Aguazuque y Tenquendama Triana

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Environmental reconstruction spanning the transition from hunter/

gatherers to early farmers in Colombia: paleopedological and archaeological
indicators from the pre-ceramic sites Tequendama and Aguazuque
A.V. Triana-Vegaa,∗, S. Sedovb, J. Salinas-Aceroc, D. Carvajal-Contrerasd, C. Moreanoe,
M. Tovar–Reyesf, E. Solleiro–Rebolledob, J. Díaz-Ortegab
Posgrado en Antropología Universidad de los Andes, Bogota, Colombia
Instituto de Geología, UNAM, Ciudad Universitaria, 04510, Mexico, D. F., Mexico
Postgraduate Program in Anthropology, University of Berkeley, California, USA
Facultad Estudios de Patrimonio Cultural, Programa de Arqueología, Universidad Externado de Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia
Posgrado en Arqueología, Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia


Keywords: Complex geoarchaeological research of the archaeological sites with continuous long-term occupation could
Holocene provide insight into environmental change and human-landscape interaction during the transition from hunter-
Paleoenvironment gatherer to horticulture economy in the north-west of South America. We performed a paleopedological study in
Paleosol the new sections at Tequendama (rockshelter site) and Aguazuque (open-air site) two key pre-ceramic sites of the
Pre-ceramic site
Savannah of Bogotá region of Colombia, combined with traditional archaeological and paleontological in-
Pedogenic carbonates
vestigations. The chronological scales of the sections based on a large number of 14C dates show that their
occupation periods are complementary and together cover the period from the terminal Pleistocene to late
Holocene. The material of the archaeological layers has a colluvial origin with large tephra input. Presence of
volcanic components influence pedogenesis supporting development of granular structure, dark humus accu-
mulation, and Andic properties that could not be used for paleoenvironmental reconstruction.
Micromorphological observations however show abundant evidence of pedogenic carbonate accumulation that
we interpret as evidence of gradual aridization during the middle Holocene. This conclusion is supported by the
paleontological data, an upward increase of the frequency of Cavia sp. remains, and agrees with the regional
palynological proxies. Aridization was the background environmental trend during the transition period from a
hunter-gatherer economy to an early horticulture and plant and animal domestication.

1. Introduction Ecuador) Center. In consequence, it was influenced by the flow of

exogenous domesticated plants and technologies. On the other hand
Colombia occupies the north-western corner of the South American within this territory local processes of domestication and horticultural
continent. This territory plays an important role in the cultural history development could take place (Piperno, 2011).
of the Western Hemisphere. At the time of early human dispersal during These socioeconomic processes occurred under changing climatic
the terminal Pleistocene, Colombia formed a key part of the migration and environmental conditions since Pleistocene-Holocene transition
pathways of the first hunter-gatherers into South America (Aceituno through early and middle Holocene. These changes varied within a
et al., 2013)In the earlier period of the transition to subsistence system, mosaic of ecosystems, produced by complex geological and geomor-
based on agriculture and sedentary population pattern, this territory phological structure of the territory. The general outline of the early
underwent a complex socioeconomic evolution (Aceituno and Loaiza, cultural history (Aceituno et al., 2013; Aceituno and Loaiza, 2018) as
2018). It is located between two major centers of the origin of culti- well as the environmental evolution (Marchant et al., 2002)are traced
vated plants defined by Vavilov in 1926 (Vavilov, 1992): The Central on the regional scale. However the local scenarios of the human-land-
American (Mexico/Guatemala) Center and the South American (Perú/ scape interactions are still few. Complex geoarchaeological and soil-

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (A.V. Triana-Vega).
Received 2 March 2018; Received in revised form 31 August 2018; Accepted 30 September 2018
1040-6182/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd and INQUA. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article as: Triana, A., Quaternary International,
A.V. Triana-Vega et al. Quaternary International xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

Fig. 1. Map of the study region, the stars indicate the studied sites.

archaeological research could provide a set of indicators for such re- and Bradtmöller, 2017)The re-opening of excavation at both sites in
constructions. The sections of sites with long-term semi-continuous 2014 provided the opportunity to sample for complex geoarchaeolo-
occupation are most valuable for the proposed approach. gical investigations. In particular, a paleopedological study of the in-
The sites of Tequendama and Aguazuque were hotspots for the dicators of ancient soil development in the sequence of archaeological
study of pre-ceramic societies in the Savannah of Bogotá region. Large- sediments exposed in the excavation sections. Paleosols, soils formed
scale excavations in the rock shelters of Tequendama were carried out under environmental factors of the past different from the present day
by (Correal and Van der Hammen, 1977)The researchers reported ones, are encountered on the surface (relict soils) or overlain by
evidence of human occupation since the terminal Pleistocene until the younger sediments (buried paleosols or fossil soils) in various terrestrial
late Holocene, including lithics, human remains, paleofauna materials, geosystems (Catt, 1990)They contain valuable paleoecological proxies
as well as plant remains dated back to more than 10 BP (Correal and recorded in a set of persistent pedogenetic properties and features that
Van der Hammen, 1977). During late 1980's Correal excavated the site are integrated within the concept of Soil Memory (Targulian and
of Aguazuque where he documented ancient occupation between 8 and Goryachkin, 2004)The resulting paleopedological records provide re-
2.5 BP. This site yielded a great number of lithic artefacts, faunal ma- latively high spatial resolution that is quite important for regional to
terial, several human burials, and several charred plant remains. At this local paleoecological reconstructions. In particular paleosols linked to
stage of the research, the conclusion was made that Tequendama was the archaeological sites and materials could be useful for deciphering
occupied by migrating hunter-gatherer communities, characterised by environmental settings of ancient cultures as well as various aspects of
high animal protein consumption, whereas the population of Agua- human-landscape interactions (Holliday, 2004)Microscopic indicators
zuque was more sedentary and depended heavily upon plant resources. provided by micromorphological studies are of special importance for
In general, it is supposed that the transition to agriculture and seden- soil-archaeological research (Macphail and Goldberg, 2017) allowing
tary occupation was accompanied by development of more complex researchers to identify different stages of soil development and dis-
social organization. However, recently the complexity of hunter and criminate between natural and human induced processes even when
gatherer societies has been grossly re-evaluated. These groups could pedogenetic features are incipient and/or affected by posterior diag-
maintain quite sophisticated social system and behaviour, develop or- enesis.
ganised sustainable economy based on division of labour and modify In this paper, we present the first results of the paleopedological
regional ecosystems (Aceituno and Loaiza, 2014; Smith, 2001; Solich study of the archaeological layers accompanied by new archaeological

A.V. Triana-Vega et al. Quaternary International xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

and paleontological data. The obtained multiproxy record was inter- In the Basins periphery, in which the study sites sit, the lacustrine
preted to trace the local environmental evolution and the history of sequence is substituted by fluvial and colluvial deposits. They were first
human-landscape interactions in the period of transition from hunter/ described by (Julivert, 1961) as Quaternary “red and brown silts (limos
gatherer to agricultural subsistence systems in the region. rojos y marrones)” capped by the “Black soil complex (complejo de suelos
negros)“. Later, a part of these footslope deposits were defined as the Rio
Siecha Formation (Helmens and Van der Hammen (1994).
2. Study region Geomorphic position of the Tequendama site, that is a rock shelter
associated with a niche in the base of a sandstone escarpment (Fig. 2)
The Savannah of Bogotá is an extensive elevated plain located in the implies a major contribution of colluviation to sediment accumulation.
south of the Cundiboyacense plateau, in the geographic center of The open-air site of Aguazuque is located on a levelled terrace-like
Colombia. Its average altitude is about 2600 m.a.s.l. This region consists surface more distant from the footslope (Fig. 3). More complex de-
of two physiographic zones: the high plateau and the surrounding positional environment is supposed here involving colluvial as well as
mountainous zone; climate is characterised by bimodal precipitation fluvial processes.
and an altitudinal differentiation of temperatures. The latter controls
the distribution of the vegetation types that are subdivided into two
major altitudinal levels: Andean and high Andean (Van der Hammen, 3. Materials and methods
1992, 1957). In particular, the area of the archaeological sites of Te-
quendama and Aguazuque has a mean annual temperature between 12° 3.1. Fieldwork
and 18 °C and an annual precipitation varying from 500 to 1000 mm.
Tequendama archaeological site (4 °31′59.881″N and 74 °16′30.895″ The sites of Tequendama and Aguazuque were excavated between
W; 2574 m a.s.l.) is located in the estate of the same name and the site the 1970 and 1980 by Correal and Van der Hammen (1977) and Correal
of Aguazuque (4° 36′ 32,200 “N and 74° 16′50,375″ W; 2577 m a.s.l.) in (1990). From these excavations, human burials, bone remains of fauna,
the Hacienda Fute. Although, both sites are quite close one to another lithic material, and ceramics were obtained. From these materials the
and at similar elevations, their vegetation cover differs: Tequendama is major contribution about the hunter-gatherers and early sedentary
characterised by a dry montane forest while humid mountain forest groups in the Savannah of Bogota has been documented. The archae-
vegetation predominates in Aguazuque (Correal, 1990; Correal and Van ological excavations continued in 2014 when five sections in Te-
der Hammen, 1977) (Figs. 1 and 2). quendama site and four in Aguazuque site were opened. The excavation
The sites are located at the periphery of the Basin of Bogotá which method was conducted using stratigraphic levels. All artefacts and
has been studied from geological and geomorphological standpoint for ecofacts were collected on the field by hand and soil samples were
more than a century (Acosta and Ulloa, 2002, 2001; Hettner, 1892; collected to recover cultural materials using fine meshes. Each material
Hubach, 1931; Montoya, 2005; Pérez and Salazar, 1978) (Fig. 3). The was identified with an individual code and separated by type material.
basament of the study area is formed by the Upper Cretaceous Gua- This phase of research focused on the geoarchaeological investigations,
dalupe Formation that consists predominantly of sandstones inter- including physical, chemical, micromorphological, and archae-
bedded with siltstones and clays. Above these rocks, a thick sequence of obotanical analyses of the soil and sediment layers.
Pliocene-Quaternary lacustrine deposits developed in the central part of Studied profiles appeared poorly differentiated in the field, thus the
the Basin, the upper part is defined as Sabana Formation. The overlying identification of soil diagnostic horizons and soil type according to in-
Late Quaternary Chia formation includes already large proportion of ternational classifications is difficult. In most cases we could not detect
alluvial materials (Helmens and Van der Hammen, 1994; Torres et al., also clear boundaries between different sedimentary strata. That is why
2005). The lacustrine sequence incorporates multiple layers of pyr- the sampling scheme was based on the archaeological stratigraphy. In
oclastic materials from Andean volcanoes (Riezebos, 1978). this way, samples were collected from each archaeological stratigraphic

Fig. 2. View of Tequendama archaeological site.

A.V. Triana-Vega et al. Quaternary International xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

Fig. 3. View of Aguazuque archaeological site.

level in both sites: small undisturbed soil blocks to prepare thin sec- organic matter with 30% H2O2 and carbonates with 0.5N HCl. The sand
tions, and bulk samples for physical-chemical analysis and phytolith fraction (2–0.02 mm) was separated by sieving, while silt (0.02–0.002)
extraction. In the field, a hydrochloric acid test was done to evaluate and clay (< 0.002 mm) fractions by gravity sedimentation, following
the presence of carbonates (Reeuwijk, 2002), and the phenolftaleine the guidelines of USDA (2004).
solution after NaF treatment to detect allophane using the methodology Magnetic susceptibility (χ) was determined at low (LF) and high
of the FAO (FAO, 2009). (HG) frequencies: 0.47 and 4.7 kHz using a MS2B Bartington magnet-
ometer. Samples were previously dried at 60 °C and crushed in an agate
mortar to homogenize the material, and then placed in 8 cm3 acrylic
3.2. Laboratory analyses boxes. The frequency dependence of magnetic susceptibility was ob-
tained by: χdf% = [(χLF-χHF)/χLF]*100). The evaluation of the mag-
The chronological scales for both studied sections integrated a netic susceptibility (χ) has proven to be useful to differentiate soil
number of radiocarbon dates accumulated over decades of research at horizons from sediments and thus relate them to soil forming factors,
the sites. For Tequendama we used some of the conventional radio- while the χdf% is used as an indicator of the ultrafine magnetic particles
carbon dates of the charcoal samples collected in 1977 from each ar- formed by pedogenesis (Dearing et al., 1997).
chaeological layer and processed in the Radiocarbon laboratory in pH and electric conductivity were measured in water with the soil-
Groningen (Correal and Van der Hammen, 1977). At Aguazuque we to-solution ratio 1:2.5 after agitation for 3 h in a Thermo Scientific
included the C14 ages of human bones obtained by Correal (1990). Orion Versastar Pro. The measurement process was repeated twice in
Additionally, the dating of human burial found in Aguazuque (strati- each sample and was calibrated with the standards of pH 4.7 and 10
graphic level 7A) in 2014 was carried out in the laboratory Interna- respectively.
tional Chemical Analysis Inc. (ICA) to be presented in this paper. All The contents of organic matter and the inorganic carbon (carbo-
dates are given in calibrated 14C years BP unless noted. The calibration nates) were estimated by loss of ignition (LOI) at 450 °C and 800 °C,
was done using Calpal 1.5. Table 1 integrates all utilized dates the ages respectively. This test was carried out in porcelain crucibles first heated
with the index GrN are from earlier publications whereas those labelled to 100 °C for 24 hours to obtain the initial weight of the dry sample
Col AAA were obtained from the materials of 2014 excavations. without humidity. Then the weight is obtained after heating at a tem-
For micromorphological observations, sediment blocks with un- perature of 450 °C for five hours (when decomposition of organic
disturbed structure were air dried and later impregnated with Crystal matter is accomplished), and after heating for two hours at 800 °C
resin. After solidification, they were cut with a diamond disk, mounted (when breakdown of carbonates takes place). The calculation of carbon
on the glass slides, polished and covered by cover glass for microscopic was made based on the differences in weight after heating at 450 °C and
observations. These sections were investigated under an Olympus BX51 800 °C, based on methodology of (Jackson, 1958).
petrographic microscope using the Image - pro plus software and de- Moreano, and Carvajal completed faunal identifications at
scribed following the terminology of (Stoops, 2003). Some aspects of Universidad de los Andes Laboratory, Instituto de Ciencias Naturales
identification and interpretation of micromorphological features in the laboratory and Universidad Externado de Colombia's Archaeological
archaeological contexts are quite specific as compared to natural soils. Laboratory. These institutions housed comparative collections that in-
We utilized methodological approaches to micromorphological re- clude more than 91 families and 40 genera of vertebrate and in-
search in the archaeological sites described by (Macphail and Goldberg, vertebrate fauna. Relying on anatomical landmarks, all remains were
2017) whereas some specific microscopic components were identified identified at the lowest possible taxonomic level. Specialized literature
using recent synthesis by (Nicosia and Stoops, 2017). was used to avoid confusions on the nomenclature (Chaix and Méniel,
The bulk samples were dried at a constant temperature of 105 °C for 2005; France, 2008; Olsen, 1982; Von Den Driesch, 1976). The samples
preparation for physical and chemical analyses. came from our 2014 excavations from four columns in Aguazuque and
For grain size distribution, the cementing agents were eliminated;

A.V. Triana-Vega et al. Quaternary International xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

Table 1
Radiocarbon dates of the archaeological sites.
Arqueological site Stratigraphics level 14Ca conventional age 14Cb calibrated age (2 sigma) Dated Laboratory code References

Tequendama 9 Grainy Brown 2225 ± 35 B.P. 2182 BC: 2308 BP charcoal Col 159 GrN-6536 Correal and Van der
Below datum (50 cm) Hammen, 1977
Tequendama 8A Gray something 6990 ± 110 B.P. 7719–7926 B:P 7844–7979 BP charcoal Col 163 GrN-6728 Col Correal and Van der
brownish 7090 ± 75 B.P 164 GrN-6729 Hammen, 1977
Below datum (1.70 cm)
Tequendama 5B Light Brown 10130 ± 150 B.P. 11456 B:C 12080 BP 12327 B:C charcoal Col 176 GrN-6732 Col Correal and Van der
Below datum (3.40 cm) 10590 ± 90 B.P 12680 BP 12580 B:C 13111 BP 167 GrN-6505 Col 170 Hammen, 1977
10920 ± 260 B.P GrN-6539
Tequendama 3 Dark Brown 22250 ± 470 B.P. 26013 B:C 27543 BP charcoal Col 178 GrN-6579 Correal and Van der
Below datum (3.80 cm) Hammen, 1977
Tequendama 7A Brownish gray to 6080 ± 40 BPc 6897 B:C 7001 BP Human Col-AAA
brownish gray Bone
Below datum
(118–145 cm)
Aguazuque 52 Dark gray franco 2725 ± 35 B.P 2789 B:C 2856 BP Human GrN 14.479. Col. 594 Correal, 1990
Below datum (25 cm) Bone
Aguazuque 42 Franco carmelite 3850 ± 35 B.P 4200 B:C 4365 BP Human GrN 14.478. Col. 593 Correal, 1990
Below datum (75 cm) Bone
Aguazuque 41 Franco Sandy 4030 ± 35 B.P 4453 B:C 4550 BP Human GrN 12.930. Col. 477 Correal, 1990
Below datum (1.20 cm) Bone
Aguazuque 3 Franco reddish Sandy 5025 ± 40 B.P 5713 B:C 5866 BP Human GrN 14.477. Col. 1592 Correal, 1990
Below datum (135 cm) Bone
Aguazuque 52 Dark gray franco 3600 ± 40 BP c
3865 B:C 3965 BP Human Col-AAA
Below datum (84 cm) tooth

All dates are given in uncalibrated 14C years BP.
Calibration was done using Calpal 1.5.
The dates with code col-AAA are the dates obtained in the year 2017 for this research.

five columns in Tequendama. All excavated columns were field- probably an incipient humus topsoil horizon. The uppermost layer 9
screened using 1 mm sieves. Each sample was processed and collected and the recent surface topsoil horizon had a gray colour and a well
all zooarchaeological remains, the remains of animals recovered from developed granular structure. The amount of the archaeological mate-
fine sieves were not yet identified. In this study, the term “identified” rial further decreased, however, different artefacts were found only in
means that animal remains could be attributed to the lowest taxonomic this horizon: ceramic fragments and the remains of a stone floor
level possible below Superclass, i.e. family, order, genus or species (Figs. 4b and 5 a,b and c).
given the limitations of the available reference collections and ob- The stratigraphic sequence of the Aguazuque site was also char-
servable morphological variation. Some badly fragmented bones could acterised by rather weak morphological differences among the layers.
only be classified as “unidentified”, which means that such remains The basal layer 2 having light-brown colour and sandy-loamy texture
were only recognized as Mammalia). had not produced archaeological findings. The overlying loamy red-
The measures of relative abundance calculated included the number dish-gray layer 3 already contained numerous bones but fewer lithics.
of identified specimens (NISP), minimum number of individuals (MNI). The frequency of lithic artefacts as well as the faunal remains increased
MNI was calculated using conservative criteria, such as symmetry and in the brown-coloured layers 4.1 and especially in the layer 4.2.
fusion. Taphonomic attributes such as thermal alteration and staining Additionally on this layer 4.2, Correal described a carbonized seed of
were registered. Cucurbita pepo and carbonized fragmented Ipomea batata (Correal,
1990. figure 69.3–69.4: 248). The dark reddish-gray layer 5.1 contained
the highest number of bones, including unarticulated human remains,
4. Results at the same time lithics were less abundant. Nevertheless, in the over-
lying layer 5.2 a well preserved secondary burial was excavated, which
4.1. Morphological and archaeological description provided a 14C date cal 3865–3965 B.P. The uppermost layer 6 con-
tained the remains of a fireplace, however, the overall amount of the
In the Tequendama profile, six stratigraphic levels were dis- archaeological material was small; this layer contains recent artefacts
criminated relying on the morphological characteristics of the sedi- including glass fragments (Figs. 6b and 7 a,b and c).
ments and those of the corresponding archaeological materials. The The typology of the lithic artefacts in the Tequendama and
profile stratification was quite complex because differences among Aguazuque was rather uniform. Lithic debitage flakes were the most
layers are sometimes subtle (Van der Hammen y Correal, 1977). The abundant at both sites followed by cores, scrapers, hammerstone, and
basal layer (layer 4) was distinguished by its light yellowish colour and knifes. However the frequencies of different types varied within the
silty-loamy texture; no archaeological materials were encountered profiles. In Tequendama the debitage fragments and scrapers were the
within this level. Above it, the layer 5B was found, which had a darker, most common in the layer 9 whereas hammerstone and knives in-
brown colour; its texture was loamy with an admixture of fine sand; few creased slightly in the layers 7A and 8A. The site of Aguazuque was
lithic tools and bones were extracted. The overlying layer 7A had quite characterised by a greater frequency of knives, especially in the layers
different morphology: the colour was dark gray-brown, defined by the 5.2 and 4.1. Also in all layers 3–4 scrapers were quite common.
humus pigment, the texture was sandy-silty loam, coarser than the The paleontological materials which form a large part of findings
underlying strata. This layer produced the most abundant and variable will be characterised in a special section below.
archaeological findings including one human feminine burial. Layer 8A
had similar properties however the number of artefacts decreased in
this layer; the upper limit of this layer was marked by a dark stratum,

A.V. Triana-Vega et al. Quaternary International xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

Fig. 4. Distribution of archaeological and paleontological materials in Tequendama site (a) Stratigraphic scheme of the profile; (b) Archaeological material; (c)
Faunal distribution.

4.2. Radiocarbon dating covering the major part of the Holocene.

During the large scale excavations carried out in years 1970–1980

by Correal and Van der Hammen (1977), and Correal (1990) a large set 4.3. Micromorpholgical observations
of conventional radiocarbon datings was obtained from all stratigraphic
levels of both profiles. Recently two additional dates were obtained In the Tequendama section we observed well developed granular
from two human burials encountered during the excavations of 2014. microstructure combined with small subangular blocks in the majority
All the available datings are integrated in Table 1 showing that the ages of horizons. Granular aggregates were partly coalescent generating
within the same layer were quite similar, whereas along the profiles microareas with spongy fabric. The layer 7A demonstrated a different
they produced a normal sequence without inversions. This set of structural pattern: large very compact angular blocks were dominant,
radiocarbon datings provided the basis for the chronological scale of separated by fractures (Fig. 8e). Fine clayey material of the basal layer 4
the studied sites. The archaeological materials in Tequendama corre- had light yellow-brown colour (Fig. 8c), whereas the overlying horizons
sponded to the period from 10 to 7 BP and then after a long hiatus had a dark gray-brown colour due to abundant organic pigment. In the
continued around 2 BP. In Aguazuque several archaeological layers coarse (sand and silt) fraction, quartz was the most common mineral,
were formed during the interval 6–2.5 BP. Thus the two studied sites however in all horizons we observed volcanogenic components: vol-
complement each other to produce a continuous archaeological record canic glass (Fig. 8d), plagioclases, and pyroxenes. Phytoliths were fre-
quent among silt particles. Very few primary carbonates were present

Fig. 5. Section morphology and selected archaeological findings at the site of Tequendama. (a) view of the profile; (b) Stone floor associated with level 9; (c) female
individual found at level 7A. (d) Deer's pelvis (Odocoileus virginianus).

A.V. Triana-Vega et al. Quaternary International xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

Fig. 6. Distribution of archaeological and paleontological materials in the site of Aguazuque (a) Stratigraphic scheme of the profile; (b) Archaeological material; (c)
Faunal distribution. (d) Guinea pig's mandible (Cavia sp).

within the coarse material throughout the profile; some of the carbo- Additional thin section of a rock fragment from the roof of the rock
nate particles were fragments of terrestrial mollusc shells. shelter had shown a typical arkose sandstone composition. It consisted
Neoformed pedogenic carbonates in the layers 8A, 5B y 4 were re- predominantly of quartz with admixture of feldspars and was quite well
presented by the micritic and microsparitic nodules, hypocoatings and sorted; its cement was clayey. No carbonate minerals were found within
local impregnations of the groundmass, as well as few incrustations of this rock (Fig. 8h).
the plant tissues (Fig. 8f). Only in the lower layers 5B and 4 we ob- The micromorphological characteristics of Aguazuque profile were
served very few small rounded ferruginous nodules (Fig. 8g). quite similar to that of Tequendama concerning granular structure
In all horizons (including the basal layer, which produced no ar- (Fig. 9g), dark humus pigmentation of the fine material, presence of
chaeological materials) we detected large charcoal particles with well- volcanic components and primary carbonates (Fig. 9f) in the coarse
preserved cellular structure. Bone fragments, some of them with strong fraction, as well as inclusions of charcoal and bones (Fig. 9b); only here
brown pigmentation and fracturing due to burning, were found in all however, we encountered thin fish bones (Fig. 9c). Secondary carbo-
layers. Both charcoal and bone had the largest size and the highest nates were also present throughout the profile including incrustations
abundance in the 7A horizon (Fig. 8ab). of plant tissue fragments, observed in the layer 51 (Fig. 9h). Phytoliths

Fig. 7. Section morphology and selected archaeological findings at the site of Aguazuque. (a) view of the profile; (b) Secondary burial of a female individual
associated with level 5 (2); (c) Knife with bilateral wear associated with level 4 (1).

A.V. Triana-Vega et al. Quaternary International xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

Fig. 8. Micromorphological features of the Tequendama archaeological site (a) Fragment of bone, level 7A; (b) Fragment of charcoal, level 7A; (c) Granular structure
with charcoal and phytoliths, level 4; (d) Volcanic glass, 5B; (e) Burned and compacted soil, level 7A; (f) Calcified plant tissue 5B; (g) Iron oxide nodule level 5B; (h)
Sandstone structure, roof of the rock shelter. a,b,c,d,e,g – plain polarized light; f,h – crossed polarizers.

are common in all horizons, sometimes aligned according their original varied between 1 and 2%, with slight increase upwards. LOI at 800°
position in the plant tissue (Fig. 9e). Specific microscopic features in (used to estimate carbonate content) was less than 1%, with irregular
Aguazuque were found: concentrations of sorted sand particles without fluctuations (Fig. 11c).
fine material in the layers 52, 42, and 3 (Fig. 9d) as well as fragment of In the Aguazuque section (Fig. 12a), the particle size composition
surface crust with vesicular voids in the horizons 41 and 2 (Fig. 9a). showed high proportion of sand in the inferior and middle layers
Distribution of the micromorphological characteristics along the (Fig. 12b), whereas the silt content increased in the upper strata. The χ
studied sections is summarized in the Table 2 values are quite uniform along the profile with only minor variations,
however, χdf% had a clear maximum in the near surface, layers 5.2 and
6 (Fig. 12b). The pH values are higher than in Tequendama – between 7
4.4. Physical and chemical characteristics of study profiles in the upper part and 10 in the lower part (Fig. 13a), the latter pointed
to strongly alkaline environment. Simultaneously electric conductivity
The particle size distribution within Tequendama profile (Fig. 10a) increased significantly downwards (Fig. 13b). LOI at 450° and 800°
was characterised by a predominance of the silt fraction in all horizons (Fig. 13c) produced similar values to Tequendama profile, both with
(Fig. 10b). A considerable increase of sand was observed in the layer the observed tendency to increase at the top of the section.
7A, where also a clear maxima of the χ and the χdf% were detected
(Fig. 10c). The pH values varied between 6.8 and 8.4 pointing to
neutral to moderately alkaline soil environment showing a modest 4.5. Paleontological materials
downward increase (Fig. 11b). The electric conductivity general ten-
dency showed higher values in the upper part of the section (Fig. 11b). Of the 1157 bones recovered from 1 mm sieve, 374 were identified
The LOI yielded quite low values. At 450° (indicative of organic matter) to at least family level. As observed in figure X and figure X, the relative

Fig. 9. Micromorphological features of the Aguazuque archaeological site: (a) Surface crust fragment, level 4 (1); (b) Fragment of burned bone, level 4 (1); (c) fish
bone fragment, level 4 (1); (d) sand cluster, level 2; (e) oriented phytoliths, level 2; (f) Shell fragment, level 2; (g) Granular soil structure, level 4 (1); (h) Calcitic
nodule, level 5 (1). a,b,c,e,g – plain polarized light, d,f,h = crossed polarizers.

A.V. Triana-Vega et al. Quaternary International xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

frequencies (counts NISP) suggests the zooarchaeological assemblage

on both sites are dominated by deer (Odocoileus virginianus) and guinea

Secondary pig (Cavia sp) which are present in all layers. In Tequendama site, deer
remains are more prevalent on layers 7A and 5B, whereas guinea pig is

common on layers 7A, 8A and 9 (Fig. 4c). Zooarchaeological data from



Aguazuque suggest that deer bones are more common on the oldest
layers 3, 41 and 42, and their numbers decrease in the most recent
Feature pedogenetic

layers (Fig. X). The guinea pig's bones show high numbers in the layers

42 and 51. Our preliminary observations, without having allometric

data, suggest that there is an increase in the size of the animals. Guinea

pig's bones from Aguazuque are more common in Aguazuque than in



Other animals represented on the sites are armadillo (Dasypodidae)
found on Tequendama's layer 7A and opossum (Didelphidae) on
Aguazuque's layer 5.1. Finally, the data also shows high counts of

unidentified specimens. This is the result of several factors such as the

conservation and fragmentation, the presence of immature specimens,





heat treatment and the limitations of reference collections. The taxa

represented from 2014 excavations are similar to those reported by

Correal (1977, 1990). More detailed analyzes will allow more accurate

access to species and their proportions.



5. Discussion
Sedimentary material


5.1. Chronostratigraphy of Aguazuque and Tequendama in the context of




the regional quaternary geology


Although the Savannah of Bogota is a paleolake basin, Aguazuque






and Tequendama are located at the basin periphery in an elevated



position within a high terrace and thus do not correspond to the la-

custrine paleoenvironment (Julivert, 1961). Due to the vicinity of the


mountains, the sites are affected by colluvial processes (with con-

siderable volcanic input) that cause continuous soil aggradation and
Calcified plant

development of paleosol-sedimentary sequences which host archae-


ological materials. The dates of the basal layer of Tequendama profile

correspond to the terminal Pleistocene, the overlying strata are formed

in the early-middle Holocene, however the sequence presents a major


hiatus between 7000 and 3000 BP. It should be noted that the layer 7A,
immediately below this hiatus, is the richest in microartefacts and

structural changes related to human impact. It seems that during and

Distribution of micromorphological features in Tequendama and Aguazuque section.

immediately after its developmentcolluvial sedimentation slowed down



limiting new sediment supply and causing artefact concentration. This


brake of sedimentation can be linked to the Middle Holocene aridiza-

tion (discussed below). This gap is partly covered by a complementary




Aguazuque section that presents a set of archaeological layers 3–5.1



which give radiocarbon ages between 5000 and 3000 BP. These ages fit

into the “lost” interval at Tequendama.



Within the traditional regional scheme of the Quaternary deposits


by Julivert (1961), the soil-sedimentary sequences of both sites corre-


spond to the uppermost “Black Soil Complex (complejo de suelos ne-

gros)“; only the basal stratum of Tequendana is related to the “Red and

Biological materials

Brown Silts (limos rojos y marrones)” The correlation with the more

developed Pliocene-Quaternary stratigraphy by Helmens and Van der

Hammen (1994) shows the link between the studied sequences with the

uppermost Chia Formation of the basin bottom and the uppermost part

of the Rio Siecha Formation, at the peripheral footslope area. In the





detailed stratigraphic study of the central part of the Basin of Bogotá by

Torres et al. (2005), the Chia Formation is characterised as Late Pleis-

tocene/Holocene unit formed by a “mix of clay, sand and gravel of

fluvial origin” overlying lacustrine deposits of the Sabana Formation

with a clear inconformity – that points to the recent degradation of the





lake and possible the partial loss of the upper lacustrine layers, due to

erosion. It is interesting that these authors report “interbedded paleo-


soil” incorporated within the sediments of Chia formation (Torres et al.,

Table 2


As we see, various studies of the Quaternary deposits of the Basin of

A.V. Triana-Vega et al. Quaternary International xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

Fig. 10. Physical characteristics of the Tequendama profile. (a) Stratigraphic scheme of the profile; (b) Texture (% of sand, silt and clay fractions); (c) Magnetic
Susceptibility: low frequency (SI) and frequency dependence (%).

Bogota mention paleosols as a prominent element of the upper Late glacial-interglacial cycles. Special investigation (including radiocarbon
Quaternary sedimentary unit. A comparison of the paleopedological dating) of Late Quaternary paleosols of the Eastern Cordillera of Co-
phenomena at archaeological sites with paleosol levels in the natural lombia, including the Bogotá, was carried out by (Fölster et al., 1977;
sedimentary sequences has relevance for developing the regional ped- Fölster and Hetsch, 2017). In several exposures they observe sequences
ostratigraphic scheme. Pleistocene paleosols in the region have been of paleosols which show contrasting morphological differences: the
first studied by Jungerius (1976) who related their development to the lower ones, corresponding to the Middle Pleniglacial, are pale

Fig. 11. Chemical characteristics of the Tequendama profile. (a) Stratigraphic scheme of the profile; (b)Conductivity μ s; (c) pH; (d) Loss of ignition.

A.V. Triana-Vega et al. Quaternary International xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

Fig. 12. Physical characteristics of the Aguazuque profile. (a) Stratigraphic scheme of the profile; (b) Texture; (c) Susceptibility.

hydromorphic soils (type a) whereas the upper paleosols formed during multiple volcanic ash layers are known to be a prominent element of
the Upper Pleniglacial (type b) and the Holocene (type c) have dark the Quaternary sedimentary sequences of the Eastern Cordillera region
“humiferous” Ah horizons. We correlate the dark Holocene paleosols of (Riezebos, 1978)the key strata are provided with reliable fusion-track
Tequendama and Aguazuque profiles with the type c paleosols of dates of volcanic zircons (Andriessen et al., 1993). In both studied
Fölster et al. (1977). sections tephrous materials (in particular porous volcanic glass) are
Some of the paleosols reported by (Jungerius, 1976)and by Fölster detected in all layers though they do not form any individual stratum
et al. (1977) are developed on pyroclastic sediments. In general being mixed by colluvial processes with the components derived from

Fig. 13. Chemical characteristics of the Aguazuque profile. (a) Stratigraphic scheme of the profile; (b) Conductivity μ s; (c) pH; (d) Loss of ignition.

A.V. Triana-Vega et al. Quaternary International xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

local non-volcanic rocks. motivates us to look for additional paleopedological evidences for a
Finally, it is important to compare the studied profiles with other correct interpretation of the mollic-type features of the studied paleo-
synchronous archaeological sites known in the Savannah of Bogotá. In sols.
this concern the rock shelters of El Abra corridor present the closest Neoformed calcite is another important indicator of paleopedo-
analogue especially with Tequendama site regarding both type and time genesis observed in the studied profiles in all horizons that helps to
of occupation (Correal et al., 1966; Hurt et al., 1972; Van der Hammen, refine paleoenvironmental interpretation. This component is re-
1978) The sections in El Abra (especially El Abra III and IV) cover sponsible for a strong reaction with HCl demonstrated by most horizons
longer time span. Their lower strata produce a set of radiocarbon dates in the course of field description as well as for the high pH values. They
older than 20000 BP. C3 stratigraphic unit dated back to 12,400 ± 16 are presented in most cases by the micritic nodules, hypocoatings, or
BP was considered as the oldest layer containing artefacts, however local impregnation of groundmass and sometimes by calcified plant
(Muttillo et al., 2017)state that the lithics recovered from this unit, in El tissues. All these neoformations are typical for pedogenic carbonates
Abra II are unworked and they originate from natural breakdown of the precipitation from the migrating soil solute (Durand et al., 2010). The
rock shelter wall. These authors argue that true worked tools appear in combination of observed properties and features: Mollic horizon with
the upper younger part of unit C dated to 10000 BP and even there they andic properties and neoformed carbonates allows us to classify the
could be redeposited. The Tequendama profile corresponds to the units dark paleosols of Tequendama and Aguazuque as Calcic Chernozems
C, D and E of El Abra sequence. (Andic) (WRB, 2014).
It should be stressed that high accumulation of the neoformed mi-
5.2. Pedogenetic and paleoecological interpretation of the soil-sedimentary gratory carbonates are typical for the soils with water deficit formed
sequences under dry climatic conditions. They are not expected within the recent
soil development under present day semi-humid climate. We interpret
The sediments were continuously reworked by pedogenetic pro- these prominent pedofeatures as reliable indicators of the a past drier
cesses that generated a rich “soil memory” record of the environmental environment. Besides carbonates, the Aguazuque section may contain
evolution (Targulian and Goryachkin, 2004). Extraction of this record some more soluble salts in the lower horizons – their presence is evi-
however meets with a major obstacle: the necessity to discriminate denced by the increase of electric conductivity. Very high pH values
between the properties produced by natural soil forming processes and suggest that these salts are soluble carbonates, these components are
human-induced features that overprint the natural pedogenesis. Mi- also typical for arid environments. As far as they are associated with the
cromorphology permits us to identify a set of features that are clearly archaeological levels dated back to 9000–3000 BP we conclude that
related to the natural pedogenetic processes even when they are com- drier environment persisted over large part of the Early-Middle
bined with the ancient antropic effects. Micromorphological scanning Holocene and hosted the early sedentary population of the region.
of the pedosedimentary sequences at the archaeological sites, with Low weathering status reflected in relatively low clay content and
long-term (millennial) occupation history, provides the “backbone” of presence of pale minerals in the sand fraction (including relatively fresh
the paleopedological record of environmental change then enriched volcanic glass) agrees with the conclusion of the drier conditions during
with the quantitative laboratory soil characteristics. This approach was the formation of most part of the sequence. Only in the basal layer of
successfully applied at the world-famous Kostenki European Palaeo- Tequendama profile we observe higher accumulation of the yellow-
lithic open-air sites (Sedov et al., 2010; Velichko et al., 2009) and at brown clayey fine material that points to stronger accumulation of
Krems-Wachtberg (Terhorst et al., 2014) A well developed granular weathering products. Together with the ferruginous nodules indicative
structure with high inter-aggregate porosity giving rise to spongy fabric of redoximorphic processes these features point to relatively moist soil
together with the uniform colouring with dark organic pigment, points environment.
to high biological activity and humus accumulation. These morpholo- Comparison of this interpretation with the existing palynological
gical features are typical for the mollic horizons of Chernozems and proxies looks ambiguous. The late Glacial (Guantiva interstadial) is
Phaeozems of grassland ecosystems (Pawluk, 1985)Nevertheless, the known to be the period of humidization and expansion of forest after
estimated humus content by LOI (450°) is not high enough to meet the cold and dry Last Glacial Maximum (Helmens and Van der Hammen,
requirements for a mollic diagnostic horizon. 1994), this agrees with the characteristics of the basal layer of Te-
However in the case study, pedogenetic effects of the tephrous quendama section that indicates moister conditions. The early and
components, especially volcanic glass (encountered in all the horizons middle Holocene is mostly characterised as the period of maximal de-
of both profiles), should be taken into account. Quick alterations of velopment of the forest vegetation (dominated by Quercus) under warm
these components produce allophanes that further give rise to accu- and mild climate (Helmens and Van der Hammen, 1994; Torres et al.,
mulation of stable organo-mineral complexes and aggregation of the 2005; Van Geel and Van der Hammen, 1973). However, in more de-
soil material (Shoji et al., 1993)The resulting soils known as Andosols tailed scheme of the Holocene climate change by Van der Hammen
are also characterised by strong dark humus pigmentation and stable (1992) the Middle Holocene (7500–5500 BP) is characterised as the
granular structure, similar to that of the Chernozems (Sedov et al., period of drier climate and decreasing lake level in the Savannah of
2010). However these properties of Andosols can form under humid Bogotá. Further aridization took place in the subsequent interval 5500
forest ecosystems and are not indicative of the grasslands. Strong po- to 3000 BP and only afterwards in the Late Holocene the tendency is
sitive reaction to allophane test, observed in most horizons, confirm the inverted towards moister conditions. A similar regional trend towards
andic properties of the studied paleosols. mid-Holocene aridity is reported by (Marchant et al., 2002)An in-
Diversity of pedogenetic passways to the Mollic horizon develop- dependent proxy – stable carbon isotope ratio of soil organic matter in
ment renders uncertain and ambiguous paleoecological interpretation Savannah of Bogotá - also evidenced the spread of open vegetation with
of dark-coloured paleosols in the regions affected by volcanic sedi- large proportion of C4 grasses due to drying throughout the Holocene
mentation (among them Savannah of Bogotá). consider late Pleistocene that starts as early as 9500 B.P. (Guillet et al., 1988). We assume that
dark buried Ah horizons in Colombian Cordillera to be an evidence of the accumulation of neoformmed carbonates corresponses to a dry
aridization and grassland expansion during the last glaciation and do period during the middle Holocene (perhaps started in the early Ho-
not consider the possibility of Andosol development. Sedov et al. (2001) locene). Later the climate changed to more humid conditions but this
while studying tephra-paleosol sequences of Central Mexico casts doubt humidization was not long and intensive enough to leach the carbo-
on the interpretation of Fölster et al. (1977), pointing to the possibility nates. Paleontological results provide an additional evidence for the
that buried dark Ah horizons formed on tephra can belong to an An- proposed scenario. The remains of deer (Odocoileus virginianus), the
dosol formed in a humid forested environment. This ambiguity animal typical for the gallery forests, combined with grasslands are

A.V. Triana-Vega et al. Quaternary International xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

abundant in the lower strata and quickly decrease upwards in the stu- containing ceramic material. As mentioned above this gap caused by
died profiles from its maximum in the 7A layer of Tequendama. At the the sharp decrease of the colluvial sediment supply coincides with the
same time, the relative abundance of guinea pig (Cavia sp.), an animal inferred drier phase in the middle Holocene.
that prefers open landscapes, increases in the upper strata reaching The gap observed in Tequendama is filled with the records obtained
maximum in 5.1 of Aguazuque (Alberico et al., 2000)This trend could in the open-air site of Aguazuque: the 14C dates of the layers 3, 4.2, 4.1
be linked to the aridization occurring throughout the Middle Holocene. and 5.1 fall within the interval 5000–3000 BP. Especially the layer 5.1
However (Martínez-Polanco, 2016, 2011),mentions that both demonstrated maximum of macro- and microscopic human-induced
guinea pig (Cavia sp) and deer (Odocoileus virginianus) are very adap- materials, which demonstrate certain diversification of the subsistence
table animals, even in their diet, which allows them to live in different practices. The specific lithic assemblage: high frequency of anvil stone,
types of habitats. The change in proportions may be related to changes cores, and cobble may indicate more intensive processing of vegetal
in the social organization of human groups. materials (Correal, 1990). Besides bone and charcoal fragments we
found other components of possibly anthropic origin. Oriented phyto-
5.3. Archaeological and micromorphological records of occupation in the lith concentrations can originate from plant materials brought by hu-
context of history of human-landscape interaction mans (e.g. in form of mats), it can also be evidence of weathered faecal
remains (Nicosia and Stoops, 2017). Fragments of surface crust are
The sites of Tequendama and Aguazuque complement each other to likely to be a result of the structure degradation on the bare anthro-
produce a continuous record of the Holocene human occupation until pogenically disturbed soil surface. We suppose that the clusters of pure
the beginning of ceramic period in the Savannah of Bogotá. The con- sorted sand grains without admixtures of fine components and pig-
tinuous occupation of the sites for several thousand years produces not menting materials, surrounded by heterogeneous dark-coloured
only rich archaeological material but also a severe impact on the soils groundmass observed in stratigraphic levels 52, 42 and 3 of the Agua-
developed on the occupation land surfaces. The quantity and variety of zuque profile may also be human-induced. These clusters can hardly be
the archaeological findings together with the abundance of the an- interpreted as sedimentary structures as far as they do not form mi-
thropogenic materials observed in the soil thin sections provide in- crolayers or seams typical for sedimentation processes. Also it should be
formation about the intensity of the human occupation. noted that mineralogical composition of these concentrations is com-
Micromorphological observations provide identification of anthropic pletely different from that of sand fraction in the groundmass. The latter
components and features and semi-quantitative estimation of their has high proportion of volcanic minerals: volcanic glass, plagioclases
abundances. Micromorphology is also used for evaluation of human and pyroxenes whereas the sand clusters are dominated by quartz.
impact and its interaction with natural pedogenetic and sedimentary Another possible explanation is that they are weathered and disin-
processes in various archaeological contexts, e.g. paleolithic cultural tegrated clasts of Cretaceous sandstone common in the region. However
layers (Schilt, 2017). there are no sandstone outcrops nearby Aguazuque. Sand was widely
In Tequendama the earliest artefacts are encountered in the layer used by ancient humans in various constructions, industrial, and do-
5B, whereas the basal layer 4 dated back to 12 BP has not yielded any mestic activities and frequently forms microscopic concentrations in
findings. Nevertheless, micromorphological observations have shown archaeological pedosediments, e.g. (Sedov et al., 2017) described sand
frequent bone microfragments (some of them burnt) and charcoal in clusters in the thin sections from the fill of epipaleolithic tell in Turkey.
this layer, these are interpreted as the evidence of human activity As mentioned above, the Aguazuque site is characterised also by the
(Courty et al., 1989)We conclude that humans could already inhabit increase of Cavia sp. bones from lower to upper stratigraphic levels,
this rock shelter in the terminal Pleistocene. If this is true, this occu- reaching maximum in the 5.1.layer. The abundance and also the larger
pation corresponds to the earliest known phase of early human dis- size of the bones suppose domestication of this animal between 5 and 3
persal in the northwest of South America (Aceituno et al., 2013)This BP. Earlier excavations yielded the charred macroremains of Cucurbita
phase, represented by very few sites, is characterised by the occurrence pepo and Oxalis tuberosa. These observations agree with the idea that
of archaeological materials together with the remains of Pleistocene the Middle Holocene was a period of the transition from hunter-gath-
megafauna (Correal, 1993, 1981; Correal et al., 2005) The layer 4 of erer practices to agricultural economy with an important component of
Tequendama until now have not received adequate attention of ar- horticulture based both on the local and exogenous plants (Aceituno
chaeologists being considered as sterile; taking into account our mi- and Loaiza, 2018)Archaeobotanical investigations in the region pro-
cromorphological observations more extensive excavations into this duced pollen, starch grains and the macroremain record of the use of
layer are recommended. domestic and introduced cultivated plants in the middle Holocene.
The maximal abundance of human-induced components and prop- Archaeological evidence from other regions in Colombia have
erties was observed in the layer 7a dated back to 7500–9500 BP. It is shown the manipulation of plants by early populations during the
marked not only by the numerous bone (including burnt) and charcoal middle and late Holocene. For example, by 6.5–5 BP phytolith and
fragments some of them having very large, but also by complete starch grains extracted from ceramics and lithics have marked the use
transformation of structure. There are few very few Biogenic granular of Palms, Poaceae, Cyperaceae, Annonaceae, Cucurbitaceae, Zea mays,
microareas, large compact blocks of fragmented shape which in- Manihot spp., Amaranthus Sp, and Impomea Sp (Aceituno, 2001; Castillo
corporate plant debris and small charcoal are dominant, pore space is and Aceituno, 2006)This data gives us an understanding of the types of
reduced: all these features point to anthropogenic compaction due to plants that may have been manipulated and domesticated during this
trampling (Nicosia and Stoops, 2017) Structural changes caused by time period and in this region (Aceituno, 2001b; Castillo and Aceituno,
trampling in the living floors corresponding to the occupation surfaces 2006).
are quite persistent and are clearly identified even in the sediment se- In the Middle Cauca Valley, on the western side of the Central
quences of palaeolithic sites (Vallverdú-Poch and Courty, 2012)We also Cordillera do Colombia with humid premontane vegetation, there are
interpret the maximum of magnetic susceptibility and frequency de- various early sites between 10120 ± 70 and 4180 ± 70 BP that have
pendence as human-induced feature related to burning. The same layer been excavated (Aceituno and Loaiza, 2007)Archaeobotanical evi-
produced the widest variety of the lithic tools, animal bones and a re- dence, including phytoliths, starch grains, and pollen obtained from
markable human burial. This intense occupation corresponds to the lithic artefacts, suggest that the introduction and the domestication of
period of climate warming in the Early Holocene. The number of plants like Xanthasoma spp., Manihot spp., Discorea spp., Phaseolus spp.,
findings decrease in the overlying layer 8A and afterwards a clear and Zea mays may have occurred during the Middle Holocene with a
hiatus is observed both in pedosedimentary and archaeological records radiocarbon date of approximately 5 (Aceituno and Lalinde, 2011;
between the layers 8A (near 7 BP) and 9 (about 2 BP), the latter already Aceituno and Loaiza, 2008, 2014). Zea mays pollen has been found in

A.V. Triana-Vega et al. Quaternary International xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

deposits ranging between 7 and 5 BP and the microbotanical remains de investigación e información geocientífica, minero-ambiental y nuclear.
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Fölster, H., Hetsch, W., 2017. Paleosol sequences in the eastern cordillera of Colombia.
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the Institute of Geology where the soil analysis of this research were
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Hacienda Fute for their support on the fieldwork. Helmens, K.F., Van der Hammen, T., 1994. The Pliocene and Quaternary of the high plain
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