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This report attempts to identify all hazards at an Animal Biology Laboratory 01 that
leads to risks and how safety and health measures could bring about beneficial results by
containing or preventing these risks from bringing harm to the workers and the organization.
The workplace identified in the assignment that could contribute to high risks and harm is the
“Hazy Condition” and “The Staircase” at an Animal Biology Laboratory 01. There are many
activities that been done in this laboratory such as, how students handling their experiments,
the process throughout the handling of experiments and the highly risk and dangers while
doing the experiment in Biological Systems subject. The report sets out to identify many
forms of hazards at the workplace and a few suitable techniques that were selected to tabulate
the risks involved. The risk assessment process was used as the main technique to access and
evaluate the risks of the hazards identified. Risk analysis is calculated using the
relationship of the severity of the accident and the likelihood of the accident. Among
these, the most critical hazard was seen to be the staircase for safety hazards and hazy
conditions for health hazards. The control measures to eliminate or reduce this critical hazard
are then recommended based on the findings, results, and reviews obtained with appropriate
references/sources and appendices. Proposed risk controls are introduced to prevent
accidents and increase productivity and quality of work.

Universiti Teknologi MARA (UITM) Perak Branch of Tapah was established with
the co-operation of the Perak State Government. The first phase began on December 1 st,
2010. The campus includes unit of Administration and Academic Office as well as Student
Residence College which are 6 building blocks. The second phase eventually has enlarged on
April 16th, 2014 and presently, accommodates up to 5,000 students (Administration, 2017).
Tapah campus was built through the Private Financing Scheme (PFI) which houses two
building blocks for the teaching and learning facilities of the Diploma in Science program.

These facilities comprise of 28 lecture rooms, four seminar rooms, two discussion rooms and
four computer labs. For the purpose of practical sessions involving the core subjects of the
Diploma Science program, there are 10 Physics laboratories, seven Chemical laboratories and
eight Biology laboratories provided. Starting from the semester of December to April 2015,
Faculty of Applied Science has grown with a total of 1,187 students involving all parts,
namely Part 01 until Part 06. Along with the increase in the number of students, faculty staff
number has also increased to 62 lecturers and 10 staff for the Science Laboratory Unit. All
Science laboratories have begun to receive tools and equipment for teaching and learning
needs. By mid-2015, Diploma of Science classes are fully operational at Tapah Campus
(Faculty Of Applied Sciences, 2017).


The activity that has been chosen was an experiment on the Gases Exchange in
Animals. There are a lot of activities that been done in the laboratories, but for the purpose of
assignment only practical works that handled by a group of students that are discussed. The
activities that are discussed in this report are on how students handling their experiments
were carried out, the process throughout the handling experiments and the highly risk and
dangers while doing the experiments in Biological System subject.

Work Environment

The entire of processes in the laboratory was full with danger and hazards. We had
chosen the Animal Biology Laboratory 01 which located in Block B, Applied Sciences as the
workplace that we need to run the reports. We may observe the existence of hazard from the
initial stages of experimental work in the laboratory. The hazard that identified was health
hazards due to inhalation of chemical substances in the environment which are caused by
haze that contains many tiny particles that can harm the breathing processes. Besides that,

health hazards in this lab also caused by the dust on the floor where the experiment was
handled as students need to lie down on the floor causing bacteria or other smooth particle
harm the health and the hazy condition which give negative impacts towards health.. Next,
the safety hazard also been identified which is staircase that are used to undergo vigorous
activities which can cause injuries if students run faster on it, there are students that was
wearing shoes with no gripped which are not suitable for running and the water spillage that
was present at the staircase while students running that will cause some injuries. The uses of
scissors in cutting process of boxes can caused injuries due to minor cut while cutting the

Work Process

a) Before the work started, safety induction was given to all students for the experiment
that was conducted.

b) Subject was lied down quietly for five (5) minutes on the floor after which his or her
pulse rate was determined.

c) Subject was stand up for a further three (3) minutes after which the pulse rate was
again been taken.

d) The subject was seated and relaxed and immediately the partner was took the
subject’s pulse rate continuously for two (2) minutes.

e) The subject was engaged in forced deep breathing for 30 seconds.

f) The subject was breath normally for a further five (5) minutes which the partner was
recorded the pulse rate every fifteen (15) seconds.

g) The subject was step on the stairs and then down again, once every three (3) seconds
until fifteen (15) seconds was reached.
h) The subject’s pulse rate was measured by the partner immediately after the exercise at
10 second intervals until normal standing rate was returned.

i) The subject was repeated a much heavier bout of exercise which is running up and
down the stairs until he/she was exhausted.

j) The workplace was cleaned and cleared after the experiment was done by the


A number of objectives will be fulfilled in this assignment, as follows:

1. To identify the hazards to safety and health that affects students in Animal Biology
Laboratory 01.
2. To perform systematic risk analysis in the Animal Biology Laboratory 01.
3. To recommends the appropriate safety and health measures to be taken such as
elimination, substitution, isolation, Engineering Control, Administrative Control and
use personal protective equipment (PPE).


4.1 Hazard Identification

Hazard identification means the identification of undesired events that lead to the
materialisation of the hazard and the mechanism by which those undesired events could
occur. The first step in its managing risk is through hazard identification at the
workplace. All these hazards can be categorized into 5 categories:

a. Ergonomic Hazard
Ergonomic hazard includes workplace hazard which related to man and machine.
Ergonomic injuries, also known as musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) or soft tissue
injuries which three primary ergonomic risk factors that cause MSDs are: awkward
posture, high force (Forceful Exertions) and high or long frequency (Repetitive

b. Biological Hazard
Biological hazards refer to organisms or organic matter produced by these organisms
that are harmful to human health. These include parasites, viruses, bacteria, fungi and
protein. In general, there are three major of routes of entry for these microorganisms
into our body which is through the respiratory system, transmission through contact
with body fluids of the infected or contact with contaminated objects.

c. Physical Hazard
Any hazard associated with that could cause physical harm, including but not limited
to corrosives, flammability, or explosion hazards. This hazard can cause explosions,
fires, violent chemical reactions, or other hazardous situations. This was includes
electrical hazards, mechanical hazards and radioactive hazards. An electrical hazard
was observed in this workplace which is a dangerous condition where a worker can or

electrical contact with energized equipment or a conductor. Hazards are created when
cords, cord connectors, receptacles and cord- and plug- connected equipment are
improperly used.

d. Psychosocial hazard
Psychosocial hazards include but aren’t not limited to stress, violence and other
workplace stressors. Risks to psychological health at work may arise from
organisational or personal factors, with the major factors being poor design of work
and jobs, poor communication and interpersonal relationships, bullying, occupational
violence and fatigue. Risk to psychological health due to work should be viewed in
the same way as other health and safety risks and a commitment to prevention of
work-related stress should be included in an organisation’s health and safety policies.

e. Chemical hazard
A chemical hazard is any substance that can cause a health problem or risk and
dangers. Chemicals which was stored in the workplace and at the house and can result
in serious injuries if were not properly handled. They include toxins, dangerous
chemicals and residue of excess chemicals.

4.1.1 Hazard Identification Technique

Hazard identification and assessment methodology taking into account the following
documents and information in this laboratory:

I. Any hazardous occurrence investigation reports;

II. First aid records and minor injury records;
III. Any results of work place inspection;
IV. The record of hazardous substances; and
V. Any records of broken apparatus in the laboratory.

Through this method, any hazard was easily been identified.

4.1.2 Assessment Methodology

To complete hazard identification, there are many techniques that can be used to
identify hazards. Some of the technique was been used to identify the hazards in
Animal Biology Laboratory 01.

i. Work Place Inspections

By doing inspection at the Animal Biology Laboratory 01, the hazards was been
identified. Inspection was done on schedule basis where people starting to work.

ii. Accident and Incident Investigations

Through this method, all data such as accident data could provide us the information
of the existing hazard that was occur in the Animal Biology Laboratory 01; it includes
minor injury records and first aid records.

iii. Task Safety Analysis or Job Hazard Analysis

Through this method, existing hazard was identified at the Animal Biology
Laboratory 01. Every job was classified into various steps to ensure the hazards was
been identified including the risk.

4.2 Analyse and Estimate Risk

4.2.1 Likelihood of an Occurrence

The value is based on the likelihood of an event occurring. Accessing likelihood

is based worker experience, analysis or measurement. Likelihood levels range from
“most likely” to “inconceivable”[ CITATION Dep08 \l 17417 ]. For example, a small
spill of bleach from a container when filling a spray bottle is most likely to occur
during every shift. Alternatively, a leak of diesel fuel from a secure holding

tank may be less probable. Table A bellows indicates likelihood using the following

Table A


Most Likely The most likely result of the hazard/ event been realized 5
Possible Has a good chance of occurring and is not unusual 4
Conceivable Might be occur at some time in future 3
Remote Has not been known to occur after many years 2
Inconceivable Is practically impossible and has never occurred 1

4.2.2 Severity of Hazard

Severity can be divided into five categories. Severity was based upon an
increasing level of severity to an individual’s health, the environment, or to property.
Table B below indicates severity by using the following table:

Table B


Catastrophic Numerous fatalities, irrecoverable property damage and 5
Fatal Approximately one single fatality major property damage if 4
hazard is realized
Serious Non-fatal injury, permanent disability 3
Minor Disabling but not permanent injury 2
Negligible Minor abrasions, bruises, cuts, first aid type injury 1


4.2.3 Risk Assessment

Risk can be presented in variety of ways to communicate the results of analysis to

make decision on risk control. For risk analysis that uses likelihood and severity in
qualitative method, presenting result in a risk matrix is a very effective way of
communicating the distribution of the risk throughout a plant and area in a workplace.

Risk can be calculated using the following formula:

L x S = Relative Risk

L= Likelihood

S= Severity

To use this matrix, first find the severity column the best describes the outcome of
risk. Then, follow the likelihood row to find the description that best suits the
likelihood that the severity will occur. The risk level is given in the box where the row
and column meet. Example of risk matrix (Table C) is shown below

Table C

Likelihood (L) 1 2 3 4 5
5 5 10 15 20 25
4 4 8 12 16 20
3 3 6 9 12 15
2 2 4 6 8 10
1 1 2 3 4 5

High (red)

Medium (yellow)

Low (green)


Calculation example:

Likelihood of hazard is estimated =2

The severity is estimated =4

Then, the risk will be =2x4=8

The relative risk value can be used to prioritize necessary actions to effectively
manage work place hazards. Table D determines priority based on the following

Table D


15-25 HIGH A HIGH risk requires immediate action to control the
hazard as detailed in the hierarchy of control. Actions
taken must be documented on the risk assessment form
including date for completion
5-12 MEDIUM A MEDIUM risk requires a planned approach to
controlling the hazard and applies temporary measure if
required. Actions taken must be documented on the risk
assessment form including date for completion.
1-4 LOW A risk identified as LOW may be considered as
acceptable and further reduction may not be necessary.
However, if the risk can be resolved quickly and
efficiently, control measures should be implemented and



5.1 List of hazards

After performing the hazard identification and risk assessment, here are the lists of
hazard that were found in the workplace area which is Animal Biology Laboratory 01.
These hazards were categorized on the level of their risk. The higher the risk, the hazard
will be placed on top among them.

a. Safety Hazard

i. The staircase

ii. The scissors

iii. The shoes with no gripped

iv. Water spillage on the floor

b. Health Hazard

i. Bacteria/ small microorganisms

ii. Hazy condition

5.2 Prioritizing Hazard

Prioritization of hazards was conducted by applying risk assessment method.

Risk Assessment Matrix designed for each hazard at the workplace. Through this matrix,
all the hazard was identified through the above methods were weighted by their risk


elements through respective data and tables, their possible occurrences and risks
involved. The combination of all components in each activity was able to provide a
comprehensive tabulation as in Table E below (from descending order):

Type of hazard Hazard Likelihoo Severit Risk Risk Level

d y
Safety Hazard The staircase 4 3 12 Medium
The scissors 3 1 9 Medium

Water spillage on 3 3 9 Medium

the floor
The shoes with no 3 1 3 Low
Health Hazard Hazy conditions 4 4 16 High
Bacteria/ small 4 3 12 Medium
5.2 Impact on the most critical hazard

A. Hazy condition (health hazards)

Risk = Likelihood X Severity

(16) = 4 X 4

Hazard effects


Haze is an event that always occurred in our country. Haze was carried by the wind
causing by the open burning of the forest and others that causing limitation of
sightedness and many health diseases due to the particle of smoke and small sooth
particles that give many bad effects to the health. Effect of this hazard was very
severe. The damage impact on the body was dehydration of water due to the hot
temperature besides of the breathing problems and irritation to the eyes and nose
which give major impact to people.

B. The staircase (safety hazards)

Risk = Likelihood X Severity

(12) = 4 X 3

Hazard effects

This hazard effect was severe which can cause physical injuries due to it can cause
tripped or fall when stepping on the wrong platform. The injury was serious and it can
cause permanent disability due to the hard impact to the bone while falling at the
wrong situation. The accident may have a good chance occurring and it was unusual .
The chances of getting involved in this accident of tripped or fall was medium and be
valued as 4 (possible) and the severity was 3 (serious).


6.1 Control Measures

The most critical hazard either safety or health must be controlled. The control
measure of this hazard was done in according with means of hierarchy of
control[CITATION Unind \l 17417 ]. The steps are as follows:


a) Hazy condition (Health Hazard)

I. Elimination

The method of control was getting rid of hazardous job, tool, processes,
machine or substance is perhaps the best way of protecting workers but
it was not suitable to been used to overcome the hazards due to we
need to work with environment and haze cannot be easily been
eliminated. It was unpractical to exercise so we proceed with next

II. Substitution

Sometimes doing the same work in a less hazardous ways is possible.

This method is rather practical to perform due to the platform of the
activities can be substituted as an indoor activity which is much more
safe and does not give hazard towards the health due to in contact of
haze in the environment. This is a good method for controlling health
hazard for doing the work activity under the hazy condition.

III. Engineering Control

The next method is engineering control. Engineering control are
methods that are built into the design of a plant, equipment or processes
to minimize the hazard[ CITATION Can18 \l 17417 ]. Engineering
controls are a very reliable way to control worker exposures as long as
the controls was used, designed and maintained properly. But for the
hazy condition, isolation is the source that was been used to minimize
the hazard which suitable to this conditions. We can isolate, contained
or otherwise keep away from workers. For example, all vigorous and
light activities should been done in the laboratory which isolates it from
a hazy conditions.


IV. Administrative Control

From this control, safe work procedures must be used due to it was
replenished the steps for workers to follow when facing the hazards
that occurred in the work place. Workers can be required to use
standardized safety practices. The employer is expected to ensure that
workers follow these practises. Work procedure must be periodically
reviewed with workers and updated.

V. Personal Protective Equipment

This is the last resort of the controlling method. To do this, we have to

issue all personnel who are working at hazy conditions with proper
PPE such as a full-body harness. All workers who are working at hazy
conditions are to ensure to use this PPE for their safety. By wearing this
PPE, hazards of haze can be reduced. Workers must be taught to use
this harness and how to take care of this PPE. Once the PPE was
damaged, the employer must replace them as soon as possible

b) The staircase (Safety Hazard)

1. Elimination

The method of control was getting rid of hazardous job, tool, processes,
machine or substance is perhaps the best way of protecting workers and
it was suitable to been used to overcome the hazards due to the
vigorous activities and light activities can be done inside the laboratory
causing hazards be easily been eliminated. It was practical to exercise.


II. Substitution

Sometimes doing the same work in a less hazardous ways is possible.

This method is rather practical to perform due to the platform of the
activities can be substituted into another safer platform such on small
road which is much more safe and does not give hazard towards the
physical due to staircase which have many platform causing people
to easily tripped or fall when rushingly stepped on it. This is a good
method for controlling physical hazard.

III. Engineering Control

The next method is engineering control. Engineering control are

methods that are built into the design of a plant, equipment or
processes to minimize the hazard (Safety, 2018). Engineering controls
are a very reliable way to control worker exposures as long as the
controls was used, designed and maintained properly. But for the
staircase, isolation is a suitable controls that was been used to
minimize the hazard which suitable to this conditions. We can isolated
the staircase by doing all the activities inside the laboratory which
was safer to the students and can reduce the hazard that been faced in
this work activities.

IV. Administrative Control

From this control, safe work procedures must be used due to it was
replenished the steps for workers to follow when facing the hazards
that occurred in the work place. Workers can be required to use
standardized safety practices. The employer is expected to ensure that
workers follow these practises. Work procedure must be periodically
reviewed with workers and updated.


V. Personal Protective Equipment

This is the last resort of the controlling method. To do this, we have to
issue all individual who are handling the work with proper PPE such
as a full-body harness. By wearing this PPE, hazards of falling from
height can be reduced. Workers must be taught to use this harness and
how to take care of this PPE. Once the PPE was damaged, the
employer must replace them as soon as possible. Wearing the correct
closed toe shoes such as sport shoes is the example of PPE which are
important to prevent them to fall from the staircase.


From this workplace assignment, we can identify the hazards to safety and
health that affects students in Animal Biology Laboratory 01. The hazards that been
classified was 2 types of hazards which is safety hazards and health hazards. Safety
hazards that was found due to the work activity of this experiment was the staircase,
shoes with no gripped, computer cable that does not organized properly and water
spillage on the floor. For health hazards, we could find two hazards which are hazy
conditions and bacteria/ small microorganisms. Next, we can perform the risk analysis by
calculating the risk value by using Risk = Likelihood X Severity. There are two of the
highest that been identified which is hazy condition (16) and the staircase (12). Besides
that, we can recommends the appropriate safety and health measures to be taken such as
elimination, substitution, isolation, Engineering Control, Administrative Control and use
personal protective equipment (PPE) for the most dangerous hazard that was identified
which is for hazy condition and the staircase. Reviewing on the recommendation for
improving any lacking and to ensure the effectiveness of the control measures proposed
must be performed. This review process must be done ongoing in accordance with
necessity such as for example if there is a change in the work process or work procedure.
The review process should be done through:


a. Referring to the accident records for comparison from time to time.

b. Getting feedback from workers on the effectiveness of the control measures

through discussion, meeting, questionnaires and reports. There are many benefits of
controlling hazard in workplace such as recognise and control hazards in your
workplace, create awareness among your employees – and use it as a training tool as
well, set risk management standards, based on acceptable safe practices and legal
requirements, reduce incidents in the workplace and save costs by being proactive
instead of reactive [CITATION Wee17 \l 17417 ].



Department Of Occupational, S. &. (2008). Guidelines for HazardIdentification, Risk

Assessment and Risk Control (HIRARC). Federal Territory of Putrajaya: Ministry of
Human Resource. pp.32.
Labour, U. S. ((n.d)). Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Retrieved October 21,
2019, from Hazard prevention and control:

Safety, C. C. (2018, January 3). Retrieved October 21, 2019, from Hazard control:

Weekes, J. (2017, December 4). Healthy & Safe Handbook. Retrieved October 21, 2019,
from 5 Benefits of conducting risk assessments:


Table Of Contents






4.0 METHOD 7-12







I hereby certify that this document prepared for the Safety and Health Site Visit Assignments

is based on my original work except for citation and quotation made.


I.C No:……………………………………………….
Matrix. No:………………………………………………

Date: 22/10/2019



bacteria/ small

Figure 1.0: Subject’s was lied down on the floor for 5 minutes
Hazy condition

The staircase

wearing un gripped shoes

while running

water spillage on the floor

Figure 2.0: Subject’s doing vigorous activities until exhausted

C - Hazard Identification Technique Reports

Figure 3.1: Report of broken apparatus in laboratory

Figure 3.2: Report of broken apparatus in laboratory

Figure 4.0: Report of hazardous occurrence in the laboratory

Figure 5.0: General list of chemical in chemical rack


FSG 301

Group: A4AS1204_17

Name: Muhammad Hazwan Hamim bin Shahfar Amil

Student ID. No: 2017680342

Date of submission: 22th October 2019

Lecturer’s Name:

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