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Name: ay-an, Joey D.

Section: CCJE-BLOCK A # 6-A

A. OBJECTIVE: Identify some of the modus operandi by cyber offenders.


A. Marketing/Advertisement Schemes

B.Investment Scams

Modus Operandi

1.Ex. Internet Scams- There are several online scams that regular internet users have perhaps encountered
by now. These include Disaster Relief/Sick Baby scams that come up with some calamity/accident and
asked money for disaster-stricken communities; Free Trial Offer scams that offer free promo and ask for
credit card details only to steal your money later on; and the Mystery Shopper scam that nick money after
you make an upfront payment.

2. Ex. ATM (Automated Teller Machine) Scams-The scheme: After withdrawing money, an ATM scammer
may come up to you and alert you that you left a 500-peso bill behind. He or she will advise you to check
your ATM balance and will memorize your PIN as you log in. He or she will drop a 500-peso bill on the
ground, which you would most likely pick up. The scammer will then swipe your card and replace it with
a fake one.

C. Cyber sex schemes

Modus Operandi
A. Ex. The blackmail syndicate in Philippines-The modus operandi of this group is to create an
online account on social networking sites with the purpose of locating and attracting prospective
clients, especially old male individuals abroad. "Whilst they created this account they would
pose as Asian attractive females."After getting acquainted with the victims... they'll invite and
further entice their would-be victims to use video-call and engage in cybersex and this will be
recorded, unknown to the victim."
B.Ex. - A teenage girl sent her naked photo to a male online friend, believing he is a female
doctor who would use the photo for medical use. Later on, the girl was threatened to have sex
with the man or the naked photo would be made public.


D. Cyber Terrorism

Modus Operandi

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