Malingering and Factitious Bass Wade 2018

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Malingering and factitious disorder

Article  in  Practical Neurology · November 2018

DOI: 10.1136/practneurol-2018-001950


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2 authors:

Christopher Bass Derick T Wade

Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust Oxford Centre for Enablement


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Pract Neurol: first published as 10.1136/practneurol-2018-001950 on 13 November 2018. Downloaded from on 28 November 2018 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Malingering and factitious disorder
Christopher Bass,1 Derick T Wade2

Department of Psychological Abstract The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
Medicine, John Radcliffe
Although exaggeration or amplification of Mental Disorders, fifth edition (DSM-5)
Hospital, Oxford, UK
Nuffield Orthopaedic Hospital, symptoms is common in all illness, deliberate psychiatric glossary has assigned a new
Oxford Centre for Enablement, deception is rare. In settings associated with diagnostic label of functional neuro-
Oxford, UK litigation/disability evaluation, the rate of logical symptom disorder (FNSD)4 to
Correspondence to malingering may be as high as 30%, but its replace the outmoded term conversion
Dr Christopher Bass, John frequency in clinical practice is not known. We hysteria (see box 1).
Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford OX3 describe the main characteristics of deliberate But how can neurologists know that
9DU, UK; c​ .​bass1@​btinternet.​ deception (factitious disorders and malingering) patients are not deliberately misreporting
and ways that neurologists might detect their experiences and abilities? There are
Accepted 29 September 2018 symptom exaggeration. The key to establishing two medical terms: factitious disorder
that the extent or severity of reported symptoms and malingering.
does not truly represent their severity is to elicit ►► Factitious disorder refers to the situation
inconsistencies in different domains, but it is not where the motivation (gain) is consid-
possible to determine whether the reports are ered internal, responding to psychological
intentionally inaccurate. Neurological disorders drives such as the need for attention or to
where difficulty in determining the degree reduce loneliness.
of willed exaggeration is most likely include ►► Malingering is not a medical term and
functional weakness and movement disorders, is not listed as a diagnosis in DSM-5. In
post-concussional syndrome (or mild traumatic malingering, the motivation (gain) is
brain injury), psychogenic non-epileptic attacks exterrnal such as receiving money.
and complex regional pain syndrome type 1 These distinctions are not always easy
(especially when there is an associated functional to establish,5 overlap in many people and
movement disorder). Symptom amplification or may both be present. In a civilian practice,
even fabrication are more likely if the patient it might seem that malingering is more
might gain benefit of some sort, not necessarily likely when the patient is involved in a
financial. Techniques to detect deception in medicolegal process, even if the doctor
medicolegal settings include covert surveillance is not seeing the patient in that context,
and review of social media accounts. We also whereas most other cases are likely to be
briefly describe specialised psychological tests factitious disorder. However, given the
designed to elicit effort from the patient. availability of resources to people who are
disabled, even this distinction is probably
The thin line which divides genuine false.
functional nerve disease and sham- In this paper, we will consider the
ming is exceedingly difficult to define nature of the history and observations
(Collie 1917, p 375).1 made in the diagnostic process, high-
lighting that:
►► Any individual’s report on the nature and
Introduction severity of their experiences.
Most neurologists are aware that –– Always shows some variation in
approximately one-third of outpa- experience.
tients have symptoms that cannot be –– Generally overestimates the nature and

© Author(s) (or their

explained on the basis of a recognised severity of the losses or changes expe-
employer(s)) 2018. No ‘organic’ disease.2 These patients with rienced as judged against.
commercial re-use. See rights ‘functional’ disorders have become the –– Externally observed behaviours
and permissions. Published
by BMJ.
focus of considerable research among and/or.
both neurologists and psychiatrists –– Professional expectations on the ba-
To cite: Bass C, Wade DT. during the last 20 years,3 and there sis of known disease.
Pract Neurol Epub ahead of
print: [please include Day is now a patient information website ►► The processes underlying these variations
Month Year]. doi:10.1136/ (www.​ neurosymptoms.​ org) as well as and differences are not known but are
practneurol-2018-001950 a patient support group (​fndhope.​org). inevitably ‘psychological’.

Bass C, Wade DT. Pract Neurol 2018;0:1–10. doi:10.1136/practneurol-2018-001950 1


Pract Neurol: first published as 10.1136/practneurol-2018-001950 on 13 November 2018. Downloaded from on 28 November 2018 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Box 1  Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Box 2  Adapted and modified from Feldman and
Disorders, fifth edition definition of functional Eisendrath p 75,52
neurological symptom disorder
Clinical characteristics to alert a clinician to a diagnosis of
A. One or more symptoms of altered voluntary motor or factitious disorder
sensory function. ►► The patient has sought treatment at numerous
B. Clinical findings provide evidence of incompatibility different hospitals/clinics.
between the symptom and recognised neurological or ►► The patient is an inconsistent, selective or misleading
medical conditions. informant; he or she resists allowing the treatment
C. The symptom or deficit is not better explained by team access to outside sources of information.
another medical or mental disorder. ►► The course of the illness is atypical and does not
D. The symptom or deficit causes clinically significant follow the natural history of the presumed disease, for
distress or impairment in social, occupational or other example, a wound infection that does not respond to
important areas of functioning or warrants medical appropriate antibiotics (self-induced skin lesions often
evaluation. fall into this category, when ‘atypical’ organisms in the
wound may alert the physician).
►► Some findings are discovered to have been
–– In some way cognitive and/or emotional and/or self-induced or atleast worsened through
perceptual. self-manipulation.
►► The primary cause(s) of patients’ false accounts are not ►► Physical evidence of a factitious cause may be
known but probably involve. discovered during the course of treatment, for
–– Response to internal or external stressors and/or. example, a concealed catheter, a ligature applied to a
–– Gain of some sort for the patient: limb to induce oedema.
–– Psychological and/or. ►► The patient predicts deteriorations, or there are
–– Access to a resource. exacerbations shortly before discharge is to occur.
►► Neurologists can ►► The patient is non-compliant with diagnostic/
–– Detect inconsistencies, both their nature and extent. treatment recommendations and/or is disruptive on
–– Give a non-expert opinion in some cases, possibly, the unit.
on:sdfsdf ►► There is evidence from laboratory or other tests that
–– Cause. disputes information provided by the patient.
–– Gains. ►► The patient has a history of working in the field of
►► Healthcare professionals are not competent or trained healthcare.
to determine: ►► The patient engages in gratuitous, self-aggrandising
–– The extent of the patient’s conscious awareness of lying.
the inconsistencies.
–– The extent of any conscious intent to deceive others.
–– The nature of any intention to deceive. can be derived from multiple sources, for example,
►► The role and power of forensic investigations lies in inexplicable laboratory results, an inconsistent or
–– Demonstrating that inconsistencies. implausible history, admission of an induced illness
–– Are greater or more frequent that is otherwise (rare), scrutiny of outside records, observed tampering
known. with syringes, etc, and finding hidden medications.
–– Depend on specific contexts, such as seeing a doc- Box 2 shows some potential indicators.
tor. Most patients enact their deceptions in general
►► We should put aside the simple diagnostic labels used hospitals, especially in emergency departments. In
(eg, in the DSM) as their validity is, at best, unproven. a large case series, three-quarters were women, of
We will also define factitious disorder and malin- whom two-thirds had an affiliation with health-re-
gering and consider why deception is neglected lated professions.6 In this study, the initial presenta-
in medicine. We will then use anonymised clinical tion of factitious disorders was typically before the
vignettes to illustrate the complexities in this field and age of 30 years, and there is often evidence of simu-
the difficulties in differentiating between functional lation in childhood and adolescence. Close enquiry
disorders and symptom exaggeration. and examination of medical records often reveal an
unexpectedly large number of childhood illnesses
Factitious disorders: epidemiology and clinical features and operations and high rates of substance abuse,
Approximately 1% of referrals to a psychiatric liaison mood disorder and personality disorder.5
service in a general hospital have factitious disorder.5 It is always a good idea to set aside time to create
The clinical features remain diverse, but most patients a chronology from a longitudinal health record (see
with factitious disorders are young women with rela- table 1). There is increasing evidence to suggest that a
tively stable social networks.6 Evidence of fabrication high proportion of patients with factitious disorders

2 Bass C, Wade DT. Pract Neurol 2018;0:1–10. doi:10.1136/practneurol-2018-001950


Pract Neurol: first published as 10.1136/practneurol-2018-001950 on 13 November 2018. Downloaded from on 28 November 2018 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Table 1  Chronology of 22-year-old composite female patient with factitious disorder (data anonymised for patient confidentiality); adapted from Bass
and Halligan5
Date Attendance or referral Symptoms/precipitants Tests and investigations Outcome/plan Key events
1996 (age 12) Hospital A admission Right flank pain Laparoscopy—normal ? Non-specific abdominal pain Death of father
1997 (age 13) Hospital A admission Overdose of analgesics Referred to social worker; Arguments with
patient stealing money from mother
2000 (age 16) Hospital B admission Inhaling smoke from fire Normalblood tests Self-discharged Set fire to house;
after fire setting pregnant
2001 (age 17) Neurology outpatients (B) Episodes of loss of EEG andCT scan of head Diagnosed with ‘pseudo
consciousness and muscle normalBlood tests normal seizures’ Reassured no organic
twitching cause.
2001 Emergency admission Right-sided abdominal pain Normal X-ray Admitted for observation—
general surgery (A) self-discharged against medical
October 2002 Emergency admission (A) Overdose of paracetamol in Noted abscess on right breast Worried about scarring on Grandfather ill
(age 18) context of excess alcohol right breast. Dermatologist
considered possibility of
artefactual skin disorder
2003 (age 19) ENT outpatient clinic Episodes of haemoptysis Direct laryngoscopy normal Followed up in psychiatric
(Hospital C) outpatients;? personality
2003 (age 19) General medicine Unexplained septicaemia Isolated blood culture ‘Given these findings we feel Boyfriend of 2 years
outpatient clinic (B) ofsaprophytic organisms not that there has been deliberate has left her
Followed by admission usually associated with the introduction into the body of
cause ofsepsis in the immuno- material from an environmental
competent patient source’
2004 (age 20) Gynaecology outpatient ‘Told me she had been Fallopian tubes patent ‘When I obtained her notes and
clinic(B) sterilised’ showed her this she decided to
2005 (age 21) Neurology outpatient Recurrent blackouts and All investigations normal (Video Diagnosis of psychogenic non-
clinic (second opinion) odd movements since telemetry) epileptic seizures
Hospital C age 17
2006 (age 21) Psychiatric outpatient Denies that emotional Cognitive behavioural therapy Demands to be kept on Drinking a bottle of
clinic problems arerelated to not helping Tegretol, despite advice to taper vodka everyday
emotional problems. drug
Attends clinic with crutches.
2006 (age 22) Emergency admission Pain in right forearm after Significant soft tissue injury with Currently inpatient on local
orthopaedics repeatedly punching wall swelling but no fracture psychiatric ward. Follow-up by
mental health team
2006 (age 22) Admission orthopaedics Infection right wrist. No positive cultures. ‘Birefringent Planned supportive
(Hospital D) Demanding Oramorph particles found consistent with confrontation. Patient self-
foreign material in a distribution discharged. General practitioner
incompatible with wound care and psychiatry team informed
2007 Paediatricoutpatient clinic Worried about 2-year-old Investigations unable to detect Patient requesting disability Social services
(Hosptal B) son with 12-month history any relevant organic cause living allowance for son; asking convened case
of ‘shaking episodes’ how to hire a wheel chair for conference at
herself general practice
Hospitals A, B,C and D represent four different hospitals.This chronology demonstrates that (1) Somatoform and factitious disorders can co-exist in the same patient; (2)
behaviour suggests a severe personality disturbance and substance misuse and (3) intergenerational transmission of abnormal illness behaviour to child may occur (2007

have so-called borderline personality disorder.7 proxy) have psychogenic non-epileptic seizures.10
Recent case reports of suicide suggest that deceptive These mothers/perpetrators may go on to fabricate or
behaviour does not preclude the presence of serious induce similar symptoms in their children and present
psychopathology.8 them to doctors with anoxic episodes, ‘fits’, etc.11 This
One-third of the perpetrators of medical child abuse is an example of intergenerational transmission of
(Munchausen by proxy) have factitious disorder them- abnormal illness behaviour, and neurologists should
selves,9 which suggests that factitious behaviour can be alert to it in women with psychogenic non-epileptic
be ‘communicated’ from one generation to another. seizures who have children, especially as seizures have
For example, a high proportion of mothers who fabri- been reported to be the most common presentations
cate/induce illness in their children (Munchausen by of fabricated and induced illness in children.12

Bass C, Wade DT. Pract Neurol 2018;0:1–10. doi:10.1136/practneurol-2018-001950 3


Pract Neurol: first published as 10.1136/practneurol-2018-001950 on 13 November 2018. Downloaded from on 28 November 2018 by guest. Protected by copyright.
evidence of laxative abuse was presented to the patient
Box 3  Constructive confrontation: preparation and
in a supportive fashion. Despite her persistent denial
process (for non-psychiatrists)
of laxative administration, no further diarrhoea
►► Collect firm evidence of fabrication, for example, occurred and 1 year after discharge she remained well.
catheter, syringe, ligature Case 2: A 21-year-old female healthcare student was
►► Discuss with psychiatrist (or member of hospital legal admitted to the orthopaedic ward with a septic ankle.
team if no psychiatrist available). Four doctors had independently confirmed that foreign
►► Arrange meeting to collate the facts, devise strategy bodies were being inserted into her skin, and there
and discuss with primary care doctor. was a long history of medically unexplained symp-
►► Confrontation with the patient should be non- toms. During a supportive confrontation carried out
judgemental and non-punitive, and include: by a psychiatrist and infectious diseases specialist, she
–– Proposal of ongoing support and follow up. became angry and stormed out of the room, returning
►► Discuss the outcome of the confrontation with the to the ward 4 hours later, and then self-discharged,
primary care doctor. denying any fabrications. Because she was a healthcare
►► If the patient is a healthcare worker the doctor student, legal advice was sought and her registering
should discuss with a member of his/her defence body was contacted, which led to the termination of
organisation. her studies. One year later, she was admitted to another
►► Document a full record of the meeting and its outcome hospital 200 miles away after inserting foreign bodies
in the patient record. into her upper limbs.

Course and prognosis

Recovery from factitious disorder is extremely rare
The management of simulated disorders can be divided
and very few patients agree to comply with treat-
into two phases: the acute management in the hospital,
ment. In one series, only one in six patients acknowl-
which could be an emergency room or an inpatient
edged that their illness was self-induced, and a small
ward, and the chronic process of engaging the patient
number agreed to have psychiatric treatment, but
in outpatient management with some form of psycho-
the outcomes were not published.6 The enormous
therapy.13 Management in both phases must focus on
cost of these patients to the healthcare system has
negotiating the diagnosis with the patient and then
been extensively documented.16 Recent accounts
engaging the patient in treatment.
by patients with factitious disorders suggests that
The initial diagnosis of factitious disorder (in
with appropriate help some of these patients can be
hospital) is nearly always made by a non-psychiatrist,
helped.15 17
who may wish to involve a psychiatric colleague in a
supportive confrontation of the patient. This process
requires careful preparation (see box 3) Malingering
There is no robust research evidence to support the Conceptual and definitional problems
effectiveness of any management strategy for facti- Psychiatric glossaries have struggled to define malin-
tious illness.14 Despite this, we recommend supportive gering, and the shortcomings of the DSM-5 definition
confrontation, which should always involve at least have been extensively criticised.18 Berry and Nelson
two members of staff, with an emphasis on the patient recommend that the present text be replaced with
being a sick person in need of help. For some patients, ‘feigned’ psychiatric, physical or neuropsychological
a more nuanced approach may be preferred, with symptoms and graded into possible, probable or defi-
non-confrontational approaches. Face saving is a key nite categories. The main problem is that DSM-5 pres-
element, and it is important for the patient to be able ents malingering as a categorical condition, defined as
to explain their ‘recoveries’ to themselves and other ‘the intentional production of false or grossly exagger-
people, especially family members, without admitting ated physical or psychological symptoms, motivated by
that their original problems were psychiatric. Many external incentives’.
examples of these approaches have been described in a Much of the evidence, however, supports the view
fascinating new book,15 and we describe two vignettes that it is a dimensional construct. An individual might,
below. Although the patient may not acknowledge for example, be exaggerating genuine difficulties, for
the deception, the outcomes should always be docu- example, mild symptoms of multiple sclerosis may
mented in the notes. become so exaggerated that the patient may become
Case 1: A 50-year-old woman with Crohn’s disease wheelchair users. It is worth noting that malingering
was admitted to hospital complaining of watery can present with various diverse medical and psychi-
stools. Physical examination was normal and inves- atric disorders: post-traumatic stress disorder is the
tigations for specific causes of diarrhoea were all most commonly malingered psychiatric disorder and
negative. Examination of stool and urine suggested has been described as the great malingering challenge
ingestion of phenolphthalein-containing laxative; of our time.19

4 Bass C, Wade DT. Pract Neurol 2018;0:1–10. doi:10.1136/practneurol-2018-001950


Pract Neurol: first published as 10.1136/practneurol-2018-001950 on 13 November 2018. Downloaded from on 28 November 2018 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Epidemiology is does an individual have the capacity to change this
A frequently cited study found that experienced behaviour? Clearly, conscious motivations mean that the
neuropsychologists estimate the prevalence of individual is well aware of the secondary gain and plans
malingering in patient referrals from civil (ie, to act in a way that ensures such gain. It means that they
personal injury cases) and criminal legal settings consciously deliberate on how their illness behaviour
to be 10%–30% in those seeking compensation will achieve a certain desired result. In the past, and from
who report a diverse range of clinical disorders, cultural information, the individual has learnt that illness
for example, mild traumatic brain injury, whiplash affords secondary gain. (It is important to note that the
neck injury and psychogenic non-epileptic seizures.20 use of the term ‘secondary gain’ be limited to a descrip-
The feigning of disabling illness for the purpose of tion of the context within which the assessment is taking
disability compensation may occur in 45%–59% of place and not used as a synonym for malingering.)24
adult cases, with an estimated cost of US$20 billion Illness behaviour and adoption of the sick role there-
for adult mental disorder claimants.21 fore offer a useful way to understand the reporting of
chronic symptoms in a subgroup of patients.25 Such
Why is malingering neglected? Is there a bias against the people often have a history that promotes adoption of
diagnosis? the sick role (see the Assessment section below). The
Most people are not very good at noticing or detecting opportunity usually arises in some patients by way of
deception. Doctors often find it difficult to think an accident or negative life event, and recent empir-
about deception, as they may have been taught what ical evidence supports the presence of ‘escape from
William Osler reportedly said: ‘Listen to the patient: stressors’ life events before symptom onset in conver-
He is telling you the diagnosis’.22 In patients who are sion disorder.26 Neurologists should always enquire
malingering, listening is rarely enough, which is why it after these. The subsequent physical complaints
is so important to ask the right questions and to have (chronic pain/paralysis/weakness/dystonia) become
access to longitudinal health records. a more socially acceptable form of disability than
As a consequence, clinicians have neglected malin- psychological disorder (which is stigmatised) or failure
gering (and the more common phenomenon of to cope with personal difficulties, such as an unwanted
symptom exaggeration) because they have been divorce (which is blameworthy).
(understandably) trained to trust what patients tell
Aetiological theories
them. They also assume both that malingering is rare
Some authors conceptualise malingering as a form
and, at the same time, that there is a clear demarca-
of ‘other- deception,’ with the intention to mislead
tion between malingering and the (assumed-to-be)
others.27 By contrast, medically unexplained symp-
unwilled symptoms and behaviours seen in a func-
toms contain an element of self-deception: the patient
tional disorder. But, given that deception is common
convinces himself that he suffers from pain, fatigue,
in almost all other social interaction, it is unlikely to be
memory problems, etc, because he/she has misinter-
rare in interactions relating to health and illness.
preted the symptom experience. Clinicians have long
Doctors in these situations are often constrained by
noted that ‘other- deception’ may develop into self-de-
the medical model23 and use concepts borrowed from
ception, particularly when a person is involved in a
medical sociology to provide ways of understanding
lawsuit and begins to feign symptoms intentionally but
these disorders: key concepts such as abnormal
gradually, and perhaps unconsciously, assumes a worse
illness behaviour, secondary gain and the sick role
sick role as the authenticity of the complaints is repeat-
are germane, as is the contribution of societal and
edly questioned.28
motivational factors. We shall briefly describe these
Symptom exaggeration may also have unexpected
enduring effects. In a recent study, normal people were
Disability following an accident or adverse life event
asked to exaggerate symptoms. After the experiment
is a socially acceptable means of entering into the sick
was over, they reported that they had given up exag-
role. Adoption of the sick role is to behave as if one is
gerating.29 Nonetheless, these subjects continued to
chronically damaged or ill and it provides an opportu-
report high scores on symptom inventories, suggesting
nity to avoid many social obligations in a way that the
that exaggeration of symptoms has residual effects that
person cannot be blamed.
are resistant to corrective feedback. These findings
The sick role has other advantages too. The sick
support the view that intentional symptom exagger-
person may be visited more often, may be able to join
ation may, over time, develop into a disease convic-
social groups and networks such as disease-specific
tion that is typical for dissociative and somatoform
societies and of course may be able to access money or
other resources. Following on from this, they may gain
social status—for example, be secretary or chairman of Assessment
a local patient disease-based charity organisation. Key components of the assessment/history-taking assessment
The sick role may confer benefits for the individual and Assessment is a multifaceted process that requires the
lead to abnormal illness behaviour.23 The key question collection of information from several discrete sources,

Bass C, Wade DT. Pract Neurol 2018;0:1–10. doi:10.1136/practneurol-2018-001950 5


Pract Neurol: first published as 10.1136/practneurol-2018-001950 on 13 November 2018. Downloaded from on 28 November 2018 by guest. Protected by copyright.
including: (1) review of medical records; (2) history she did not need) and instigated litigation against
obtained by interviewing; (3) observation of the her employers (which she did not want). The medical
patient’s behaviour during the assessment; (4) consid- management involved helping the mother to desist
eration of information from collateral sources; (5) from these activities.
formal psychological/neuropsychological testing; (6) Asking a patient specific questions about what he/she
symptom validity testing (if available), see below and can and cannot do is essential. If a patient says that they
(7) surveillance video, when available. It is important cannot use public transport, drive a motor vehicle, or
for neurologists to keep in mind that reported previous carry anything in their right hand and they are subse-
diagnoses should not be taken at face value when the quently shown on surveillance to be performing all of
current differential diagnosis includes a somatoform/ these activities, this calls into question their credibility
functional neurological disorder, particularly if the list and reliability. Surveillance evidence in personal injury
of past medical diagnoses is long.24 litigation can sometimes provide evidence of fraudu-
After establishing that a patient has a disorder char- lent dishonesty, which suggests that the claimant lacks
acterised by disproportionate symptoms and disability, credibility. However, the neurologist must be careful
it is important for the neurologist to consider why the not to state whether exaggeration is a conscious or
person is behaving in this way now? This should lead unconscious process, as this is often not knowable.
to an enquiry about possible ‘escape’ factors/life events
and secondary gains referred to above. An event with Cognitive testing (effort tests)
escape potential is one that the patient judges might Individuals can malinger memory and cognitive diffi-
allow the development of a neurological symptom culties as part of a purported traumatic brain injury/
such as weakness. This symptom may have the poten- concussion. Testing this relies on what are known as
tial to reduce the consequences of a stressor such as symptom validity tests, which are increasingly used in
a bullying line manager/abusive parent. Physical life patients with chronic pain and other disorders such
events are also important, and functional neurolog- as fibromyalgia and complex regional pain syndrome
ical complaints can be precipitated by events such as type 1.
epidural injections and surgical procedures.31 The principle of symptom validity tests is that
How can the neurologist establish whether a person they typically force the individual to choose from
is consciously maintaining his illness for the sake of one of two proposed answers, removing the ability
secondary gains? There is seldom direct proof, but to provide vague or erratic answers. Their probabi-
it is sensible to establish the consistency between listic nature means that random answering without
the claimed disability and the observable behaviour. thinking or trying should produce a score of 50%;
If there is evidence of marked inconsistency, for thus scores below this—worse than chance—effec-
example, the patient complains of not being able to tively indicate that the individual is intentionally
run his business because of severe memory loss and choosing to get the answers wrong.
inability to concentrate but is observed to be chairing This voluntary endorsement of incorrect answers
committee meetings and negotiating with customers is taken by some as ‘tantamount to confession of
on the telephone, he fails effort tests on psychological malingering’, 34 but by others it is imply used to
batteries (see below), he enjoys many different recre- help the expert to differentiate between credible and
ational activities, and surveillance shows him doing non-credible symptom presentations.30 Professional
things he says he can not do, then this suggests that bodies and guidelines have stressed the importance
his behaviour is being overtly governed by secondary of symptom validity tests.24
gains. In legal parlance, his behaviour calls into ques- Neuropsychologists usually administer these tests,
tion his credibility.32 but neurologists can use ‘bedside’ tests that are simple
The concept of tertiary gain is also relevant in this and brief to administer. One of these is ‘Coin-in-the-
context. Tertiary gain occurs when others stand to hand test’ for patients with amnesia.35 The coin is
gain from the perpetuation of the patient’s symptoms. shown in one hand and, after a brief distraction task
Typical examples include family members who hope to (counting backwards from 10), later asked which
gain financially, physicians who want to recruit patients hand it is in. Organic amnestic patients perform this
or avoid complaints and some plaintiff lawyers.33 An task surprisingly well but malingering patients score
example is the well meaning but solicitous behaviour at chance (ie, 50%). Malingering may be suggested
of a mother whose behaviour serves to reinforce the if the patient performs at around chance level, with
abnormal illness behaviour of the patient with a func- the usual caveats that apply to all tests of suspected
tional neurological disorder. malingering in neuropsychological functioning (ie
Vignette: The 24-year-old female trainee solicitor had tests may increase the likelihood of wilful non-coop-
developed mild functional weakness of both legs after a eration, but cannot prove it).36
fall at work. She lived with her mother, who drove her Only about 11% of patients attending neurology
to work each day (despite the fact that she could travel clinics with medically unexplained symptoms who
by public transport), procured a wheelchair (which are not involved in litigation fail effort tests.37

6 Bass C, Wade DT. Pract Neurol 2018;0:1–10. doi:10.1136/practneurol-2018-001950


Pract Neurol: first published as 10.1136/practneurol-2018-001950 on 13 November 2018. Downloaded from on 28 November 2018 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Whether this is via a conscious or unconscious diagnosis changed to one of malingering (see the
process, however, is open to debate. There are no Vignette 1 section).
studies to date of rates of effort test failure in liti-
gants with conversion symptoms.
Vignette 1. Malingered weakness of legs: diagnosed
initially with functional neurological symptom disorder
This 28-year-old woman sustained an accident at work
Special investigations
when she tripped over a wooden plank. Within days
Special investigations are another method of detec-
she reported back pain and soon developed weakness
tion. Probably, the most widely encountered tech-
of both legs as well as problems passing urine. She
nique is video surveillance, which is typically
became confined to a wheelchair and had an indwelling
undertaken by the insurance companies. Video
catheter. Concern about a cauda equina lesion was
surveillance usually provides information about
expressed, but all tests were normal. She began legal
the claimant’s physical abilities. Marked or unex-
proceedings and was seen by a consultant neurolo-
pected differences between the claimant’s observed
gist who diagnosed functional neurological symptom
behaviours and what they claim to be unable to do
can raise doubts as to the credibility of their report
Examination of the medical file revealed a long
(see the Vignette sections below). It is important to
note that in purely psychiatric claims video surveil- history of multiple, recurrent and chronic musculo-
lance is usually not definitive, unless the patient has skeletal and other non-specific physical symptoms
made unusually strong claims for example, ‘I never dating from childhood with evidence of persistent very
go out’. high use of primary care resources (15 visits per year
Common types of clinical presentation to the compared with the average of 5) as well as tertiary
neurologist (emphasising the porous nature of the care services. Her medical notes were contained in
relationship between ‘functional’ and somatoform four lever-arch files. There was a history of childhood
disorders and symptom exaggeration) are shown in adversity (neglect) and frequent changes of job. She had
the vignettes below. evidence of a prior somatoform disorder with a depen-
dent personality. In addition to the pseudoneurological
symptoms, she reported widespread pains and satisfied
Malingered cognitive impairment (post-concussional
criteria for a DSM-5 somatic symptom disorder with
persistent pain (a common somatoform disorder with a
Alleged brain injury is common in personal injury
prevalence of 5%–7%). Her claim for damages was for
litigation and 15%–30% of patients with mild trau-
in excess of £2 million.
matic brain injury report continuing non-specific
Subsequent DVD surveillance was carried out after
symptoms such as distress, headache and cognitive
neurological and psychiatric assessment. She was
problems, collectively described as post-concussional
observed to walk unassisted at a brisk pace in a busy
shopping mall, and could cross roads on foot without
In medicolegal settings, clinical neuropsycholo-
assistance or aids, as well as walk 500 m on the flat.
gists have been encouraged to assess motivation and
The diagnosis was revised to malingering and the
effort with use of both separate and embedded effort
compensation case settled rapidly.
measures throughout an assessment of a patient with a
Learning point: In some patients, chronic somato-
mild traumatic brain injury. A frequent finding in the
form disorders and factitious disorders can co-occur.
scientific literature on symptom validity tests is that
Functional disorders affecting a sense organ (blind-
patients with mild traumatic brain injury (especially
ness) can also undergo revision of diagnosis after
those seeking compensation) do worse on these tests
than do those with moderate or severe brain injury.39
Miller concluded in 196140 that many patients’ fabri-
cated memory and other cognitive symptoms are in Vignette 2. Functional blindness
inverse proportion to injury severity and only resolve This 30-year-old man suffered a mild head injury when
with receipt of compensation, but more recent studies a microwave fell onto his head at work. Although not
have not confirmed his findings.41 concussed, he suffered from headaches and blurred
vision for 2 weeks before presenting with loss of vision
Somatoform disorders, chronic pain and chronic regional in both eyes. He did not return to work as a painter
pain syndrome type 1 and decorator. Within 6 months, he had instigated a
In medicolegal settings, the proportion of patients compensation claim and was registered blind and
with a diagnosis of somatoform, dissociative or pain acquired a white stick when out walking. He was also
disorders who show negative response bias is substan- receiving a range of welfare benefits. All ophthalmic
tial and can amount to at least a third.30 and mental state investigations were normal and he
Patients who present with functional weakness was assigned a diagnosis of functional blindness by
can, following evidence from surveillance, have the both a consultant neurologist and psychiatrist.

Bass C, Wade DT. Pract Neurol 2018;0:1–10. doi:10.1136/practneurol-2018-001950 7


Pract Neurol: first published as 10.1136/practneurol-2018-001950 on 13 November 2018. Downloaded from on 28 November 2018 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Subsequent DVD surveillance revealed that he was apparently pain-free movements. She was accused of
able to participate in a half marathon, during which he fraudulent dishonesty and the claim was dismissed.
required no assistance to follow the route and avoided
traffic and other obstacles. He was also observed Factitious epilepsy and unresponsiveness
picking up bottles of water and other objects adroitly In most patients, psychogenic non-epileptic seizures
from the refreshment stations while running without are an unconscious manifestation of psychosocial
difficulty. The diagnosis was revised to malingering. distress. However, a subgroup of patients consciously
produce symptoms for gain (factitious epilepsy). It is
not uncommon for these patients to present repeat-
Complex regional pain syndrome type 1
edly with status pseudo-epilepticus, which places them
Neurologists are often requested to provide an opinion at risk of iatrogenic complications and even death.47
on patients with complex regional pain syndrome, These patients often have personality disorders, and if
especially if there is an associated movement disorder not identified promptly can incur extraordinary health-
such as a dystonia.42 Complex regional pain syndrome care costs. In a recent case, US$250 000 was spent,
is a controversial disorder, and recent reviews have underscoring the importance of early detection.48
questioned its validity as a diagnostic entity.43 This
disorder, once known as reflex sympathetic dystrophy, Management of exaggerated symptoms (symptom
is often diagnosed after injury to a limb. It is diag- validity test failure)
nosed on the basis of non-specific, often subjective Patients with mild traumatic brain injury are most
criteria, some of which, including skin temperature, likely to present with symptom validity failure, exag-
weakness and colour differences between limbs, can geration or malingering or all three, and feedback
be produced and maintained by short-term immobili- of test results has been most systematically studied
sation and dependency of the limb.44 The diagnosis of in this group.49 There is a feedback model described
complex regional pain syndrome type 1 is controver- that involves building of rapport with the patient,
sial, and it has been argued that it is powerfully influ- exploring of the reasons for poor effort and acknowl-
enced by iatrogenic factors and tertiary gain involving edging possible task disengagement, establishing the
doctors.45 In a small proportion of patients, factitious
illness is involved.46
Key points 
Vignette 3. Complex regional pain syndrome/dystonia
►► Careful assessment for evidence of inconsistencies—
This 40-year-old woman sustained an injury to her left
specifically between reported and observed function
forearm in a road traffic accident, when her hand hit
(on ward or in outpatient clinic) may suggest symptom
the dashboard. The pain extended to her elbow and
exaggeration/amplification; frank malingering is rare.
shoulder and within 6 months the hand adopted a
►► Symptom exaggeration more likely occurs when the
‘claw-like’ appearance, characteristic of a dystonia. She
patient is involved in litigation/ disability evaluation.
held her elbow flexed across her chest with her wrist in
►► Discrepancies/inconsistencies between several
a Futura splint. Episodes of severe pain were accompa-
domains is key, (again between reported and
nied by panic and hyperventilation, which may have
observed function); these involve not only the clinical
contributed to her ‘symptom load’ (with carpopedal
examination but also inconsistencies in reports of
spasm). A pain clinician diagnosed her with complex
disability/functioning, for example, e.g. in Department
regional pain syndrome type 1 and referred her for
for Work and Pensions records.
neurological assessment because of the ‘dystonia’,
►► It is not possible for anyone to state whether symptom
which had persisted despite a considerable amount of
exaggeration is a consequence of conscious or
in-patient treatment.
unconscious mechanisms.
Her history was characterised by recurrent episodes
►► Similarly, it is not possible for anyone to state whether
of panic disorder as well as functional symptoms such
exaggeration occurs with the intent to convince others
as recurrent irritable bowel syndrome and temporo-
(of their genuineness) or with the intent to deceive
mandibular joint dysfunction. She was involved in acri-
them: this is a matter for the court.
monious dispute with her employers at the time of the
►► There is no sharp demarcation line between
accident and had to attend several tribunals that did
somatoform disorder and factitious disorder/
not go in her favour.
malingering; both may coexist.
At interview she reported that she could not use her
►► Confrontation of a patient suspected of symptom
hand at all, and in particular could not use a telephone
exaggeration/amplification should be supportive and
or use a knife and fork to eat. DVD surveillance revealed
never carried out alone, or without detailed recording
a completely different presentation. She was seen using
in the patient file.
a cell phone with her left hand without difficulty, and
►► It is not recommended to write the word ‘malingering’
in a restaurant she could use a knife and fork as well
in the medical record.
as open a bottle of wine with her left hand in fluid and

8 Bass C, Wade DT. Pract Neurol 2018;0:1–10. doi:10.1136/practneurol-2018-001950


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