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MCL735 – LAB 8

In this assignment, the 1-D displacement of a tapered bar (made of Mild steel) under
tension will be examined using ANSYS. The bar is oriented horizontally with the larger
cross-section is attached to a wall. Neglect the axial deflection due to self-weight (gravity).
1. Determine the displacement distribution and stress distribution in the bar due to
the applied loading and boundary conditions.
a. Using 1D link element (divide manually in three elements, that is, calculate
equivalent cross sections of three elements)
b. Using 3 beam element
c. Compare the above two cases
2. Analyze the same problem using 30 and 100 equal length beam element.
3. Compare the results for above cases (1a, 1b and 2). Plot:
a. X-component of displacement vs. x (on single plot using different line types)
b. Plot for von Mises stress vs. x in similar manner as in 3(a)
4. Compare the results for above cases with the exact solution obtained using solid
mechanics approach
The bar is of length 40 cm and has a circular cross section. Young’s Modulus of Mild
steel, E = 210GPa, Poisson’s Ratio=0.3.




Prepare the report describing:

1. Procedure for any one of the three cases with snapshots of all the steps
2. Results for all the three cases (as mentioned above in question 3)
3. Your understanding and conclusion/comments on the effect of number of FE
elements used on accuracy of results.

Submission: On moodle, Check the assignment link for the deadline for this lab.

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