Salt and Pepper Team Builder

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Activity: Salt and Pepper Team Builder.

Provided by Sarah Redlich and Jordan


Overview and Objectives

This activity is about finding a pair and then finding similarities with your pair. Each
person will have a word taped to their back. This word is either a flavor, food related
item, or a well-known pair of people (i.e. Tom & Jerry, Bonny & Clyde, sugar & spice,
etc.). Everyone will walk around the room and ask yes or no questions in order to find
out what word they have on their back. Once you figure out what word you have, you
need to find the other person in the room that has the opposite word to make your pair.
After you find your pair, talk with each other and find 3-5 things you have in common.
We will then go around the room and share out a few of these commonalities to the
whole group. The goal of this activity is to think critically about the questions you ask to
figure out what word you have and then to learn more about what you have in common
with other members of the class.

 Peanut Butter & Jelly
 Salt & Pepper
 Ketchup & Mustard
 Sweet & Sour
 Chocolate & Vanilla
 Bert & Ernie
 Batman & Robin
 Mario & Luigi
 Romeo & Juliet

Discussion & Debrief

Students will introduce each other after sharing their similarities with each other.
Each pair will find another pair to discuss the following questions:
 Do you feel like you communicated well throughout this activity?
 What did you learn from this activity?
 What skills did you need to use to find your pair?
 How does this team builder tie back to your FYE experience? Or outside of FYE?

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