AutoCAD-Plant 3D SQL Server Configuration

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QQ AUTODESK. — E Microsoft" SQL Server” Configuration for Autodesk AutoCAD’ Plant 3D and AutoCAD” P&ID ‘This whitepaper outines the configuration of Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Express, ‘Standard, or Enterprse for use with Autodesk AutoCAD Plant 3D and AULOCAD PID projects Contents. eae Eas. 4 naling M4 SOL 806 em Seca ‘eng New nour of OL Sere i 5 Contgaring Meroe Sr nn ‘entgr St Sree Remote Geren’ : 4 enka So Seve Seer oa 1 ‘aL Secu oe 0 504 Sec Les . 1 Rexog Project Fee and Fr Projet arin. Comereg an sng SOL Pa 30 Pec 9 SOL SAN og an Capyng SOL Pe ove # SL Prot Data a Copying 2 SOL Pret a8 - Projet itnance Tash. Prot Au Pron ewig At — zi Pin tonlone caste Ta of us feRRS SS eae Overview of Databases ‘AutoCAD Plant 30 and AutoCAD PAID use a ile based database Se) by default a server based etaas desired fr improved mult userperfonrance and ely Mest sence "Expres or eres SO Server Standar/Eneprse canbe implemented the peje tended te behosted on Autodesk Val, MlerosaR SOL Server must used. hry eleronsermee AvtoCAD Plot 30 inthis document alo opps SunocAD Pl Database Structure "oj erawngs ae eatabases ae used to stor the informatio othe ro}: Tis nfomation ‘nics ne number tags, equipment tgs, ppespectestons, ee, Since the Wfrmaton's stored both the AutoCAD crowns and nthe tebe th allows yout copy dings sos procs ad retanthe dts ‘na Sate database project the Indviual OCF fe stored inthe project flr conn the database Infomation + rocesshower det - PID database + rire de-50 png databexe + soet— tomer datoboe, + Orthodet~ Orthographic database ‘+ Mise Micelloneous project congration data ated es) ‘Once projects migrated to MS SQL Server the ple les emainwhete they ae tthe databases stare and occesed trough SOL Serve. The ve databases dscived above wilde crake sec Serverfor each india Plant 3 projec. Expect see multiple Al databases withthe pele ‘You provde during the new projet stupor Slits projet migration to Sal, ‘As youwork na projec the softwares periodealy querying the dtabare tables reading ad wrting 'nformtion as needed. Fr example, ver ads mois ae ta. that formations opdoted Inthe project database (roca data cache so noone ee can as he tag tat was hot ate Wen the drawings save, thet information updated dete owing (WG) oe. Database Engines ‘saute el Semone Scboorbaentsbres Xt 2 ee ntabac 9 ing fle stored on dk The Sate tase engine uses red mony, wnt once recording scheme, While ‘many users an bereaing fom the database ‘any even ume the ene database mst be locked before a ecrd canbe wien toa table om Site snended fr asin ser (standalone) gue 3 Ste tndirnmert Formoreintermaton about SLte Th'gaphe shows eochworktetion, ning sown recor lod, les eerto Fl Leching And pel site datobose engine and ecesingthe.DCF CncurencyinsOite nthe is eect (aot projec sored ona serer ‘esses section ef doce ar ie Microsoft Sal Sever Mirosot Sk Sever isa cen/sever Acitectrewhichneas the database “ranacion ae pased rom he cent tothe cessed, then ent back ne = ES needs tobe updated instead ofthe erie atabace. SOL Sen intended fora ical gure 2. microsoft 4 server This graph shows ech worsttion accesing @ SQL server which shosting te project detboses Installing Microsoft SQL Server ‘The proces f configuring Meroso SOL Serer (MS SAL) bis withthe italation. Before Instaling MS Sa, pease check the hardware snd software euitement fo Se Serer 1019 from Merosot, Inorder to setup anew projec or mirateaneniting projet to Mlerosoht SOL Serve one of he ‘olowing werson of Sas equited Mirsoft 0 Server Express 20082012 (1068 per dotaose, 168 memory pe stance) Microsoft Sa Server Stondord 2008 or 2012 (524 P8 per detase, 6468 meray per nstance) ‘mrosof Sa Server Enterprise 2008 c” 2012 (528 PS per aotobose, Operating stem mot memory er Santos) you do nt have iene for Mirosot SL Server avalible to use, Mlrsof SO Sener Exess 2012 's avaiable forte ram Microsoft’ webste (ee lnk and Rascuces section forthe wee lnk) ‘The recommended downloads SQ Express with Tol which wl Include bath Sk Express Server and SAL Server Management tai Configure a New instance of SQL Server "ne previous installations ef MS SL exist onthe server you wl need to configure ew instance ‘Ar esting SOL instance cn be use for projects butts recommended that AutcCAD Pant 3D has its ‘oun éediatd stance to use, Tis simples the amination aks by heeping the eats or Pant separate rom any ent atabtes. the projet wl be used wth Autodesk Vu, plee refer 'e Confowre Sat Server for Vout rjectsocatedin the lnk apn Reso nective he socument “To corfigure anew OL instance ona server run the stp for Microsoft SOL Server an foow the tens below: 2 Download MS SX Serer Express and aureh the inetaliaon 2 The Sa Sever instalation Center willbe epayed Breas tae Seam (ceisler and select the fist hoe, “Mew SOL Server tndlone insalition oa feauresto an exsrginsaltion” ‘Figure 4, SQL Server 2012 Setup -instolltion Type “The Setup Suppor files check wil un along wththe Product Updates ‘ck thee button to comin intaling the eu fee {nthe nstation Tipe section, select “Perform a newinstallaon of Ol Server 2012" and cick Ne (Check bones for Kanes and dat nage andlck Net ‘Set options fr instance features und ek Net (faut option are ecommended) 3. Inthe Named instance fel ene desrstve nme forthe new Sk Server stance ano} ete: You con may the instance rot erect if needed Ths ithe bcoton wher the Sat letobases wl be stored onthe server By defeat wil under the con whee SOL Sever ‘inoles ‘Figure 5. nstonce Configuration stance Nome, 1, ond Root Deore 10. n the Server Accounts options et the startup fr bath services to “Automat” and lik Next ote The SOL Server Browser servic required by workstations onthe loca are network orserto locate the Sl Server 11 In Database Engine Configuration you must specify whether Windows euthentcation made or [Mined Mode willbe used. sing aed Mote a password or the Seem asta 8) account ill net be entered With ether mode, one or mor SOL Server Adminstrator counts wil ee tobe specified you wile the pinary admin cick the "Add Curent User™ button to astomacaly ade your Windows utr acount othe st. Adioal admins canbe ded later on. For mae nfornation about authentication modes, plese refer tothe Confiure saLsenersecciny [hs section of tis Help button which vl describe te options that sxe rable, 12. The flowing screen wl promt fyou weuld ke fopartcpeteinerrer reporing te Miro, Der making your section, dc to ‘gure 7. Dotoboxe Engine Configuration - Account rovisning 18. Tho statation Configuration rules wl process andthe insaltlon process wl begin 14. When the instaladonis complet you wile th image depicted in gure 8. The new instance Is now reed to use fr hosting AADCAD Pant 30 0 AutoCAD PID projec Configuring Microsoft SQL Server Cerfgraton hanger ede 0 ere er nstatan ne esa cemecivy free. Thence eT coferatn nnrSeon Configure SQL Server for Remote Connections ‘nc the Sat Srverinanc ete yo ms cng SO ee tac nae nections ‘hswialow warts sces othe sates es enters. 1. anc 0 sere onfgnton Marae om he Stat Men 2. mast 0 ee 2082 > Cngrtion To 0 Sere CngonManoge ee creer Aaa ee pe hcsc ecm igure SOL Sewer Configuration Manoger 3. Expand “SOL Server Network Configuration” and select the protocols fr your ew instance 4 fight ek TCP/IP” and select “Enable” 5 estar the server forehange to take effect Configure SQL Server Security Rights ‘wcateatenscanbe mae tote scty ses or St pees w/w we sess crain {501 Sever supe Wo aera mes Windows serene mb ose + Windows Achenteaton fe ct ri con tere one icy en he SL Sere eit eel hy Megat wih Nndowe, Spat Vndowe ue and ap secs oe atop inte SOL Sener Wows ne wha hee areas ean nanertctaconshveo eert tae Mote ser suena bat by Windows ay SOL Sane User nan emainine win SL Sener ‘When un Widows Atentaton ser wl nt be resukest enter any cadets when ey pena ot ‘her Weds lg cece wt sed, When sing SL Server aeration ues eee ee ‘he Sl user nme re pessrd when open the ee = Chase an authentiction Mode te Links ard ening scutes of is ocumert S04 Security Mode ‘Te saLseartymeceforspcect can bees yi by ig ee th OC a tsi th Projet oie (oesPone acl Png bot Ortho cane Thea fies bees th Inthe towing exanpie of 9 Fe “tated Secu inst tof, whch means the poet us iad Mose secirty onan wes willbe equa ete SOL. were pasword 28h he oj eeu me 7 _ Bie tng est pos. tarp Windows Athateton moe ei pen ach fh.DE fsa th prot lr witht er ch windows Notepadandchongethe value for tegrated Sec 48, wo SOL Security Logins ‘Modtication to SO secur settings ae accomglihed tough Miosof Sa Sener Management ‘Stale which savaable for downlad tom the Microsoft webs. I rust be insta inaetontoMS SQL Sever SOL Logins gins for Sa Sere it need to be configured before anyone can use Plat 30 with ret, New Joan accounts can be configured fromthe Secury folder under Logins shown in Faure 1. you reece an error mesage connection fe) when ‘eating anew Plant 3 project on SOL Server, double heck toma sure 3 new login hasbeen rested and proper sever roles have been signed os desrbed a ‘the ee section, When using Windows Autherteston made, domain ers, wer groups, and local use computer accounts ‘abe added asap. When wing SOL -Authertiation new laine can be rested by ‘spetvngalogn name along wth» pasword ‘Pure 1. SOL Serer Management Studio -.ogins ever les “The Server Foes ofS Sl Server contro acest server-wie secur prileges on the Sl server; scion sich as cening new databas, resi exstig databases, Tne Sever Rol cone ashes Inthe properties or ae oh: Project Administrator Accounts ‘Any account uses to rete new projets wil need tw have the “syndmin” sever lessened 2 “The system adn role asthe aity 0 perform enya inthe database engine. Project User Accounts ‘ny account that neds acest projec but nt “teat to eeate new projecs ll niyneed "publ serve rl sige to SL server ser, rus, nd les belong to thepublroke by état. ‘gore 12. Login Properties, Fer mor iformationsbou SAL login, users andols, please vist the Manoing Logis, Uses, ond ‘Schemas How Tops ink nthe its and Learning Resoures ection of his document Recovery Models ‘SQL Recovery Models re designed tocntraltrnsction log maintenance. recovery madlis 8 -datahase propet that cots tow varsctos ae logge, whether te wrasactin lg requis (and allows) backing up, apd wha kinds of estre operation are vale. Thee recovery model eit: ‘Simple 10, nd buktogged SOL dstabees or AADCAD Plan 3D and ALLOCAD PID use he simple recover model. This the default, ard recommended sting for alSOL projet databases to ved -excesve transactional os tating up unnecessary diskspace onthe SOL Server. For mare formation please refer to th ecavery Mosel Serva nk nthe ink and earing Respures section oF He Projet kup (Obtain complete backup of Plant 30 SOL Serve projet involves two srs, Baking up the preeet, ‘lesan flders sd he SO databuses stored onthe SOL Server. To obtaina coristent bark bth must be docks up atthe same time. poject needs to be archived the ncn process can be sed ‘o accomplish ts ghty backups ae recommended o avd any mor less of work. Please check with your local stat needed to coordinate backps as neded Backing up SQL Databases 501 Backus are performed using Mroof SOL Server Monogement Sudle2012 which spar of the ‘Wires SL Server 2012 Expres stallion downoad Plate te, Miaosft SOL Server ‘Monogerent Sudo 2012s ot eaéed a ar of the SL stance and mut be manly etalled 1.x by launchrg SOL Server Management Sts 2032 fom the iat Mena ea ‘Pgure13. Connect to Server 2. Te Connect to Server prompt willbe payed 3 rterthe sal sewer compute name an the instance inthe following format (SERVERNAME\NSTANCE) or cick the drop-down button obrowae our network for avlable Sc Server 4 4 Select the est lant 20 projec detabase athe at right cick, and choose Back Up ’ : PSS SET as ese ati ‘Figure 14 Bock Up dotbose tsk 5. Inthe Back Up Ostabese window select the options fr thelecaon af where the backup fs wilbe wet Figure 15. Back Up Oatabore 15. ick OX to pefocm the backup operation 7. apeat steps tough othe ational dtaaaes that belo the prolect (so, Ortho pin, Processowe Backing up Project Files and Folders Before running back cn the project les, be sue all urs have save tel crewing nd eat Plant 30. ‘This wllesure all lean database lcs have been closed out ote les and/or dawngs are eto a path located ouside ofthe prec foe be suet ncude ‘these wel Check the paths n Project Setup t very the leeton ‘ramps of project content which maybe stored outside he projec folder 20 orewings PAID ranings ometrc Drawings Crthoeraphic Drawings eupment Templates ated Fee + Drawing Temples (OWT) *+ Shared Content (catlogs and spec sheets see below) The PLANTCONTENTFOIDER command cn be weed in Plant 30 to obtain the cent lcation ofthe shared cmtent forthe roject. For more infrmatien about the shared content elder peas fer to ‘AtoCAO Plot 30 Shred Content een the inks ad Learing Rescurcesvecton of ths document Restoring SQL Databases IFastuation ects where you need toestoreyourpojet, se the flowing step to restore the SL arabes fom bacups. 1. aunch Sa Sore Managemen tudo 2012 fromthe tart Men 2 fight cick onthe exiting projec database name and lect Rename (ho databace wl awaye eon top s0 you can begin there) ‘Figure 16. Rename Dotobase ner 3 new ram or the projet (eg. TestProjec0250 OLD) 4 this process oral ofthe projets databases ii bo, Ortho, ProcessPower, and Misc) ‘ight ek o the Databases folder an select Restore Database {lick the Ad button, brews tothe lotion ofthe orignal SL backup fle, select tad clk OK (Giek OX agsin andthe Destination and Restore Plan wl update with the proper formation from the backup ck OK to begin he restoration process Repeat the proces for te addons project databases (pr, s, Orth, ProcessPower, end Mist Restoring Project Files and Folders Restoring he project files and ote is simply matter of uncompresing the archive you used a omresson method sch as 2 or RAR) backs ognal path onthe server orlocal de. Project Administration Converting an Existing SQLite Plant 3D Project to SQL Server Conversion of an existing AutoCAD Pant 30 project using Sit databases to MS SL Server inalves ‘ing to! hed Projet Mointenonce Ui hie instal with utoCAD Part 3D and AutoCAD RID Once 3 project at been mire fom Site to SOL Serer ean nelonge be opened 3 sale prec, ‘Onc jet has been converted to SL Serer anew projet can sil be eats from t wsng Project ‘Setup Ward and electing "Coy setngs rom exstng peje” The new jet Hes and foes wall, be created along with ew SO databases on the SL Sever Proect Maetenance Uty 1. Backup your ening projet oder. 2. Browse tothe ntti folder for AutoCAD Plant 3 o AutoCAD PD + C\program Fes\Autodesk\AatoCAD Plat 30 2013~Erlih Ci\vrogram Fes \todes\tutoCAD PID 2013 Ergon + chprogram Fle erodes utocAD 2014\PLNTEO + clprogram Fes \erodes\utocAD 2034\PK0| 3. Run PrPPojecttanenance exe 4 Select “Convert Projet to SOL Expres, a than click Nest Figure 9. Project Maintenance Utty Pr 5. Inthe Comer Octal ection click the Browse button ‘igure 20, Project NontenanceUlty— Convert Project to Sat {6 Browse tothe lacatin of your projec. Select the Projet fl fr the projet ane lk Open 7. Imthe Server felt the name ofthe SOL Server instance nthe flowing format: SQUSERVERNAME\SQUNSTANCE SOISERVERNAME sth computer name of he SQLServer and SUINSTANCE isthe name of ‘the SL instance thats runing on the server Note: you may ned ou the uly quod domainname of theserver depending on your network conga ‘myserverdomsincon\PLANTSO) |. Cc the Test Connection button to confirm the conection othe sever ‘ote: You wi ees enter credential ora use account that has “sai” server role 9. Inthe Comectio Susceeded lg bom, cick OK 10 nthe database name prefs feld ona a rei to be use or example the project name). ‘Th vie wile ws to crete the database name ue. Project01 Pri, Projet01_ Ping, Projecto} 11. Inthe Authentation Deal select the authentication made Windows uthentcton~ Users wil ct be requ to ete ony credentials when the open the projet Windows crederik will bused Sa Server Authentication Enter Sl Serve administer gin credential, Users wil be ‘requresto ener ther resents hen the open the proc ote Pease refer to the Conta Sl Serer Secuny ahs Section of hs document for ‘more infomation on authenteaton modes. 12, Chek the Convert button andthe conversion proces wil ben ‘The ening Ot OCF fe dtabases wile contrted tothe SO Server. When the conversion ces is eomplete the DCF fies in the projec fer willbe tex fs (ML contgurations potting the rojet oS Server databases. Moving and Copying SQL Projects Esti Sa projec databases canbe moved or copied the following seni + Move or Copy existing project dtabases to anather Sa Sever * Move or Copy existing project databases 3 ferent SQ rstnce onthe same: [efor attempting to move or copy OL projet databases to another srver or SOLinstance be sure ochup your exsting project. This ines the projet es an folers n etion to the SOL dotabases sng crosoh SOL Server Management Sudo, Use the folowing istton to perform these tasks, Moving 2 SOL Project Database Peas note this proces wil oly move the SOL databases from ont MS SA Server to anther. The roe coniuration fs must stil be charged manually tore-diet the projec tothe proper, 4 Backp your exiting projet 2. Make sre al ses svete drawing inthe project and cove out of ALLeCAD Pant 30 3. Browse othe instalation folder for ALtaCAD art 30 or AteCAD PD: + Crogram les\Autdesk\AtCAD Plant 30 2013 ngish + program Fles\utodest Ait PIO 2013 ~Engsh + cPropram es\AutodesAateCAD 2028\PLITRD * Crop iles\Avtodest\toCRO 2028\PNID 2 Ran PaPProjctMintenance. exe ‘seect“Mave Projet Database hen clk Net Inthe Convert Detaizeacion lk he Browse button Browse tothe location of your project. Selec the Project! fle forthe projet ad ick ‘Figure 2. Project Maintenance Uilly- Move a Project Database {nthe sary the ae ofthe destination Sal Senerntanc nthe flowing SUSERVERNAMEISCUNSTANCE SQUSERVERNAIE's te computer name ofthe SL Sever and SQUNSTANCE the name of ‘he SL nstee thts unrng ane server: Nae: yourey need to ae fly guslfied {omamn nari of the ever depencig on Yur network conluraton myer domain con\PLANTSO) nthe Database refs ld enter he orginal pret used when the projet was rated ‘lek th Test Connacion button to confm the connection tothe sever Note You wi need to enter credentit for use account that hs “yuan” sever ole emissions Inthe Conection succeded og bow ck OK a Inthe Authentication Deas elec the sutentation mode Windows Ruthentiction - Uses wl pot be equred ener any credentils when the ope teprjac Windows redone wil Be sed 4 Server Authentaton- Enter o 0 Ser administrator login redeatas. Users wl be ‘egued to enter ter eden when the en the lees Not: lau fer vo the Cnr St Sev Seca Rt eto of hs document for ‘ore nfrmaton on sutneneno m 11, Cec the Move button nd the eaction proces wil begin £2 In Windows Notepad oa tex etr aplication, open ProcessPower din the projet fotcer, 13, Enter the new databse server and SOL instance ramen the “Data Sure” value, This value "shied inthe example as “SERVERNAMEUNSTANCENAME™ 14 Emer the database name inthe ll Catalog” vie, Ths ve fight nthe. DCF ‘cromple as “PREFDAIME ProcessPower” 15, Repeat the ame ets for he adional OF fies (ing. ode, Ortho. and Misedet, rample PrecesPower cf BERS rt Rn ecto DK chain a sy MLSe> “ia ee le hk Peat Deu Erg POPES Ghee latte nts SERIERUMERNETANCENAME o> eerste ripe eit rane, Panne ‘Copying a SAL Project Database ease note this process wllony copy the SOL databases om one MSO Server to anther. The projet’ confguation hes must stl be changed manual to re-aect he projec tthe proper Server the project has been coped to ferent SA severance) 4, ahup your esting project. 2. owe tothe ntalaton folder fo AutoCAD Plant 30 or AUCAD PIO + ©\vropam nes\utodek AutoCAD Plant 302013 ~Engleh + Cipropam Fes\atodesk\astocAD PAID 2013 Engh + €:prepam Fes atodest\AutocAD 2018 LT30 + Cipregam FesAutodesk\AutocAD2018\PMID 2. Run PoPPrlecMantenance exe ‘gure 23. Project Maintenonce Utty 5 Select “Copy a Project Database, than ck Nest 7. Inthe Convert Geta section cekthe Howse button ‘8 Browse tothe location of your project, set he Projectile fo the projec, cle pen ‘gure 24, Project Molntenance Ulty- Move Project Database 7 Inthe Serve fl type the name athe SCL Server insane inthe folowing format: SQLSERVERWAME\SQUNSTANCE SQISERVERNAME Is the computer name o he Sa Server and SQUINSTANCE'sthe name of the 80 instance thts cunning onthe server Not: You may need ou the uly qld domain name ofthe server depending on our network contrat Imysrverdomaincom\PLANT30) 16. Inthe Database Pref ent the righ pref ued when the projet was created 17 Gk the Test Connection button to canin the connection othe server te: You wi eed to enter redentl fora user acount thet has “sysadmin sever ole emisione 18. Inthe Connection Succeeded alo bok OK 18, Inthe Authentication Deals select the authentiation mode Windows Authentication Users wi not be required tenon credentials when tea the projec. Windows credentials il be sed $01 Server Authencaion~ Enter 501 Server odminerter login cede. Users wlbe ‘required to enter their cresetls hen the open the projec. Note Please refer tothe Cong Sl Serer Security Baht section fs document er ‘more igormation on authenteaton mode. 20. Chek the Copy button snd the proces wil ben 21 in now: Notepad ora tot eto application open rocessRower inthe prec, folder 22 Enter the new database server en SL instance ram inthe Data Source" value. Thi le Ishii nthe OCF exami “SCRVERNARIEVRSTANCENARE™ 22. Enter the database name inthe “ital Catalog value, This value ghee inthe OCF ‘rample os"PREFBMAIAEPocesPower” 24. Rept the same els forthe adaonal OCF le (pine. od, Ortho. nid Msceeh Example ProcesPower def “Baan ne mae tw oZION ONL Schon ansapOmi n ZOOVA Scne a> Project Maintenance Tasks tndhe event ofa crash, there are several tsi whieh can be performed ona project in erer to eheck ‘conutencyof he databases an the projet dawings, Project Audit Project audit cect the project database fr any iva records eros aio removes unused tne number tgs rom the project's ages. The command to run pret ats AUITPRONET. Before running an aud, the lowing steps are require: Save and seal project drawings ‘skal users to save ther rags and ose AutoCAd Plant 20 anor AutoCAD PAID Launeh AutocAD Pant 30/810 on one worstaton ‘Open ary othe projet drewines {Enter AUOMTPROJET on he command ine Pee ee ‘Once he projec sud it complete you can scroll up the command lin history to ee the ess You rmayneedtoncraze the command ine histor or enable he command leg le before runing the suc To reste log feof the suet use the LOGFIEMODE command and set tt 1. You can change he oe fips rom the AutoCAD options fr Pant 30 ruse the LOGFLEPATH carmen tsetthe location where the ge willbe generated. LOGFLEMODE ean be set back to once the ut complete to _svoiadional lg fies rom bing generated. Project Drawing Audit Pont audit checks the current drawing to fin any objects that do not have records present nthe rojct database, The command torn a deawing aut PLANTAUDIT. Note: Do not we the regular AutoCAD Recover or Aut commands onan AutoCAD lant 30 model drawing or AutoCAD P80 drawing oth products use Speiaed AutoCAD objects whch are et Properly handled by the regular AutoCAD recovery and aut proces. The AUROCAD cyte variable, RECOVERYMODE canbe setts" to turn ofthe Drawing Recovery window after a ystem flare Purging Local Data Cache hen projets opened from a netwarklacton AutoCAD Plt 30 and AutoCAD PAD wl creae @ loca eaee fe onthe had kt el pte perormance. Purging the PLDC (persistent al dat cache} wil release diskspace that hasbeen consumed by ‘completed projects Aker PLO hasbeen pured, opening the projec an drowrgs my tke longer ‘than usual asthe each wihave oe re-built Usally willbe the fst ne projec ing used ater LOC pure Purging the PLDC wl ot delet, remove Or oust our procs and he cache wil eb again a soon as para projet opened. ‘he PLDC shoud be manusy purged inthe ftowing ston: + Pesala op dk space + When projec hat been completed to fre u diskspace + When projec at movesto 3 newlocation onthe network + Prot restring a poe rom baka Topurge the loca data cache ure the folowing steps 4 lose all AutocaD based products inclungAUUCAD Fat 30 anor AutoCAD Pl 2. browse te te instalation fede for AutoCAD Pant 30 or AutoCAD PID: + C\Prograr ils\utodesk\AUtOCAD Plan 30 2013— Engish + C\Propar Fles\autodesk\AstohO PAID 2013 Enh + C\Prorar Fes\Autodesk\AstoCAD 2026\PANT3O + C\prgram Fes\autodesk\atocAd 2014\PND Doabl cet on PaocaatacacePorger ene 4 Gickthe Pre’ button Links and Learning Resources ‘Tho followine table contains the kt rears safer to nthe samen ile Locking And Coneereny nse TMioaah SOL Sever 22 aaaon ardware and software requires or SOL Sever 3012 ‘orpte Capac Lins by Fan of SL Server Features Supported by the aio of SOL Server 2012 SL Server Security and Protection Choote an Authetcaton Mote ‘1 2012- Managing Lops, Uses, nd Schemas Howto Tops Recovery Model (0 Server) ENT) ‘Secu and Protection Database Engine) ‘adden: cea ‘Configure $1 Server or Vol Proects "RaOCAD Pant 30 Shared Conte alder Table of figures Faure Sate cae 4 Fre 2. Mirra Serer 4 Fete 0 sere ton cre 5 Fare. stance Configuration tance Name 1, a ROoR OMe nnn? gure 6. Server Conran vn 7 ‘a ‘a eure 7 Database Engine Cofguration- Account Provisioning. gure 8 SOL Serer 2015 nstalation Compete gre. 50 Serer Confuration Manage. gure 1050 Serer Management SUS nnn nnn ere 11 Sa! Serer Management Studio Logis. Fore 12 Login Properties. ‘i Figure 33. Connect Server Figue 14 Bock Up dtatase tk Figue 15 Bock Up Oatabase... Figure 26 Rename Database. Figue 1. Restore Database Task Figure 18 Restore Database Figure 19. Projc Maintenance Uy. Figure 2, Project Malntenance ty ~ Conver Project 0 $a Figure 2. Project Maintenance Utne = Figure 2. Project Maintenance Uilty- Move 3 Project Dalaba nnn Fire 23. Project Maintenance Uy Figure 24 Project Maintenance Ut - Mov aro Dtabare. A AUTODESK. Document Revisions LO Final Orae 22/20) A autovesk. A AUTODESK. Microsoft’ SQL Server" Configuration for Autodesk AutoCAD’ Plant 3D and AutoCAD" P&ID This whitepaper outines the configuration of Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Express, Standard, or Enterprise for use with Autodesk AUIOCAD Plant 30 and AuloGAD P&ID projec. eng New tne af SOL San. zi Contareg Mine SOL Serer <1: aaa i cenit SL Sart Rect Comets, \entgr SS Sct iN es ‘50, Seay ose a eee seat: 50, Sear Lhe. fs a” Seca u Pret nd Fler. “6 Reso SOL Danes e Resoeg Proje in and oles Pret ett Conary a ing SOL Past 20 jets SOL Sone 10 Moye nd Cap 8 Pets nn ooeeaeeeeeeien Mes # SOL Pret Databe, _ 2 Coming» Sat Proje Osta, 2 Overview of Databases ‘AwoCA0 Pan 30 and AutoCAD PAID use afi based database (SOs) by deft, Ha server based stabs is desired for improve mutiser performance a eisty Moro SQLServer "apres r Microvot Sl Server Standard/Ererpes canbe mpementd, the projet intended ‘tobe hosted on Autodesk Vault Mirosf SAL Server must be wed ny references made to ‘AutoCAD Pont 30 inthis Cocoment oops to AutoCAD PID. Database Structure Project rains and databases are used to store all the lefomtion forthe projet Ti information Inches ne number tgs equlpmert tags, pipe specation, ete, Since te nfrration stored both the AeCAD drawings nein the database this lows yout copy drawings cross projects ane rata the data Ina Saute catabae projet the inual.DCF es stored inthe project folder contain he database Information, ProcessPomer dé PAID database Ppingdet 20 peng eatabace Ibocet emetic tase Orth det ~Ontoaraphic database Misc.dt~ Miscelaneous project conigratin dt (ated files) (Once a projets migrated to MS St Server he aoc fis remain where they ae athe databases ‘restored on aceised through Sa Server. The ve databarsdererbed above wil ede onthe Sab ‘Server or eachndvidua Pant 30 projet. Expect to see mule SL databases withthe prefs nae ‘You provide dung the new projet setup or Site projet mittion to Sa As you work na project the sofware periodieally querying the database tables eon ae ving Informations needed For example, fa user ad or modes vai ta, that information updated inthe project database orca data cache) so ro one else can ue the ag that was ust aged. When the drawing i sved the a lnleration updated nde the drawing (OWG) foe. Database Engines saute stim nad oe ae Se tnregusemeameee a eee database a sige fe stored on ke The ‘Olt database engine ues a eed mony ‘wt once record tecong scheme. Wile ‘many arr eon be ead rm the database Stan gv time the entre database mst be lected btorea record canbe wien to 320 ro SQlteisirended fra singe user stanlere) ger 3, saute ‘emironment Formore formation abou Soke ‘The apni shows ach weston, running is own ‘ecord loin. plese refer to fleecing £06 uch denabese che cedar he Ber (Concurrency in SO eins ane Learning . eee [Rescues secton othe docent. ee ete theese een Microsoft sat Server a gure 2. resp SOL Server This graph shows each workstation acesing QL Server whichis osting the project databases Installing Microsoft SQL Server ‘The proces of confgwng Microsc St Server (MS SL) bein with the installation. Before Installing MS Sl, pease check he rcv end eohware egurements for SOL Server 202 fram Mirosot Inerder to setup a ew project cr migrate an ening project Mlrvoh SL Server ene ofthe ‘olowing versions of MS Sa reied: ‘erst Sa Server Express 2008 20121068 per detoaxe, 168 memery pe instance) Mirra Sa Server Stordard 2008 or 2012 (524 P8 pe dotoboe, 64GB mena pe stones) Microsoft Sa Server Enterprie 2008 2012 (524 P per database Operating Stem max memory er Sa istone) yeu donot haves cense for Microsoft SO Server avalabie to use, Micesoft SOL See Express 2012 ‘savalablefor tree rom Microsoft’ webste (see Uns and Bescurces section forthe webste Ink) ‘The recommended downlod is SL Exes ith Tool which wl Inde beth Sa. Excess Server and SOL Sener Management Stele, Configure a New Instance of SQL Server Yo preius instal of MS SOL ext onthe srr you wil ned to configure anew tne. ‘A esting SOL instance canbe used fo proecs buts recommended that AutoCAD Part 3D hs ts ‘oun cedgstecinstance to use. Ti spies the seminitration tsk by keep the datas for, Pant seperate from ary exiting databases. the projet wl be used wth Autoseh Vavk pease eer te Configure Sl Sere for Vout Projet located inthe ks a earning sours sector ot the oeament Toconfigure anew SOL instance ona server un the setup for Mra SOL Server an fellow the toe below: 2. Opwnioad Ms Sal Server Express and launch the instalation 2. The SOL Server istalaton enter willbe dsplyed Beer geen |. Gie"nsaltion an select the rst cls, "Mew SL Server stand-alone nstalaton ora fester toa exiting instaliion™ aT ae a ‘4 The Setup Suppor als check wil un slr wth the Prout Updates S. Clckthe Nex button to continue instante setup les 6. Inthe instalation Typeset, select “Perf anew stallion of Sl Serer 2012 and ei Nox 11. Check bove forlcece terms and data sap and cick Net 8. Setoptions for istance features and clk Not (default opens are recommended) 9, Inthe "tamed instance fener a deserve name forthe new Sl Serer instance (eg. arta} ote You con med the instance rot cece f needed. This the location where the SQL otobases willbe stored on the ervey defo willbe under the decry where SL Serve? trialed ‘Figure 5. instance Conigretion stone Name, 1, and Root Directory 10. Inthe Serer Accounts coins st the startup or bth sees to “Automat” and ck Net Note:The SOL Server Browser servic is required by workstations onthe local ree netwrk in ‘order to cote the Sl Serer, 1. In Database Engine Configuration you must pet whether Windows euthentkation mode ured ede wl be used. srg Mined Mode password forthe Stem haminitr sa) account wll net to be entered With ether mode, one or more SO Server Administer accounts wil net oe specie you wil be the psmar admin lek the “Add Curent User ‘bron to autorstealy a6 your Windows usr acount othe Ist. Adeional admins can be aed later on. for more information about authentication modes, pease refer to the Cnfaure ‘SOL Serer Seruty ug secion oes document orc the Helton whi wi eseibe he optons that sre aval, 12, The lowing sce promt fyou weld ae ‘opanipsteln ator reporting to Micouoe ‘er making your selection, eek tet 43, The instalation Configuration rls wl process and he instalation proces wil bein 214, when the instalation is compete you wise the nage depicted inure 8. The new tance ‘Snow ead to efor hosting AAaCAD Pan 30 o AuRaCAD PAO projects Configuring Microsoft SQL Server Confgration changes ned tobe made to SOL Server fe stallion to ensure access ae ‘connecty fr the users. Ths scion covers the TCP/IP configuration nd use permission modiestions. Configure SQL Server for Remote Connections (Once the Sa Server instances create you mur congue SOL Serer oacept em connections ‘This il alow workstations access tothe database across he newer 1 Launch SOL Serer Confgution Manager rom the Start Men 2. ‘cos OL Server 20082 Coniguation Tool» SL Server Confuration Manager ‘Figure 9. SQLServer Configuration Manor 3. pand Sal Server Network Conguation nd select the protocol for your new instance 4. igh ek “TCP/IP and select “Enabled 5. Restart the server for hangs totale eet Configure SQL Server Security Rights edicaonscan be nae tothe sect Stine fr SOL pees slow/ Ss ser acest cori Frese nth Server. icon wc eC at edt be made Fae nate he ‘erty stings ousted hr shuloe wad ar peer eerene, Conwy apa group petted ear he SO Serer abe tut estan 501 ane sgpons te suranion rede, Windows auton mode ed mi mote + Window Authentaton ste det ren fered oa need sear because SL Serer secur made gy esd wih Windows. Spcte Vides va an re curse "uted eg SOL Sere Winflowe we who Rowe eat beun eerste doa Reeo weere 1+ zed weds spp saterseaton bath by Was ay SOL Sar User ane paso pi He mained win £0 Sana. the Windoslagn cede wi be ed, Wher wings Sere Auhenaon ees wibe required eet ‘te Sa er nae and psswed when oper the eet ‘run ep rn sou OL aatenaon ec, ae refer ene Serene Chosen Athenteoton ede nthe isa erg ese os oer Sa Security Mode ‘The sal secty mde for ore can be ode t ny tine eng cachet he OC esate scene projet fier rocesPowe ct pn to, Onto. and Ms) Theses an bee wth Windows tepador aM er. ne folowing example of Fle "negated Scuttle, whch means the projet ing ned oe seat on nde wba equi eta 3 SAL. semame and aware to ope he rect -entenon i extng SRESEER Mt gcc stra mn maps sana inure, _ SNe ion PcsP ot Oden PHEMESLIAgime eae oct “Rites Clog Aare Rae Aras meee now: Aterteton mode seed ope en fthe Olen the projet flew tee ch Windows Notepad ad change he alo neta Sey re. ry SOL Security Logins Modieatons to Sl secur setting ae accomplished through Mkosof SQ Server Management ‘Sta which sve for downlad from the Micrasft web, imu be installed in adeton to NS SQL Logins Login for Ol server wil need to be configured before amyone can use Pant 3 wth projects New login accounts canbe configured from the Security {older under Logins shown in gure 33. you ‘receive an eror message (onnectin fale) when {reating new Pant 30 projet on SOL Server, doble- chock to make sure new login hasbeen ested and proper sever oles tave been ttigned os desrBed in the net ection. When using Windows Authenseton made, domain srs, user groups, and loa user computer accounts ‘canbe added 2 oghs. When using SL ‘Authentieation new lin canbe rated by spect login name along with pasword Sever Roles “The Server foes of MS SL Server control acess to server wie secur prvges onthe SOL sever sections suchas eating new database, erasing ensing oatabase, tc. The Server ole canbe asigred inthe properties for each og: Project Admiistrotor Accounts ‘ny account ured to create new projet al need tohave the eyndmin” revere scared “he yatem amin cle haste aby perform any sey inthe database engine Project User Accounts ‘Ay account tates sees toa pric but not ‘the abit to create new rejects wl oy nee “ple” server tle essigned ot SOL server ers, roups, and las belong tthe pubic ole bya. ‘igre 1. Logi Properties For more information abou SOL logs, ters and les, plate vi the Manoping Lol, ers, ond Schemas How-to Tops ink the ints and Leorning Resources section ofthis document. Recovery Models ‘AL Recovery Model ae designed tacontrl transaction lg maintenance recovery modells database property that convas how vansacson ae loged, whether te ranscton lo requires and lows) backing up and what kins ofrestore operations ae avalble. Tree recovery models xs: simple, ul, and blogged. St dtibases for AutoCAD Plant 30 and AvtoCAD PBI use the simple ‘recovery model. Ths the default, ud recommended setting fora SOL projec databases to avoid ‘excessive ansactionallgs tan up unnecessary dk space on the SL Serer. For mor information ‘leas efor tothe Recovery Moet (0 Sener nk the Links and Learning Resources Section ofthis ‘ociment 2 Projet chap Obtaining» complete back of Pan 30 SL Server project volves two parts. Backing up the prjet ‘les ad odes andthe SC databases stred onthe Ol Serer. To otsn cnet back bth ‘must be backed up atthe sume ine f= pojet needs tbe archived te backup proces canbe wed to accomplish this, Nighy backups ae recommend to evid any major less of wrk Plas heck with our lea taf needed to coordinate Backups es needed Backing up SQL Databases ‘01 Bochups are performed using Microsoft SAL Serer Monogement Sudo 2012 vbich spar ofthe Microsoft Sa Serer 2012 apes instalation downoad, lease note, Mose SL Serer ‘Monogement Sto 2012s ot loaded 3 part of th SL stance and me be manus insted, 4 ein by launching SOL Server Managemen Sts 2012 fom the Start Men i) "gure 1. Comect to Server 2 "Te Connect to Server prompt willbe silayad 3. Emer the Sa Server computer name and the instance nthe flowing format (SERVERNAME\NSTANCE or cick the dropdown button to browse Your network or avabable SAL Servers 4 Select the fet lant 30 project tsbave inthe ret, an choot Back Up if { {tH vbw igure 15. Bock Up Database 6 lek ox to perform the backup operation 1. Repeat steps 1 tough 6 forthe atonal databaces tht belong tothe proect (bo, Ortho, Png ProcessPower and Mis) w Backing up Project Files and Folders Before running backon he projec fs, be sre alles have save the dewings nd eat lark 3. ‘ns wi ersue ae an database lacks have been dosed out. projet les and/or drevings are set to 2 path acted ouside of the projet folder be sure to ined ‘these aswel. Check the paths n Project Setup to vey the locaton, Examples of projec content which maybe stored ose ofthe project elder: 30 orawings RID Drawings ‘omer Drawings orthographic Drawings Ecugment Templaee fated Fee Drawing Templates (007) ‘Shared Contont tls and spec sheets see below) ‘The PLANTCONTENTFOUDER coma can be Used in Plant 30 tooth curent ection ofthe shared content for he projec. for mere information about the shared content fer, please fete te ‘AutoCAD Pont 30 ShoredConteot Flier inthe Links end Leonia Rescresvecion ofthis daamert 6 Restoring SQL Databases Ifa sation occurs where you need o restore your projec, se the folowing steps to restore the SL So aa rnenr anette Soe cnemmenerc oe ee ST Ta — ‘Yan ning PFO Pome ‘Copying 2 SAL Project Database Plea not this process wl only copy he SO databases frm one MS SL Serer to another. The projets configuration ls must sti be changed manual to e-aect he projec tthe proper Server ithe pojec has ben copied oa diferent Sa eerverintance.) 1 Backup your ening project. 2. rowre tothe ination folder for AutoCAD Pant 30 AutoCAD PD: + rogram let Autodest\autocAD Plant 302013 ~Eglsh 1 \Progrom Fle Avtodest autocAD PAID 2013 ~ Engh rogram les Autodesh AutoCAD 2038\PLNTSD + rogram les Autodest AutoCAD 2034\PNIO 2 fun PaPProjeairtenanes exe gure 23. roec antenance Uity 6 Select “copy Poet Database, then chk Next 7. lathe Conver Deal section cick the Bowe button '& rowse tothe locaton of your project, select the Project fe forthe projet neck Open’ ‘gure 24 Project Molntenonce Uilty- Move «Project Database 7. Inthe Server fldtype the rame af the Sl Sererinstane nthe following format: _SQLSERVERNAME|SQUNSTANCE SISEAVERNAME Is the computer name ofthe SOL Server snd SQUSTANCE's the name of ‘the SL instance thats rung onthe serve. Noe: you may need to use the fal quali domain name ofthe server depending on your network corguraion ie Imyserve domain. com\PUANT30) 26, Inthe Database Pref fd enter the rig refi used wien the project was crested 17, Ck the Test Connetion button to confi the connetionto the sree "Note: ou wi ned to enter eredentil for a user account tot has “sysadmin sever ole 4B. nthe Connection Sueded ag box, chek OK 138, nthe Authercaton Deas select the authentication made Windows Authentication - Users wil ot be requed to enter any redentls when the ope the projet Windows credo willbe used SAL Server Authentication - Ener SOL Server dministrater login credentl ses willbe ‘equiredto enter their credantil hen the open the projec. te: Please refer tothe Canfaure St Sere Secunty Blah sectan of this document for ‘more information on authertation des 20. Ce the Copy button andthe proces wl Bebe 21 n Windows Notepad or a text eto pplition open ProcePomer afin the projet ‘olcer. 22 eter the ne database server and SL ntance name nthe Dat Source” vale. The vale Ishighighted nthe OCF exemple 5 “SEAVERNAMEVISTANCENAME™ 23. rere aban nae te Ce va Tae ltd nthe DEE 2. teen ese eter ral Cs Ping Ha, Ono trample ecessPower def SSSI MST gto cna mee enn 0108 Sonn Project Maintenance Tasks Ine event ofa rath these are severl tasks which canbe prfrmedion projetin order a check “consseny ofthe databases andthe projet drawings. Project Audit Projet at check he projec database fr any iva records or eras, tale removes uniedine rumber tgs trom the project's ag eps. The command to run a rnc audits AUDITPRONECT. ‘efor runing an at, the flowing sep re reaued Seve and dos al prec drawings ‘skal users to sbve hr rawings and cose AutoCA0 Plan: 30 adr AutoCAD PID {Launch AutoCAD Plant 30/P8I0 on one werktation ‘pen ay ofthe projet drawings Enter AUDITPROIECT onthe command ne ‘Once the project aut complete you can sol up the commandline story to ee the resus You ‘may ned increse the command ln story or enable the command le before ure the ‘To rate og e ofthe aut use the LOGFLEMOOE command and ett to 1. Yeu ean chang thee ‘le path rom the AutoCAD options or Pant 30 ar use the LOGFLEPATH command ast the ecatin where the file wile generate. LOGFILEMODE canbe setback oO nce the aut complete to, old ational log fies rm boing geneste, Project Drawing Audit lant at checks the current drawing to Find any objects that do not hae records presenta he Project database. The command tor a drawing aud PANTAUOIT. Note: Do not use the regular AutoCAD Recover ot Aut commands onan AULOCAD Plant 3D model Srawing or AutoCAD PAID drawing oth products ur specaled AutoCAD obec whlch se oot Properly handled by the regular AutoCAD recover and aud process. The AutoCAD cyte variable. ECOVERYMIUDE canbe st LOI" to tum the Drawing Recovery window afer sytem falar Purging Local Data Cache ‘nena prlets opened fom a netark lection AutoCAD Plant 30 and AutoCAD PLD wl eat local cache fle on the had kt el opti esormance. uring te P10 (persistent oa dota cache} wl release diskspace that hasbeen consumed by ‘ompleed projects er PLOChs been purge, opening the projet and rawigs may ake longer than usual asthe eae wil have tobe e-bat,Usal wil be he st ume projets beng used afer LOC pure Purging the PLOC wil not delete, rove or orupt our projects ad the cache wil ebulé ain as son asa partelrpojec is opened. ‘Te PLDC shouldbe manually purge nthe foowing suations + Periodical tee un diskspace “+ Whena projec hes been completed ore up diskspace “+ When a project hs moved to 2 new location onthe network 1+ Proto restring projec rom backup Topurethe ca eats cache use the ollowing steps 4. Gose at AutocAD based products icing AutoCAD Pan 30 and/or AutoCAD 2. rome wo theinstalaton fier for BunoCAD Plant 30 or AutCAD FID: c\Progra les\astodesk\utoCA0 Plat 30 2013 English (C\Program Fes\atodestfuteCAD PLID 2013 Eglsh (Cogan Fles\todesAutocAD 2014LNTRO ‘Clog ies\tadesAstoCAD 2014PND Double-clekon PrP.ocalbaacachaPuger ene Clk the Pre’ Button pe 8 Links and Learning Resources The following able cota he inks to resource to nth esument Tie Locking And Concarency in SOLRe Microsoft S01 Server 203 ation iairmamamcnt Scion ardware and eoftware equrementsforSOl Serer 012 iadinas tales aroma Compute Capacty Li by Eaton a SOL Server, Bod anecdote ier ee (ieee. se 226 atures Supported by the ations oF Sl Server 2012 adlcmeosh sai iene e SOL Server Security and Protection Chosse an Atherton | imdinammsahanie nae ‘Sitonmeaasias ‘SOL 2012 Manapng Lagi, Users and Schemas How-to Topi | muimaestanie icneeisiers Recovery Model (0 Server) Medincaaaante: ‘Sitaram Scary and Protection (Omabae Engine) asia nto: ‘onfqre Sa Serer for Vault Prsncts Ealacanien eerumaraamate ‘Shanahan ncaa Satie ‘ROCAD Plant 30 Shared Content older ijausagacseeae ‘Sina Table of figures Flere 3. Saute Fire 2. Meas SOL Seren Figre 3. SO Server stats Cntr. Figute 4 Sa Srver 2012 Sey Wotan Tn Figures. stance Coniuraton—istance Kare, 0 ard Root rectory Figure. Sever Configuratin I Figure 7. Database Engine eniguraton “ecu Provlenng . Figure &. SL server 2013 tain Complete. a Figure. Sa server Configuration Manage o a eure 10.50 Serer Manegemet Sto... Fare 3.50 Serer Management Stuio- Logins : mn ‘re 12 tain Properties 7 = que 13. Cannec te Serer que 14 Bock Up databank, z Fgwe 15 806k Up Datbsse vn nnn nnn Figure 16 Rerame Database Figure 17. Restore Database Tsk Figure 18 Restore Data on Figre 18. Project Maintenarce Ut. Figure 2, Project Mantenarce Utity Conver» Projecto SOL Figure 2. Project Manton UU nn Fiure 22 Project Maintenance Ublty- Move roject Detabese Fiqure 23. Project Maintenance Uy. Figure 24. Poe Mantnarce Utity- Move Project Datbose Be A AuTODESK. Document Revisions V2.0 Final Orafe(a/t2/2084) A autovesk.

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