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Mamatid, City of Cabuyao Laguna

In partial fulfilment in CIVIC WELFARE TRAINING SERVICE under the components of


Republic Act No. 9163

Student Transformation and Enrichment for Truth – Values Integration and Promotion


1987 Philippines Constitution: Article IV CITIZENSHIP

Presented by:

Angelica May F. Vida

Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Filipino
Thursday 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm

Presented to:


OSA / NSTP Director
Citizenship is denoting membership in a political community with full civil and political privilege and this membership
imply, reciprocally, a duty of allegiance on the part of the member and duty of protection on the part of the state.

Citizen is a person having the title of citizenship. He or She is a member of democratic community who enjoy full civil
and political rights and is accorded protection inside and outside the territory of the state. Nation is defined as a
person who owes allegiance to and is entitled to the protection of a given state, regardless of the status under
domestic law. An alien is a citizen of a country who is residing in or passing through another country and particular
called “Foreigner”. He is not given the full rights of citizenship but is entitled to receive protection as to his person
and property.

Involuntary ways of acquiring citizenship it is by Birth through the change of sovereignty which results in the
acquisition by each individual or acquired territory of the citizenship under the new sovereign in the absence of
treaty stipulation to the contrary and is its directly legislative grant.

Who are citizens of the Philippines? Section (1) Those who are citizens of the Philippines at the time of the adoption
of the Constitution; Section (2) those whose fathers or mothers are citizens of the Philippines; Section (3) Those born
before January 17, 1973, of Filipino mothers, who elect Philippine citizenship upon reaching the age of majority; and
Section (4) Those who are naturalized in accordance with law.

Naturalization is the legal act of adopting a foreigner into the political body of the state and clothing him with the
rights and privileges of a citizen. It is also a person that may be naturalized either by complying with both the
substantive and procedural requirements of a general naturalization law or he may be naturalized by a special act of
the legislature. The petitioner must not be less than 21 years old on the date of the hearing of the petition and must
have resided in the Philippines for 10 years, which should be continuous.

In the Section 3, Philippine Citizenship may be lost or reacquired in the manner provided by law. It could by a
Voluntary loss or renunciation of one`s nationality called Expatriation and By rendering service to or accepting
commission in the armed forces of a foreign country. The Involuntary is by cancellation of his/ her certificate of
naturalization by the court and by having been declared by competent authority a deserter of the Philippine Armed
Forces in times of War.


As a Filipino Citizen, we have a legal relationship that is involves in rights and obligations on the part of both the
individual and the state itself. It is our prime duty to be part of the member and to protect our state. Even you are
naturalize Filipino and adopting the state rights the obligations as a citizen of Philippines you have to be loyal to
republic and imply faith and confidence in the republic and love and devotion to the country.

We must to be Proud as A Filipino Citizen because of contribute of ourselves in the development of the welfare in
our country, we also exercise the rights of responsively with due regards of others and to be register and to have
right in vote.

For me this Philippine Constitution Article IV Citizenship identifies and legally recognizes the nationality of being a
Filipino in our country. I realize the word Citizenship is a person that lives in a country who has a quality to response
and to be legally member of the community this is also a status of being a citizen.

We need also to learn these rights to value of good citizenship and claimed our nationality. Nationality use
synonymously with citizenship, they are not exactly the same things for the first has a broader meaning in that the
second. Citizenship implies complete possession of civil and political rights in a body politics whereas the nationality
does not necessarily confer this right.

Citizenship is a virtue of blood relationship of each and everyone, it became our foundation and reaching our
innovation that result of sovereignty. “Philippine Citizenship is a gift that must be deserved to be retained. The
Philippines, for all he modest resources compared to those of other states, is a jealous and possessive mother
demanding total love and loyalty from her children” – Justice Isagani Cruz.

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