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1 Geotechnical Design Data

Specific Gravity= 2.63 Min
2.68 Max
Natural Moisture Content of Soil = 8.18 % Min
17.50 % Max
Angle of Internal Friction= 30.00 deg Min
38.00 deg Max
Allowable Bearing Capacity of Soil= 400.00 KN/m2

2 Design Criteria
2.1 Design Loading
a Dead Load
The following densities and dead load allowances will be adopted in the design of the structural elements:
Density of Reinforced Concrete = 25.0 KN/m3
Density of Unreinforced Concrete = 24.0 KN/m3
Density of Soil = 19.2 KN/m3
Density of Water = 10.0 KN/m3
Submerged Density of Concrete = 10.0 KN/m3
Submerged Density of Soil = 10.0 KN/m3

b Super Imposed Load

The following super imposed dead loads shall be taken into account:
Floor Finishes = 1.5 KN/m2
Services = 1.0 KN/m2

c Live Load
The following live loads shall be taken into account:
Loading Bay = 7.5 KN/m2

d Earth Pressure
For the design of earth retaining structural elements, the earth pressure will be determined as follows:
Active Earth Pressure Coefficient, Ka = 0.33 (Used for stability Check)
Passive Earth Pressure Coefficient, Kb = 3.00
Rest Pressure Coefficient, Ko = 0.50 (Used for Design of Section)

3 Load Combination
3.1 Ultimate Limit State
ULS_01 1.5 DL (Dead Load)
1.5 LL (Live Load)
1.5 EP (Earth Pressure)
1.5 WP (Water Pressure)
1.5 T (Uniform Temperature)
Serviceability Limit State
SLS_01 1.0 DL (Dead Load)
1.0 LL (Live Load)
1.0 EP (Earth Pressure)
1.0 WP (Water Pressure)
1.0 T (Uniform Temperature)
4 Materials
All materials shall conform to the applicable standards as stated herein or as specified in the performance specification.
a Concrete
The following concrete grades and properties shall be used:
Compressive Strength of Concrete, fck = 30 N/mm2
b Reinforceing Steel
The following steel grades and properties shall be used:
Yield Strength,fy = 400 N/mm2
Modulus of Elascity, Es = 200 KN/mm2
5 Concrete Cover
Earth Faces Exposure = 60 mm
Exposed to Weather = 50 mm
6 Crack Control
For retaining aqueous liquids structures a maximum crack width of 0.20 mm shall be adopted

7 Design of Vertical Wall and Base Slab

Maximum Water Depth, D = 1.9 m
Water Pressure, Pw = 19.00 KN/m2
Service Moment due to Water Pressure = 1/2*Pw*D*D/3
= 11.43 KNm
Ultimate moment due to water pressure = 17.15 KNm
Maxmimum wall Height, H wall = 2.05 m
Rest Earth Pressure due to Soil, Psoil = Ko*ϒs*h
= 19.70 KN/m2
Rest Earth Pressure due to Surcharge Psur = 3.75 KN/m2
Service Moment due to Earth Pressure = 1/2*Psoil*Hwall*Hwall/3+Psur*Hwall*Hwall/2
= 21.72 KNm
Ultimate Moment due to Earth Pressure = 32.58 KNm
Hydrodynamic Pressure, Ph = 0.726*(cm*Kh*γw*H)*H
Rest Earth Pressure due to Soil, Psoil = 1/2*ϒs*h
cm= Maximum value of pressure coefficient for a given constant
= 0.735*(θ⁰/90⁰)
= 0.735
Kh = Fraction of Gravity adopted for horizontal (αh/g)
= 0.1
ϒw= 10 KN/m3
Hydrodynamic Pressure, Ph = 1.93 KN
Service Moment due to Hydrodynamic Pressure = 0.412*Ph*H
= 1.51 KNm
Ultimate Moment due to Hydrodynamic Pressure = 2.26 KNm
Total Ultimate Moment due to Water Pressure = 19.41 KNm

8 Flexural Capacity of Reinforced Concrete Rectangular Section

a Factored Bending Moments (KNm)
Mult = 32.58 KNm
b Properties of Concrete Section & Steel
Diameter of Rebar, D = 12 mm
Compressive Strength of Concrete, fck = 30 N/mm2
Yield Strength of Steel, fy = 400 N/mm2
Width of Rectangular Section, b = 1000 mm
Depth of Rectangular Section, h = 250 mm
Effective Depth to the Tension Reinforcement, d = 194 mm
c Main Reinforcement
Area of Steel, Ast = 1/2*fck*bd/fy*(1-SQRT(1-4.598*Mult*10^6/fckbd2))
Area of steel
Solving quadratic equation
0.0133 Ast2 + -194.0000 Ast +
Ast = 14050.2624 mm 2

Ast = 499.7376 mm2

Ast required = 499.7376 mm2
Minimum Area of Steel, Ast,min = 0.12% of bD
= 300 mm2 <
Max Ast adopted = 499.74 mm2
Area of One Steel Rebar = 113.097 mm2
No. of Rebar Required, n = 5 Nos
Spacing of Rebar, s = 200.00 mm
Therefore, Provide 12 mm dia @
Total Provided Area, Ast,pro = 753.98 mm2

c Horizontal Reinforcement
Height of Wall, H = 2.1 m
According to IS 456:2000,
Area of Horizontal Rebar = 0.24% of hH
= 1260 mm2
For one Face,
Area of Rebar = 630 mm2
Diameter of Rebar, D = 16 mm
Area of One Steel Rebar = 201.062 mm2
No. of Rebar Required, n = 5 Nos
Spacing of Rebar, s = 420.00 mm
Therefore, Provide 16 mm dia @
d Check for depth
M = 0.138*fck*b*d2
d = SQRT(Mult/(0.138*fck*b))
= 88.71 mm <

e Check for Crack width

fck = 30 N/mm2
fy = 400 N/mm2
Area of Reinforcement provided, Ast = 753.98 mm2
b= 1000 mm
h= 250 mm
d= 194 mm
Minimum Cover to Tension Reinforcement, Cmin = 50 mm
Maximum Rebar Spacing, S = 125 mm
Diameter of Rebar, db = 16 mm
acr = SQRT((S/2)^2+(Cmin+db/2)^2)-db/2
= 77.2658 mm
acr is the distance from the point considered to the surface of the nearest longitudinal bar
Applied Service Moment, Ms = 21.72 KNm

Permissible Compressive Strength of Concrete in Bending = 10 N/mm2
Modulus of Elasticity of Steel, Es = 200 KN/mm2
Modular Ratio, α = 9.33
ρ = As/bd
= 0.00389
Depth of Neutral Axis, x = (-α.ρ+((α.ρ)2+2.α.ρ)0.5d
= 45.69 mm
Z = d-x/3
= 178.77 mm
Reinforcement Stress, fs = Ms/(As*Z)
= 161.14 N/mm2
Concrete Stress, fc = (fs*As)/(0.5*b*x)
= 5.32 N/mm2
Strain at Soffit of Concrete Beam/Slab, ε1 = (fs/Es)*(h-x)/(d-x)
= 0.00111
Strain due to Stiffening Effect of Concrete between Cracks, ε2 = b.(h-x)2/(3.Es.As.(d-x)) for crack width of 0.2mm
= 0.00062
Average strain for calculation of crack width, εm = ε1- ε2
= 0.00049
Calculated Crack Width, w = 3.acr. εm/(1+2.(acr-Cmin)/(h-x))
= 0.0892 mm <

f Base slab of Swimming Pool

As slab rests on firm ground, minimum steel @ 0.3% is provided.
Thickness of slab = 200 mm
Ast required = 600 mm2
Therefore, Provide 12 mm dia @
Ast provided = 753.98 mm2
ructural elements:

ned as follows:
bility Check)

sign of Section)
the performance specification.


e coefficient for a given constant slope

d for horizontal (αh/g)


93619.27 = 0

499.74 mm2 OK

150 mm c/c

150 mm c/c
194 mm OK

arest longitudinal bar

crack width of 0.2mm

0.2 mm OK
150 mm c/c
bothways / top and bottom

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