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The Peacebuilders

“Keeping the ICF Circle informed; Connecting with Community of Interreligious Peacebuilders”

Vol. II, No. 3 Bi-annual E-Newsletter of the Interfaith Cooperation May-June, 2019
Inside this issue:
Forum of Asia and Pacific Alliance of YMCA

ICF lines up activities for July – November 2019

ICF lines up activi- 1
ties for July- ICF will hold a thematic on its course smoothly. YMCA is the Peace Insti-
November 2019 workshop on peace- This is an example of tute 2, which will be held
building on July 19-26, healthy cooperation be- on July 31-August 11,
Bangladesh Na- 1
tional Forum Held 2019 in Jayapura, West tween local or national 2019 in Chiangmai and
ICF Alumni Follow Papua, Indonesia. The YMCA, the ICF alumni, Chiangrai, Thailand. Eve-
-up Activity hosting preparations rything is now ready,
were done by Rina thanks to the hosting
ICF Coordinator 2
Krebru Yanike, who is a preparations graciously
joined Solidarity carried out by Ms. Phan-
Visit to Sri Lanka School of Peace 2018
alumna, and a member omwan Yoodee and Ms.
ICF Alumni Fea- 4 of the ICF Program Chularat Phongtudsirikul
ture: SoP 2018 Committee. Assisting of Thailand YMCA.
alumna joins ICF Rina in the local prepa-
rations is the National Some details still need to
Chiangmai YMCA, one of be ironed out, but ICF will
“My Under- 5 General Secretary of the venues of the Peace
standing of hold the School of Peace
YMCA Indonesia, Ms. Institute 2
peace” 2019. The SoP 2019 will
Retha Andoea. Ms. An- run for two months. This
doea had also collabo- and ICF staff in making
Hate crime rises 6 will be in the middle of Sep-
rated with the SoP 2018 the program or activities
again in Bangla- tember up to the middle of
host, Duta Wacana a success and meaningful. November 2019. ICF is
ICF Coordinator 7 Christian University still in the process of pre-
joined the Soli- Faculty of Theology in Another upcoming activ- paring for details on the
darity Visit to Sri ensuring that the School ity assisted by local hosting are still underway.
of Peace 2018 will run 
Karen Student 8
and Youth Ex-
change Program
Bangladesh National Forum held SoP Alumni Follow-Up

The Bangladesh National Forum of alumni, seven were present, only two
ICF alumni held its Follow-Up activ- of whom are women. A total of four-
ity at the Matthew Malaker Confer- teen (14) participants came for the
ence Hall of YMCA Training Center workshop including some YMCA staff.
at Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh on May The activity started with a program
24-25, 2019. Out of eleven ICF
-continued to p. 2
The Peacebuilder
Vol. II, No. 3 May-June, 2019 The Peacebuilders Page 2

Bangladesh National Forum holds . . .

orientation and greetings communities? What/who task as Coordinator due
from the Nipun Sangma, are the forces for peace to her delicate pregnancy.
NGS of NCY-Bangladesh. in the family, educational Day before the
True This was followed by the institutions, and commu- workshop, Duncan, Muri-
nities? Through a story of
peace is greetings from APAY and
ICF, and the sharing of a composite character,
el, and Biplob took the
four-hour trip to visit the
not alumni involvements in the participants discussed YMCA Edilpur, where
interfaith efforts for and reflected on the cycle Sabbir Talukdar, School
merely peace. of violence that happens of Peace 2018 alumnus
APAY executive sec- to a person, family and serves as a volunteer.
the retary, Duncan Chow- communities, and how to The General Secretary of
absence dhury, explained the his- find a way out of such
vicious cycle.
Edilpur YMCA, Bappu
tory of the emergence of Mree, an alumnus of
of war, it ICF within the context of As a brief back- “mini-SoP,” welcomed
Asia. Muriel Orevillo- grounder for the National the APAY-ICF personnel.
is the Montenegro shared the Forum to plan for its pro- That evening, the
coverage of ICF work. gram, Orevillo- dinner graciously hosted
presence She also introduced very Montenegro gave a by outgoing APAY Presi-
of justice. briefly one principle of sweeping introduction on dent and incoming Bang-
Nonviolent Communica- the theory of change. She ladesh YMCA president,
-Jane Addams tion (NVC) as time was called on the Bangladesh Babu Markus Gomes,
very limited. National Forum to for- along with former NGS
On the second day, mulate its theory of Raymond Areng, also a
the couple, Mervyn and change as a basis for “mini-SoP” alumnus.
Kirstin De Mello facilitat- brainstorming and plan- Chowdhury and Orevillo-
ed the workshop on ning for its future task. Montenegro also met with
peace-building. They Some notes on the theo- the National General Secre-
started with brainstorm- ry and on some plans tary and the staff of NCY
were made. The National Bangladesh to discuss the
ing on the definition of
feasibility of holding the
peace, and proceeded to Forum also decided to
School of Peace 2019 in
several workshops with a appoint Nichodemus Bangladesh. Biplob Rangsa, a
focus on the basic ques- D’Costa as acting- School of Peace alumnus
tions, namely: what/who Coordinator of the Na- and the Executive Secretary
are the forces against tional Forum while of NCY - Bangladesh coor-
peace in the family, edu- Mabhuva Moni Parvin is dinated the whole affair. 
cational institutions and unable to carry out her 

Photos from the Bangladesh ICF Alumni Follow Up Activity

Photo Credits: Biplob Rangsa

Vol. I1, No. 3 May-June, 2019 The Peacebuilders Page
Page 33

ICF Coordinator joined the Solidarity visit to Sri Lanka

On May 28-31, 2019, the ICF Coordinator joined
the Solidarity Visit to Sri Lanka YMCA and church-
es. It was organized by APAY and World Alliance of
YMCA. The visit was headed by Carlos Sanvee, Sec-
retary General of the World Alliance, and Nam
Boo Won, General Secretary of APAY. The visit
aimed to express World YMCA family’s condolence
to the victims as well as sympathy and solidarity to
the families, churches and people at large deeply
affected by the brutal terrorist bomb attacks in the
Easter Sunday. The ICF Coordinator, Muriel Orevil- The temporary cemetery where the victims of the
lo-Montenegro was asked to join this visit with a bombing of San Sebastian church in Katuwapitiya were
view of exploring interfaith peacebuilding programs temporarily buried.
in Sri Lanka, particularly with the alumni of the ICF
programs. The officers of Sri Lanka YMCA, namely,
President Nirmal Fonseka, National General Secre-
tary Charles Brownson, APAY Vice President
Kishan Gunawardene, and, former President Felici-
an Francis also joined in the visit.

It was an intensive solidarity visit. On the first day,

the Nam Boo Won and Muriel Orevillo-
Montenegro met with SoP alumnus, Jaffry Joyson
Chelvarajah. Then, together with the key leaders of
Sri Lanka YMCA, we had a meeting with the Auxil-
iary Bishop of the Catholic Church to express
YMCA’s deep sympathy for the victims of the
bombing. The YMCA delegation also expressed The group ready to go to Batticaloa for a Solidarity Visit,
possibility of exploring ways to collaborate with the headed by APAY Gen Sec Nam Boo Won, World Alliance
of YMCA Gen Sec Carlos Sanvee (in yellow) and Sri Lanka
church in Sri Lanka for interfaith peacebuilding. The
NGS Charles Brownson.
group also visited St. Sebastian’s Church in Katu-
wapitiya, where more than a hundred people died Photo credits: Muriel Orevillo-Montenegro
when it was bombed on that fateful Easter Sunday.
The sanctuary that was destroyed by the bomb is now restored gradually. Then the group proceeded
to pay a short period of prayer in the temporary
cemetery set by near the St. Sebastian church. Din-
ner on that first evening was hosted by the former
Vice President of APAY Eraj Wijesinghe, who was
also a former President of the NCY-Sri Lanka.

The delegation went to Batticaloa on the second

day. The group expressed solidarity to the Batticaloa
YMCA members and staff who are working hard to
assist the victims of the bombing of the Zion
Church, a Protestant Church in the area. They con-
tinue to support the families of the victims in differ-
L-R: Nam Boo Won, Muriel Orevillo-Montenegro, ent ways towards healing. The group also visited the
and Joyson Jaffry Chelvarajah, an SoP 2018 alum- homes of some surviving victims of the bombing.
nus. - to Page 7
A Groupie photo by Joyson Jaffry Chelvarajah
Vol. I1, No. 3 May-June, 2019 The Peacebuilders Page 4
The Peacebuilder Page 4
ICF Alumni Feature: SoP 2018 Alumna joins ICF

Note: ICF uses the term “alumni“ in an inclusive sense. Thus, this section is dedicated to feature one who went
“I object through any of the ICF programs such as School of Peace, Peace Institute (formerly mini-SoP), or even a
to thematic workshop.

violence of the school year started. I was way

because behind my classmates in doing the class
requirements. And yes, this was be-
when it
cause we fled from our place.
appears Why do I want to share this story?
to do good, I am telling this story because this
the good childhood experience influenced in the
is only shaping of my innate desire to work for
peace. My mind started to open when I
participated in a Summer Institute for
the evil Peace and Development Motivators, a
it does I Note: Baidido Manalasal Saganding is a month-long seminar-workshop orga-
is Maguidanaoan Muslim from South Co- nized by Southern Christian College, a
permanent.” tabato, Philippines. She is a licensed Protestant school in Central Mindanao
Social Worker. She was hired as ICF in the Philippines. I decided to take up
Program Officer in early April of this a Bachelor of Science in Social Work in
— Mohandas K. year. However, she was able to join the that same school, Southern Christian
Gandhi APAY project only on July 2, 2019 be- College. During college days, I was ac-
cause of the long process of getting the tively engaged in peace activities con-
working visa in Hong Kong. Bai, as she
ducted by the school and its partners. I
prefers to be called, tells her story
also volunteer as part of the Peace and
about where she is coming from. Ed.
Reconciliation Team members of
North Cotabato of Peacebuilders
Growing up in a conflict-affected Community.
community in Central Mindanao, at an Wanting to pursue my passion for
early age I already experienced fleeing helping my own community, I worked
from our home almost every three years, in a national non-government organiza-
having stopped going to school, living in tion that worked for healing and devel-
evacuation centers, or living in my rela- opment of Internally Displaced Persons
tives' home. At a young age, I thought of Central Mindanao. My almost eight
that such experiences were just normal years of working in the non-
for every child. I enjoyed living with our government organization helped me to
relatives under one roof . We ate noo- develop my capacity to continue work-
dles and canned goods almost every meal ing for peace, especially for women and
and played with other children in the their children.
centers. At present, I am taking up a leave
As I grew older, I realized that my from my Master Studies in Extension
situation was not normal anymore when Education at a university in Southern
the opening of classes was announced. I Mindanao.
was not able to start my Grade 4 class in
the elementary school time. I was able to Baidido “Bai” Saganding
join my Grade 4 class when almost half SoP 2018
Vol. I1, No. 3 May-June, 2019 The Peacebuilders Page 5
Page 5
Reflections Corner:
From the Thematic Workshop-Philippines

My Understanding of Peace

June 20, 2019. Peace is actually possible if we all

My heart was glad as I stood there facing my very make extra efforts to make peace
attentive classmates. I was sharing with them the with ourselves and with others, as
way I understood PEACE. Actually, when my
teacher started to ask us about the meaning of we practice mindfulness anchored
Peace, I could not help but be excited as I recall in justice, love and respect.
the words of Ma'am Muriel during the Peace In-
stitute 1 seminar. So, when our teacher asked us
to give our ideas on how we understood the top- roots would only kill the plant. It is best to treat
the roots properly than plucking it off. Similarly,
ic, I raised my hand and went up to the front.
war is never a solution to achieve peace. It is
through peace talks that we can really protect
I said,
"Peace is not really the absence of war but the the welfare of the people and finally agree on
presence of Justice, love, and respect among eve- matters to achieve Peace. As we embrace our
ryone. Peace is a long and arduous work that can diversified culture, peace is actually possible if we
only be achieved if both conflicting parties take all make extra efforts to make peace with our-
the time to sit down together and talk. The true selves and with others, as we practice mindful-
culture of peace is the ability to listen to both ness anchored in justice, love and respect."
sides and understand the fact that what each par- 
ty could really see is just a portion of the whole
truth. Therefore each one should accept the fact
that no one really holds everything. Negotiation
must be done so that nobody loses and everyone
gets their exact share of the cake. Peace talk,
Eremie Ratunil
therefore, must be strengthened and be estab-
Peace Institute 1
lished fairly so that Peace would be achieved. Cagayan de Oro City
Every conflict has its own root, but cutting the Philippines

Photo Credit:
Muriel Orevillo-Montenegro
Vol. I1, No. 3 May-June, 2019 The Peacebuilders Page 6
The Peacebuilder Page 4
News Feature:
Hate Crime rises again in Bangladesh and is increasing

It was the 2nd of June, Sunday of 2019. yard of the temple.

Like the other mornings, I went to the
local market to buy some vegetables, That sight really upset me though I am
fishes, and other things. But that morning not a Hindu. I could not hold the tears
was quite different. My mum called, tell- from my eyes when I saw the idol mak-
ing me not to go to near the temple. She er was crying loudly. On the following
said my younger brother told her that he day, the 3rd of June was a day of pray-
saw police officers around the temple. er to celebrate the saint Loknath. He
Someone destroyed the icons in the Hin- had many icons of Loknath to make,
du temple the night before. and he was nearly finished with his
work. Making idols in the temple
The news really made me sad. This type ground and selling them is his only oc-
of things is unexpected. Curious, I went cupation and the only way to earn
to the temple after my errand to do mar- money. Icon-making is a family trade
keting, without informing my mother so hand down from his grand grandfather.
she will not be anxious. The temple is The vandals did not miss to break his
just about 8-10 minutes walk from my nearly finished idols.
house. This is a very old and famous Hin-
du temple in our community. It was es- Breaking the idols of Loknath means
tablished before Bangladesh became a many Hindu people could not go on
British colony in 1757. The temple is with their prayers and rituals on the
called Dashavuja Mandiir, named after 3rd of June. According to the Durga-
the famous Hindu Goddess Durga. pur police findings, no valuable things
Sometimes Goddess Durga is called were taken. Only the idols were de-
Dashavuja because she has ten hands. In stroyed. This led to the conclusion that
old Bengali language, "Dash" means 10 the act was to kindle conflict between
and "Vuja" means hand. the Hindu and Muslim communities.

I came to the temple vicinity where the

yellow police tape with the words
"Crime scene, do not cross" cordoned
the area. The police force was still col-
lecting evidence for the investigation. I
asked the Police Officer who knew me,
to take me inside for a few minutes to
see with my own eyes what happened. I
promised him I won't touch anything, and
I will just take some photos. Luckily, he
agreed and guided me inside the temple.
What I saw inside was a terrific scene. The broken icon of Goddess Durga
The broken parts of the icons were scat-
tered all over the place and outside the Photo credit: Md. Raja Rahman Chowdhury
Vol. I1, No. 3 May-June, 2019 The Peacebuilders Page 7

Page 7
Hate crime rises again in Bangladesh . . .

piece of fake news or rumor. Vandalizing the temple

of Hindu Goddess Kali in Brahmmonbaria and the
burning of the whole community of Saotal, an ethnic
group in Gaibandha District last year. These are some
proofs that hate crime is increasing so quickly in Bang-
ladesh these days. In the past, Bangladesh was a very
peaceful country. Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists, and
Christians lived together peacefully. But now it is get-
ting worse. There was a proverb in the past that eve-
ryone believed: “Religion is yours, but the festival is
for all.”
Broken pieces of the icon of Goddess Durga.
As a Muslim peace activist, I want
Photo credit: Md. Raja Chaudhary my country to be a peaceful coun-
try where there will be no conflict
The violent act of desecrating the temple between any religion, any tribal or
and the idols there is definitely a hate ethnic groups. There should be no
crime. This hate crime is motivated by violence between “major” and
prejudice on the basis of religion. “minors” religions. We want to see that everyone is
living in peace, harmony, and blessings. Our mindset
Bangladesh is a country where Muslims should be like that. "No more conflict, no more vio-
are more than 80% of the population. Sta- lence. No more vandalism." We live in one country
tistics show that in the last few decades and we just want peace deep down in our hearts. 
hate crime is increasing so fast. Examples 
could be cited, such as the burning the Md. Raja Rahman Chowdhury
Buddhist temple in Ramu, a part of the Durgapur, Mymensingh Bangladesh
Chittagong division, just because of a SoP 2018, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

ICF Coordinator joins Solidarity Visit

One was a twelve year old child who sus- We thank the YMCA Sri Lanka for
tained wounds on his belly and leg. One being with APAY and World Alliance
grandmother had her leg wounded. The representatives in the visits to the peo-
group visited the family of the man who ple who have been closely affected by
tried to ask questions to the unfamiliar the terrorist attacks. The evil of ter-
person with a backpack, the guy blew him- rorism is unredeemable, but the work
self up and all those around him. The for peace must continue. This is a chal-
scope of the damage was unthinkable. The lenge not only in Sri Lanka, or in Asia,
pastor, Rev. Roshan Mahesan, still demon- but in the whole world. 
strated his faith amidst the painful reality
that 33 of his parishioners died, 14 of
whom were children, and some are still
fighting for their lives in the hospital.
“Keeping the ICF Circle informed; Connecting with Community of Interreligious Peacebuilders”

The Interfaith Cooperation Forum is a program of Asia and Pacific Alliance of YMCAs.
INTERFAITH It values the significance of interreligious understanding and unity. Thus, it offers opportuni-
COOPERATION ties for study and appreciation of the different perspective of religions on peace, and discern
FORUM the role of religion in peacebuilding. Yet, considering that unpeace is brought about by many
factors, including the onslaught of neoliberal economic globalization, more people experience
Asia and Pacific Alliance poverty, internally displaced people are increasing as communities are destroyed, native wis-
of YMCAs dom and values are overrun by Western and consumerist outlooks, patriarchy and racism
23 Waterloo Road 6/F persists, and climate change is now felt as the destruction of the Planet Earth seems unabat-
Kowloon, Hong Kong ed.
Peace is celebrated as a gift from the Divine, yet, we, the earthlings have the responsi-
Phone: +852-27808347 bility to make peace a reality. Although its contribution may just be like a drop of water into
Fax: +852-23854692 the lake, ICF seeks to equip young people of different religious traditions, especially from the
E-mail: marginalized communities of Asia and Pacific, to make waves of peacebuilding actions.
Karen Student and Youth Exchange Program held seminar
The Karen Student Network Group
(KSNG) started the Karen Student and
Youth Exchange Program in 2014, and
continues until now. It aims to gather
Karen students and youth together to
promote peace, human rights, understand
Please visit our the current peace process in Myanmar,
website @ the environmental issues and the founda- Karen young attending seminar to be
<> tion of Karen education. peacebuilders
Photo credit: Saw Say Mo
The theme of our program last year
was “Youth as a Peace Builders." It was ent places to know each other, building
held at Thoo Mweh K'mler High School, trust and friendship. It helps us under-
Hpa Ah district, Karen state, Burma. stand the things happening around us,
There were a total of 104 participants and give us the strength to work for the
from five middle schools, two high community. We request to have this
schools, along with some teachers, and kind of activity more in the future for
out of school youth. The topics discussed young people," said Padoh Saw Plat
included Karen history, Myanmar peace Htoo, the Head of education at Hpa Ah
process, community peacebuilding, devel- district.
opment & peace, and Karen education I was one of the key facilitators on
movement. Documentary films entitled peacebuilding. I used most of the skills I
"Nightmare Returns'' and "Unrecognized learned from SoP. Those skills are very use-
Leaders: Raising the Voice of Forgotten ful for me and my organization in the com-
Youth'' were shown in the evening. The munity. I hope that the Interfaith Coopera-
participants also watched a short video tion Forum (ICF) will invite more peace-
clip of peace movement and KSNG activi- builders and give the young people skills
ties. through SoP. I am thankful to ICF for
providing me more knowledge and skills,
Each day, the sessions started with
and to everyone who supported our activi-
breathing meditation, and recap of the ties. I welcome you all to join us for the
previous day's session. The participants next Karen Student and Youth Exchange
gave their full participation in group dis- Program in Karen Land.
cussions, presentations, singing songs and
other energizing activities. Saw Say Moo
The Karen Student Network "This is a very good program for bringing SoP 2017
Group student and Youth together from differ- Myanmar (Burma)
Photo credit: Saw Say Moo

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