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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
CARAGA Administrative Region
Tubod, Surigao del Norte
2nd Grading T.L.E 7

Name:__________________________________ Date:________
Year&Section: ___________ Score: ________

TEST I. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer before
the number. (1 point each)

1. It is a word used to describe the tools, machines, and implements which people use to provide
for their needs.
a. Technology b. Technical c. Inventions d. None of the above
2. The word calculation came from the Latin word “calculi” which means…
a. Pebbles b. beads c. stone d. sand
3. What is the first calculating device designed by Babbage?
a. Difference Engine b. Analytical Engine c. Practical Engine d. None of the above
4. The first manual computer and one of the earliest tools of the primitive people.
a. Rods or Bones b. Sliding Rule c. Abacus d. Calculator
5. A Scottish theologian and mathematician who became famous for his logarithms discovery.
a. Blaise Pascal b. Napier c. William Oughtred d. Maslow
6. Napier Bones was invented in the year ___?
a. 1671 b. 1670 c.1615 d. 1617
7. An IC, also called a _____ is a tiny piece of silicon covered with thousands or millions of electric
circuits through which millions of tiny electric currents pass.
a. chip b. coin c.paper d. cartoon
8. The fifth generation of computers is a challenge of _______?
a. China b. Russia c. Japan d. Indonesia
9. The fourth generation of computers started with the introduction of large-scale and very large
scale integrated circuits called ____.
a. Microcomputer b. Macro computer c. Mega Technology d. Supercomputer
10. It is volatile, meaning it holds data only when the power is on.
a. ROM b. RAM c. DIMM d. RIMM
11. Which tool is used for hardware to stand on to prevent static electricity from building up?
a. Anti- static mat b. Hex driver c. Philips screwdriver d. Wire cutter
12. Which tool is used to loosen or tighten cross-head screws?
a. Anti-static mat b. Hex driver c. Philips head screwdriver d. Wire cutter
13. Which tool is sometimes called a nut driver? It is used to lighten nuts in the same way that a
screwdriver tightens screws?
a. Anti-static mat b. Hex driver c. Philips head screwdriver d. Wire cutter
14. Which tool is used to strip and cut wires?
a. Anti-static mat b. Hex driver c. Philips head screwdriver d. Wire cutter
15. Which tool is used to retrieve parts from location that are too small for your hand to fit?
a. Part Retriever b. Lint-free Cloth c. Cable ties d. Flat head screwdriver
16. Which tool is used to clean different computer components without scratching or leaving
a. Part Retriever b. Lint-free Cloth c. Cable ties d. Flat head screwdriver
17.Which tool is used to bundle cables neatly inside and outside of a computer?
a. Part Retriever b. Lint-free Cloth c. Cable ties d. Flat head screwdriver
18. Which tool is used to loosen or tighten slotted screws?
a. Part Retriever b. Lint-free Cloth c. Cable ties d. Flat head screwdriver
19. Which tool is used to loosen or tighten screws that have a star-like depression on the top, a
feature that is mainly found on laptop?
a. Anti-static mat b. Torx screwdriver c. Philips head screwdriver d. Wire cutter
20. Which tool is used to blow away dust and debris from different computer parts without
touching the components?
a. Anti-static mat b. Hex driver c. Compressed air d. Wire cutter
21. It is the main part of a computer or sometimes called the chassis.
a. CPU b. System Unit c. RAM d. ROM
22. It is the processor the main “brain” or “heart” of a computer system.
a. Adapters b. CPU c. Motherboard d. System Unit
23. The physical, touchable, electronic and mechanical parts of a computer system.
a. Hardware b. Direct entry c. Input devices d. Output devices
24. A device that can read text or illustrations printed on paper and translates the information into
a form the computer can use.
a. Input devices b. Output devices c. Scanning devices d. Voice-input devices
25. Which of display screen that has a touch sensitive transparent panel covering the screen, which
is similar to a touch screen?
a. Computer Display Monitor b. LCD Projectors c. Printer d. Smart Board
26. What is the most common ‘pointing device’ used in PCs?
a. Digitizer Tablet b. Keyboard c. Light Pen d. Mouse
27. What is a display screen that is sensitive to the touch of a finger or stylus?
a. Keyboard b. Light Pen c. Mouse d. Touch screen
28. An audio input device also known as speech or voice recognition systems that allow a user to
send audio signals to a computer for processing, recording, or carrying out commands.
a. Voice-input devices b. Printer c. Mouse d. Digitizer Tablet
29. Which of the following does not belong to the group?
a. CPU b. Google c. Motherboard d. Optical Drive
30. Which of the following does not belong to the group?
a. Mouse b. Digitizer Tablet c. Light pen d. LED Monitors
31. It is a planned system of working to prevent illness and injury where you work by recognizing
and identifying hazards and risks.
a. Risk b. Hazard c. OSH d. Physical
32.It is a situation in the workplace that has the potential to harm the health and safety of people
or to damage plant and equipment.
a. Chemical Hazard b. Hazard c. Mechanical Hazard d. Physical Hazard
33. Which tool is used to play sound? They may be built into the system unit or connected with
a. Speaker b. Printer c. Smart Phone d. Smart Board
34. What is DVD stand for?
a. Digital Versatile Disc
b. Digital Vivid Demo
c. Demographic Video Design
d. Digital Vital Disc
35. This set of instructions (also called a program) that guides the hardware to operate effectively.
a. Hardware b. Hard disc c. System unit d. Software
36. Refers to people involved in the data processing operations such as the system administrator,
office workers, students and others.
a. Software b. System software c. Application software d. People ware
37. An electronic spreadsheet consisting of rows and columns is used to present and analyze data.
a. Database management software b. Graphic software c. Spreadsheet d. Word
38. Creates, edits, saves, and prints documents.
a. Database management software b. Graphic software c. Word processing d.
39. Used to structure a database, a large collection of computer programs.
a. Graphic software b. Database management software c. Spreadsheet d.Word
40. Graphics programs display results of data manipulation for easier analysis and presentation.
a. Graphic software b. Database management software c. Spreadsheet d.Word
41. It is an inexpensive printer that works by pushing heated pins against heat-sensitive paper.
a. Line Printer b. Laser Printer c. Thermal Printer d. Ink-Jet
42. What does USB stands for?
a. University Serial Bus b. Universal Serial Bus c. Universe Serial Bus d. None of the
43. It is called as printer port. This is only for old model printer
a. Power cord b. Power port c. Parallel Port d. USB
44. What is intended for power cord?
a. Power cord b. Power port c. Parallel Port d. USB
45. What is intended for serial type mouse and older camera?
a. Power cord b. Power port c. Parallel Port d. Serial Port
46. It contains a chain of characters or pins that print an entire line at one time.
a. Line Printer b. Laser Printer c. Thermal Printer d. Ink-Jet
47. A device that prints text or illustration on paper.
a. Speaker b. Camera c. Printer d. Ports
48. How will you clean the computers and its accessories?
a. Use mild cleaning solution and lint-free cloth to clean computer cases, outside of
monitor, LCD screen, CRT screen and mouse.
b. Use compressed air to clean heat sinks.
c. Use Isopropyl alcohol and lint-free swabs to clean RAM.
D. All of the above
49. It is intended for plugging in the speaker or headset.
a. S-Video Port b. Audio Port c. Port d. LAN
50. It uses the same technology as copy machines.
a. Led Printer b. Line Printer c. Laser Printer d.Thermal Printer

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Subject Teacher

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