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Information & Management 51 (2014) 43–56

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Development and validation of an instrument to measure

organizational cultures’ support of Business Process Management
Theresa Schmiedel a,*, Jan vom Brocke a, Jan Recker b
University of Liechtenstein, Institute of Information Systems, Fuerst-Franz-Josef-Strasse, 9490 Vaduz, Liechtenstein
Queensland University of Technology, Information Systems School, 126 Margaret Street, Brisbane, QLD 4000, Australia


Article history: The purpose of Business Process Management (BPM) is to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of
Received 10 July 2012 organizational processes through improvement and innovation. Despite a common understanding that
Received in revised form 20 December 2012 culture is an important element in BPM efforts, there is a dearth of theoretical and empirical research on
Accepted 31 August 2013
culture as a facilitator of successful BPM. We develop the BPM culture construct and propose a validated
Available online 10 September 2013
instrument with which to measure organizational cultures’ support of BPM. The operationalization of
the BPM culture concept provides a theoretical foundation for future research and a tool to assist
organizations in developing a cultural environment that supports successful BPM.
Business Process Management
ß 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Organizational culture
BPM culture
Measurement instrument
Construct development
Scale development

1. Introduction Nevertheless, there is little knowledge about how various

cultural concepts or conceptualizations of culture intervene in
Business Process Management (BPM) has become a recognized BPM projects. One possible reason for the dearth of research in this
field of research in the Information Systems discipline. The purpose area is the lack of an appropriate operationalization of culture.
of BPM is to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of Empirical studies of cultural settings and their influence on
organizational processes through improvement and innovation processes or outcomes of BPM require reliable and valid
[22]. Early approaches in both research and practice have focused measurement instruments. Such instruments would also provide
on the role of information technology (IT) in supporting BPM [4], practitioners with an analysis and benchmarking tool that could be
but a more holistic understanding of BPM has been established used to examine the extent to which their organizational culture
since then that recognizes the strategic and governance elements facilitates their BPM approach.
of BPM, as well as soft factors, such as people and culture issues To address this gap, the purpose of this study is to develop and
[54]. Culture in particular has often been identified as critical to the validate a measurement instrument with which to assess an
success of business processes and IT-driven change [11], as both a organizational culture’s support of BPM. We adopt a multi-stage
driver and a potential inhibitor of BPM initiatives [40,60]. approach to instrument development that involves experts from
An important concept that has been proposed in this context is BPM research and practice from around the world. As BPM is an
the notion of a BPM culture, i.e., a culture that supports BPM established management approach worldwide, we deem an
objectives. While some researchers have referred to this concept in international study necessary. We report on construct and scale
their work [69,30], its meaning was not fully explored until development, operationalization, and measurement instrument
recently. In a prior global Delphi study with experts from BPM validation and application, building on and extending the
research and practice, we analyzed and conceptualized the definition of the BPM culture concept from a previous Delphi
characteristics of an organizational culture that supports BPM study [56].
and identified four distinct values that define the BPM culture We proceed as follows. Next, we provide a relevant theoretical
concept [56]. background on the main concepts of our research – BPM,
organizational culture, and the notion of BPM culture – which
compose the conceptual basis for our study. We then provide an
* Tel.: +423 265 1309; fax: +423 265 1301.
overview of the methodological approach and describe the
E-mail address: (T. Schmiedel). procedure that we followed in the various stages of instrument

0378-7206/$ – see front matter ß 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
44 T. Schmiedel et al. / Information & Management 51 (2014) 43–56

development and validation. Subsequently, we discuss our 2.3. BPM culture

findings, the implications of our study for research and practice,
and the limitations of our approach. We conclude with a summary Several studies have referred to the notion of BPM culture, which
of our contributions. is defined as a culture that supports achieving BPM objectives
[22,69,30,65]. While authors such as Zairi [69], de Bruin and
Rosemann [12], and Jesus et al. [30] provide some insights beyond
2. Background this general definition, researchers have recognized that the BPM
culture concept generally remains unspecified in extant studies
2.1. Business Process Management [66].
For example, Zairi [69] proposes a set of rules that support the
BPM is a comprehensive approach to realizing efficient and development of a BPM culture, yet these rules provide only initial
effective business processes in an organization [54]. Its process insight into the dimensions that compose BPM culture. Similarly,
view contrasts the functional view, which originates from the the BPM maturity model from de Bruin and Rosemann includes
division of labor in Taylorism. In focusing on transcending culture as an important factor in BPM [54], and the identified
departmental boundaries, BPM builds on several management capability areas of this factor elucidate dimensions of culture that
approaches, embracing aspects of the total quality management support BPM. Jesus et al. describe, on a general level, how the
(TQM) approach from the 1980s and the business process re- diffusion of BPM culture can be realized [30]. While these studies
engineering (BPR) approach from the 1990s [22]. While provide valuable first insights into the dimensions that compose
approaches such as these differ in their specific focus (e.g., quality, the BPM culture concept, empirical research that goes beyond
radical process change), they contributed to the emergence of BPM deriving concept specifications from a few sources in the literature
as a holistic management concept. is still required [65].
BPM has not always been considered a comprehensive This research need was recently addressed through a global
approach, as early research on BPM mainly focused on technical Delphi study that examined and defined the characteristics of an
aspects of process management, such as workflow optimization organizational culture that facilitates BPM in realizing efficient and
through ERP systems and technological support for process effective business processes (i.e., BPM culture) [56]. The Delphi
modeling [26,62]. Only recently has BPM been acknowledged to study involved 27 BPM experts from academia and practice from
require a holistic consideration of additional factors, such as 13 countries. Over several rounds of consensus finding, the study
strategic alignment, governance, methods, people, and culture, (for identified and defined four distinct cultural values that facilitate
an overview, see [66]), with culture being increasingly recognized BPM: customer orientation, excellence, responsibility, and team-
as a key element in successful BPM in terms of process efficiency work (Table 1). These values are also referred to as CERT values
and effectiveness [60]. based on their acronym.
While many authors have acknowledged the importance of Building on the conceptualization of the CERT values, the
culture in BPM, perceptions of its role in BPM differ, as does the research presented in this study develops an instrument to
concept of culture, which can refer to diverse cultural groups, such measure the extent to which an organization adopts a BPM culture.
as national, organizational, and work group cultures. Therefore, the The next section describes the development of this measurement
following sections more closely examine the meaning of the instrument, introducing the general methodological approach and
culture concept as it is discussed in the literature, with a specific providing insights into the various stages of our research.
focus on culture at the organizational level and the concept of BPM
culture as a specific facet of organizational cultures. 3. Methodology

2.2. Organizational culture An initial analysis of the literature revealed a lack of suitable
items for measuring the four defining constructs of BPM culture
While definitions of the culture concept differ widely, many that are listed in Table 1, so we chose to develop appropriate
culture researchers agree that values are the core elements of operationalizations in an effort to design an instrument that
culture [55,23]. Values are invisible guiding principles that specifically and directly measures these constructs. Building on
determine visible behavior and structures in social interaction well-recognized and comprehensive approaches for instrument
[55,45]. That is, typical actions and structures within a group, be it development and validation (e.g., [43,50,39]), we employed a
a nation, region, profession, organization, or work group, are multi-stage approach for developing and testing a scale to measure
largely determined by a set of values that are shared among the to extent to which an organizational culture supports BPM. We
members of the group [23]. perused a variety of data collection and analysis methods to
Individuals can belong to many cultural groups and have operationalize the four defining elements of a BPM culture in order
several cultural identities [59] that influence their value system, so to ensure the reliability and validity of the measurement
a cultural group cannot be considered homogeneous in the sense instrument. Fig. 1 provides an overview of the two-phase research
that all members of the group think and act alike. Despite these
differences, commonalities among the members of a cultural group
Table 1
are based on shared values. The complexity of the organizational CERT value constructs that define the BPM culture concept [22,69,30,56,65,12].
culture concept is also underscored by the fact that an organization
Construct Definition
comprises many work group cultures that themselves comprise
members of multiple national cultures. Customer orientation The proactive and responsive attitude
Despite the complex interrelationship between organizational toward the needs of process output recipients.
Excellence The orientation toward continuous
culture and other group cultures, our research focuses on
improvement and innovation to
organizational culture, as the organization is a common focus of achieve superior process performance.
research on culture [66,37]. Moreover, this study addresses one Responsibility The commitment to process objectives
particular facet of organizational culture, namely, BPM culture and the accountability for process decisions.
Teamwork The positive attitude toward cross-functional
[66]. The next section delineates specifications of the BPM culture
concept as well as the conceptual basis of our study.
T. Schmiedel et al. / Information & Management 51 (2014) 43–56 45

Fig. 1. Research process of instrument development and validation.

process that we followed to develop and validate the instrument for each construct. The main sources identified from which to
and summarizes the key techniques that we employed. derive candidate items were [8,28,31,44] for customer orientation,
In the first stage of the instrument development process, item [8,44,9,34] for excellence, [47,17,3,27] for responsibility, and
creation, we used a literature review, a survey, and in-depth [28,25,42,57] for teamwork.
interviews to create pools of candidate items that are likely to It was apparent that most of the existing measurement items
exhibit high content validity. In the second stage, we asked experts had little or no relationship to a business process context. Before
to identify domain categories (substrata) among the candidate selecting and adjusting the existing items, we therefore conducted
items in order to establish convergent and discriminant construct an additional survey of BPM experts from academia and practice
validity among the items. In stage three, we conducted a survey to who had contributed to the contemporary body of knowledge in
assess the degree to which the identified items measure the BPM, as captured in the International Handbook on BPM [64]
intended constructs (content validity) and ranked and selected (Appendix A). In this survey, we asked the experts to provide an
items based on the results. In stage four, the selected items were explanation of values that are supportive of achieving BPM
sorted into categories to assess their convergent and discriminant objectives. Three independent researchers coded the responses
construct validity and to revise them where necessary. that we received from the BPM experts, first individually and then
The instrument validation process consisted of a preparation in consensus discussions. We used the results to create candidate
stage and an application stage. The preparation stage comprised a items.
pre-test to assess the understandability of the survey in face-to- In addition to the literature review and survey, we conducted
face meetings and a pilot test to improve the instrument based on semi-structured, in-depth interviews with experts from academia
first statistical analyses. The instrument was also translated into and practice who had contributed to the contemporary discussion
German to broaden its application. In the application stage, we on BPM at the BPM Conference 2011. In the interviews, we
conducted a field survey as a final assessment of the measurement presented the four constructs and their definitions and asked the
instrument and confirmed the instrument’s validity and reliability. experts to explain how they thought these values could manifest in
The expert panels and respondent populations that were an organization – that is, what actions or structures they identify as
involved in the various stages of the research process varied in size representing the four values. We transcribed and coded each of the
from 4 to 222 (Appendix A). The size of each panel or sample was interviews. Together with the survey findings, these results served
based on recognized guidelines for the methods that were applied as input for the creation of new candidate items.
in each stage. This approach allowed us to develop the instrument We followed two principles in creating new items and adjusting
in in-depth sessions with smaller expert panels and validate it in a existing items from the literature review: We applied the criteria of
cross-sectional survey with a larger sample of BPM practitioners as Ajzen and Fishbein [2] in specifying each item by including the
respondents. Reliance on a variety of sources of data with several actual behavior (e.g., contribution to continuous improvement),
panels and samples is typically recommended in construct the target of the behavior (e.g., business processes), the context
development [43,50,39]. The next section provides details of the (e.g., our organization), and, where applicable, the time frame (e.g.,
research process. in the past year) [43,50]. We also followed the recommendations of
MacKenzie et al. [39] in ensuring that the wording of the items was
4. Construct development and instrument validation simple and precise (e.g., did not include double-barreled items
such as ‘‘managers are motivated and accountable’’), that the items
4.1. Stage one: item creation did not contain ambiguous or unfamiliar terms (e.g., ‘‘critical
parameter’’), and that a complicated syntax was avoided.
The purpose of this stage was to create items with high content Following these principles, we created eleven to eighteen new
validity regarding the construct definitions [58], so we first items per construct from the survey and interview results. Adding
conducted a literature review to identify candidate items from the adapted items from the literature review, our initial item pools
existing measurement instruments [43]. For the literature search, included 51–119 items per construct (Table 2), from which we
we combined key terms of each of the construct definitions with selected appropriate candidate items in three rounds [43]: First,
terms such as ‘‘scale,’’ ‘‘measure,’’ and ‘‘instrument’’ in order to we excluded items that were too narrow in focus or that were
identify relevant sources in databases in the field of IS and applicable only in particular situations (e.g., ‘‘Close collaboration
management, such as EBSCO BSP, AIS Electronic Library, and between R&D and manufacturing’’). Second, we excluded concep-
Google scholar [37]. This process generated a pool of initial items tually or semantically redundant items (e.g., ‘‘We measure
46 T. Schmiedel et al. / Information & Management 51 (2014) 43–56

Table 2
Overview of item pools.

Constructs Customer orientation Excellence Responsibility Teamwork

No. of initially identified items (literature review) 104 51 39 53

No. of initially created items (survey and interviews) 15 18 12 11
Total no. of initial items 119 69 51 64
No. of candidate items selected 16 15 13 16

Table 3
Substrata/domain categories of the CERT values.

CERT values (construct codes) Customer orientation (C) Excellence (E) Responsibility (R) Teamwork (T)

Substrata (construct codes) External perspective (C_e) Continuous improvement (E_ci) Accountability (R_a) Formal structures (T_f)
Internal perspective (C_i) Innovation (E_i) Commitment (R_c) Informal structures (T_i)

customer satisfaction,’’ since its content was already included in researchers then clustered the categories that the four experts had
‘‘Customer satisfaction is frequently assessed to minimize issues in identified, with the requirement that the final categories were
our processes’’). Third, we excluded ambiguous items that were neither overlapping nor ambiguous. To reduce subjectivity in the
likely to load on more than one factor (e.g., ‘‘Our organization aims consolidation process, the coders first clustered the categories
at improving customer processes,’’ which could refer to both individually before meeting to reach consensus on the codification
excellence and customer orientation). of the final categories [51]. In the individual clustering, the coders
Following established guidelines on instrument development, agreed in their placement of 80 percent of the experts’ categories,
we considered item pools of at least ten candidate items per reaching a Kappa value of 0.69, which indicates sufficient inter-
construct to be sufficient to cover all possible dimensions of the coder reliability [43]. Table 3 provides an overview of the final
theoretical constructs [50] and arrived at item pools of thirteen to categories that the coders identified for each of the four item pools.
sixteen items per construct. Then, in a final revision cycle, we
reviewed and adjusted all items to ensure that they met the 4.3. Stage three: item selection
principles for our candidate items. Next, we present the process of
identifying underlying categories among the candidate items. Following the identification of domain categories, we assessed
the content validity of the candidate items. Based on the revised
4.2. Stage two: substrata identification and extended item pools from stage two, we conducted a survey
among BPM experts to determine whether the candidate items
The purpose of stage two was to identify domain substrata – match our construct definitions [51]. We provided the definition
that is, construct categories – among the candidate items in order for each construct, and the experts assessed the degree to which
to ensure a high level of construct validity for the items in terms of they deemed the candidate items to be helpful in measuring the
convergent and discriminant validity [51]. The resulting domain construct using a 7-point scale (1 indicated a very weak measure,
categories represent the various dimensions of meaning that a and 7 indicated a very strong measure). The experts were also
construct may cover [50]. To determine these categories, we asked to provide comments and suggestions on how to improve
followed the own category method, as has been applied in other the items (e.g., regarding wording, fit to the concept definition, fit
instrument-development studies [50], asking a panel of experts to to BPM).
identify and label domain categories among the candidate items of The expert panel for this stage consisted of both academics and
each item pool. The items that were sorted in one category had to practitioners. We selected experts from academia who are active
be the ones that were most similar to others in the category and researchers in the field of BPM and who hold a PhD and experts
most dissimilar to those in other categories [43]. The number of from practice who actively contribute to BPM-related discussions
identified categories was determined by the experts. and who hold a senior position or play a key role in BPM initiatives
Following the suggestions in [50], our expert panel for the or BPM consulting. Overall, we invited twenty BPM experts to
substrata identification consisted of four recognized BPM experts participate in our study and received feedback from eleven, for a
from four countries who were working in either academia or response rate of 55 percent. Compared to similar recent scale
practice (Appendix A). The experts were selected based on active development studies [50], our expert panel was an appropriate size
participation in research on culture in BPM and/or in the for this stage of our study.
establishment of process orientation in organizations (e.g., We ranked the experts’ individual responses based on the
[66,65]). We contacted each expert individually and conducted calculated averages of the perceived correspondence between the
the categorization procedure through web-based meeting plat- items and the construct definitions. The ranking of the candidate
forms. The items were presented in Excel sheets via shared screens items provided an overview of the content validity of all candidate
so the experts were able to sort the items in categories and label items and allowed us to identify items for elimination. We deemed
the identified domain substrata. To ensure that the experts items that received a moderate or weak average measurement
understood the categorization procedure, we used a simple rating (scores of 1–4 on the 7-point scale) to have little potential for
categorization example to demonstrate the method beforehand, content validity and removed them from the list of candidate
similar to the approach suggested in [50]. items. We approved, revised, or deleted the remaining candidate
In addition to the categorization task, we asked the experts to items, considering the ranking data, qualitative feedback, and
comment on the items’ clarity and to suggest ways in which the domain categories of the theoretical constructs that were
items could be improved. We lastly asked whether they would add identified in the previous stage.
items to cover additional facets of the construct domains. After Some candidate items were revised because they were
each categorization round, we revised the items where appropriate ambiguous or unclear (e.g., the item ‘‘Our organization studies
and added items that the experts had suggested. Two independent customer expectations to incorporate them into internal
T. Schmiedel et al. / Information & Management 51 (2014) 43–56 47

processes’’ was reworded to ‘‘Our organization incorporates Table 4

Overview of inter-judge reliability in the index-card-sorting test.
customer expectations into internal processes’’), while others
were deleted or merged because the statements were redundant or Measure Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4
weak (e.g., the item ‘‘Employees of our organization take Kappa 0.29 0.42 0.26 0.67
ownership of the processes that they are involved in’’ was deleted, Placement Ratio 0.59 0.72 0.62 0.82
as it was similar to and weaker than the item ‘‘Employees of our
organization go beyond their formally defined responsibilities to
achieve process performance targets’’). In the next stage of our task, the expert comments and suggestions on how to improve the
research, we checked the items’ construct validity. items served as a primary source for the item revisions. Items that
were repeatedly misplaced or that showed low convergent and
4.4. Stage four: item revision discriminant validity were dropped [50].
To measure improvement after the item revision task, we
To assess both the convergent and the discriminant construct calculated the inter-judge reliability in every sorting round [43].
validity of the items, we conducted an index-card-sorting test [43], Table 4 provides an overview of the average Kappa and item-
asking several groups of experts to sort the candidate items from placement ratio values of each round. The values increase or
stage three into categories. For the sorting test, it is recommended decrease between the sorting rounds because we alternated the
that the expert panel largely reflects the target population of the sorting rounds between those in which the experts were given the
field study in order to maximize the chance that the final categories and those in which they were not. In the latter, sorting
measurement items will be well understood [50]. Our target proved to be more difficult, as was expected [50], so the Kappa and
population for the field study includes practitioners with diverse placement ratio values were lower than those in the sorting rounds
backgrounds in BPM expertise, such as practical vs. academic when the categories were provided. Nevertheless, across all
knowledge and no professional experience vs. professional rounds, the values increased, demonstrating the improved
experience (Appendix A). We ensured that the practitioners convergent and discriminant validity of the items. In round four,
represented a broad range of industries, including the chemical, generally recommended inter-judge reliability levels of at least a
consultancy, energy, engineering, healthcare, and information Kappa value > 0.6 and a placement ratio > 0.8 were achieved,
technology industries. Four experts participated in each of the four suggesting appropriate levels of agreement [43,51]. Based on the
sorting rounds. overall improvement of the items at this stage, we deemed the
Prior to the sorting task, we gave detailed instructions and operationalization to be sufficiently valid to prepare the instru-
conducted a trial sorting task to ensure that the experts fully ment for application.
understood the procedure. For this task, we provided the experts
with items in categories of nutrition (e.g., food, drinks) and asked 4.5. Stage five: instrument preparation
them to sort the items according to the provided instructions [43].
The sorting example also contained ambiguous and indeterminate This stage served to refine the measurement instrument
items to demonstrate such cases. through a pre-test and a pilot test. In addition, we translated
After the trial sorting task, the items from stage three, which the instrument to allow it to be applied in different geographic
were printed on index cards, were given out randomly to the regions. The pre-test was conducted with a panel of ten experts,
experts. The test was split into four rounds [43,50], in the first and from academia and practice, some with and some without
third of which the experts were given no categories – that is, they knowledge of our study. We asked each participant to fill out
sorted the items so that those with the most similar meanings were the online survey in a virtual or face-to-face meeting and to
grouped into one category and then labeled the categories. In the provide comments and suggestions while they completed the
second and fourth rounds, the experts were given categories (i.e., survey on how to improve the measurement instrument further.
the domain substrata identified in stage two) and sorted the item Based on notes that we took during the meetings, we revised the
cards into those categories. In addition to the categorization, we instrument where appropriate after each pre-test, assessing and
asked the experts to indicate whether any items were ambiguous improving the understandability of the instrument in an iterative
or indeterminate and to indicate two items per category that they process.
deemed to be most appropriate for measuring the value construct Following the pre-test, we conducted a pilot test to assess the
to which they belonged. validity and reliability of the instrument. The panel mainly
The two expert groups that sorted the candidate items into included fully employed practitioners and students with demon-
given categories received cards with the items, as well as cards strated working knowledge of BPM as well as several academics
with the domain categories of our constructs and with categories who were active in the BPM domain (Appendix A). Overall, 69
for ambiguous and indeterminate items. In addition, we provided persons were invited to participate in the pilot test phase, and 34
green, yellow, and red cards with which the experts indicated the participants filled out the survey, resulting in a response rate of 49
two most appropriate items per category to measure the construct percent. Based on the data that we obtained from this test, we
(green), the items that were clear and appropriate (yellow), and the conducted an exploratory factor analysis to assess the validity and
items that were difficult to understand in terms of wording (red). reliability of the instrument and revised items that did not meet
The two expert groups that were not provided with categories the required thresholds.
received only cards with the candidate items as well as plain cards Before applying the instrument in a field survey, we translated
with which to label the categories that they identified. Four of the it into German so that it could be applied more broadly, across
experts required a virtual meeting, which we set up using the same cultural settings (e.g., North America and Central Europe). The
procedure described in stage two. translation was realized in an iterative process: The English version
The convergent validity and discriminant validity were was reviewed by a native English speaker, and after minor
improved through every sorting round. Items were revised after grammatical changes were made, the instrument was translated
each round based on the sorting results. Considerable attention into German by a bilingual speaker. The resulting tentative draft
was given to those items that were identified as ambiguous or was then iteratively refined by two language experts whose native
indeterminate and those that were assigned to new categories, language was English (and who were fluent in German) and two
which were reworded to fit the intended category better. For this language experts whose native language was German (and who
48 T. Schmiedel et al. / Information & Management 51 (2014) 43–56

Table 5 4.6. Stage six: instrument application

Distribution of survey sample regarding industry and region.

Industry Region Since the purpose of the field survey was to assess and confirm
Aeronautic & Maritime 2.3% Africa 1.8% the validity and reliability of the measurement instrument, we
Automotive 7.2% America 9.5% conducted a cross-sectional survey of BPM practitioners from
Banking & Financial Services 14.9% Asia 5.5% various industries and cultural settings from around the world. The
Chemicals 0.9% Australia 5.5% survey was administered online to maximize the geographical
Communications & Media 6.3% Europe (German-speaking) 65.9%
reach and minimize the response time and administration costs
Consultancy 9.5% Europe (else) 11.8%
Consumer Goods 3.2% [49]. We contacted practitioners in the field of BPM via social
Energy 4.5% networks (e.g., LinkedIn and Xing) and announced the survey in
Engineering & Construction 14.0% online practitioner forums (e.g., BPTrends) and online groups (e.g.,
Healthcare 0.5%
BPM Forum and BPM Professionals Group). Overall, 222 practi-
Information Technology 17.2%
Insurance 5.0%
tioners participated in our survey. As the demographic statistics in
Logistics & Transportation 5.4% Table 5 show, there was a large share of German-speaking
NGOs 0.9% participants in the sample. To account for potential response bias,
Public Services 4.1% we conducted an independent samples t-test on key demographic
Retail 4.1%
and survey responses, which revealed no significant differences
between German- and English-speaking participants.
To examine the validity and reliability of our measurement
were fluent in English). In addition, two domain experts and three instrument for BPM culture, we used Structural Equation Modeling
potential survey participants checked the translation and provided (SEM) for confirmatory factor analysis. We applied the partial least
suggestions for improvement during the translation process, squares (PLS) technique, as it is typically used when the
ensuring that the items could be understood in a BPM context. investigated phenomenon is new and the study aims at theory
Overall, ten people were involved in developing a valid translation generation rather than confirmation [61]. In addition, a PLS
of the measurement instrument. (The German translation of the approach, which does not require a normal distribution, as
items can be obtained from the authors upon request.) opposed to covariance-based approaches, which do require a

Fig. 2. Reflective-formative model of the BPM culture construct.

T. Schmiedel et al. / Information & Management 51 (2014) 43–56 49

normal distribution, was more appropriate because of the reflective indicator of the relevant higher-order constructs. The
distributional properties of our manifest variables [61]: while indicator-reuse approach for modeling higher-order construct
the univariate measures of skewness and kurtosis show only minor models was required because all latent variables in a structural
deviations from the thresholds for univariate normality (<j1.0j), equation model, which includes higher-order constructs, must
Mardia’s tests of multivariate skewness and multivariate kurtosis have a measurement model with at least one indicator [52], and
suggest that the assumption of multivariate normality was such an approach is appropriate in models in which all lower-order
violated in our sample (Appendix B). Furthermore, because of components have the same number of indicators, as in our case.
the hierarchical nature of the BPM culture construct, a PLS Further, we modeled each of the eight first-order constructs as
approach was more appropriate, as the constraints of covariance- formative constructs of one of the four second-order constructs.
based SEM in the case of higher-order construct models can be Thus, we modeled the four BPM value constructs as aggregate
avoided using PLS [67]. constructs [68], each combining the two sub-dimensions that
Based on the multidimensionality of the BPM culture construct, emanated from the substrata identification of stage two (Table 3)
we modeled our measurement instrument for BPM culture as a [16]. In turn, the second-order constructs are formative to the
higher-order construct in a reflective-formative way [52] (Fig. 2). aggregate BPM culture construct. That is, we modeled our
Each item was modeled as a reflective indicator of one of the eight measurement instrument as a hierarchical component model
first-order constructs, i.e., the categories that were identified in with reflective indicators and formative (sub)-constructs. Based on
stage two of our instrument development procedure. Following confirmatory factor analysis, we used the estimated factor scores
the indicator-reuse approach [38], we also modeled each item as a to estimate the overall model simultaneously [68].

Table 6
Item validation.

Construct code Item code Item Loading Significance

C_e C_e_1 The core business processes of our organization are focused on satisfying our customers. 0.83 p < 0.001
C_e_2 Our organization incorporates customer expectations into its business processes. 0.89 p < 0.001
C_e_3 Our organization uses customer complaints as an opportunity to reflect on the redesign of business processes. 0.87 p < 0.001
C_e_4 Our organization includes our customers in the design of our business processes. 0.78 p < 0.001
C_e_5 Our organization understands the processes of our customers that lead to an interaction with 0.83 p < 0.001
our organization.
C_i C_i_1 Our organization defines internal customers for all business processes. 0.82 p < 0.001
C_i_2 Employees of our organization focus on the requirements of colleagues who receive their work. 0.89 p < 0.001
C_i_3 Employees of our organization have a good understanding of who their internal customers are. 0.90 p < 0.001
C_i_4 Managers of our organization encourage employees to meet the needs of colleagues who receive their work. 0.89 p < 0.001
C_i_5 Employees treat people within our organization as customers when providing them with internal services. 0.87 p < 0.001
E_ci E_ci_1 Our organization regularly evaluates its business processes for improvement opportunities. 0.87 p < 0.001
E_ci_2 Employees of our organization strive to improve our business processes continually. 0.85 p < 0.001
E_ci_3 Our organization regularly implements best practices that improve business processes. 0.84 p < 0.001
E_ci_4 Managers of our organization regularly invite ideas from our employees on ways to improve 0.82 p < 0.001
business processes.
E_ci_5 Our organization regularly uses performance indicators to find ways to improve business processes. 0.86 p < 0.001
E_i E_i_1 Team leaders in our organization honor cutting-edge ideas for the innovation of business processes. 0.84 p < 0.001
E_i_2 Our top management rewards employees who present pioneering ideas for enhancing the performance of 0.80 p < 0.001
business processes.
E_i_3 Our organization welcomes concepts for fundamental innovations that increase the performance of 0.91 p < 0.001
business processes.
E_i_4 Our organization encourages thinking ‘‘outside the box’’ to create innovative solutions in business processes. 0.92 p < 0.001
E_i_5 Managers of our organization are open to radical changes that enhance the performance of business processes. 0.78 p < 0.001
R_a R_a_1 Process owners of our organization have the authority to make decisions on business processes. 0.84 p < 0.001
R_a_2 Managers of our organization are rewarded based on the performance of the overall business processes 0.79 p < 0.001
for which they are responsible.
R_a_3 Responsibilities for business processes are clearly defined among members of our management board. 0.85 p < 0.001
R_a_4 Process owners of our organization are accountable for the performance of business processes. 0.87 p < 0.001
R_a_5 Our organization appoints process owners for all business processes. 0.81 p < 0.001
R_c R_c_1 Employees of our organization go above and beyond their formally defined responsibilities to achieve the 0.82 p < 0.001
objectives of business processes.
R_c_2 Our organization highly values personal dedication to reaching performance targets of business processes. 0.88 p < 0.001
R_c_3 It motivates employees of our organization that their actions contribute to the achievement of business 0.92 p < 0.001
process objectives.
R_c_4 Our organization uses current achievements to encourage employees’ commitment to process objectives. 0.90 p < 0.001
R_c_5 Employees of our organization feel an inner obligation to attain the performance goals of business processes. 0.88 p < 0.001
T_f T_f_1 Our organization properly aligns the goals of the departments that are involved in one business process. 0.88 p < 0.001
T_f_2 Managers of our organization routinely arrange cross-departmental meetings to discuss current topics of 0.84 p < 0.001
business processes.
T_f_3 The overall goals of a business process in our organization are binding on all departments involved in 0.90 p < 0.001
that particular business process.
T_f_4 Our organization does well in coordinating the tasks of the departments that are involved in one 0.90 p < 0.001
business process.
T_f_5 It is the policy of our organization that employees share their process knowledge with those in 0.85 p < 0.001
other departments.
T_i T_i_1 Employees of our organization enjoy working with their process colleagues from other departments. 0.86 p < 0.001
T_i_2 Employees of our organization have many opportunities for informal interaction with their process 0.83 p < 0.001
colleagues from other departments.
T_i_3 Employees of our organization not only identify with their department but also with their process team. 0.86 p < 0.001
T_i_4 Employees of our organization informally exchange information about current topics in business processes. 0.81 p < 0.001
T_i_5 Our organization encourages informal activities that break down departmental barriers. 0.79 p < 0.001
50 T. Schmiedel et al. / Information & Management 51 (2014) 43–56

Table 7
First-order construct validation (the right-hand part of the table displays construct correlations and square roots of AVE on the diagonal).

C’s a DG’s r CR AVE C_e C_i E_ci E_i R_a R_c T_f T_i

C_e 0.90 0.92 0.93 0.71 0.84

C_i 0.92 0.94 0.94 0.77 0.65 0.88
E_ci 0.90 0.93 0.93 0.72 0.66 0.71 0.85
E_i 0.90 0.93 0.93 0.72 0.67 0.71 0.72 0.85
R_a 0.89 0.92 0.92 0.69 0.61 0.64 0.72 0.68 0.83
R_c 0.93 0.94 0.94 0.77 0.61 0.73 0.69 0.74 0.69 0.88
T_f 0.92 0.94 0.94 0.76 0.64 0.76 0.72 0.74 0.76 0.75 0.87
T_i 0.89 0.92 0.92 0.69 0.64 0.72 0.70 0.73 0.68 0.74 0.73 0.83

We performed data analysis using WarpPLS [32], as this tool 4.6.2. Evaluation of higher-order latent constructs
provides several advantages. For instance, WarpPLS allows for non- In determining the validity of the aggregate higher-order latent
linear relationships between variables and provides a comprehen- constructs, we assess three criteria:
sive report of model goodness-of-fit statistics that is not readily
available in other tools. Based on the analysis with WarpPLS, we (1) We evaluate the absolute contribution of the formative
assessed the validity and reliability of our measurement instru- indicators to the higher-order constructs by examining the
ment in two stages: after we evaluated the manifest items and indicator weights [52,68]. As Table 8 shows, all weights are
their first-order latent constructs, we analyzed the higher-order highly significant, indicating that the higher-order constructs
latent constructs and the relationships between the latent are explained by the lower-order constructs. These results also
variables in the model. We discuss these findings in turn. confirm the appropriateness of the domain categories that
were identified at the substrata identification stage of our
4.6.1. Evaluation of first-order latent constructs measurement instrument development procedure (Table 3).
For constructs with reflective indicators, unidimensionality is a (2) We evaluate the relationship between the lower-order and
prerequisite for validity and reliability. We tested for block higher-order constructs through the adequacy coefficient R2a
unidimensionality using two measures, Cronbach’s a and [39,16]. R2a should exceed the threshold of 0.50, which holds
Dillon-Goldstein’s r [6], both of which should exceed the threshold true for all second- and third-order constructs, indicating that
of 0.7. Table 7 shows that our first-order constructs met these the majority of the variance in the formative indicators is
requirements, indicating unidimensionality. shared with the aggregate construct [39]. Overall, the results of
We assessed the convergent validity using three criteria [18]: the comprehensive analysis of our measurement instrument
the factor loadings for all items were significant and ranged from provide sufficient evidence of the measurement instrument’s
0.78 to 0.92, well exceeding the required threshold of 0.6 [19] reliability and validity.
(Table 6); the composite reliability scores for the first-order (3) We assess the formative constructs for conceptual redundancy.
constructs were higher than the recommended cutoff of 0.8 As the lower-order latent constructs are of a formative nature
(Table 7); and the average variance extracted (AVE) for the first- with regard to the higher-order latent constructs, they should
order constructs ranged from 0.69 to 0.77 (Table 7), well above the be conceptually distinct – that is, not collinear – if we are to be
cutoff of 0.50. Hence, all conditions of convergent validity were able to separate their influence on the respective construct
met. [39]. Multicollinearity can be examined on the basis of the
Discriminant validity is ensured when the AVE for each variance inflation factor (VIF) [52]. We note that none of the
construct exceeds the squared correlation between that and any first-order constructs in our model exceeds the threshold of 10,
other construct in the factor correlation matrix. Based on the data above which multicollinearity is commonly assumed [13], or
displayed in Table 7, the largest squared correlation was that the more restrictive cutoff of 3.30 [46]. Therefore, multi-
between T_f and C_i and T_f and R_a (0.58), while the smallest AVE collinearity is not an issue for the first-order constructs.
value was 0.69 (T_i). At the item level, the loadings of the reflective However, the VIF for the second-order constructs in relation to
indicators on their latent constructs should be notably larger than BPMC as the third-order construct ranges between 3.66 and
their cross-loadings [68], which holds true for all measurement 5.27. Therefore, we applied the suggestions from Petter et al. in
items (Appendix C). These results suggest that the test of assessing the applicability of the four options that Petter et al.
discriminant validity was met. provide in order to assess and mitigate potential multi-
collinearity concerns [46].

Table 8
Higher-order construct validation. The first of these four options is to model the construct with
both formative and reflective indicators, yet, in our case, BPMC was
Higher order Lower order Weight Significance VIF Adequacy
construct code construct code coefficient R2a developed as a construct that is determined by four distinct
formative constructs. The conceptual definition of BPM culture
C C_e 0.55 p < 0.001 1.74 0.83
C_i 0.55 p < 0.001 1.74
would render a reflective measurement inappropriate. In addition,
E E_ci 0.54 p < 0.001 2.10 0.86 no reflective measurement constructs are available for the
E_i 0.54 p < 0.001 2.10 reflective modeling of BPMC. The second option is to remove
R R_a 0.55 p < 0.001 1.89 0.84 highly correlated indicators from the construct, but doing so would
R_c 0.55 p < 0.001 1.89
affect the content validity of the BPMC construct. In fact, many
T T_f 0.54 p < 0.001 2.15 0.86
T_i 0.54 p < 0.001 2.15 researchers caution against over-interpreting multicollinearity at
BPMC C 0.26 p < 0.001 3.66 0.87 the expense of content validity [14], suggesting that items be
E 0.27 p < 0.001 4.53 retained for increased validity but at the expense of increasing the
R 0.27 p < 0.001 4.55
potential for measurement redundancy [14]. The third option is to
T 0.27 p < 0.001 5.27
collapse correlated items into a composite index, but what this
T. Schmiedel et al. / Information & Management 51 (2014) 43–56 51

Table 9
Areas of future research.

Research area Suggested future research activities Relevant


Organizational culture Assessing the impact of specific types of organizational culture on the degree to which an organizational culture [7,53]
supports BPM; that is, assessing how the perception of an organization’s cultural fitness for BPM varies between
organizational cultures of specific typologies, such as those proposed in [20]
Work group culture Assessing the impact of work group cultures on the degree to which an organizational culture supports BPM, such [36,48]
as assessing how the perception of an organization’s cultural fitness for BPM varies between organizational sub-groups
National culture Assessing the impact of national cultures on the degree to which an organizational culture supports BPM, such as [29]
assessing how the perception of an organization’s cultural fitness for BPM varies between sites from different countries
BPM implementations Assessing the presence and strength of the influence of BPM culture on process-related initiatives, such as process [62,41,63]
outsourcing, standardization, workflow implementation, and redesign, and on the type of BPM implementation
(e.g., in terms of tool selection and method use)
BPM success/firm success Assessing the presence and strength of the influence of BPM culture on the success of BPM initiatives or on overall [33]
firm performance

index captures and how it should be interpreted would be unclear construct by empirically studying phenomena related to this
[15]. In our case, a composite measure of BPMC as a linear or construct. Table 9 provides an overview of exemplary research
geometric concatenation of the second-order constructs would be fields that can be addressed based on an application of our
meaningless, as culture cannot be assessed through a comparison measurement instrument. We derived these fields from a recent
of two or more value dimensions, such as customer orientation and literature review on culture in BPM [66] and briefly discuss the
excellence. The fourth option is to convert BPMC into a multi- areas of application of the developed scale below.
dimensional construct, but BPMC is already modeled as a multi- Previous research identifies various group cultures, including
dimensional, hierarchical construct. An alternative option is to organizational cultures, work group cultures, and national
assess the test-retest reliability of the measures, which should cultures, that shape the cultural context of BPM initiatives [66].
indicate that construct measurements do not change significantly Several authors note the importance of these cultural groups in the
over time (e.g., between early and late survey respondents). context of BPM and acknowledge the lack of research on the
Following this recommendation, we assessed the potential relationship between these cultural groups and BPM ([66],
differences in the construct measures via independent samples Table 9).
t-tests between early (coded as 0) and late respondents (coded as Regarding organizational cultures, the instrument developed
1), comparing key demographics, such as industry sector, and herein can be used to assess how far different types of
value reports for all higher-order constructs in our measurement organizational culture (e.g., [20]) affect the degree to which an
model. None of the t-tests yielded significant results (p-values organizational culture supports BPM. On the basis of this analysis,
ranging from 0.45 to 0.71), indicating that our measures have existing typologies of organizational culture may be useful in
appropriate test-retest reliability. Therefore, we argue that multi- identifying organizational culture types of different BPM
collinearity, while present to some extent, does not significantly maturity.
bias our findings. Regarding work group cultures, the measurement instrument
can be used to assess how well an organizational culture supports
5. Discussion BPM from the perspective of organizational sub-groups, such as
departments and divisions. Differences in the perceptions of
We presented the development and evaluation of a measure- organizational cultures may then serve as a first point of reference
ment instrument to define and assess four key dimensions of an from which to derive guidelines on how an organization can
organizational culture that supports BPM objectives. The feedback overcome potential cultural gaps in order to realize a BPM culture.
from the broad range of experts who were involved in the various With regard to national cultures, the instrument can be used to
stages of developing and validating our measurement instrument compare the perceptions of the organizational culture that
provides convincing evidence of the relevance of the BPM culture emanate from an organization’s sites from around the world.
construct and suggests that our conceptualization of this construct Such an analysis would provide important insights on potential
is valid. In the development phase, academics agreed on the cultural gaps between national cultures and BPM culture and how
importance of operationalizing the BPM culture construct. In the to overcome them. As an interim finding, we can conclude that our
validation phase, practitioners confirmed the importance of an measurement instrument enables analyses on the compatibility
organizational culture that supports BPM and provided us with between a BPM culture and other group cultures and on the
positive feedback on the online survey. Based on the rigorous achievement of a cultural fit between the two.
instrument-development process and the confirmed reliability and In addition to the focus on various group cultures, we suggest
validity of the instrument application, we conclude that our study that future research focus on the impact of BPM culture on BPM
provides a comprehensive instrument with which to measure BPM implementations and BPM success or firm success. Such research
culture and that the four value dimensions provide a multidimen- could include an assessment of the influence of a BPM culture on
sional view of the BPM culture construct. Next, several conse- process outsourcing or workflow implementation (Table 9). In
quential questions that arose regarding the application of the addition, previous studies suggest that BPM culture positively
instrument are discussed. influences BPM success [56], and now, the actual impact of a BPM
culture on BPM success can be assessed, just as existing studies
5.1. Implications for research have examined process orientation as an antecedent to firm
performance [33]. If BPM culture is identified to have a strong
Our measurement instrument enables the assessment of the impact on organizational success, subsequent research could focus
degree to which an organizational culture supports BPM. Future on identifying guidelines for how to develop such a culture in an
research can build on the operationalization of the BPM culture organization.
52 T. Schmiedel et al. / Information & Management 51 (2014) 43–56

Beyond these areas for instrument application, our research has

additional implications. The instrument development and valida-
tion procedure (Fig. 1) that we applied to derive a measurement
instrument for the BPM culture construct logically combines
existing tools and techniques. As our research demonstrated the
usefulness of this construct development procedure, so our
contribution as relates to methodology lies in this applied research
Our study demonstrates that our framework is appropriate for
construct operationalization in studies on culture and process
management. Its rigor indicates the adequacy of the framework for
developing constructs not only for other relevant concepts that
pertain to BPM (e.g., process orientation) but also for other fields
(e.g., knowledge management, risk management). Broadly speak-
ing, our work demonstrates the adequacy of the instantiated
procedure in developing reliable and valid higher-order models
with both reflective and formative constructs and thus contributes
to the standing issue of appropriate construct specification (e.g., Fig. 3. Exemplary spider diagram of an individual result report.
A related implication for further research concerns our
construct development of a BPM-specific, organizational-level see Fig. 3). Since individual results are based on the perceptions of
concept of culture. Future research may examine other culture only one person, they should be interpreted carefully, but
concepts, such as constructs to examine organizational cultures comparing individual assessment results from several key
that support risk management or supply chain management. In stakeholders may provide important insights for an organization.
this regard, our research may serve as a reference for the In addition, our measurement instrument can be used in ways
operationalization of concepts such as risk management culture other than as an individual assessment of organizational cultures,
and supply chain management culture. as the survey also facilitates a comprehensive analysis of an
organizational culture through averaging the perceptions of
5.2. Implications for practice employees. Such an assessment provides opportunities to compare
the results of several departments or divisions. Based on an
Our research also has implications for practitioners. Through analysis of the root causes for the findings, companies can then
the application of the instrument in the validation phase, we derive measures to develop their culture in specific areas.
demonstrated that the measurement instrument serves as a The measurement instrument also offers the possibility of
reliable and valid tool with which to assess how well an performing various kinds of benchmarking analyses, such as those
organizational culture supports BPM. Therefore, practitioners based on industry sector or company size. Fig. 4 provides an
can use the instrument individually to analyze their own example of an industry benchmark assessment. The graphic
organizational cultures (for an example of such assessment results, compares the assessment results of an organization with the five

Fig. 4. Exemplary spider diagram of a benchmark assessment.

T. Schmiedel et al. / Information & Management 51 (2014) 43–56 53

best-performing organizations in the industry and the average A quantitative measurement instrument is, by definition, a
results of the industry sector. Such an analysis facilitates strategic specific and detailed operationalization of selected facets of a
decisions in terms of which cultural dimensions the organization multi-dimensional construct. We based our work on an existing
should develop; for example, dimensions whose performance is empirically derived conceptualization of BPM culture and devel-
below the average of the industry sector may be defined as a starting oped a complex, reflective-formative model of the construct.
point from which to derive culture-development activities. Nonetheless, the culture concept is fluid and might be conceptu-
As the cases that we have described show, the measurement alized and experienced differently [35]. As such, we caution against
instrument provides a tool for practitioners to assess their relying only on a quantitative instrument in measuring and
organizational cultures and to determine whether a gap exists examining cultural influences. Comprehensive studies of cultural
between their as-is culture and their to-be culture if they adopt a phenomena should consider multi-method designs to overcome
BPM approach. Based on such an assessment, practitioners can limitations that stem from isolated research designs [24].
consider what actions to take to fill this cultural gap, i.e., how to We lastly caution that debates are ongoing regarding the issues
fully incorporate the values of BPM culture into their organiza- and challenges related to construct (mis-)specification [1], forma-
tional cultures [66]. In this regard, our research shows that the tive versus reflective modeling and their interpretations [10], the use
operationalization of the BPM culture construct makes the concept of partial least squares modeling [21], and, particularly, the
more tangible and provides opportunities for practice to measure assessment of complex higher-order constructs [1], such as ours.
and manage culture as part of BPM. We considered and applied guidelines that are current at the time of
writing, but we recognize that related debates are active and that an
ultimate consensus is lacking. One source of potential bias that is due
6. Limitations to formative construct specification relates to the reported levels of
multicollinearity in our data, indicating that some of the suggested
While our study involved experts from around the world in both and assessed measures may contain some redundancy and could
the instrument development process and the validation process, in benefit from further development and pruning.
the validation phase in particular, Western countries, especially
German-speaking countries, were over-represented. This over-
7. Conclusion
representation may have introduced some participant-selection
bias, but we found no evidence of such bias during our analysis.
The purpose of this study was to develop and validate an
The instrument captures perceptional measures of BPM culture
instrument with which to measure organizational cultures’ support
as experienced by practitioners who are engaged in BPM initiatives.
of BPM. The results of our work contribute to the body of knowledge
Response bias may always be present in such an instrument, given
on culture in BPM through the conceptualization of BPM culture and
the cognitive and socio-historical background of the respondents
enable researchers to conduct empirical studies that build on the
(e.g., whether previous BPM initiatives were successful). This
measurement of the BPM culture concept. We identify particular
method bias could be mitigated by relating triangulated culture
fields of research in which the measurement instrument can be
data from other sources to the results. Nevertheless, culture is by
applied to provide insights into the under-researched role of culture
nature a perceptual concept that is defined based on how it is
in BPM. Our research results also provide new opportunities for
experienced by individuals, so our reliance on perceptual measures
practitioners, who can use the measurement instrument to assess
is consistent with the nature of the concept.
the cultural fitness of their organization for process management.

Appendix A

Instrument Development and Validation Phases (adapted from [50,39]).

Phase Stage Method Purpose Task # Experts Composition of Countries of

Expert Panel Involved Experts

Instrument Item creation Lit. review Prepare Identification and –

development content selection of
validity candidate items
Survey 26 Analyst, CIO, consultant, Australia, Austria,
IT/Process expert, manager, Brazil, Canada, Estonia,
PhDa, professor Germany, Hong Kong,
Iran, Liechtenstein,
Slovenia, South Africa,
Sweden, USA
In-depth 6 Consultant, manager, Australia, Canada,
interviews PhD, professor Germany, Netherlands,
Slovenia, South Africa
Substrata Own category Prepare Identification and 4 Brazil, Germany,
identification method construct labeling of domain Netherlands, Slovenia
validity substrata/categories
among items
Item selection Ranking Assess Assessment of 11 Australia, Austria,
Exercise content congruence of Brazil, Canada,
validity items and constructs Germany, Netherlands,
Slovenia, USA
Item revision Index card Assess Sorting of items 16 CIO, executive director, Austria, Germany,
sorting test construct into categories manager, master’s student, Liechtenstein,
validity PhD, process expert Switzerland
54 T. Schmiedel et al. / Information & Management 51 (2014) 43–56
Appendix A (Continued )

Phase Stage Method Purpose Task # Experts Composition of Countries of

Expert Panel Involved Experts

Instrument Instrument Pre-test Assess Refinement of 10 Manager, PhD candidate, Australia, Austria,
validation preparation under- measurement PhD, process expert, Germany,
standability instrument professor Liechtenstein,
Pilot test Assess validity 34 Analyst, assistant, Australia, Austria,
and reliability consultant, IT/Process Germany, Indonesia,
expert, manager, Liechtenstein,
professor Switzerland, USA
Instrument Provide valid Translation of 10 Language expert, domain Austria, Canada,
translation translation instrument into German expert, potential survey Germany, Switzerland,
participant USA
Instrument Field survey Confirm validity Assessment of 222 Analyst, consultant, Australia, Austria,
Application and reliability measurement IT/process expert, Brazil, Canada, Croatia,
instrument manager Denmark, Egypt,
Estonia, France,
Germany, Greece,
Hungary, India, Iran,
Malaysia, New
Zealand, Nigeria,
Norway, Poland,
Portugal, Qatar, Russia,
Saudi Arabia, South
Africa, Spain, Sweden,
Switzerland, Turkey,
e.g., Research assistant, assistant professor, associate professor with a PhD.

Appendix B

Descriptive statistics of the measurement items.

Item code N Min Max Mean Std. Dev. Univariate Skewness Univariate Kurtosis Multivariate Skewness Multivariate Kurtosis

C_e_1 222 1 7 4.99 1.59 S0.68 S0.17

C_e_2 222 1 7 4.88 1.56 S0.70 S0.08
C_e_3 222 1 7 4.43 1.71 S0.38 S0.75
C_e_4 222 1 7 3.31 1.85 0.37 S1.00
C_e_5 222 1 7 4.35 1.64 S0.27 S0.61
C_i_1 222 1 7 3.92 1.85 0.01 S1.06
C_i_2 222 1 7 3.45 1.56 0.26 S0.60
C_i_3 222 1 7 3.95 1.77 S0.03 S1.07
C_i_4 222 1 7 3.86 1.65 S0.02 S0.91
C_i_5 222 1 7 3.79 1.66 0.19 S0.81
E_ci_1 222 1 7 4.53 1.68 S0.51 S0.62
E_ci_2 222 1 7 4.39 1.50 S0.32 S0.55
E_ci_3 222 1 7 3.58 1.69 0.03 S1.06
E_ci_4 222 1 7 3.94 1.77 S0.03 S1.06
E_ci_5 222 1 7 3.76 1.86 0.08 S1.08
E_i_1 222 1 7 3.99 1.69 S0.13 S0.98
E_i_2 222 1 7 3.91 2.04 S0.08 S1.32
E_i_3 222 1 7 4.60 1.79 S0.45 S0.81
E_i_4 222 1 7 4.31 1.89 S0.29 S1.03
E_i_5 222 1 7 3.92 1.74 S0.11 S1.02
R_a_1 222 1 7 4.50 1.96 S0.44 S1.06
R_a_2_ 222 1 7 3.56 2.06 0.10 S1.35
R_a_3 222 1 7 4.23 2.03 S0.17 S1.25
R_a_4 222 1 7 3.95 1.99 S0.06 S1.19
R_a_5 222 1 7 4.25 2.14 S0.18 S1.34
R_c_1 222 1 7 4.26 1.80 S0.28 S0.97
R_c_2 222 1 7 4.05 1.85 S0.20 S1.04
R_c_3 222 1 7 3.95 1.70 S0.11 S0.78
R_c_4 222 1 7 3.85 1.66 S0.20 S0.87
R_c_5 222 1 7 3.85 1.71 S0.22 S0.94
T_f_1 222 1 7 3.68 1.65 0.16 S0.87
T_f_2 222 1 7 3.91 1.86 0.04 S1.05
T_f_3 222 1 7 3.92 1.81 S0.05 S1.04
T_f_4 222 1 7 3.85 1.62 0.03 S0.80
T_f_5 222 1 7 3.76 1.86 0.11 S1.07
T_i_1 222 1 7 4.29 1.47 S0.29 S0.49
T_i_2 222 1 7 4.15 1.63 S0.12 S0.86
T_i_3 222 1 7 3.73 1.74 S0.04 S0.97
T_i_4 222 1 7 4.20 1.64 S0.29 S0.55
T_i_5 222 1 7 4.05 1.84 S0.21 S1.02
509.08 (p < 0.001) 1962.66 (p < 0.001)
T. Schmiedel et al. / Information & Management 51 (2014) 43–56 55

Appendix C

Item Validation: loadings and cross-loadings.

C_e C_i E_ci E_i R_a R_c T_f T_i Significance of loadings

C_e1 0.83 0.47 0.52 0.52 0.46 0.45 0.48 0.50 p < 0.001
C_e2 0.89 0.53 0.51 0.54 0.50 0.50 0.54 0.53 p < 0.001
C_e3 0.87 0.59 0.61 0.60 0.50 0.50 0.56 0.56 p < 0.001
C_e4 0.78 0.58 0.57 0.54 0.56 0.54 0.57 0.54 p < 0.001
C_e5 0.83 0.59 0.56 0.62 0.57 0.57 0.56 0.58 p < 0.001
C_i1 0.54 0.82 0.62 0.59 0.56 0.54 0.64 0.56 p < 0.001
C_i2 0.57 0.89 0.61 0.61 0.55 0.63 0.64 0.66 p < 0.001
C_i3 0.58 0.90 0.60 0.61 0.56 0.63 0.64 0.57 p < 0.001
C_i4 0.63 0.89 0.67 0.71 0.62 0.72 0.75 0.71 p < 0.001
C_i5 0.54 0.87 0.63 0.60 0.53 0.65 0.63 0.63 p < 0.001
E_ci1 0.60 0.58 0.87 0.60 0.61 0.56 0.61 0.57 p < 0.001
E_ci2 0.59 0.60 0.85 0.64 0.57 0.60 0.59 0.65 p < 0.001
E_ci3 0.52 0.58 0.84 0.54 0.57 0.52 0.54 0.50 p < 0.001
E_ci4 0.54 0.63 0.82 0.67 0.62 0.64 0.67 0.66 p < 0.001
E_ci5 0.53 0.63 0.86 0.61 0.66 0.61 0.61 0.60 p < 0.001
E_i1 0.60 0.64 0.63 0.84 0.59 0.64 0.68 0.65 p < 0.001
E_i2 0.44 0.48 0.54 0.80 0.42 0.49 0.49 0.49 p < 0.001
E_i3 0.62 0.62 0.67 0.91 0.61 0.67 0.69 0.67 p < 0.001
E_i4 0.58 0.68 0.67 0.92 0.64 0.71 0.69 0.71 p < 0.001
E_i5 0.60 0.61 0.57 0.78 0.61 0.62 0.61 0.59 p < 0.001
R_a1 0.53 0.54 0.57 0.56 0.84 0.60 0.60 0.62 p < 0.001
R_a2 0.51 0.52 0.62 0.57 0.79 0.61 0.62 0.54 p < 0.001
R_a3 0.46 0.53 0.58 0.59 0.85 0.52 0.65 0.56 p < 0.001
R_a4 0.59 0.61 0.66 0.63 0.87 0.64 0.73 0.61 p < 0.001
R_a5 0.45 0.47 0.55 0.46 0.81 0.47 0.55 0.50 p < 0.001
R_c1 0.42 0.54 0.50 0.53 0.50 0.82 0.57 0.65 p < 0.001
R_c2 0.57 0.69 0.60 0.69 0.63 0.88 0.72 0.68 p < 0.001
R_c3 0.58 0.68 0.67 0.71 0.67 0.92 0.69 0.67 p < 0.001
R_c4 0.60 0.71 0.66 0.72 0.64 0.90 0.72 0.66 p < 0.001
R_c5 0.49 0.58 0.60 0.58 0.56 0.88 0.59 0.61 p < 0.001
T_f1 0.58 0.70 0.60 0.64 0.65 0.58 0.88 0.62 p < 0.001
T_f2 0.52 0.56 0.54 0.58 0.55 0.60 0.84 0.58 p < 0.001
T_f3 0.55 0.67 0.65 0.66 0.70 0.65 0.90 0.61 p < 0.001
T_f4 0.60 0.68 0.68 0.65 0.69 0.69 0.90 0.66 p < 0.001
T_f5 0.56 0.69 0.65 0.72 0.73 0.76 0.85 0.73 p < 0.001
T_i1 0.59 0.64 0.62 0.69 0.64 0.64 0.65 0.86 p < 0.001
T_i2 0.45 0.52 0.50 0.56 0.50 0.55 0.59 0.83 p < 0.001
T_i3 0.55 0.67 0.61 0.62 0.59 0.65 0.60 0.86 p < 0.001
T_i4 0.52 0.57 0.61 0.54 0.55 0.66 0.59 0.81 p < 0.001
T_i5 0.54 0.57 0.56 0.64 0.56 0.60 0.60 0.79 p < 0.001

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2010, pp. 316–324. editor of the International Handbook on Business
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[51] J. Recker, M. Rosemann, A measurement instrument for process modelling Jan Recker is the Woolworths Chair of Retail Innova-
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Francisco, 2004. Stanwell, Federal and State Government, and others.

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