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Word list for unit 1: Small actions, Big results

Part 1: Tips for saving water:

1.water conservation (n): bảo tồn nước
2. significant (a) : quan trọng, ý nghĩa
ex: your work has shown a significant improvement
3. impact (n) : tác động
ex: learning English has a big impact on me
4. asparagus (n): măng tây
5. problem (n) :vấn đề
ex: Environmental pollution is a problem to be solved
6. crop (n): mùa màng
Ex: the crops are regularly sprayed pesticides
7. plant (v): trồng
Ex: planting tree is act of environmental protection
8. pick up:(v) làm tốt hơn, tăng lên
Ex: trade usually picks up in the spring
9. waste (v): lãng phí
Ex: don’t waste your sympathy on him
10. natural resources: (n) tài nguyên thiên nhiên
Ex: water is a natural resources
11. coal (n): than
Ex: I put more coal on the fire
12. copper (n): đồng
Ex: copper is a chemical element
13. iron (n): bàn là
Ex: iron is a hard strong metal that is used to make steel
12. include (v): bao gồm
Ex: The tour included to visit a science museum
13. conserve (v): bảo tồn
Ex: new laws to conserve wildlife in the area
14. publish:(a)cộng đồng
The goverment had to bow to pressure
15. statistics: (n) thống kê
Ex: according to the growing population statistics
16. dishwasher (n): máy rữa chén
Ex: dishwasher is a machine use for washing plates, cups,…
17. probably (adv): có lẽ
Ex: you’re probably right
18. on average:(adv) thường xuyên, thông thường
Ex: I on average watch movie
19. huge (a): lớn
Ex: the party was a huge success
20. require (v): cần thiết
Ex: these pets require a lot of care and attention
21. professor (n): giáo sư
Ex: professor is a university teacher of highest rank
22. floor (n): sàn nhà
Ex: the furniture and floor coverings date from 1920s
23. leak (n) rò rĩ
Ex: the roof was leaking
24. Crucial(a): quan trọng
Ex: It is crucial that we get this thing
25. extremely(adv): quan trọng
Ex: this issue is extremely complicated
26. product (n): sản phẩm
Ex: Don’t use too much product on your skin
27. allow (v): cho phép
Ex: I allow to you for late
28. escape (v): trốn thoát
Ex: the prisoner has escaped
29. mainly/main: chính
Ex: be careful crossing the main road
30. climate (n): khí hậu
Ex: they want to move warmer climate
31. bill (n) : hóa đơn
Ex: she always pays her bills on time
32. behavior (n): cư xử
Ex: his behaviour towards parents
33. environment (n): môi trường
Ex: we need to protect environment
34. population(n): dân số
Ex: the entire population ò the town was meeting
35. produce (v): sản xuất
Our cat produced a young cat last week
36. brush your teeth (v): đánh răng
Ex: i brush my teeth after eat
37. take a shower/bath: tắm
Ex: i think i will take a shower and go to bed
38. faucet:(n) vòi nước
Water from the faucet
39. fix (v): sữa chữa
40. household(n): hộ gia đình
Household was connected with a house
41. lawn(n): cỏ
In summer we have to mow the lawn twice a week
42. outdoor-indoor:
43. replace:(v) thay thế
The new design will eventually replace all existing models.
44. flush(v): đỏ bừng
She flushed with anger.
45. brain:brain(n): não
Ex: he died of a brain tumour
45. expand(v): mở rộng
Student numbers are expanding rapidly.
46. freeze(v): đóng băng
Ex: It's so cold that even the river has frozen.
47. possible(a):có thể
It is possible to get there by bus
48. drown(v): chết đuối
Ex: Two children drowned after falling into the river.
49. breath:(n) hơi thở
She was very short of breath
50. reason:(n) mùa
Ex: a year has 4 reason
51. important(a): quan trọng
Ex: Money played an important role in my life
52. feed(v): cho ăn
Ex:The baby can't feed itself yet

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