Lab 5 Assignment

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Lab 5 Assignment

1. Write a C program to find HCF and LCM of two numbers.

2. Write a C program to Display Characters from A to Z Using Loop
3. Write a C program to read weekday number and print weekday name using
4. Write a C program using switch to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit and
Fahrenheit to Celsius. F=(9C/5)+32
5. Write a program to print all combinations of one or more digits of a number.
For example, for a number 123 all possible combinations are 1, 2,3,12, 13,23,
6. Write a program which calculates ncr .
7. Write a program to find next prime palindrome. A user will enter a number ‘n’
and we have to find a number greater than ‘n’ which is a prime as well as
palindrome. For example, if input is 7 than next number is 11, which is prime
as well as palindrome.

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