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a) Assignment must be submitted to individual faculties.
b) Deadline: 20th Nov 2018; 1700 hrs
c) Printed and to be submitted in spring file only.

a) Font – Times New Roman
b) Font Size: Main Heading - 16
Sub Heading -14
c) References where ever necessary
d) Plagiarism check will be carried out strictly- Be aware!

a) Accounting Concepts and Conventions
b) Elaborate the various types of inventory control techniques in details


Write a detailed analysis of the country you had chosen over the following parameters:

1. Detailed history of the country

2. Major milestones of the country
3. Political conditions of the country
4. Major leading economic drivers
a. Primary market drivers
b. Secondary market drivers
c. Tertiary market drivers
5. Major leading economic indicators
a. GDP, GNP, Per Capita Income, Employment Rate etc
b. PPI
c. CPI
d. Employment Cost Index
6. Monetary and Fiscal Policy
7. Role and rates of Central Govt
8. Forecasting of the Economy

A) Elaborate the Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association in details.

B) Rights, Duties and liabilities of an Agent and Principal.


Tulsa’s Central Business District, the Metropolitan Tulsa Chamber of Commerce had recognized that
there was an absence of Timely information about the Central Business District. There was a great
need for information for investment decision making, commercial efforts and continued revitalization
of downtown area. One of the research projects was a survey of chief-executive s of Business firms in
CBD. The purpose of this survey was to gather information concerning the number of employees
working in downtown Tulsa, employees’ salary distributions, proposed future investment in downtown
Tulsa, and executives’ attitude towards a variety of dimensions of the downtown area.

For the purpose of this research, downtown Tulsa was defined as coinciding with Census Tract 25 and
the inner disposal loop (a system of expressways). A mail survey of the chief executives of business
firms within the inner disposal loop was conducted.

In order to ensure a representative picture of executives’ opinion s of downtown Tulsa, each firm
within the CBD was given the opportunity to be selected in the sample. However, as the large firms
were expected to have a greater impact on the future of downtown, a stratified sample was selected
.Prior to sampling, these large firms were identifies in the basis of information gleaned from the
Oklahoma Employment Security Commission and a proprietary source listing the square footage of
firms in the CBD. Several additional firms were included after researchers consulted with the
Metropolitan Tulsa chamber of commerce. The stratum of large firms consisted of 154 major firms
within the inner dispersal loop. This stratum was broken into two parts: key firms, including the largest
40 firms and other major firms, including the remaining 114 firms. Every firm on this list of major
firms was sent a questionnaire. The other stratum consisted of all other firms in the CBD.

A systematic random sample of the firms was selected in the second stratum from Polk’s city of Tulsa
Directory. The sample size for this stratum was 218. Together then, total sample had 372 elements.

Of the 372 questionnaires sent out, 11 were undeliverable or otherwise unusable, leaving a true sample
size of 361. 219 out of 361 remaining questionnaires were filled out and returned. Thus, the survey
yielded approx.61% response rate. To ensure a high response rate, the researchers sent an advance
notification letter to all firms selected in the sample, and then a cover letter from the president of
Chamber of Commerce was included with a questionnaire. A follow-up letter (with second
questionnaire included) was sent to those firms that did not respond after three weeks had elapsed.

Researchers made telephone calls to certain key firms that did not respond after six week had elapsed,
asking if the questionnaires had been received and if, they could be completed and returned.


1. Is a mail survey the best way to contact business executives in this situation?
2. Evaluate the sampling design in this case.
3. Does the questionnaire method of data collection appears to be satisfy the research objectives?
Why or Why not?
Q. 1 Perform the Big Five Personality test on two of your family members preferably parents, compare
and find out whether the test results hold true.

Q. 2 Investigate and Analyze Motivational Factors of a company of your choice. (Prepare a report)






Household spending by all UK households amounted to over £500 billion in 1997, or 63% of gross
domestic product. This level of expenditure is very closely related to conditions in the country's
macro-economic environment. For marketers, it is crucial to be able to read the macro-economic
environment and to predict the effects of change in demand for their goods and services. Identifying
turning points in the economic cycle has become a work of art as well as science, as consumers
frequently confound experts by changing their expenditure levels in a way which could not have been
predicted on the basis of past experience.

During the Autumn of 1998, mortgage rates in the UK were falling; unemployment was close to its
lowest level for two decades; pay rises were keeping ahead of inflation; and share prices were
recovering from their recent falls. Yet expenditure by British households was falling sharply. For
three consecutive months retail sales fell in value, with retailers such as Marks and Spencers and
Storehouse reporting below expected levels of sales. Retailers have traditionally found excuses to
justify poor sales to their shareholders, including weather which is too cold/too hot. Even the death of
Diana Princess of Wales was widely blamed for keeping people out of the shops.

Throughout 1998, prices of consumer goods had fallen significantly, with consumer durables down in
price by an average of 2% in a year and clothing by 5%. Economic theory would have suggested that
lower prices would have resulted in higher sales, especially considering the other favourable elements
of the macro-environment. However, this did not appear to be happening.

What else could have been happening in the marketing environment to explain falling household
expenditure? At the time, the media was full of reports of an impending global economic crisis,
triggered by difficulties in the Asian economies. Consumer confidence is crucial to many high value
household purchases such as houses and cars, with consumers reluctant to commit themselves to
regular monthly repayments when their source of income is insecure. Even this may be only a partial
solution, as a survey of consumer confidence carried out in October 1998 by GFK on behalf of the
European Commission showed that although consumers were pessimistic about the state of the
national economy, they were quite upbeat about their personal financial situation.
One possibility was that consumers had become cannier. If prices are falling, why not wait longer
until prices have fallen further? Consumers had also witnessed the effects of previous over-borrowing
and had been more cautious during the recent period of economic growth, resulting in a historically
low level of personal sector indebtedness. In 1997, 9% of disposable household income was saved,
compared with just 3% at the height of the economic boom of 1988.

For companies who need to commit resources a long while in advance in order to meet consumers’
needs, an accurate understanding of the market environment is crucial if stock surpluses and shortages
are to be avoided. But this case shows that getting it right can still be very difficult.


1. Identify all of the environmental factors that can affect the demand for consumer durables and
assess the magnitude and direction of their impact.
2. In what ways can a manufacturer of consumer durables seek to gain a better understanding of its
marketing environment?
3. How can a manufacturer of consumer durables seek to respond to environmental change as rapidly
as possible?

1. What is the difference between Resume and C.V?

2. Define Communication process? Write down the types of communication?

3. Write down the barriers of communication?

4. Write down the advantages and disadvantages of Business Communication?


Students will identify 15 of the under mentioned Leadership Traits that they think suits their
personality best. Each student will write a paragraph on each of these selected 15 traits highlighting
how they relate to these traits, from their experiences. Total pages not less than 5 pages. Total
marks 20.

1. Honorable Character
2. Selfless Service
3. Professional Competence
4. Intellectualism
5. Confidence
6. Positive Attitude
7. Trustworthiness
8. Persuasion
9. Self-Development
10. High Energy Levels
11. Work - Life Balance
12. Time Management
13. Innovative And Creative
14. Prudence – Wisdom, Impartiality And Tact.
15. Temperance – Self-Control, Purity, Humility And Patience.
16. Fortitude – Resist, Endure And Triumph Over The Trails And Temptations Of Life.
17. Awareness
18. Mission
19. Flexible Obstinacy
20. Opportunism
21. Self – Assurance
22. Substance
23. Endurance
24. Inspiration And Charismatic Personality
25. Communication
26. Judgement
27. Ambition
28. Caring
29. Trustworthy
30. Intelligent
31. Disciplined
32. Courageous
33. Decisiveness – Make Tough Decisions
34. Empathy – Address Problems With A Genuine Concern
35. Accountability – Take Responsibility For Everyone’s Performance
36. Confidence – Their Confidence Is Contagious
37. Optimism – Source Of Positive Energy
38. Honesty – Transparency In All Dealings
39. Focus
40. Inspiration – Motivates Everyone To Give Their Best All The Time

You have received an email stating that you have been shortlisted from the list of students forwarded
by the Institute and called for an interview by a Selection Panel headed by the Senior HR Manager of a
well known MNC, at 1000h on 20 Nov 2018. The email mentions that (a) you need to send them your
updated copies of Resume’ and CV (b) You will be required to join them for a formal lunch after the
interview (c) The first 8 candidates will be put through a Group Discussion after lunch.

List out the details that you would keep in mind while preparing for this ‘Once-in-a-Lifetime’
opportunity, under the following headings. You need to mention at least 10 points under each heading.

Individual work in personal handwriting. Similar/identical submissions will be marked as ‘null’.

1. Preparation of Resume’.
2. Preparation of CV.
3. Dress Code to be followed.
4. Points you will keep in mind regarding ‘Communication Skills’.
5. Points to be practiced regarding ‘Body Language’.
6. Your conduct during the Interview.
7. Table Manners to be followed during the formal lunch.
8. Conduct during the Group Discussion.


Select a publicly traded Indian Multinational company. Company should be in the Fortune 500. Ideally
select a company that has had new management since 2000. Research the top management of the
organization, and detail the strategies that they advocated to help grow the company. As many
companies had problems starting around 2008 – 2010 which led to lay-offs and retrenchment, that may
be a good period of time to focus on how management helped move the company through those
difficult economic years. Examine the critical issues that the organization faced, and detail the
strategies employed to mitigate them. All top managers are not successful. If the company you
choose employed strategies that failed, detail the failure and add analysis as to why it failed and what
may have been done to foster success.

Items that should be discussed with your selected company include:

o Mission and Vision

o Values and Ethics
o Organization structure and culture
o Leadership style and motivational style
o Overall measurements of success for this company

The following questions should be addressed:

A. Who is/are the Top Leader(s) of the company, and under what circumstances did they become
B. What issues did they face?
C. What are the major strengths of the company?
D. In what ways did Planning, Organizing, Leading & Controlling contribute to the company’s
success (or failure)?
E. What was the most important thing leading to that success (or failure)?
F. What do you see as major challenges facing this company in the next five years?



1. Discuss the role of market regulators in corporate governance.



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