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80-101-A February 8, 1980

TO : All Heads of Ministries, Bureaus and Offices of the National Government;

Managing Heads of Government Owned and/or Controlled Corporations,
Boards and Commissions; Provincial Governors, City, Municipal Mayors,
Local Treasurers; COA Managers, General Counsel, Regional Directors;
COA Unit Auditors; and All Others Concerned.

SUBJECT : Implementation of P.D. No. 1594 prescribing policies, guidelines, rules and
regulations for government infrastructure contracts.

For the information and guidance of all concerned, quoted hereunder in full is the
letter dated December 20, 1979 of the Chairman, Central Tender Board, Office of the
President, to the Chief of Engineers, Armed Forces of the Philippines, which contains the
clarifications that pending the approval by the President of the proposed draft of the rules
and regulations to implement P.D. No. 1594, the usual procedures of project
implementation vis-a-vis contract management shall be strictly complied with in order not to
delay the implementation of various projects, to wit:

"20 December 1979

"Gerardo R. dela Cuesta

Brigadier General, AFP
The Chief of Engineers,
Armed Forces of the Philippines
Quezon City

"S i r :

This has reference to your inquiry on the implementation of P.D. 1594,

prescribing policies, guidelines, rules and regulations for government
infrastructure contracts as therein prescribed under the Commission on Audit
Circular No. 79-101 dated May 25, 1979.

"Please be informed that as of date, the proposed draft of policy

guidelines in pursuance of P.D. 1594 is still pending approval by the President.

"In order not to delay implementation of various projects under your

supervision, the usual procedures of project implementation vis-a-vis contract
management shall be strictly complied with.

"Very truly yours,


Please be guided accordingly.

(SGD.) FRANCISCO S. TANTUICO, JR., Acting Chairman

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