Madrasah Ibtidaiyah: Ulangan Akhir Semester Genap TAHUN PELAJARAN 2018/2019

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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Hari ,tanggal : ................................... Nama : ...........................

Waktu : .................................. No. Absen : ..........................

I. Put a cross (x) on the answer!

1. The leader of a municipality is a ....
a. president b. mayor c. governor d. village chief
2. Pati, Rembang, Kudus, Jepara, Blora are the names of ... in central Java.
a. municipality b. village c. regentcy d. province
3. The king`s son is a ....
a. duke b. knight c. prince d. princess
4. The capital of East Java is ....
a. Jakarta b. Bandung c. Surabaya d. Samarinda
Text for no. 5 to 7

Up to now Indonesia has seven presidents. The firt president is

Sukarno. He led this country from 1945 to 1966. The second president is
Suharto. He led Indonesia from 1966 to 1998. The next presidentare BJ
Habibie, Abdurrahman Wahid, Megawati Sukarno Putri, SBY and Joko
5. The president after BJ Habibie is ....
a. Suharto b. Sukarno c.Abdurrahman Wahid d. Megawati
6. Suharto led Indonesia for ... years.
a. twenty two b. twenty c. thirty two d. thirty one
7. The firts president of Indonesia is ....
a. BJ Habibie b. Suharto c. Abdurrahman Wahid d. Sukarno
8. Indonesia led by ....
a. queen b. king c. president d. government
9. The head of goverment in United Kingdom is ....
a. minister b. governor c. prime minister d. queen
8. The capital of Brunei Darussalam is ....
a. Bangkok b. Jakarta c. Bandar Seri Bengawan d. Kuala Lumpur
9. Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat in English is ....
a. house of representative c. supreme court
b. village d. People`s Consultative Assembly
10. Goverment in Indonesian is ....
a. ibukota b. negara c. provinsi d. pemerintahan
11. Hakim in English is ....
a. Rregent b. judge c. goverment d. queen
12. Republic-is-our-a-country. The correct sentence is ....

a. our republic is country c. our country is republic

b. country is our republic d. republic is our country
13. This is my rabbit. The correct oreder is ....
a. ini adalah kelincimu b. ini adalah kelinciku
c. ini adalah kelinci nya d. ini adalah kelinci mereka.
14. Itu adalah bunga-bunga kita. The correct order is ....
a. those are we flowers b. those are our flowers
d. those are flowers ours c. those are you flowers
15. She has a pair of shoes. It is ... shoes.
a. her b. his c. its d. their
16. Their have a new car. That is their car. The car is ....
a. hers b. his c. ours d. theirs
17. ... table is it ? The correct order is ....
a. who b. whose c. what d. why
18. A : “Is this our table?”
B : “No, ....”
a. this is b. this is not c. this is nit ours d. this is not him
19. That-cloth-my-is. The correct order is ....
a. that is cloth my c. that my is cloth
b. that is my cloth d. that cloth my is
20. Dia adalah ayah Fadhil. The English sentence is ....
a. he is Fadhil father c. he is Fadhil`s father
b. she is Fadhil`s father d. he is father Fadhil`s
21. the-sweet-is-hers-watermelon. The correct order is ....
a. the sweet watermelon is hers c. the sweet hers watermelon is
b. the watermelon sweet is hers d. the hers sweet watermelon is
22. You have a bag. The bag is ....
a. ours b. yours c. his d. your
23. lisa likes fried noodle. The fried noodle is ....
a. mine b. his c. hers d. ours
24. Ini permen miliknya (perempuan). The correct order is ....
a. this is candy mine c. this is candi his
b. this is candy hers d. this is candy yours
25. A :”Where does the story Tangkuban Perahu come from ?”
B :”It comes from ....”
a. East Java b. West Java c. Central Java d. West Sumatra
26. A :”... story is it ?”
B :”It is Ande-Ande Lumut”
a. who b. where c. what d. whoose
27. The story below comes from Bali is ....
a. Kebo Iwo c. Timun Emas
b. Ande-Ande Lumut d. Malin Kundang
28. The origin of Landak River comes from ....
a. West Kalimantan c. Central Kalimantan
b. West Sumatra d. South Sumatra
29. King-he-was-wise-a. The correct order is ....
a. he king wise was a c. he king was a wise
c. he wise a king was d. he was a wise king
30. Ini adalah sebuah sungai. The correct order is ....
a. it is a village b. it is a river is a city is a mountain
31. The Borobudur temple from Central Java is name of a ....
a. toy b. legend c. country d. game
32. In the forest we can see many ....
a. Tree b. fish c. chicken d. rice
33. I like ... on the beach.
a. Jogging b. camping c. swimming d. surfing
34. Grojogan Sewu is located in ....
a. Yogyakarta b. East Java c. West Java d. Central Java
35. Sanur is the name of a ....
a. lake b. beach c. mountain d. island

II. Fill in the blank with the correct word !

1. Governor lead a ....
2. The capital of Malaysia is ....
3. Kecamatan in English is ....
4. I have new shoes. The shoes is ....
5. The doll is yours. Yours means ....
6. Itu adalah buku saya. The English sentence is ....
7. We-village-the-live-in. The correct arrangement is ....
8. Witch in Indonesian is ....
9. Petani in English is ....
10. Prambanan is name from a ....

III. Answer this questions below with correct answer !

1. Mentions 4 names of lead goverment of village until country !
2. Translate into English !
a. walikota =
b. negara =
c. cerita =
d. ownership =
3. Translate into Indonesian !
My mother buys many fruits. That apples and mangoes is hers.
4. Arrange these words into good sentence !
wanted- mother- Sangkuriang –marry- to- his.
5. Mentions 4 names of myth and legend !

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