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New Era University

No.9 Central Avenue, New Era

Quezon City 1107, Philippines


A Business Plan
Presented to Professor Reynaldo D. Narra
New Era University (Integrated School)
Quezon City

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirement for the Subject
(Saturday Class/ 1:30 – 5:30pm/ rm. A508)



Leader: Vera Xyza Santos

Asst. Leader: John Emmanuel Arellano
1) Angelyn Telin 7) Laurence Camasora
2) Marielle Lalong-Isip 8) Dayanara Torres
3) Zyra Mae Tarayao 9) Juan Polo Toraldo
4) Alethea Kirsten Ollanas 10) Miko Pespenan
5) Jemmarose Mendoza 11) Gian Aldrin Cariaga
6) Ellysha Atacador
New Era University
No.9 Central Avenue, New Era
Quezon City 1107, Philippines

Business Plan


A. Acknowledgement

This project or business plan would not have been possible without the

support of many people. We would like to thank our most loving Father in heaven

for giving us knowledge, strength, and our needs in conducting this project. We

want also to express our gratitude to our supervisor, Professor Reynaldo D.

Narra who was abundantly helpful and offered valuable assistance, support, and

guidance. Special thanks to our friends who always give suggestions and ideas

in order to become our business colorful. The support received from the

members who contributed and who are contributing to this project, was vital for

success of the project. In addition, we wish to express our love and gratitude to

our beloved parents for their understanding & endless love through the duration

of our studies.

Vera Xyza T. Santos ( CEO of Darling Rice Company)

New Era University
No.9 Central Avenue, New Era
Quezon City 1107, Philippines

B. Introduction

Darling Rice is about rice trading. Our business will purchase the rice

from particular farm or rice mill and deliver it to the seller of rice. We can also

retail it to end consumers which is the customers. In other words, we will serve

as trader of rice. Additionally, our business have two purpose, first is to trade the

rice and second is we are going to plan a restaurant that allows our customers to

have a free taste on different kinds of rice or brands of rice that we’re trading.

The company conducted this business since January 2019.

C. History of the Business

Rice is a kind of grain, or grass, like wheat, millet, or barley, that provides

carbohydrates to people who eat it seeds. In South-East Asia, rice grows wild like

other grasses. Rice probably reached West Asia and Greece about 300

BC with Silk Road traders. The Greek word for rice comes from the Indian

word, vrihi, and all the other European words for rice come from the Greek word.

By the time of the Roman Empire, people were growing some rice around

the Mediterranean Sea, in southern Europe and North Africa including Egypt (but

not as much as in China or India). By 800 AD, thanks to trade with India and

Indonesia, people in East Africa were also growing rice. Soon people were

growing rice all over southern Africa, and by the Middle Ages people grew rice

in West Africa too. After the Civil War, in the late 1800s, with their slaves free, the
New Era University
No.9 Central Avenue, New Era
Quezon City 1107, Philippines

rich planters gave up growing rice in the Carolinas, but other people began to

grow rice across the rest of the South, especially in Louisiana and Mississippi,

and parts of Texas and California. When British settlers came to North

America in the 1600s AD, they brought rice with them. They planted rice in the

south-east part of the continent where the climate was right for it (modern North

and South Carolina). In the 1660s, British settlers forced the Cherokee off their

land in order to grow rice on it. West African people who were forced to come to

North America as slaves also brought rice with them. By the 1700s a lot of

farmers were growing rice in North and South Carolina and exporting it

to Europe (mainly to Germany, but also to Spain and Portugal).

D. Reason of making the business plan being chosen

We all know that Philippines is rich in natural resources, especially rice,

because of its vast farms and it is in the tropical area. Rice Production in the

Philippines is an important aspect of the country’s food supply and economy. The

Philippines is the 9th largest rice producer in the world. Also, Philippines was the

world’s largest rice importer in 2010. Because of those facts, we realized that

making this business will help the country and the people living in it to spread the

importance and function of rice. In addition, our business can promote the rice as

part of the culture in the Philippines, because Philippine rice is much more than

food, it is sustenance with historical and numeral cultural values that are deeply

woven into Filipino culture. Lastly, we can help and deliver enjoyment to
New Era University
No.9 Central Avenue, New Era
Quezon City 1107, Philippines

customers by allowing them to taste the different kinds of rice or brands of rice in

the Philippines.

E. Table of Contents


a. Introduction

b. History of the Business

c. Reason of making the business plan being chosen

d. Table of Contents


a. Company Name

b. Company Logo

c. Tag Line

d. Mission, Vision, and Goals

e. Product/Services

f. Industry

g. Trends

h. Competitive Landscape

i. Competitive Advantage

j. Barriers to Entry

k. Proposed Entry Strategy

New Era University
No.9 Central Avenue, New Era
Quezon City 1107, Philippines

l. Timeline of Activities


a. SWOT Analysis

b. Marketing Program

1. Promotion Strategy

2. Service Strategy

3. Pricing Strategy

4. Placing Strategy


a. Form of Organization

b. Organizational Structure

c. Job Analysis

d. Hiring and Selection of Employee Procedure

e. Compensation Schedule and Mandatory Benefits

f. Employees’ Rights

g. Restrictions and Policies

h. Offences

i. Rules and Regulations

j. Corporate Social Responsibility

New Era University
No.9 Central Avenue, New Era
Quezon City 1107, Philippines


a. Description of the Project

b. Land Area

c. Location

d. Route

e. Daily Work Schedule

f. Service/ Production Strategies/ Process

g. Process Flow Chart

h. Operating Cycles

i. Regulatory and Legal Issues

j. Partnership Cooperation Articles

k. Floor Plan

l. Area Lay-out

m. Machines and Equipment

n. Building, Facilities Improvement

o. Supplies

p. Waste Disposal

q. Research and Development

r. Risk Management
New Era University
No.9 Central Avenue, New Era
Quezon City 1107, Philippines


a. Total Project Cost

b. Service of Financing

c. Financial Statement Analysis

d. Conclusion

e. Recommendation


A. Company Name

The name of our company is DaRice Trading short for Darling Rice

Trading. From the word “darling”, this means someone who is liked very much by

a person or a group. Our company will make sure that our customers will love

and like our service, especially the rice that we’re trading due to its cheap yet

high quality kind of rice.

B. Company Logo
New Era University
No.9 Central Avenue, New Era
Quezon City 1107, Philippines

C. Tagline

“We Trade. You Taste!”

Our business is rice trading and we’re going to deliver that rice on rice shops and

especially to our restaurant then the customers will taste the incredible rice of

ours and that is the reason why our tagline is like that.

D. Mission, Vision, and Goals


 To deliver and promote great-tasting, healthy, and amazing rice and

create a beautiful everyday life for the people.


 Give higher quality and more reliable rice productivity will directly increase

the quantity of food availability.


 To become the world’s most loved rice trader.

 To enlighten the people about the rice as part of Filipino culture.

 To help the customers particularly Filipinos to taste different kinds of rice

or brands of rice in the Philippines.

 To have a vast knowledge about the importance of rice in our daily living.
New Era University
No.9 Central Avenue, New Era
Quezon City 1107, Philippines

 To provide better customer service.

E. Product/Services

Our business is more on services based on the name of our company

which is the “Darling Rice Trading.” Our business is unique at some point that will

be discussed in Marketing Strategy and determine the services that we’re

offering to the customers to give color also on our business. It can contribute not

only to the owner and staffs of the company, but rather to our country by helping

the customers who have no big income, trading the rice and promoting the

Filipino culture lying on the rice at the same time.

F. Industry

In order to know the strengths, weaknesses, risks and advantages, the

company used the SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities,

Threats) and did the Marketing Program which includes Promotion, Service,

Pricing and Placing Strategy.

G. Trends

Since rice is the staple food in the Philippines, it will help our business to

spread all over the country and will be trending in the near future, because all

age are available and can relate to our business and it will be in demand for
New Era University
No.9 Central Avenue, New Era
Quezon City 1107, Philippines

them. The country, an archipelago, is the 8th top producer of rice in the world.

However, it is also the world's top rice importer.

H. Competitive Landscape and Advantage

The company thinks that the other rice trader with something creative on

their service is our great rival. We offer different kinds of services like doing jingle

in our restaurant, allowing the customers to do the free taste of our rice, and

promoting the culture of Philippine Rice to enlighten the customers who will try

this that’s why someone would choose our business over our competitors. And

also with the use of technology and social media (for advertisements,

commercials, announcements, updates, and promotions about our business or

services) it can help our business to spread and to arouse the interests and

attention of the customers.

J. Barriers to Entry

The amount of capital needed to buy the buildings for our restaurant,

machinery, pay the workforce, and so on all serve as a barrier to entry.

Additionally, one of barriers to entry is the Product Differentiation. Product

differentiation can be accomplished through strong brand recognition, great

customer service, or a network effect. If customers perceive existing products as

high quality, then a new business owner will need to spend extra money to

educate customers about the unique qualities and benefits of its specific
New Era University
No.9 Central Avenue, New Era
Quezon City 1107, Philippines

products. Our business must obtain the “network effect” or the situation where

the service becomes more valuable as more people use it.

K. Proposed Entry Strategy

One of the proposed entry strategies is doing this business plan, because

through this, we can easily determine our strengths, weaknesses, limitations with

regard to people, costs and capitals, risks and assumptions. Also, this can help

to promote services that can attract more customers and services that give color

to our business. We’re going to check also from time to time our infrastructures

that can help to support our activities, developments, deliveries and services. We

will do the evaluation of employees, so that we can determine the qualities that

are missing, core competencies, capabilities or key skills set by our current and

future team members and staffs. Our business will make sure that our resources

are tangible and we will build relationship.

L. Timeline of Activities

This timeline of activities is for the bussiness’ initial start-up.

WEEK 3rd WEEK 5th WEEK 7th WEEK 9th WEEK
(Legal (Product (Purchase (Purchase (Opening
Procedur Developme or lease of of date for
es) nt) equipment) Materials) business)

2nd WEEK 4th WEEK 6th WEEK 8th WEEK

(Finding office (Getting all (Hiring of (Start date
or necessary personnel) for
manufacturing permits and marketing
space) licenses) activities)
New Era University
No.9 Central Avenue, New Era
Quezon City 1107, Philippines


A. SWOT Analysis


 Our business allow the costumers to taste our darling rice.

 Our business have 2 purposes; Trading and restaurant.

 Good location of our company or business.

 Loyalty of costumers

 We have our own farm


 The process of trading particularly in far area.

 Climate change.

 Time Management


 Emerging need for your products or services.

 We will use social media to spread our business.


 Changing regulatory environment.

 Competition between to the other rice business.

 Climate Change.
New Era University
No.9 Central Avenue, New Era
Quezon City 1107, Philippines

B. Marketing Program

1. Promotion Strategy

 The staffs will do the jingle every special occasion to entertain our

costumers inside the restaurant and to promote also our business.

 We will use the technology and social media to advertise and

spread our business.

2. Service Strategy

 When the costumer buy 5 sacks of rice, they will get free one sack

of rice.

 In our restaurant if the customers want unlimited rice, they will just

add 20 pesos in their order.

 In every first day of month, the customers have the chance to do

the free taste of our rice.

3. Pricing Strategy

 The shipping fee is included in the payment. The shipping fee

depends on how far the area is. For example, P100 per kilometer.

 The estimated price for 1 sack of rice is PHP450.00

New Era University
No.9 Central Avenue, New Era
Quezon City 1107, Philippines

4. Placing Strategy

 Our farm is in Binalonan, Pangasinan, because this is the good

place to plant the rice.

 Our restaurant is located in an area with good human and vehicular

traffic in order to not struggle and make people to visit our

restaurant and make purchase.

 Our building is in the place with wide area for our trucks.


A. Form of Organization

B. Organizational Structure


a. CEO (Vera Xyza Santos) –the chief executive officer of the company

because she’s the one who is making decisions, managing the operations

and responsibilities and managing the resources.

New Era University
No.9 Central Avenue, New Era
Quezon City 1107, Philippines

b. MANAGER (Angelyn Telin) - She is in charge of employees and the

facilities we work for. As a manager, her job is to plan and promote the daily

schedule of employees and the business, interview, hire, and coordinate

employees, create and maintain budgets, and coordinate with and report to

senior management in the company.

c. SECRETARY (John Emmanuel Arellano) – He’s assigned in answering

phone calls and redirect them when necessary. Managing the

daily/weekly/monthly agenda and arrange new meetings and appointments.

Preparing and disseminating correspondence, memos and forms.

d. SALES AND MARKETING HEAD (Alethea Kirsten Ollanas) - is responsible

for planning and implementing sales, marketing and product development

programs, both short and long range, targeted toward existing and new

markets by performing the following duties personally or through


e. HEAD OF IT (Juan Polo Toraldo) – He will be in charge of a team of IT

managers and manage the company's technology operations and the

implementation of new IT systems and policies. He have a solid technical

background while able to manage and motivate people.

f. HEAD OF FINANCE (Marielle Lalong-isip) –She’s the one who supervise

all financial tasks of our company and ensure we use capital and resources

beneficially. Her responsibilities include creating forecasting models,

New Era University
No.9 Central Avenue, New Era
Quezon City 1107, Philippines

assessing risk in investments and ensuring all accounting activities comply

with regulations.

g. EMPLOYEES (Dayanara Torres, Gian Aldrin Cariaga, Miko Pespeñan,

Zyra Mae Tarayao, Laurence Camasora, Ellysha Atacador, Jemmarose

Mendoza) –They are the responsible for the other work given by the manager

or manager director.

C. Job Analysis

These are the following descriptions of employee that we need and also the


 Punctual

 Optimistic and Pessimistic

 Good in written and oral communication

 Can do the multi-tasking

 For higher positions, you must be graduated

 Organize

 The salary is depends on the position

New Era University
No.9 Central Avenue, New Era
Quezon City 1107, Philippines

D. Hiring and Selection of Employee Procedure

These are the procedures of hiring a and selection of employee:

 Identify need for an opening

 Decide whether to hire externally or internally

 Review the job description and compose a job ad

 Set a deadline for applications

 Communicate their opening through newsletters, emails, word-of-mouth

or an Applicant Tracking System’s automated emails

 Review resumes in company database/ATS

 Source passive candidates

 Shortlist applications

 Proceed through all selection stages

 Run background checks

 Select the most suitable candidate

 Make an official offer

E. Compensation Schedule and Mandatory Benefits

We will base the wages on the budget of our company. The employee will

work 8 hours a day and PHP350.00 is the minimum. Employee benefits include

retirement plans, health life insurance, life insurance, disability insurance,

vacation, employee stock ownership plans, etc. Benefits are increasingly

New Era University
No.9 Central Avenue, New Era
Quezon City 1107, Philippines

expensive for businesses to provide to employees, so the range and options of

benefits are changing rapidly to include, for example, flexible benefit plans.

Benefits are forms of value, other than payment, that are provided to the

employee in return for their contribution to the organization, that is, for doing their

job. Some benefits, such as unemployment and worker's compensation, are

federally required.

F. Employees’ Rights

These are the following rights of the employee:

 Employers must give their employees a place to work and make sure they

have access to it. They must give them the tools, equipment and other

things they need to do their work.

 Employers must pay their employees the salary and benefits they agreed

to, including vacation, paid holidays and other types of holidays.

 Employers must make sure their employees' working conditions are safe.

 In some cases, employers must give their employees written notice that

their contracts are ending or that they are being laid off. Note that

employers can pay employees a sum of money instead of giving the


 Employers must treat their employees with respect. They must make sure

their employees are not harassed or discriminated against.

New Era University
No.9 Central Avenue, New Era
Quezon City 1107, Philippines

 Right to refuse unsafe work.

 Right to participate in the workplace health and safety activities through

the Health and Safety Committee (HSC) or as a worker health and safety


 Right to know, or the right to be informed about, actual and potential

dangers in the workplace.

G. Restrictions and Policies

These are the following restrictions and policies:

 Workplace Safety policies

 Disciplinary policies

 Device Use Policies

 Work Hours and Turnaround time

 Late Payment Policies

 Return/Refund Policies

H. Offences

 If employees don't respect their responsibilities, the employer is allowed to

take certain actions:

 discipline employees, such as giving a written warning, or suspending

New Era University
No.9 Central Avenue, New Era
Quezon City 1107, Philippines

 take other action against employees, such as giving a letter evaluating

their performance, or demoting them (that is, giving them a lower job)

 fire employees if they do something very serious, such as stealing from

the office

 take employees to court to make them pay an amount of money (for

example, if an employee quits without telling the employer in advance, or if

an employee quits before the date in the employment contract)

 take employees to court to stop them from doing things that are harmful to

the business

I. Rules and Regulations

 Always pray before you start working.

 Wearing of proper attire in work.

 No to late

 Respect everyone

 Do not damage, deface or alter the furniture, furnishings, walls, ceilings,

floors, or make or suffer to be made any waste, obstruction or unlawful,

improper or the common area facilities. Do not cause damage to any part

of the building or our property or disturb the quiet enjoyment of any

member or occupant of the building.

New Era University
No.9 Central Avenue, New Era
Quezon City 1107, Philippines

J. Corporate Social Responsibility

 Reduce carbon footprints to mitigate climate change

 Improve labor policies and embrace fair trade

 Engage in charitable giving and volunteer efforts within your community

 Change corporate policies to benefit the environment

 Make socially and environmentally conscious investments

 Reduce carbon footprints and climate change


A. Description of the Project

Our company will serve as a Rice online wholesale arm of Rice Trading

companies, and as the go-between for the manufacturers/producers and the

wholesale buyer/importer to meet their needs in the market. We all know that

rice, the country’s staple food, has to be locally produced at quantity sufficient to

meet the rice requirement of the burgeoning population. We aim to produce local

and organic rice in the market, which would be healthy to consume and

affordable have.
New Era University
No.9 Central Avenue, New Era
Quezon City 1107, Philippines

Over the years, rice has become more expensive in the Philippines than

in most developing countries of Asia. This business dream to expand in the near

future in the areas of farming and support to farmers and new entrepreneurs in

their ambitious and innovative plans to change the rice trading game for the

future progress of our country.

B. Land Area

 9 hectares and 110 per square meter in Binalonan, Pangasinan.

C. Location

 Pangasinan is where it is established. It’s progress in terms of tourist

destination and realty development is a strategic decision to establish a

commodity trading firm the clear tropical weather and the healthy and

organic rich soil is where it’s at.

D. Route

 Manila -> Quezon Boulevard -> SCTEX/Clark Airport -> McArthur Highway

-> McKinley St. -> Binalonan

New Era University
No.9 Central Avenue, New Era
Quezon City 1107, Philippines

 By following these directions you can get to Binalonan from Manila faster

and making the trip easier

E. Daily work schedule

The schedule at the office, for organizing papers for shipment and

planning for future projects in the company would be Monday to Friday opening

at 8 am to 6 pm the chosen days that are scheduled makes the workers be more

efficient, productive, and reliable to do the work while having time for themselves.

F. Production Strategies

The production of rice is facing a fall in price. It is important to increase

the added value of rice by direct marketing from producers to consumers and

businesses as part of income - generating measures in the management of

individual rice production, particularly in large farms. Even such direct marketing

practices, however, face severe competition in prices. This situation requires a

business model that generates customer values and profits from production to

sales in a series of activities.

New Era University
No.9 Central Avenue, New Era
Quezon City 1107, Philippines

G. Process Flow Chart

Get the
Necessary Get
Carry out License Supply of
Feasibility Required Rice from
Study to Become the Rice
a Farmers

H. Operating Cycles

I. Regulatory and Legal Issues

As an owner of a Rice Trading business, the danger of crippling litigation

should also be at the top of your priorities. Legal headaches, especially in

Pangasinan can take you by surprise and severely hurt your business' bottom

line. Here are some of the most common legal issues facing small businesses in


Disgruntled Employees

As a business owner, this will be one of the most common legal

headaches. In Pangasinan, employees have far more rights than other countries,

in the form of unions and reasons for "wrongful termination". If you terminate a

non-performing employee, make sure he or she signs documents carefully

New Era University
No.9 Central Avenue, New Era
Quezon City 1107, Philippines

drafted by an attorney upon termination to make the terms of dismissal crystal


J. Sole Proprietorship

Some examples of businesses that are often Sole Proprietorships (NOTE:

just because a business is listed here does not mean that it couldn’t be


 Mang Inasal


 Puregold

K. Floor Plan

L. Area Lay-out
New Era University
No.9 Central Avenue, New Era
Quezon City 1107, Philippines

M. Mechanics and Equipment

N. Building Facilities Improvement

O. Supplies:

P. Waste Disposal

Q. Research and Development

Rice trade includes procurement, shipping, storage, milling and

distribution. The main problem with the pale procurement was poor grain quality

caused by mixed varieties, discolored and spotted palates and high impurities.

Transportation issues were poor farming to ban load trucks on the market and

high transport costs. Insufficient drying facilities and the National Food

Administration's (NFA) non - selective and unlimited disposal of rice made palay

storage too time - consuming or too risky for traders because of the risk of

unnecessary losses, damage and unpredictability of future palay prices. Low

recovery from milling was the millers ' biggest problem. It is the result of a high

percentage of broken and unfilled grains, high palay impurities, and old rice mill

inefficiency. The rapid increase in the number of traders has resulted in

increased competition among traders and is compounded by NFA intervention.

Importing rice and NFA's involvement in rice trading further dampened traders '

interest in large - scale storage of rice. Local palay's reduced competitiveness

due to importation resulted in lower purchase price for palay traders passed on to
New Era University
No.9 Central Avenue, New Era
Quezon City 1107, Philippines

farmers allegedly reducing their expected profit. Imports have stabilized the price

and supply of rice, but have destabilized the private sector's development in grain


R. Risk Management

This weekly report, published 48 times a year, is a key source of market

intelligence. We serve our subscribers by providing an integrated information

platform on the origins of rice, related markets and tools for risk management.

The Rice Trader combines market data with proprietary research to provide our

customers on a weekly basis with the world's most comprehensive rice report.

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