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Analyze the following excerpts taken from Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer based on

Dell Hymes’ SPEAKING. Analyze the phone conversation between Seth and Bella.

“Hello?” Seth Clearwater answered, and I sighed in relief. I was way too chicken to speak to
his older sister, Leah. The phrase “bite my head off” was not entirely a figure of speech when
it came to Leah.

“Hey, Seth, it’s Bella.”

“Oh, hiya, Bella! How are you?”

Choked up. Desperate for reassurance. “Fine.”

“Calling for an update?”

“You’re psychic.”

“Not hardly. I’m no Alice—you’re just predictable,” he joked. Among the Quileute pack
down at La Push, only Seth was comfortable even mentioning the Cullens by name, let alone
joking about things like my nearly omniscient sister-in-law-to-be.

“I know I am.” I hesitated for a minute. “How is he?”

Seth sighed. “Same as ever. He won’t talk, though we know he hears us. He’s trying not to
think human, you know. Just going with his instincts.”

“Do you know where he is now?”

“Somewhere in northern Canada. I can’t tell you which province. He doesn’t pay much
attention to state lines.”

“Any hint that he might . . .”

“He’s not coming home, Bella. Sorry.”

I swallowed. “S’okay, Seth. I knew before I asked. I just can’t help wishing.”

“Yeah. We all feel the same way.”

“Thanks for putting up with me, Seth. I know the others must give you a hard time.”

“They’re not your hugest fans,” he agreed cheerfully.

“Kind of lame, I think. Jacob made his choices, you made yours. Jake doesn’t like their
attitude about it. ’Course, he isn’t super thrilled that you’re checking up on him, either.” I
gasped. “I thought he wasn’t talking to you?”

“He can’t hide everything from us, hard as he’s trying.”

So Jacob knew I was worried. I wasn’t sure how I felt about that. Well, at least he knew I
hadn’t skipped off into the sunset and forgotten him completely. He might have imagined me
capable of that.

“I guess I’ll see you at the… wedding,” I said, forcing the word out through my teeth.

“Yeah, me and my mom will be there. It was cool of you to ask us.”

I smiled at the enthusiasm in his voice. Though inviting the Clearwaters had been Edward’s
idea, I was glad he’d thought of it. Having Seth there would be nice—a link, however
tenuous, to my missing best man.

“It wouldn’t be the same without you.”

“Tell Edward I said hi, ’kay?”

“Sure thing.”

1. Situation/ setting
1 Setting of time : in the afternoon
2 Setting of place : house.
2. Participants
1. People : Seth Clearwater,Bella, Leah, ( speaker )
Alice, Jacob, Jake, Edward.( the people discussed )

3. Ends : they talk abot Seth Clearwater who never talk eventhough he hear when
they talk ( insting )

4. Norms : Social norms

5. Genres : using metafore
II. Analyze the following excerpts from Angel and Demon, written by Dan Brown.
Analyze the bold-written lines by using Grice’s maxim theory.

a. What are maxims fulfilled in those lines? Give the evidence.

b. Is there any maxim flouting? Why or why not? Briefly explain your answer.
Robert Langdon awoke with a start from his nightmare. The phone beside his bed was
ringing. Dazed, he picked up the receiver.
“I’m looking for Robert Langdon,” a man’s voice said.
Langdon sat up in his empty bed and tried to clear his mind. “This… is Robert
Langdon.” He squinted at his digital clock. It was 5:18 A.M.
“I must see you immediately.”
“Who is this?”
“My name is Maximilian Kohler. I’m a discrete particle physicist.”
“A what ?” Langdon could barely focus. “Are you sure you’ve got the right Langdon?”
“You’re a professor of religious iconology at Harvard University. You’ve written three
books on symbology and–”
“Do you know what time it is?”
“I apologize. I have something you need to see. I can’t discuss it on the phone.”
A knowing groan escaped Langdon’s lips. This had happened before. One of the perils of
writing books about religious symbology was the calls from religious zealots who wanted
him to confirm their latest sign from God. Last month a stripper from Oklahoma had
promised Langdon the best sex of his life if he would fly down and verify the authenticity of
a cruciform that had magically appeared on her bed sheets. The Shroud of Tulsa , Langdon
had called it.
“How did you get my number?” Langdon tried to be polite, despite the hour.
“On the Worldwide Web. The site for your book.”
Langdon frowned. He was damn sure his book’s site did not include his home phone number.
The man was obviously lying

A maxim fullfilled

Line 1 : maxim of manner ( hello )

Line 2 : maxim of manner

Line 3 : maxim of relevant and maxim of quantity.

Line 4 : maxim of quality

Line 5 : maxim of relevant.

Line 6 and 7 : maxim of manner

Line 8 : Maxim of quality.

Line 9- 10 : maxim of manner

b. maxim flouting .

line 1 and 2 : maxim of quality.

line 3 : maxim of quality

line 4 : maxim of manner

Line 5 :maxim of quality

Line 6 and 7 : maxim of relation

Line 8-10 : maxim of manner

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