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Title of the game: Chinese Whispers

Description: Chinese Whispers is a silent group game which can be played indoor. It requires speed,
concentration and attentiveness. There is a message to be pass person by person until the last receiver who
will write the message. It will test the communication skills of the participants.
Origin & History: The name 'Chinese Whispers' was adopted for the game in the UK in the mid-20th
century, prior to that it was known as 'Russian Scandal' or 'Russian Gossip'. The reason for the change
isn't clear. It is sometimes suggested that the phrase is a racial slur and is intended to convey the idea that
the Chinese talk nonsense.
The expression 'Chinese whispers' is commonly used in the UK and many other parts
of the English-speaking world, although less so in the USA. It derives from the party game in which one
person whispers a message to the person next to them and the story is then passed progressively to several
others, with inaccuracies accumulating as the game goes on.
The first citation of the name in print is found in the English newspaper The
Guardian, March 1964: The children's game of 'Chinese whispers'... in which whispered messages were
passed around the room and the version which came back to the starting point bore no relation to the
original message.
Facilities and equipment: paper, pen
Rules of the game: 1. Form a six member in each group.
2. Line each member with 5-foot interval so that the followers cannot hear the words to whisper
3. The last member at the back will be the one to read the words or a sentence given to be pass in his/her
front through whispering until it reached the last receiver at the front to write the words in a paper.
4. Make sure that each member will not move at their given place unless he or she is the one who will be
going to pass the message.
5. the group who first wrote the correct words or sentence are the winner.
Terminologies: Message- written in a piece of paper that needs to be passed
First Receiver- the one who draw and read the words or sentence.
Last receiver- the one who will receive last the whispered words or a sentence and going to write the
answer at the paper.
Skills: Speaking, Listening, Interpreting and Understanding Skills
Values being developed: As well as providing amusement, the game can have educational value. It
shows how easily information can become corrupted by indirect communication. The game has been used
in schools to simulate the spread of gossip and its supposed harmful effects. It can also be used to teach
young children to moderate the volume of their voice, and how to listen attentively.
1. This game shows how easily information can become corrupted by indirect communication. \2. It
teaches us how to listen attentively. 3. Learn how to moderate the volume of voice. 4. Teamwork 5. Good

Title of the game: Underpass Game
Description: Underpass Game is a group and speed game, it requires speed and cooperation of each
participant to win.
Origin & History: There is no specific origin stated for this game. It is a street game played by
commonly children. Most parties include this game for group and team gatherings.
Facilities and equipment: none
Rules of the game: A. Before the game:
1. Form a group consisting of at least 6 members.
2. Each group must fall in line (1 line) from the starting point.
3. Players must place his/her hands on the shoulder of the player in front of him/her.
4. Players' feet must be in a stride position (sideward direction).
B. During the game:
1. The last player on the line must pass under his/her co-player who are in a stride position.
2. After passing under the players, he/she must position him/herself to be the new first player on the line.
3. The new last player on the line should also do the same process to be the next first player.
4. Repeat the same process. This will make the line of each group move, until it reaches the finish point.
** Avoid making a long gap between each player. It should not exceed the length of a one arm forward.
5. After reaching the finish point, each group must go back to the starting point and follow the same
process of passing under each player.
6. The group who will reach the starting point first and shout the name of their group will win the game.
Terminologies: Stride position- a position where players make a step in a sideward direction.
Starting point- a point which the line of each group should start to play and where the game will end.
Finish point- a first point of destination for each group before going back to the starting point.
Passing under- an act of crawling under each players to reach the end of the line, the group created.
Change in position- the last player on the line will become the first player after passing under the co-
Skills: Speed, Coordination, Physical Strength and Agility
Values being developed: 1. Help us to become healthier 2. It builds relation between players 3.
Teamwork 4. Teach us to be passionate to win 5. Learn to accept failures

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