred any right to respondent. Any AUSTRIA-MARTINEZ, J.:
writ of execution based on it is likewise void. Although we have held in several cases 26 that a Before this Court is a Petition for Review on Certiorari under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court,
claim for exemption from execution of the family home should be set up and proved before assailing the November 30, 2006 Decision1 and April 30, 2007 Resolution2 of the Court of
the sale of the property at public auction, and failure to do so would estop the party from Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 93570.
later claiming the exemption since the right of exemption is a personal privilege granted to The relevant facts are culled from the records.
the judgment debtor which must be claimed by the judgment debtor himself at the time of John Nabor C. Arriola (respondent) filed Special Civil Action No. 03-0010 with the Regional
the levy or within a reasonable period thereafter, the circumstances of the instant case are Trial Court, Branch 254, Las Piñas City (RTC) against Vilma G. Arriola and Anthony Ronald G.
different. Petitioner claimed exemption from execution of his family home soon after Arriola (petitioners) for judicial partition of the properties of decedent Fidel Arriola (the
respondent filed the motion for issuance of a writ of execution, thus giving notice to the trial decedent Fidel). Respondent is the son of decedent Fidel with his first wife Victoria C.
court and respondent that a property exempt from execution may be in danger of being Calabia, while petitioner Anthony is the son of decedent Fidel with his second wife, petitioner
subjected to levy and sale. Thereupon, the trial court is called to observe the procedure as Vilma.
herein laid out; on the other hand, the respondent should observe the procedure prescribed On February 16, 2004, the RTC rendered a Decision, the dispositive portion of which reads:
in Article 160 of the Family Code, that is, to obtain an order for the sale on execution of the WHEREFORE, premises considered, judgment is hereby rendered:
petitioner’s family home, if so, and apply the proceeds – less the maximum amount allowed 1. Ordering the partition of the parcel of land covered by Transfer Certificate of
by law under Article 157 of the Code which should remain with the petitioner for the Title No. 383714 (84191) left by the decedent Fidel S. Arriola by and among his
rebuilding of his family home – to his judgment credit. Instead, both the trial court and heirs John Nabor C. Arriola, Vilma G. Arriola and Anthony Ronald G. Arriola in equal
respondent completely ignored petitioner’s argument that the properties subject of the writ shares of one-third (1/3) each without prejudice to the rights of creditors or
are exempt from execution. mortgagees thereon, if any;
Indeed, petitioner’s resort to the special civil action of certiorari in the Court of Appeals was 2. Attorney's fees in the amount of TEN THOUSAND (P10,000.00) PESOS is hereby
belated and without benefit of the requisite motion for reconsideration, however, awarded to be reimbursed by the defendants to the plaintiff;
considering the gravity of the issue, involving as it does matters that strike at the very heart 3. Costs against the defendants.
of that basic social institution which the State has a constitutional and moral duty to preserve SO ORDERED.3
and protect, as well as petitioner’s constitutional right to abode, all procedural infirmities The decision became final on March 15, 2004.4
occasioned upon this case must take a back seat to the substantive questions which deserve As the parties failed to agree on how to partition among them the land covered by TCT No.
to be answered in full. 383714 (subject land), respondent sought its sale through public auction, and petitioners
WHEREFORE, the Petition for Review on Certiorari is GRANTED. The November 17, 2003 and acceded to it.5 Accordingly, the RTC ordered the public auction of the subject land.6 The
May 7, 2004 Resolutions of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 80315 are REVERSED and public auction sale was scheduled on May 31, 2003 but it had to be reset when petitioners
SET ASIDE. The July 16, 2003 Order of the Regional Trial Court of Marikina City, Branch 272 in refused to include in the auction the house (subject house) standing on the subject land.7This
Civil Case No. 95-110-MK, as well as the writ or writs of execution thus issued in said case, prompted respondent to file with the RTC an Urgent Manifestation and Motion for Contempt
are hereby DECLARED VOID, and all acts proceeding therefrom and any title obtained by of Court,8praying that petitioners be declared in contempt.
virtue thereof are likewise DECLARED VOID. The RTC denied the motion in an Order9 dated August 30, 2005, for the reason that
The trial court is hereby DIRECTED (1) to conduct a solemn inquiry into the nature of the real petitioners were justified in refusing to have the subject house included in the auction, thus:
property covered by Transfer Certificate of Title No. N-105280, with a view toward
The defendants [petitioners] are correct in holding that the house or improvement In all other cases, charges for indirect contempt shall be commenced by a verified
erected on the property should not be included in the auction sale. petition with supporting particulars and certified true copies of documents or
A cursory reading of the aforementioned Decision and of the evidence adduced papers involved therein, and upon full compliance with the requirements for filing
during the ex-parte hearing clearly show that nothing was mentioned about the initiatory pleadings for civil actions in the court concerned. If the contempt
house existing on the land subject matter of the case. In fact, even plaintiff's charges arose out of or are related to a principal action pending in the court, the
[respondent's] initiatory Complaint likewise did not mention anything about the petition for contempt shall allege that fact but said petition shall be docketed,
house. Undoubtedly therefore, the Court did not include the house in its heard and decided separately, unless the court in its discretion orders the
adjudication of the subject land because it was plaintiff himself who failed to allege consolidation of the contempt charge and the principal action for joint hearing and
the same. It is a well-settled rule that the court can not give a relief to that which is decision. (Emphases supplied.)
not alleged and prayed for in the complaint. Under the aforecited second paragraph of the Rules, the requirements for initiating an
To hold, as plaintiff argued, that the house is considered accessory to the land on indirect contempt proceeding are a) that it be initiated by way of a verified petition and b)
which it is built is in effect to add to plaintiff's [a] right which has never been that it should fully comply with the requirements for filing initiatory pleadings for civil
considered or passed upon during the trial on the merits. actions. In Regalado v. Go,15 we held:
In the absence of any other declaration, obvious or otherwise, only the land should As explained by Justice Florenz Regalado, the filing of a verified petition that has
be partitioned in accordance to[sic] the aforementioned Decision as the house can complied with the requirements for the filing of initiatory pleading, is
not be said to have been necessarily adjudicated therein. Thus, plaintiff can not be mandatory x x x:
declared as a co-owner of the same house without evidence thereof and due This new provision clarifies with a regularity norm the proper procedure
hearing thereon. for commencing contempt proceedings. While such proceeding has been
The Decision of the Court having attained its finality, as correctly pointed out, classified as special civil action under the former Rules, the heterogenous
judgment must stand even at the risk that it might be erroneous. practice tolerated by the courts, has been for any party to file a motion
WHEREFORE, the Urgent Manifestation and Motion for Contempt of Court filed by without paying any docket or lawful fees therefore and without
plaintiff is hereby DENIED for lack of merit. complying with the requirements for initiatory pleadings, which is now
SO ORDERED.10 required in the second paragraph of this amended section.
The RTC, in its Order dated January 3, 2006, denied respondent's Motion for xxxx
Reconsideration.11 Henceforth, except for indirect contempt proceedings initiated motu
Respondent filed with the CA a Petition for Certiorari12 where he sought to have the RTC propio by order of or a formal charge by the offended court, all charges
Orders set aside, and prayed that he be allowed to proceed with the auction of the subject shall be commenced by a verified petition with full compliance with the
land including the subject house. requirements therefore and shall be disposed in accordance with the
In its November 30, 2006 Decision, the CA granted the Petition for Certiorari, to wit: second paragraph of this section.
WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED. The assailed orders dated August 30, 2005 xxxx
and January 3, 2006 issued by the RTC, in Civil Case No. SCA 03-0010, are REVERSED Even if the contempt proceedings stemmed from the main case over
and SET ASIDE, and the sheriff is ordered to proceed with the public auction sale of which the court already acquired jurisdiction, the rules direct that the
the subject lot covered by TCT No. 383714, including the house constructed petition for contempt be treated independently of the principal action.
thereon. Consequently, the necessary prerequisites for the filing of initiatory
SO ORDERED.13 (Emphasis supplied.) pleadings, such as the filing of a verified petition, attachment of a
Petitioners filed a motion for reconsideration but the CA denied the same in its certification on non-forum shopping, and the payment of the necessary
Resolution14 of April 30, 2007. docket fees, must be faithfully observed.
Hence, the present petition on the sole ground that the CA erred in holding that the RTC xxxx
committed grave abuse of discretion in denying the motion for contempt of court. The provisions of the Rules are worded in very clear and categorical language. In
The assailed CA Decision and Resolution must be modified for reasons other than those case where the indirect contempt charge is not initiated by the courts, the filing of
advanced by petitioners. a verified petition which fulfills the requirements on initiatory pleadings is a
The contempt proceeding initiated by respondent was one for indirect contempt. Section 4, prerequisite. Beyond question now is the mandatory requirement of a verified
Rule 71 of the Rules of Court prescribes the procedure for the institution of proceedings for petition in initiating an indirect contempt proceeding. Truly, prior to the
indirect contempt, viz: amendment of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure, mere motion without complying
Sec. 4. How proceedings commenced. – Proceedings for indirect contempt may be with the requirements for initiatory pleadings was tolerated by the courts. At the
initiated motu proprio by the court against which the contempt was committed by onset of the 1997 Revised Rules of Civil Procedure, however, such practice can no
an order or any other formal charge requiring the respondent to show cause why longer be countenanced.16 (Emphasis ours.)
he should not be punished for contempt. The RTC erred in taking jurisdiction over the indirect contempt proceeding initiated by
respondent. The latter did not comply with any of the mandatory requirements of Section 4,
Rule 71. He filed a mere Urgent Manifestation and Motion for Contempt of Court, and not a First, as correctly held by the CA, under the provisions of the Civil Code, the subject house is
verified petition. He likewise did not conform with the requirements for the filing of initiatory deemed part of the subject land. The Court quotes with approval the ruling of the CA, to wit:
pleadings such as the submission of a certification against forum shopping and the payment The RTC, in the assailed Order dated August 30, 2005 ratiocinated that since the
of docket fees. Thus, his unverified motion should have been dismissed outright by the RTC. house constructed on the subject lot was not alleged in the complaint and its
It is noted though that, while at first the RTC overlooked the infirmities in respondent's ownership was not passed upon during the trial on the merits, the court cannot
unverified motion for contempt, in the end, it dismissed the motion, albeit on substantive include the house in its adjudication of the subject lot. The court further stated that
grounds. The trouble is that, in the CA decision assailed herein, the appellate court it cannot give a relief to[sic] which is not alleged and prayed for in the complaint.
committed the same oversight by delving into the merits of respondent's unverified motion We are not persuaded.
and granting the relief sought therein. Thus, strictly speaking, the proper disposition of the To follow the foregoing reasoning of the RTC will in effect render meaningless the
present petition ought to be the reversal of the CA decision and the dismissal of respondent's pertinent rule on accession. In general, the right to accession is automatic (ipso
unverified motion for contempt filed in the RTC for being in contravention of Section 4, Rule jure), requiring no prior act on the part of the owner or the principal. So that even
71. if the improvements including the house were not alleged in the complaint for
However, such simplistic disposition will not put an end to the dispute between the parties. A partition, they are deemed included in the lot on which they stand, following the
seed of litigation has already been sown that will likely sprout into another case between principle of accession. Consequently, the lot subject of judicial partition in this
them at a later time. We refer to the question of whether the subject house should be case includes the house which is permanently attached thereto, otherwise, it
included in the public auction of the subject land. Until this question is finally resolved, there would be absurd to divide the principal, i.e., the lot, without dividing the house
will be no end to litigation between the parties. We must therefore deal with it squarely, which is permanently attached thereto.23 (Emphasis supplied)
here and now. Second, respondent has repeatedly claimed that the subject house was built by the
The RTC and the CA differed in their views on whether the public auction should include the deceased.24 Petitioners never controverted such claim. There is then no dispute that the
subject house. The RTC excluded the subject house because respondent never alleged its subject house is part of the estate of the deceased; as such, it is owned in common by the
existence in his complaint for partition or established his co-ownership thereof.17 On the latter's heirs, the parties herein,25 any one of whom, under Article 49426 of the Civil Code,
other hand, citing Articles 440,18 44519 and 44620 of the Civil Code, the CA held that as the may, at any time, demand the partition of the subject house. 27 Therefore, respondent's
deceased owned the subject land, he also owned the subject house which is a mere recourse to the partition of the subject house cannot be hindered, least of all by the mere
accessory to the land. Both properties form part of the estate of the deceased and are held in technical omission of said common property from the complaint for partition.
co-ownership by his heirs, the parties herein. Hence, the CA concludes that any decision in That said notwithstanding, we must emphasize that, while we treat the subject house as
the action for partition of said estate should cover not just the subject land but also the part of the co-ownership of the parties, we stop short of authorizing its actual partition by
subject house.21 The CA further pointed out that petitioners themselves implicitly recognized public auction at this time. It bears emphasis that an action for partition involves two
the inclusion of the subject house in the partition of the subject land when they proposed in phases: first, the declaration of the existence of a state of co-ownership; and second, the
their letter of August 5, 2004, the following swapping-arrangement: actual termination of that state of co-ownership through the segregation of the common
Sir: property.28 What is settled thus far is only the fact that the subject house is under the co-
Thank you very much for accommodating us even if we are only poor and simple ownership of the parties, and therefore susceptible of partition among them.
people. We are very much pleased with the decision of Presiding Judge Manuel B. Whether the subject house should be sold at public auction as ordered by the RTC is an
Fernandez, Jr., RTC Br. 254, Las Piñas, on the sharing of one-third (1/3) each of a entirely different matter, depending on the exact nature of the subject house.
land covered by Transfer Certificate of Title No. 383714 (84191) in Las Piñas City. Respondent claims that the subject house was built by decedent Fidel on his exclusive
However, to preserve the sanctity of our house which is our residence for more property.29 Petitioners add that said house has been their residence for 20 years.30 Taken
than twenty (20) years, we wish to request that the 1/3 share of John Nabor C. together, these averments on record establish that the subject house is a family home within
Arriola be paid by the defendants depending on the choice of the plaintiff between the contemplation of the provisions of The Family Code, particularly:
item (1) or item (2), detailed as follows: Article 152. The family home, constituted jointly by the husband and the wife or by
(1) Swap with a 500-square meters [sic] lot located at Baras Rizal x x x. an unmarried head of a family, is the dwelling house where they and their family
(2) Cash of P205,700.00 x x x. reside, and the land on which it is situated.
x x x x.22 Article 153. The family home is deemed constituted on a house and lot from the
We agree that the subject house is covered by the judgment of partition for reasons time it is occupied as a family residence. From the time of its constitution and so
postulated by the CA. We qualify, however, that this ruling does not necessarily countenance long as any of its beneficiaries actually resides therein, the family home continues
the immediate and actual partition of the subject house by way of public auction in view of to be such and is exempt from execution, forced sale or attachment except as
the suspensive proscription imposed under Article 159 of The Family Code which will be hereinafter provided and to the extent of the value allowed by law. (Emphasis
discussed forthwith. supplied.)
It is true that the existence of the subject house was not specifically alleged in the complaint One significant innovation introduced by The Family Code is the automatic constitution of
for partition. Such omission notwithstanding, the subject house is deemed part of the the family home from the time of its occupation as a family residence, without need anymore
judgment of partition for two compelling reasons. for the judicial or extrajudicial processes provided under the defunct Articles 224 to 251 of
the Civil Code and Rule 106 of the Rules of Court. Furthermore, Articles 152 and 153 It bears emphasis, however, that in the meantime, there is no obstacle to the immediate
specifically extend the scope of the family home not just to the dwelling structure in which public auction of the portion of the subject land covered by TCT No. 383714, which
the family resides but also to the lot on which it stands. Thus, applying these concepts, the falls outside the specific area of the family home.
subject house as well as the specific portion of the subject land on which it stands are WHEREFORE, the petition is PARTLY GRANTED and the November 30, 2006 Decision and
deemed constituted as a family home by the deceased and petitioner Vilma from the April 30, 2007 Resolution of the Court of Appeals are MODIFIED in that the house standing
moment they began occupying the same as a family residence 20 years back.31 on the land covered by Transfer Certificate of Title No. 383714 is DECLARED part of the co-
It being settled that the subject house (and the subject lot on which it stands) is the family ownership of the parties John Nabor C. Arriola, Vilma G. Arriola and Anthony Ronald G.
home of the deceased and his heirs, the same is shielded from immediate partition under Arriola but EXEMPTED from partition by public auction within the period provided for in
Article 159 of The Family Code, viz: Article 159 of the Family Code.
Article 159. The family home shall continue despite the death of one or both No costs.
spouses or of the unmarried head of the family for a period of ten years or for as SO ORDERED.
long as there is a minor beneficiary, and the heirs cannot partition the same unless
the court finds compelling reasons therefor. This rule shall apply regardless of
whoever owns the property or constituted the family home. (Emphasis supplied.)
The purpose of Article 159 is to avert the disintegration of the family unit following the death
of its head. To this end, it preserves the family home as the physical symbol of family love,
security and unity by imposing the following restrictions on its partition: first, that the heirs
cannot extra-judicially partition it for a period of 10 years from the death of one or both
spouses or of the unmarried head of the family, or for a longer period, if there is still a minor
beneficiary residing therein; and second, that the heirs cannot judicially partition it during
the aforesaid periods unless the court finds compelling reasons therefor. No compelling
reason has been alleged by the parties; nor has the RTC found any compelling reason to
order the partition of the family home, either by physical segregation or assignment to any of
the heirs or through auction sale as suggested by the parties.
More importantly, Article 159 imposes the proscription against the immediate partition of
the family home regardless of its ownership. This signifies that even if the family home has
passed by succession to the co-ownership of the heirs, or has been willed to any one of
them, this fact alone cannot transform the family home into an ordinary property, much less
dispel the protection cast upon it by the law. The rights of the individual co-owner or owner
of the family home cannot subjugate the rights granted under Article 159 to the beneficiaries
of the family home.
Set against the foregoing rules, the family home -- consisting of the subject house and lot on
which it stands -- cannot be partitioned at this time, even if it has passed to the co-ownership
of his heirs, the parties herein. Decedent Fidel died on March 10, 2003.32 Thus, for 10 years
from said date or until March 10, 2013, or for a longer period, if there is still a minor
beneficiary residing therein, the family home he constituted cannot be partitioned, much less
when no compelling reason exists for the court to otherwise set aside the restriction and
order the partition of the property.
The Court ruled in Honrado v. Court of Appeals33 that a claim for exception from execution or
forced sale under Article 153 should be set up and proved to the Sheriff before the sale of
the property at public auction. Herein petitioners timely objected to the inclusion of the
subject house although for a different reason.
To recapitulate, the evidence of record sustain the CA ruling that the subject house is part of
the judgment of co-ownership and partition. The same evidence also establishes that the
subject house and the portion of the subject land on which it is standing have been
constituted as the family home of decedent Fidel and his heirs. Consequently, its actual and
immediate partition cannot be sanctioned until the lapse of a period of 10 years from the
death of Fidel Arriola, or until March 10, 2013.
15 Benefits of Ayatul Kursi *12. If one recites this after doing Wudhoo, the 5th Imam (AS) has said: Allah will give him a
reward of 40 years of Ibadaat, his position will be raised in the Heavens 40 times (levels) and
*1. Our Holy prophet (SAW) has said: whoever recites the first 4 ayats will marry him to 40 Horains.
of Surae Baqarah, then Ayatul Kursi and then the last 3 ayats of Surae Baqarah will not be
inflicted with any kind of difficulty in his wealth or himself, Shaitaan will not come near him *13. One who recites it after every prayer, thier salaat will be accepted, they will remain in
and he will not forget the Qur'an. the safety of the Almighty and He will protect
*2. Imam Ali (AS) was told by our Holy Prophet: Qur'an is a great word, and Surae Baqarah is
the leader of the Qur'an and Ayatul Kursi is the leader of Surae Baqarah. In Ayatul Kursi there *14. Allah (SWT) told P.Musa (AS): If one recites it after every salaat, the Almighty will make
are 50 words and for each word there are 50 blessings and good in it. his heart a thankful one(Shakireen), will give him a
reward of the prophets, and his deeds will be like those of the truthful(Siddiqeen) and
*3. One who recites Ayatul Kursi every morning will be in the protection, safety of Allah until nothing except death will stop will stop him from
the night. going into heaven.

*4. If one ties this to ones wealth or chidren, they will be safe from Shaitaan. *15. To increase light or vision (noor) in the eyes, recite Surae Alhamd once, then Ayatul
Kursi and then once the following dua:- "U-eedhu nora
*5. Our Holy Prophet (SAWW) has said: These things increase ones memory; sweets, meat of basaree binuril lahi alladhi la yutfaa", "I seek refuge for the light of my eyes by the light of
an animal near the neck, Adas(Lentils), cold bread Allah(SWT), which does not become extinguished".
and recitation of Ayatul Kursi.

*6. For those of our dear ones who have passed away, recitation of Ayatul Kursi and giving it Ayatul Kursi is a verse in the Holy Qur'an which have immense power of Protection from any
acts of Evils.
as Hadiya to them, gives them light (noor) in the
grave. Allahu la ilaha illahu
Al hayyul kayyum
*7. Frequent recitation makes ones own death easy. La ta'a kizuhu sinatun wala naum
Lahumma fis samawati wama fil ard
*8. When leaving home, if one recites it once, the Almighty has one group of Angels to come Manzallazi yashfa'u indahu illa bi iznihi
and protect you. If recited twice, 2 groups of Ya'alamu ma bayna aidihim wama khalfahum
Wala yihiduna bi shayin min ilmihi illa bima sha'a
Angels are assigned to do this. If recited 3 times Allah tells the Angels not to worry as the
Wa si'a kursiyyuhus samawati wal ard
Almighty himself takes care of him. Wala ya udhuhu hizbu huma
Wa huwal aliyul azeem
*9. The Holy Prophet (saw) has said: If one recites Ayatul Kursi before going to sleep, Allah
will send an Angel to come and look after you and protect you till the morning. His home, Ali (Radiahallahu Anhu) narrates,"I cannot understand how a person, who is a Muslim, and
family and also neighbours will remain in safety until morning. owner of reason (intellect) can spend the night without reading Ayatul Kursi. If you knew the
benefits of it, then you will never discard it under any condition". Rasulallaah (Sallallahu
alayhi wasallam) stated ,"I have been given Aayatul Kursi from the treasures under the Arsh
*10. When one is alone in the home, recitation of Ayatul Kursi and asking Allah to help will
of Allaah and it was not given to anyone before me".
make you remain calm and you will not fear. Hadhrat Ali (Radiahallahu Anhu) says, "From the time I have heard this, I have never passed a
night without reading it".
*11. The Holy Prophet has said: When leaving home,if one recites Ayatul Kursi the Allah will
send 70,000 Angels to do Istighfaar for him until he returns home, and upon his return
Poverty will be removed from him. Abu Huraira (Radiahallahu Anhu) says that Nabi (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) made me the
guardian of the Zakaat of Ramadaan. One thief began to steal from it. I caught him and told
him that I am definitely going to take him to Rasulallaah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam). He
said,"Leave me, I am destitute and have a family". I (Abu Huraira) left him. In the morning glasses fell from your hands and broke. " Then Allaah Ta'aala revealed unto Nabi (Sallallahu
Rasulallaah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) asked , "What did your prisoner do last night.?" I alayhi wasallam) Ayatul Kursi.
(Abu Huraira) said, He spoke of his great need and family for which I felt pity on him and left
him." Nabi (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said,"He has spoken a lie and will definitely come
again." I (Abu harraira) understood that the (the thief) will definitely come again because
Nabi (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said so. Thus I kept watch at that same barn. He (the thief)
came and began stealing in handfuls. I caught him and threatened to take him to Rasulallaah
(Sallallahu alayhi wasallam). The thief pleaded with me to leave him as he was needy and had
a family and that he will not repeat this. I (Abu Huraiah) felt pity and left him. In the morning
Rasulallaah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) asked him the same question as before and his
answer was the same. When the same thing happened for the third time, Abu Hurairah said
to the thief,"This is the third time. Each time you say that you will not steal again and each
time you steal again." The thief said,"Leave me, and I will teach you such words through
which Allaah will benefit you.". I (Abu Huraira) inquired about those words and the thief
said,"When you go to your sleeping place, then recite Ayatul Kursi completely. Allaah will
stipulate a guardian for you and Shaitaan will not come near you until the morning. I released
him. In the morning Rasulallaah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) asked,"What did your thief do
last night?" Abu Hurairah narrated what had transpired. The Sahabah were most enthusiastic
to gain virtues. Nabi (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said,"He has spoken the truth although he is
a liar. Oh Abu Huraira, do you know with whom you were talking to for the past three
nights." I said "No". Nabi (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said that it was Satan.

It is mentioned in Kitaabul Dalaalil from Hadhrat Buraidah (Radiahallahu Anhu) that he had
wheat (crops). He said, "I sensed that there was a shortage in it. While sitting quietly in the
night I saw a female Jinn sitting on the crops . I caught hold of her and said that I will not let
her go until I had taken her to Rasulallaah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam). She said that she had
a family and swore on oath that she will not do so again. I released her. I came to Rasulallaah
(Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) and informed him about this. He said that she was a liar. When
the same thing happened on the second night, she (the female jinn) asked me to release her.
She said,"I will, in exchange teach you such a duaa that from amongst us none will ever come
near your crops. When you retire to your sleeping place then read and blow Ayatul Kursi on
your goods. I left her. When I informed Nabi (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) about this he said
that she had spoken the truth although she was a liar.

38) Hadhrat Abu Huraia (Radiahallahu Anhu) said that Rasulallaah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam)
stated that whosoever reads "Haa meem al Mu'minoon" upto "al maseer" and Ayatul Kursi in
the morning, will be protected until the evening and whoever reads both of these in the
night will be protected until the morning.

39) Hadhrat Ibne Abbass (Radiahallahu Anhu) narrated that the Bani Israeel asked
Musa(A.S.), "Does your Rabb sleep?" Musa(A.S.) said, "Fear Allaah". Allaah ordered," Oh
Musa, your nation has asked you whether your Rabb sleeps? Take two glasses in your hand
and stand with it for the whole night." Hadhrat Musa (A.S) did as he was ordered. When on
third of the night passed, he fell on his knees but stood up immediately. During the latter
part of the night, sleep overcame him and the glasses fell and broke. Allaah Jala Shanahu
said, "Oh Musa, if I sleep then the sky will fall on the earth and destroy it just as the two

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