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Software Requirements


<Transport Management

Version 1.0 approved

Prepared by <Anshu>


Copyright © 1999 by Karl E. Wiegers. Permission is granted to use, modify, and distribute this document.
Software Requirements Specification for <Project> Page ii

Table of Contents
Table of Contents...........................................................................................................................ii
Revision History.............................................................................................................................ii
1. Introduction..............................................................................................................................1
1.1 Purpose...........................................................................................................................................1
1.2 Document Conventions..................................................................................................................1
1.3 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions.................................................................................1
1.4 Product Scope.................................................................................................................................1
1.5 References......................................................................................................................................1
2. Overall Description..................................................................................................................2
2.1 Product Perspective........................................................................................................................2
2.2 Product Functions...........................................................................................................................2
2.3 User Classes and Characteristics....................................................................................................2
2.4 Operating Environment..................................................................................................................2
2.5 Design and Implementation Constraints.........................................................................................2
2.6 User Documentation.......................................................................................................................2
2.7 Assumptions and Dependencies.....................................................................................................3
3. External Interface Requirements...........................................................................................3
3.1 User Interfaces................................................................................................................................3
3.2 Hardware Interfaces........................................................................................................................3
3.3 Software Interfaces.........................................................................................................................3
3.4 Communications Interfaces............................................................................................................3
4. System Features.......................................................................................................................4
4.1 System Feature 1............................................................................................................................4
4.2 System Feature 2 (and so on)..........................................................................................................4
5. Other Nonfunctional Requirements.......................................................................................4
5.1 Performance Requirements.............................................................................................................4
5.2 Safety Requirements.......................................................................................................................5
5.3 Security Requirements....................................................................................................................5
5.4 Software Quality Attributes............................................................................................................5
5.5 Business Rules................................................................................................................................5
6. Other Requirements................................................................................................................5
Appendix A: Glossary....................................................................................................................5
Appendix B: Analysis Models.......................................................................................................5
Appendix C: To Be Determined List............................................................................................6

Revision History
Name Date Reason For Changes Version
Software Requirements Specification for <Project> Page 1

1. Introduction

1.1 Purpose 

Transport is an integral part of our social living.  The modern society cannot run 
without transport facilities. In the current system, the client first contacts with the 
transport company for getting transport service. The company then books the vehicle 
for him on the requested date and time and then sends the vehicle to his place at the 
time. The Online taxi booking system is the online service which will automate the 
process of booking a taxi and will facilitate both the client and the company with 
reduced time and efforts. First the company will register his vehicles and the vehicles 
to the system. Then the client will request for booking a vehicle on his required date 
and time, providing all necessary information. The fare will be calculated and client 
should confirm it. Then the employee will serve the client on the specific date and 
time. Finally the client will have an opportunity to give a feedback for the service he 
got. The company can check it and take appropriate action for the future 
The purpose of this SRS document is to specify software requirements of the Taxi
Booking. It is intended to be a complete specification of what functionality the system
provides. The main purpose of the system is to automate the process of booking a taxi
which provides the cab booking details, billing, and cancellation on various types of
booking namely.
 Online booking.
 Phone booking
 Confirm booking

1.2 Document Conventions

In this document, detailed design of the system with user interfaces will be described. 
Decomposition of the system with module decomposition, concurrent process 
decomposition and data decomposition is given. User Interface Description can be 
found and finally Detailed Design of the system is provided.

1.3 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions

The different types of readers are:
a). Customers
b). Developers
c). Management people
d). Passengers
Software Requirements Specification for <Project> Page 2

1.4 Product Scope

This project’s aim is to automate the system, calculating the fare, collecting fare, 
collecting all necessary information of the client and then serve the client. The data 
used by the system is stored in a database that will be the centre of all information 
held clients and employees and the base for the remainder of the process after the 
initial application has been made. This enables things to be simplified and 
considerably quickened, making the jobs of the people involved easier. It supports the 
current process but centralizes it and makes it possible for decisions to be made earlier
and easier way. 


The main goal of the system is to automate the process carried out 
in the organization with improved performance and realize the 
vision of online booking. Some of the goals of the system are 
listed below: 
 Manage large number of client details.
 Manage all details of clients who registered and requested for getting the service.
 Create employee accounts and maintain the data’s effectively.
 View all the details of the clients and employees.
 Showing available vehicles to book for the client.
 Calculating and showing the fare to client before booking.
 Create the statistical reports to facilitate the finance department work.
 Getting the feedback from the client to facilitate future improvement.

Ultimately it focuses on
 Passenger Revenue Enchantment
 Improved and Optimized service

1.5 References

Software Requirements Specification for <Project> Page 3



2. Overall Description

2.1 Product Perspective

A online cab booking system contains the following information:

1. customer details – It contains the customer name , phone number and email id. A separate
account is created for each customer so that they can login using any device and book their rides
with ease. It also enables the customers for discount coupons.
2. driver details – It contains driver’s name , address ,phone number ,driving license details and
the vehicle details. The driver also has a specific account login enabling him to see the potential
riders nearby and accept their ride requests.
3. cab details – It contains all the details about the cab being used by the company and driven by
the drivers such as RC number ,insurance details and license plate details. It also has a gps
system fitted for the gps to show correct way to both the driver and the rider. The cab is also fitted
with a speed controller to ensure the driver follows the given guidelines.

2.2 Product Functions

The functions which can be performed using this application are:

1. check the availability of cab near you
2. book a cab for your desired destination
3. get the details of the driver and the vehicle
4. ride the cab
5. make payment for your ride
6. rate your ride experience
7. check past rides and billings

2.3 User Classes and Characteristics

The different user classes for this application are :

1. the rider – rider has a account created on the app which is used to book cab and ride it to
destination. Also rider can cancel the ride and has limited access to the driver information.
2. the driver – a driver can accept the ride request or reject the request. He can also cancel the
ride before starting the ride and receive payments for the ride after ending. Driver also has limited
access to the customer information i.e. only the name and phone number.
3. company – the company has complete info about both the rider and the driver and can access
their current locations and also provide discount coupons to the rider and make payments to the
Software Requirements Specification for <Project> Page 4

2.4 Operating Environment

The operating environment for online transport system is :

1. distributed database
2. client/server system
3. Operating system: Windows.
4. database: sql+ database
5. platform:

2.5 Design and Implementation Constraints

The designing and implementation constraints include :

1. The global schema, fragmentation schema, and allocation schema.
2. SQL commands for above queries/applications
3. How the response for application 1 and 2 will be generated. Assuming these are
global queries. Explain how various fragments will be combined to do so.
4. Implement the database at least using a centralized database management system.

2.6 User Documentation

The assumptions in the application include situations like :

1. The average number of rides in a week for a regular customer be calculated and rewards
in the form of discount coupons be awarded.
2. The rider may want to cancel a ride when the driver has already started the ride
3. The driver ends the ride even before reaching the destination
4. The driver follows a different way to reach the destination than the one being shown by
the gps system.

2.7 Assumptions and Dependencies

The assumptions in the application include situations like :

1. The average number of rides in a week for a regular customer be calculated and rewards
in the form of discount coupons be awarded.
2. The rider may want to cancel a ride when the driver has already started the ride
3. The driver ends the ride even before reaching the destination
4. The driver follows a different way to reach the destination than the one being shown by
the gps system.
Software Requirements Specification for <Project> Page 5

3. External Interface Requirements

3.1 User Interfaces

Since the System is used different user interface(UI) is depending on the 
function the user  is authorized  to perform. User  access such as login  and
then to homepage is provided. Through  this homepage interface ,all basic 
user’s function is show but can be accessed after login and based on user 
access  authorization .
This system is very user friendly which the new user of the system that 
can be sign up and then drop feedback form the experience user before 
operating it.

3.2 Hardware Interfaces

Just like any other system requires basic computer that consists of CPU, 
monitor, keyboard, and mouse or laptop and smartphone for input and 
Printer is needed for print function if required. Beside, for direction the 
system is connected with GPS device in every organization transportation 
vehicle to get transportation details.

3.3 Software Interfaces

The System will require software JAVA or PYTHON,PHP to perform and
create the online transport Booking system Booking process of the system 
that organize the distribution of user in the local network and to do this 
online booking.

3.4 Communications Interfaces

The System communication Interface is completely depend on server 
software to ensure correct send and retrieve data from database other than 
that is an online protocol to connect between  GPS and the System.

4. System Features

Software Requirements Specification for <Project> Page 6

4.1.1: View Available Vehicles: The client must able to see all details about the available

vehicles without any constraints.

4.1.2: Calculate Fare: The client must be available to check the fare they should pay

for the vehicles.

4.1.3: Feedback: The administrator can able to see the feedback given by each

client so that he can take appropriate actions for future improvement.

4.1.4: Report Generation: The system supports generation of reports based on diff. bases.

4.1.5: Record maintenance: The system also must keep track the statistical reports of daily     
activities of the online booking.

4.1.6: Discount Offer: The admin can create discount codes and the client can get discount on 
fares using the codes.


4.2.1: Cab Details: Customers may view the cab timings on the same date of the          

                                                booking, or on the scheduled date and time

4.2.2: Booking: Users to be given a choice of the type of vehicle to be chose, and 

                                                the fares Accordingly.

4.2.3: Billing: The fares to be displayed inclusive of taxes and duties.

4.2.4: Cancellation: The user may also cancel their booking if they got other plans.

4.2.5: Driver Info: Information of the driver driving the vehicle is displayed, along            
                                                with his/her credentials and all important information.

5. Other Nonfunctional Requirements

5.1 Performance Requirements

1. 24 X 7 availability
Software Requirements Specification for <Project> Page 7

2. concurrent use of the software.

3. Do not crash if the users at a time increases.
4. Double confirmation from users before booking/altering or cancelling vehicle
5. Search results should populate within acceptable time limits
6. User should be helped appropriately to fill in the mandatory fields, incase of invalid input
7. System should accept payments via different payment methods, like PayPal, wallets,
cards, vouchers, etc
8. System should visually confirm as well as send booking confirmation to the user's contact.

5.2 Safety Requirements

1. In case of any failures, the automation system should have a backup of complete data
2. Some of the factors that are identified to protect the software from accidental or
malicious access, use, modification, destruction, or disclosure are described below.
Specific requirements in this area could include the need to:
 Utilize certain cryptographic techniques
 Keep specific log or history data sets
 Assign certain functions to different modules
 Restrict communications between some areas of the program
 Check data integrity for critical variables
 Later version of the software will incorporate encryption techniques in the
user/license authentication process.
 The software will include an error tracking log that will help the user understand
what error occurred when the application crashed along with suggestions on
how to prevent the error from occurring again.
 Communication needs to be restricted when the application is validating the
user or license. (i.e., using https).

5.3 Security Requirements

1. Secure Access control: what is the information we need to show to the passangers and
2. Users can use SOS signal during a trip if they feel threatened by serious
and/or imminent danger and require immediate assistance.
3. Use of captcha and encryption to avoid bots from booking tickets
4. The System should use SSL (Secured socket layer) in all the transcation that include any
confidential info about customer information
5. The system should not leave any cookies on the customer’s phone containing the user’s

5.4 Software Quality Attributes

1. The software should be scalable so that if many users are using the app then it will not
2. Portability Requirements
Some of the attributes of software that relate to the ease of porting the software to other
host machines and/or operating systems. This may include:
Software Requirements Specification for <Project> Page 8

Apache is used to develop the product. So it is easiest to port the software in any
environment. Android , Blackberry, windows version should be there.
3. Availability
The System should be available 24* 7 .Customer Friendly Software Should be
Case of hardware or database failure there should be a replacement page should be
shown.And in case of database failure there should be backup of database.

4. Maintainability
The user will be able to reset all options and all stored user variables to default settings.

5. Reliability
Some of the attributes identified for the reliability is listed below:
 All data storage for user variables will be committed to the database at the
time of entry.
 Data corruption is prevented by applying the possible backup procedures
and techniques.

6. Usability requirements
Some of the usability requirements identified for this system are listed below:
 A logical interface is essential to an easy to use system, speeding up
common tasks.
 Error prevention is integral to the system and is provided in a number of
formats from sanity checks to limiting free-text input.

5.5 Business Rules

1. Cancelation of booking -Policy:

 Rides booked on your platform can be cancelled before the ride is
started. A valid cancellation reason needs to be sent in the request,
which needs to be chosen by the user out of given options.
 Any previous ride cancellation charges which will be collected in the
current ride
2. There can be multiple booking at a time.

6. Other Requirements

6.1 6.1: Administrator Aspect

1. Perform weekly roster of Employees
2. Print reports annually, weekly, and daily
3. Check feedbacks
4. Send newsletters
5. Manage user portfolio
6. Changing the super password.
Software Requirements Specification for <Project> Page 9

6.2 6.2: Employee Aspect

1.   Logging into the system.
2.   To check their rosters.
3.   Maintain daily logs
4.   Select availability.
5.  Check online bookings

6.3 6.3: Client Aspect:

1. Make a booking
2. Check their booking status
3. Fair calculation
4. Driver history

5. Changing password.
6. Resetting of forgotten password.

6.4 6.4: Analysis

1.   Authenticating users based on username and password.
2.   Keeping session track of user activity.
3.   Recording client’s request for booking.
4.   Checking whether the vehicle is available for booking.
5.   Keeping history of courses bookings.
6.   Keeping record of feedbacks received from the clients.

6.5 6.5: Mailing

1.   Temporary password will be mailed to the user incase the user forgets the 
2.   Newsletters should go the clients email addresses.
3.  The client should get notification email of the booking while confirmed.

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