1st Quarter Exam

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Tubod, Surigao del Norte

Grade 11- English for Academic and Professional Purposes

1st Quarter Exam- August 8-9, 2019

Name:____________________________ Date:____________
Grade and Section:__________________ Score:___________

I. Read and understand what is asked. Encircle the letter of the best answer.
Use the context to help you choose the meaning of the underlined word.

1. Grace had no choice but to acquiesce to the orders of her boss; otherwise, she might get fired
a. follow b. accepts something reluctantly but without protest c. main idea or purpose
2. After reading the explanation, Dale had a clear picture of the situation.
a. drawing b. exact likeness c. mental image; idea
3. We all wondered why such a silent person suddenly became so loquacious.
a. busy b. healthy c. talkative
4. After three weeks in bed, it was good to be ambulatory again.
a. reading b. walking c. talking
5. I miss the halcyon days in the province.
a. windy b. happy c. peaceful
Use your knowledge of the common fallacies in reasoning for the following:
6. More and more people are buying sports utility vehicles. It is time you bought one, too.
a. bandwagon b. hasty generalization c. either-or reasoning

7.Well, it's time for a decision. Will you contribute $20 to our environmental fund, or are you on the side of
environmental destruction?
a. Attack on person b. red herring c. either-or
8. I've met two people in Nicaragua so far, and they were both nice to me. So, all people I will meet in
Nicaragua will be nice to me.
a. Red Herring b. hasty generalization c. bandwagon
9. A senator claims that his new tax plan will help the middle class. His opponent says that the rich
senator doesn’t care about the middle class.
a. Red Herring b. hasty generalization c. Attack on person
10. When your mom gets your phone bill and you have gone over the limit, you begin talking to her
about how hard your math class is and how well you did on a test today.
a. Red Herring b. hasty generalization c. bandwagon
11. Katie likes to read and would rather do that than play sports. Her friends make fun of her and tell her
that reading is for the nerds. Katie stops reading so much and starts to play sports more.
a. Red Herring b. hasty generalization c. bandwagon
12. It is a tool used to improve one’s vocabulary.
a. portfolio b. note cards c. cover letter
13. These are words or sentences surrounding the unfamiliar word that give hints on the meaning of the
unfamiliar word.
a. context clues b. denotation c. connotation
14. This is a form of writing that uses humor to scorn and/or expose the follies of a person, an
organization, or politics in a government.
a. opinion b. satire c. factual observation
15. This is the author’s attitude toward the topic or issue.
a. tone b. opinion c. deductive reasoning

II. The following words express positive connotation, negative connotation or a neutral connotation.
Classify the following words under the correct heading in the table. (8 points) 16-23

thrifty saving conceited
stubborn stingy
thrifty wondered retorted

Positive Negative Neutral

III. Three-Way Match (8 points) 24-31
Match the words on the left with the words at the middle to point out to whom you think the text in
the first column is written for. Write the letter of your answer on the third column, and then write also the
author’s purpose (persuasive, informative, or expressive) for writing such text or literature. The first one
has been done for you.

Title of the Printed Text Intended Audience Purpose

1. My First ABC’s a. Babies B, informative
2. Leo Loves Baby Time b. Toddlers
3. The Fault in Our Stars c. Animal enthusiasts
4. Practical Research I d. Students
5. Outsmarting Cats: How e. teenagers
To Persuade The Felines
In Your Life To Do
What You Want
IV. Fact or Opinion? Read each statement and then identify if it is a FACT or OPINION. Write
your answer on the blank space.
32. The fastest land dwelling creature is the Cheetah. _________________________
33. Michael Jordan has a career average of 30.4 points per game. ______________________
34. The ugliest creature is the manatee. _____________________
35. George Washington was the first President of the United States under the Constitution.
36. Michael Jordan is the greatest basketball player of all time. ________________________
37. Prison is one of the worst places on the planet. ____________________________
38. Oranges contain both calcium and Vitamin C. ________________________
39. Lord of the Rings: Return of the King won eleven Oscars (Academy Awards). ___________________
40. It is wrong for people under the age of 21 to drink alcohol. _________________________
41. Sister Carrie was written by Theodore Dreiser.

V. Answer what is asked. What does the following suffixes of domain names mean?

42. .com _________________________________

43. .edu __________________________________
44. .gov __________________________________
45. .net ___________________________________
46. .org ___________________________________
What are the three things to consider in investigating sources of information?


Prepared by:


Subject Teacher

Grade 11- English for Academic and Professional Purposes

1st Quarter Exam- August 8-9, 2019


1. b 42. .com- owned by a

2. c company
3. c 43. .edu- educational
4. b institution
5. c 44. .gov- government-owned
6. a website
7. c 45. .net- owned by a network
8. b 46. .org- under organization
9. c
10. a 47. The author
11. c
12. b 48. Pieces of evidence to the
13. a claims of the author
14. b
15. a 49. Publisher or sponsor/s
Positive Negative Neutral
thrifty stubborn remarked
courageous pushy wondered
bold retorted


Title of the Intended Purpose

Printed Text Audience
1. My First B,
A. Babies
ABC’s informative
2. Leo Loves A,
B. Toddlers
Baby Time Expressive
3. The Fault in C. Animal E,
Our Stars enthusiasts Expressive
4. Practical D,
D. Students
Research I Informative
5. Outsmarting
Cats: How To
The Felines E. teenagers
In Your Life
To Do What
You Want

32. FACT
33. FACT
35. FACT
38. FACT
39. FACT
41. FACT

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