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Meconium‑stained Amniotic Fluid as a Potential Risk Factor

for Perinatal Asphyxia: A Single‑center Experience
Veerendra Mehar, Nikhar Agarwal, Abhishek Agarwal1, Saksham Agarwal, Nandani Dubey, Harsha Kumawat
Departments of Pediatrics and 1Medicine, Sri Aurobindo Medical College and Post Graduate Institute, Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India

Background: The aim of this study was to find out immediate fetal outcome in meconium‑stained amniotic fluid in relation to perinatal asphyxia.
Materials and Methods: This retrospective study includes medical records of all neonates admitted to Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)
between September 2014 and July 2015. The variables reviewed are age, sex, weight, mode of delivery, gestational age, presence of meconium
aspiration syndrome (MAS) and perinatal asphyxia. Results: Out of 399 total admissions in NICU, 62.4% were male babies and remaining
37.6% were female babies. Of the total 6.8% were cases of MAS, making females (10.7%) more prone compared to male (4.4%) while perinatal
asphyxia came out to be 11.5%, making male (12%) more prone than female (10.7%). Postterm (odds ratio [OR] =3.50 [CI: 0.39–31.42]) and
term (OR = 2.58 [CI: 1.16, 5.75]) babies were having more risk of developing MAS compared to preterm (P < 0.01). Postterm (OR = 9.15 [CI:
1.91–43.75]) and term (OR = 2.67 [CI: 1.41–5.08]) babies were having more risk of developing perinatal asphyxia compared to preterm (P < 0.01).
MAS babies are having 6.62 (CI: 2.85–15.38) times more risk of developing perinatal asphyxia (P < 0.01). Conclusion: The management of
MAS, which is a perinatal problem, requires a well concerted and coordinated action by the obstetrician and pediatrician. Prompt and efficient
delivery room management can minimize the sequelae of aspirated meconium and decrease the chance of perinatal asphyxia.

Key words:
Meconium aspiration syndrome, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, perinatal asphyxia

INTRODUCTION that the rate of MAS markedly increased with gestational

age (GA), that is, from 0.10% at GA of 37 weeks to 0.22 and
In early 2000, the prevalence of meconium aspiration 0.31% at GA 40 and 41 weeks, respectively.[5] The prevalence
syndrome  (MAS) ranged from 0.20% to 0.54% in the of MAS could be extrapolated to 0.18% in this population
general population[1‑4] and from 1.0% to 6.8% in infants born of term infants. In Australia, the rate of MAS requiring
through meconium‑stained amniotic fluid (MSAF).[1‑4] In a mechanical ventilation in Level III units ranged between
8 years span from 1990 to 1998, a total of ten reports were 0.024% and 0.046% at GA 36–40 weeks and then increased
reviewed that showed a total incidence of 0.52% of MAS, to 0.080% at GA 41  weeks and 0.14% at GA 42  weeks.[6]
13.1% of MSAF 4.2% of MAS among MSAF and 49.7% of In France, the prevalence of mechanically ventilated MAS
MAS needing ventilator support with a 4.6% mortality rate.[3] was estimated to 0.043% by a retrospective national survey
among neonates born in 2000–2001.[7]
However, a lower incidence of MAS was suggested due to
the scarcity of large population‑based studies: the National Among all live births approximately 13% neonates are
US Birth Cohort Study conducted on the basis of singleton born through meconium‑stained amniotic fluid and out
term non‑Hispanic white live births  (1995–2001) showed of these 5–10% developed MAS, which increases neonatal
morbidity and mortality. Following the first description
Address for correspondence: of the pathophysiology of MAS in 1975, there has been a
Dr. Veerendra Mehar,
Department of Pediatrics, Sri Aurobindo Medical College and
marked improvement in the survival of infants with MAS[8]
Post Graduate Institute, Indore ‑ 453 111, Madhya Pradesh, India.
E‑mail: This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution‑NonCommercial‑ShareAlike 3.0 License, which allows
others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work non‑commercially, as long as the
Access this article online author is credited and the new creations are licensed under the identical terms.
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How to cite this article: Mehar V, Agarwal N, Agarwal A,

DOI: Agarwal S, Dubey N, Kumawat H. Meconium-stained amniotic
10.4103/2249-4847.191246 fluid as a potential risk factor for perinatal asphyxia: A single-center
experience. J Clin Neonatol 2016;5:157-61.

© 2016 Journal of Clinical Neonatology | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow 157

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Mehar, et al.: Meconium aspiration syndrome and perinatal asphyxia

due to improved intra‑  and post‑partum management of This study was undertaken to find out immediate fetal outcome
the same. Although there is a significant decrease in the in meconium‑stained liquor in relation to perinatal asphyxia.
occurrence of MAS and associated mortality in developed
countries MAS remains a major problem in developing MATERIALS AND METHODS
Study design and the participants
Meconium is derived from the Greek word “mekoni,” This hospital‑based retrospective observational study was
meaning poppy juice or opium. It is a sterile, thick, conducted in the Department of Pediatrics of a Tertiary
black‑green (resulting from bile pigments), odorless material Care Center, Indore. The study population included
first observed in the fetal intestine during the 3rd month patients admitted to Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU).
of gestation which is the fecal material that accumulates Data were collected from the medical record department of
in the fetal colon throughout gestation. It consists of an the patients of NICU. The variable collected were age, sex,
accumulation of debris, comprising desquamated cells from weight, mode of delivery and GA.
the intestine and skin, gastrointestinal mucin, lanugo hair,
fatty material from the vernix caseosa, amniotic fluid, and Outcome variables
intestinal secretions.[9,10] Most infants have their first bowel MAS, perinatal asphyxia, and other neonatal infections.
movement after birth (within the first 24–48 h after birth).
Occasionally, a fetus can pass meconium in uteri. MAS Explanatory variables
refers to the aspiration of meconium and amniotic fluid by Factors at the individual level are GA and sex. GA
the fetus. This can occur when the fetus is still in the uterus, of <37 weeks are coded as preterm, >42 weeks as post‑term,
passing through the birth canal or when it takes its first and 37–42 weeks as term.
breath after birth.
Data management and statistical analysis
MAS is an important cause of respiratory distress in the The analysis was done using descriptive statistics and testing
term newborn, is a serious condition with high morbidity of hypothesis. The data were analyzed Statistical Package for
and mortality.[6,11] MAS has a complex pathophysiology the Social Sciences (SPSS) for Windows Version 20.0 (SPSS
and occurs due to a combination of airway obstruction, Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). P < 0.05 (two‑tailed) was used to
pulmonary hypertension, epithelial injury, surfactant establish statistical significance.
inactivation, and inflammation, when there is underlying,[11,12]
fetal asphyxia,[13] and infection.[14,15] An inflammatory RESULTS
response to meconium is seen in both newborns and animal
models with MAS.[16] Intratracheal instillation of meconium Table  1 depicts that females are  (10.7%) more prone
in animals results in an intense pulmonary inflammatory compared to males (4.4%). Postterm (odds ratio [OR] =3.50
reaction with the influx of polymorphonuclear leukocytes, [CI: 0.39–31.42]) and term  [OR  =  2.58  [CI: 1.16–5.75])
monocytes/macrophages, and T‑cells within a few hours. babies were having more risk of developing MAS compared
Parenchymal lung cell injury is worsened by the production to preterm (P < 0.01). From the above statistics, it is clear
of proinflammatory cytokines[17,18] and apoptotic epithelial that females formed a dominant group as compared to
cells are present in meconium containing lungs.[19,20] males among the babies born to MSAF. Along with this, it
can also be assumed that post and term neonates are having
MAS results in considerable respiratory morbidity in a larger risk of developing MAS.
term and near‑term infants. It is clinically characterized
by early onset of respiratory distress in an infant born
Table 1: Relation between demographic data and
through MSAF presenting with poor lung compliance and
meconium aspiration syndrome
hypoxemia. Chest X‑ray shows patchy opacification and
Variables MAS, n(%) P OR (CI)
hyperinflation.[21,22] Mechanical ventilation and intubation
Present Absent Total
is required among one‑third of infants suffering from
MAS.[23,24] Newer neonatal therapies include high‑frequency
Male 11 (4.4) 238 (95.6) 249 0.016 1
ventilation, inhaled nitric oxide, and surfactant.[25,26]
Female 16 (10.7) 134 (89.3) 150 2.58 (1.17-5.73)
Gestational age (weeks)
There has been a marked reduction in the incidence and
<37 12 (4.5) 252 (95.5) 264 0.001 1
risk of MAS over the past few decades, mostly restricted to 37-42 14 (10.9) 114 (89.1) 128 2.58 (1.16-5.75)
the developed world due to better obstetric practices with >42 1 (14.3) 6 (85.7) 7 3.50 (0.39-
great emphasis been paid on avoidance of postmaturity and 31.42)
expeditious delivery in case of fetal distress.[4,24,27] OR – Odds ratio; CI – Confidence interval; MAS – Meconium aspiration syndrome

158 Journal of Clinical Neonatology | Vol. 5 | Issue 3 | July‑September 2016

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Mehar, et al.: Meconium aspiration syndrome and perinatal asphyxia

Table 2 shows that 11.5% of the total babies had perinatal The recommendation by the American Academy of
asphyxia. Twelve percent of males and 10.7% of female Pediatrics in 1983 did not suggest that all infants born
babies suffered from perinatal asphyxia. through thick MSAF necessarily require tracheal suction.
The second edition of these guidelines noted the absence of
Postterm (OR = 9.15 [CI: 1.91–43.75]) and term (OR = 2.67 additional studies to support or refute the practice of tracheal
[CI: 1.41–5.08]) babies were having more risk of developing suction for MSAF and recommended that “in the presence
perinatal asphyxia compared to preterm babies (P < 0.01). of thick or particulate meconium, the larynx should be
MAS baby is having 6.62 (CI: 2.85–15.38) times more risk visualized, and if meconium is present, the clinician should
of developing perinatal asphyxia (P < 0.01). intubate the trachea and apply suction.” The most recent
edition of the guidelines published in 1992, is less dogmatic
From the table, it can be stated that males are having more and recommended that depressed infants with meconium
risk of developing perinatal asphyxia as compared to in the hypopharynx to have tracheal suction. However, it is
females. Postterm and term babies are having a greater risk further noted that cord visualization and tracheal suction
of developing asphyxia. in the vigorous infant with thick meconium may not be
necessary. None of the Guidelines have recommended
Thus, from the results of this study a strong relationship tracheal suction of infants born through thin MSAF.[28,29]
between MAS and perinatal asphyxia can be established,
i.e.,  meconium aspirated neonates are more prone for Meconium aspiration syndrome with gestational age
developing perinatal asphyxia. The overall incidence of MAS and severe MAS increases
with GA as reported in recent population‑based studies.[5,6]
DISCUSSION The overall rates of MAS in the USA[5] and Burgundy are
The increased risk for pulmonary morbidity and similar: 1.0 versus 1.1 per 1000 live births at 37 weeks; 1.1
mortality among infants born through MSAF is well versus 1.0% at 38  weeks; 1.5% versus 1.1% at 39  weeks;
recognized. Although many reports have noted a 2.2% versus 2.4% at 40  weeks; and 3.1% versus 2.6% at
clinical spectrum of pulmonary dysfunction from mild 41  weeks. Furthermore, the incidence of severe MAS
tachypnea to severe pulmonary insufficiency, this study recorded in Australia[6] at 41 weeks (0.80%) is close to the
also confirms that MSAF is associated with an increased 0.67% observed at 39–41 weeks in our series. Some studies
risk for pulmonary dysfunction. The risk for pulmonary suggested that prevention of postterm pregnancy prevents
disease, however, is not manifested equally in all infants severe MAS.[31] This study showed that postterm (OR = 3.50
with meconium staining. As it was shown by several [CI: 0.39–31.42]) and term  (OR  =  2.58  [CI: 1.16–5.75])
previous studies, the greatest risk for pulmonary disease babies were having more risk of developing MAS compared
occurred among infants with associated signs of possible to preterm (P < 0.01).
intrapartum fetal compromise. Despite following
recommended guidelines of airway management, these Meconium aspiration syndrome with sex
infants continued to manifest a high rate of pulmonary MSAF neonates were found in 78  (9.79%) out of 796
morbidity.[25,28‑30] deliveries  (live birth) with a male:female ratio 1:1:1.[32]
In this study, male  (62.4%) showed preponderance as
compared to female  (37.6%), among which  (6.8%) were
Table 2: Relationship of perinatal asphyxia with cases of MAS, making female (10.7%) more prone compared
demographic data and meconium aspiration syndrome
to male (4.4%).
Variables Perinatal asphyxia, n (%) P OR (CI)
Present Absent Total Perinatal asphyxia with gestational age
For more than two decades, postterm pregnancy has been
Male 30 (12.0) 219 (88.0) 249 0.676 1.147 (0.60-2.18)
defined as a pregnancy that persists beyond 294  days or
Female 16 (10.7) 134 (89.3) 150 1
Gestational age (weeks)
42  weeks of gestation.[33] For the assessment of GA in
<37 20 (7.6) 244 (92.4) 264 0.001 1
pregnancy, the last menstrual period in cases with the regular
37-42 23 (18.0) 105 (82.0) 128 2.67 (1.41-5.08) menstrual cycle is the best physiological method. However,
>42 3 (42.9) 4 (57.1) 7 9.15 (1.91-43.75) a few women are sure of their dates and often cause anxiety
MAS when they come with postdates.[34] The cause of postterm
Present 11 (40.7) 16 (59.3) 27 0.0001 6.62 (2.85-15.38) pregnancy is unknown. Postterm pregnancies are associated
Absent 35 (9.4) 337 (90.6) 372 1 with higher risk of perinatal morbidity and mortality the
OR – Odds ratio; CI – Confidence interval; MAS – Meconium aspiration syndrome cause of which is largely unknown. The complications of

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