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Tablets In the Reading Classroom

Steven Garrison
July 17, 2016
University of Maryland University College
EDTC 625
Dr. Ruffini
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This paper discusses the integration of tablets into the classroom. Providing

evidence and research, the rise of technology can improve the academic culture in

the classroom. Research was conducted on students in the reading/language arts

content and they were surveyed based on their experiences in tablet use. Along with

the research, are steps and guidelines to assist in ensuring tablet use is integrated

properly in the classroom.


The world we live in is constantly evolving. In order to stay relevant, people

embrace these advancements and discoveries in society. It is important that as

educators we do the same. With the advancement of modern technology and the

younger generation embracing it, the 21st century classroom has changed in many


Today’s technology grants students access to countless resources and

information. One of the most popular technologies is the tablet. According to the

article, “Principle of Tablet Computing for Educators” author Harry Katzan Jr.

defines a tablet by stating, “A generic tablet computer is a flat-panel computing

device with a touch-screen on the upper layer and the electronics below.”(Katzan,

2015) These devices consist of various features that include applications, video, e-

books, music, and Internet capabilities.

The use of tablets in the classroom can serve as a beneficial resource as it

relates to students engagement and learning. According to the article, “iLearning:

The Future of Higher Education? Students Perceptions on Learning with Mobile

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Tablets”, the writers expressed the benefit of implementing mobile technology in

the classroom by stating, “Learning with mobile technology allows students, then, to

expand discussion and investigation beyond the walls of the classroom. It enables

students to collaborate and create knowledge and to interact with a larger range of

content. Thus, mobile learning supports a social constructivist view of learning

because it enhances students’ ability to learn and apply course content in context

with other students”. (Rossing, Miller, Cecil, & Stamper, 2012) Utilizing mobile

technologies such as tablets in the classroom can assist with differentiation both in

learning and instruction.


The use of tablets in the classroom can serve as a valuable resource in the

reading and language arts content area. Integrating tablets in this content area can

assist students in engagement, reading and writing comprehension, and

instructional convenience.

The renowned educator and philosopher John Dewey once stated, “If we

teach today’s students as we taught yesterday’s, we rob them of tomorrow.”(Dewey,

1944) With the access and capabilities tablets grant, it can be a high effective tool

for engaging students. Through the use of tablets, students are able to gain a much

more in depth experience learning content. For example, utilizing the Internet

feature that today’s tablets offer, allow students to access and experience content

both in and outside of the classroom. In the scholarly article, “iLearning: The Future

of Higher Education? Students Perceptions on Learning with Mobile Tablets”, the

writers discussed engagement with tablets stating, “Studies using data from the
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National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) found positive correlations between

the use of educational technology and student engagement, notably in collaborative

learning and student-faculty interaction (Chen, Lambert, & Guidry, 2010; Nelson

Laird & Kuh, 2005). Zywno and Waalen (2002) confirm the hypothesis that

hypermedia instruction, or instruction using hypertext and multimedia, enhances

academic performance in students across learning styles.” (Rossing, Miller, Cecil, &

Stamper, 2012) Through the implementation of tablets in the classroom, not only

will it benefit student engagement, but also student academics regardless of

learning styles.

The integration of tablets in the classroom can serve as an asset to reading

comprehension. Tablets feature downloadable software known as applications that

allows the user to access various contents of interest. In the reading and language

arts content, there are a variety of applications that assist students with their

reading. In the article, “Teaching With Interactive Picture E-Books in Grades K-6”

the writers express the advantage of using tablets for in the reading content area by

stating, “Simply stated, e-books have the potential to change the way our students

read and consume text because of their interactivity and convenience. Although

traditional picture books might include words, pictures, and graphics, e-books may

also include multimodal features such as sounds, animations, videos, and

narrations.” (H. Schugar, J. Schugar, & Smith, 2013) While in the past, reading mainly

took place through the use of paperback books, tablets revolutionizes the concept of

reading comprehension. Through the use of such features, students can develop a

higher fluency and comprehension of the context being presented. In addition, to

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reading, the use of tablets has also been proven to assist with writing skills. In the

article, “iPads as a Literacy Teaching Tool in Early Childhood”, the authors

expressed the their findings when integrating iPads in an early childhood reading

class stating, “Some children could form letters using their finger on the screen and

others were not yet able to write letters. However, all the children were able to use

the on-screen keyboard to write letters, because, even though they could not yet

form the letters, they could identify the letter and touch it on the

screen.”(Beschorner & Hutchinson, 2013) Based on the data collected during this

experiment, implementation of this technology can impact early childhood students

assisting in establishing a solid foundation in writing.

Finally, the integration of tablets in classroom can assist in instructional

convenience for the classroom. According the article, “iPads in Education: A

Classroom Learning Tool or a Hub?” author Dan Herlihy states, “How many items

that are currently being used to accomplish these tasks can be cut back or

eliminated, just as word processing has cut back on the amount of paper that is

needed to write?”(Herlihy, 2011) The integration of tablets allows educators the

ability to simplify tasks. In addition, the use of tablets can transform today’s

classroom to a “paperless” classroom. As mentioned previously, the ability to access

e-books make learning more engaging and beneficial for both teachers and students.

Currently, textbook companies such as McGraw Hill Publishing Company are making

their textbooks available by way of e-book as well. According to the scholarly article,

“iPad or iFad – The reality of a Paperless Classroom“ research was conducted to

study the effects of integrating iPads in the classroom. The authors stated, “ACU had
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been approached by McGraw Hill Publishing and Inkling (an applications

development company) to test a new Microeconomics text using a new paperless

application for the iPad. The Micro Economy Today (Schiller 2010) was selected as

our text for the class. Using this online text, students would have access to their text

in real time 24 hours a day from any location.”(Shepherd & Reeves, 2011) Being able

to access content from any location and any time provides students the flexibility

and assistance to be more productive. In addition, being able to access all content on

the tablet, eliminates the numerous textbooks carried on a daily basis and the

weight in which they bear on the students.

Advantages and Limitations

Implementing a tool such as tablets in the classroom has many advantages as

it relates to student instruction and learning. In the article, “iPad Use and Student

Engagement in the Classroom”, author Oraib Mango did research on the impact of

iPads in classroom instruction by surveying students. One of the questions that were

asked was, “How do students perceive their engagement with learning during

classroom activities when using iPads?” Students used the iPads for a variety of

activities that involved creating mini projects to activities that promoted

collaboration and creativity. In addition to using the Internet, the students utilized

applications on the iPads such as Educreations, Doodle buddy, Aviery, StoryKit,

ShowMe, Screen Chomp, and Comic Life. The instructor gave the students two

weeks to get acquainted with the iPads by completing written assignment leading

up to a group assignment afterwards. Upon completion the students were asked to

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complete a survey giving their feedback on their perception of the iPad in learning.

The survey ranged from 1-5 with 1= Strongly Disagree (SD) and 5= Strongly Agree.

The results are displayed below:



Item Mean SD
1 The use of iPads helped my learning in this class 4.14 .81
2 The iPad served as a learning aid 4.2 .90
3 Using the iPad helped me understand the learning material 4.21 .93
Overall mean 4.18


Item Mean SD
1The use of iPads helped my learning in this
4.14 .81
2 The iPad served as a learning
4.2 .90
3 Using the iPad helped me understand the
4.21 .93
learning material
Item Mean SD
4. Use of iPads helped me participate in class activities 4.4 .81
Use of iPads in the classroom facilitated my collaboration with
5. 4.43 .98
other students
6. I enjoy using the iPads for class activities 4.31 .87
iPads allowed me more creativity in designing class projects and
7. 4.18 1.07
I concentrated better on my language learning when using the
8. 3.67 1.1
iPads to accomplish
a language task
9. The iPad distracted me from class work 1.69 0.93
Garrison 8

(Mango, 2015)

As seen above, the feedback showed that the iPads were mostly beneficial to the
students’ learning.

Though the integration of tablets seems very beneficial, there are some

limitations to this instructional resource. The tablet serves as an amazing

technology resource, but just like other technologies, they are not always reliable.

When utilizing such as device in the classroom, Internet access is important in order

for students to experience a deeper concept in their learning. According to the

article, “Advantages/Disadvantages of the iPad Classroom”, author Jordan Catapano

stated, “Between iPads, phones, computers, and laptops, there are often many more

devices fighting for Wi-Fi space than people in the building! A slow or disconnected

Wi-Fi server can ruin an entire lesson.”(Catapano, 2016) Because of the

inconsistencies of technology it is very important to have a back-up plan reserved.

Another limitation that tablets have are having relying of them being charged. This

powerful device can grant access to textbooks, Internet, applications, and other

resources, nonetheless, if the tablet’s battery runs low; the user risk losing the

ability to access any of these features. This can greatly impact instruction.

Implementing tablets into classroom instruction can be a difficult task. “Many

literacy teachers still struggle to efficiently and effectively integrate and teach both

traditional literacy skills and new literacy skills within a confined curriculum and

with limited time.” (Hutchison & Reinking, 2011) In order to successfully implement

tablets in the classroom some procedures that should be followed are:

1. Notifying student’s parents or legal guardians

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Communicating with students’ parents or legal guardians is very important in

the classroom. “Before teachers get going with mobile learning, they should
inform the student's parents. This should include mobile learning ideas to
strengthen the home-school connection.” (Catapano, 2016)

2. Create guidelines and policies for use of tablets in the classroom

The importance of strict guidelines of usage with tablets is imperative so that

both you and your students are on the same page. “Remember that it's a good
idea to ask your administrator if there is a school-wide policy, as well as
connecting with other teachers in your building about their policies.” (Catapano,

3. Plan effective instructional activities with the tablets

To maximize the effectiveness of the tablets in the classroom it is very important

that instruction is preplanned and ready to implement. “Develop a well-crafted
outline and description of lessons and activities that could be used for learning
with mobile devices.” (Catapano, 2016)


In conclusion, technology has become an important aspect of our everyday

lives. As educators it is important that we incorporate these changes and

advancements in our classrooms. A tablet grants students the ability to experience

learning on a higher level due to access to countless resources through the Internet

and applications. These factors also assist in differentiating instruction and learning

for students. Integrating tablets in the classroom supports constructivism by

allowing students to take control of their own learning and promote collaboration.

In addition, tablets also grant students to access important information including

textbooks online for a more flexible learning approach. When used effectively, this

resource can promote engagement and reading comprehension. Through the

various experiments and research conducted on the implementation of tablets in the

classroom, they have been proven beneficial for instruction. Despite the advantages
Garrison 10

of technology, it is very important to remember that technology is not always

reliable and that it is imperative that a back plan is prepared just incase. Finally, to

maximize the potential of tablets in the classroom, it is important to put guidelines

into place so that students can follow and be held accountable for. Overall, the use of

tablets will serve as a beneficial resource in the classroom.


1. Katzan, H. (2015). Principles Of Tablet Computing For Educators.

Contemporary Issues in Education Research (CIER) CIER, 8(1), 7.


2. Herlihy, D. (2011). iPads in Education: A Classroom Learning Tool or Hub?.

Special Education Technology Practice, 13(3), 15-17.

3. Mango, O. (2015). IPad Use and Student Engagement in the Classroom. The

Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 14(1), 53-57. Retrieved July

17, 2016, from

4. Schugar, H. R., Smith, C. A., & Schugar, J. T. (2013). Teaching With Interactive

Picture E-Books in Grades K-6. Reading Teacher, 66(8), 615-624.

5. Hutchison, A., Beschorner, B., & Schmidt-Crawford, D. (2012, September 12).

Exploring the Use of the iPad for Literacy Learning. Read Teach The Reading

Teacher, 66(1), 15-23. doi:10.1002/trtr.01090

6. Sackstein, S., Spark, L., & Jenkins, A. (2015). Are e-books effective tools for

learning? Reading speed and comprehension: IPad®i vs. paper. SAJE South

African Journal of Education, 35(4), 1-14. doi:10.15700/saje.v35n4a1202

Garrison 11

7. Rossing, J., Miller, W., Cecil, A., & Stamper, S. (2012, June). ILearning: The

future of higher education? Student ... Retrieved July 18, 2016, from

8. Smyth, T. (2011, January). The New Literacy: Technology in the Classroom

Theoni ... Retrieved July 18, 2016, from

9. Dabbs, L. (2012, October 10). Mobile Learning Support for New Teachers.

Retrieved July 18, 2016, from


10. Catapano, J. (n.d.). Advantages/Disadvantages of the iPad Classroom.

Retrieved July 18, 2016, from

11. Beschorner, B., & Hutchison, A. (n.d.). Ipads as a Literacy Teaching Tool in

Early Childhood. Retrieved July 18, 2016, from

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