LS1 (I Have A Letter For You 3)

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Community Program A&E

Learning Center
Learning Facilitator Literacy Level Elementary Level

ALTERNATIVE Month and Learning Strand LS 1

LEARNING SYSTEM Quarter Communication
WEEKLY LESSON LOG Skills (Writing)

A. Content Standards Writing

B. Performance Standards Express one’s ideas and feelings clearly and appropriately in writing in the
English language to be able to function as a member of the family, the
community, the nation, and the world, and to participate in community and
economic development.

C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives Knowledge:

Write the LC code for each.
 Identify the parts of a paragraph.

 Write in well-organized, coherent, and grammatically correct

paragraphs that talk about oneself, country, and the world.

 Write a composition with correctly sequenced paragraphs using

appropriate paragraph/ sentence structure and correct grammar,
punctuation, capitalization, and spelling to talk about oneself,
country, and the world.

Skill: Perform the given tasks individually, by pair and by group.

Attitude: Show interest in learning how to write a paragraph.

II. CONTENT(Subject Matter) I Have a Letter for You


A. References

2. Module pages Lesson 3 — My Dear ( Module pp. 31-43)

B. Other Learning Resources Pictures, Laptop, Activity cards, manila paper,

* ALS k to 12 Basic Curriculum Guide, LS 1 Communication Skills (Writing) pp. 48

A. Springboard/Motivation (Establishing a Activity 1: Friend Zone Corner
purpose for the lesson)
 Present a pictures to the learners on different ways to have a
friend in different country.
 Do you know those types of communication being shown in the
 Who among you have many friends in different county?
 How did you communicate to your friends?

B. Activity (Review of previous lesson/s or Activity 2: (Pick a Stick)

Presenting the new lesson)
 Let learners group themselves into three.
 Let each group to come in front one by one and let the members of
the group pick a stick that a facilitator is holding in his/her hands.
 Whoever member pick the longest stick will answer the questions
 Try again the game to the next group.

 What have you learned in the previous lesson?
 What are the proper ways in forming a paragraph?
 What do you mean by pronoun and give some examples.
 What do you mean by conjunctions and give some examples.
 Give a simple paragraph containing two to three sentences.
C. Analysis (Presenting examples/instances of Activity 3: (Reply It or Not?)
the new lesson)
 Below is a sample letter written by Sarah. She wants to have a pen pal.
Read her letter carefully.

 If you were the person Sarah sent this letter to,
would you answer her letter? Why or why not?

D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new Presenting the Lesson

skills (sub-activity #1)
 Discuss the module on page 32-43, let learners’ answer some
questions found in the module.
F. Abstraction (Making generalizations about Class Participation
the lesson)
 Choose a learner who will answer the different questions below.
 What are the different parts of a letter?
 What are the eight steps in writing a letter?
 Why it is important to follow the correct format in writing a
 Why do we need to a write a letter?
 Are you now ready to write a friendly letter to someone close
to you? Why?
G. Application (Developing mastery) Activity 4: (Letter Writing)
 Group learners into two and give each group a cartolina and a pen.
 Let them answer the activity on page 40 on the module.
 Check learners work by letting them report their answers in front of the

H. Valuing (Finding practical application Ask:

of concepts and skills in daily living)

 How can you used the skills you learned in this modules that will help you
contribute a greater help to yourself, to your family as well as to your

I. Evaluation (Assessing learning)  Learners will answer the different questions in What Have You Learned on page
42-43 base on the module.
J. Agreement (Additional activities for  Now that you are familiar with these skills, use them often. By
application or remediation) using them often, you can develop your relationships with other
people. You will be able to give them the necessary and
complete information when they need it. You will also be able
to keep in touch with friends who live in other places, and
even meet new ones.
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who require additional
activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue to require
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked
well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my
principal or supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did
I use/discover which I wish to share with
other teachers?

Prepared by:

Process Observers:

Education Program Specialist II

Education Program Supervisor

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