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CAUSAPIN, Aldous Joseph C.

JD1 – LSForm 1


1. What aspects of the life of John Baptist De La Salle touches you most? Why?

2. What insights (deep knowledge) in the life of St. John Baptist De La Salle did you learn?


3. How does the course on the life of DLS deepen your being a Lasallian today?


1. There are several aspects of the life of John Baptist De La Salle that struck me the most.

First, how he helps the poor to have quality education. Second, his dedication. And lastly,

his undying love and faith in God. John Baptist De La Salle, instead of making a profit

for rendering quality education, he gave the poor a chance to have quality education. He

is also known as the patron saint of teachers and John Baptist De La Salle fully deserves

to be called that because he clearly showed how dedicated he was on teaching especially

those who cannot afford quality education. John Baptist De La Salle’s dedication to teach

the poor is something you do not see every day. Some people especially in the modern

world, will use education in order to gain money from those who are enrolled in their

schools. But John Baptist De La Salle thought differently. He clearly showed that his sole

intention was to give free and quality education to those who cannot afford it. He never

thought of gaining money from anyone in exchange for his services and education.
John Baptist De La Salle’s faith and love in God was undying until his last breath. De La

Salle’s last words were “I adore in all things the will of God in my regard” his last words

clearly shows that he adored God and followed his will all throughout his life.

2. Two of the most important things I learned while studying John Baptist De La Salle’s

life are: (1) to be dedicated in all things you do. And; (2) to always help in the best way

you can. John Baptist De La Salle, although he faced so many hardships and challenges,

he never gave up on his dedication to give quality education to everyone who needed it.

John Baptist De La Salle also did his best on helping everyone in need like when he gave

away his clothes and food to the poor. He always thought of others before himself. These

acts of John Baptist De La Salle struck me the most because as a law student and a future

lawyer, my goal is to be dedicated in my work to help those who are in need especially

the poor that is why if destiny allows me to become a lawyer, I will be working at the

Public Attorney’s Office so I will have the chance to help those who seek justice but

cannot afford the services of a Lawyer.

3. I became a Lasallian when I was in grade 2, I left this institution after I graduated high

school. I transferred to De La Salle – College of Saint Benilde and finished college there.

I can say that I’m a true Lasallian because ever since I was a child I have been studying

in a La Salle school but the course on the life of John Baptist De La Salle deepens my

being as a Lasallian because, learning the life of John Baptist De La Salle made me

realize why I am studying in this institution. And my realization is, to become a Lasallian

lawyer and help those who seek justice that they deserve. I learned that I am not only

doing this for myself but also for others who will seek my services in the near future.

Being a Lasallian is a privilege and a blessing. It is a privilege because, unlike in De La

Salle’s time, not everyone can study in La Salle schools anymore because it is not free

anymore. Although, there are scholarships available for those who cannot afford the

tuition but it is a big burden to some because there are certain grades that you have to

maintain in order to keep the scholarship. It is a blessing because, the quality education I

have been receiving form this institution is something you don’t get from other

institutions. This is why in the near future, in order to do the Lasallian way and in order

to give back, I will render my services to the public the Lasallian way. The way St. John

Baptist De La Salle and God wants us to do.

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