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Name : Shinta Dewi Ginting.

Nim : 2015002019.

Class : 2.A1.


So,what did how the getting sentences resource small education sercoules endereijen and
sercoules sham.

 Susan Brown (Director,STEM Outreach) : So stay now gather to helping teacher,family

and student. Of all leaders in enjoy and beside about that’s them,and saw we have. We
have the color some one the choose and the and weather a second elementary teacher
we have the for week and the next week. For week have,we a secondwith teacher.

 Patrick Morandi (Principal Investigator.MC2.Lift) : Worn be a was to storing to fifty

years about five your program have that a I’m sircus love program. The program
innagruated of a marriks contact and verygouji a leadership training,to the activities to
I’am give teacher the training nessecarry freedom to be make marriks teacher leader
jugter schooljen in their school describe.

 Christine Woods (Second Grade Teacher,Hillrise Elementary School) : It I’m make

marrikly a the passari from the marrikly knowledge and I’am has been to underskill
please it also developing is about teaching leaders went a long the teaching choulds
what teaching koncep diplay,and left describe do’ve not giving left his develop to me,
describe the pastkly,to understand out children and all they thing knowledge.

Issuc the miggest minute change teacher the Kingston and showder a for week the teacher
decided about a them’s also.

 Brandon Sprague (Mathematic Teacher, Onate High School).: I think the biggest
transformation furme at the teacher was really.The pattical to practice the teaching
practice that,I taken both the classroom. A make enough just different but know really
pattical you go know choose different. This is classroom practisition many descrided
transf the weather in a rekening buy a many classroom. What’s also above lovening
taking, taking a rifeone and taking a back knowledge because there a drive a teacher
that have to up you there have I’m so taking a know back to make how beside important
to me and something a brigen fite of one.
We will welcome a anyone people so, we the life we call a zona family.


1. Title the video is teacher development.

2. Durasi the video is 02:30
3. How much people the video is five people.
4. Who is contact the video is susan brown, susan bro@NMSU,Edu
5. Video make from the regents of new mexico state university.
6. Susan Brown is Director,STEM Outreach.
7. Stay now gather he did to helping teacher,family, and student.
8. Worn be a was to storing to fifty years.
9. The activities to give a teacher is the teacher become training.
10. Name second grade teache,hillrise elementary school is Christine woods.
11. She has been to underskill it also developing is about teaching leaders went a long the
teaching choulds what teaching concept diplay.
12. Name of people talk the video is Susan brown, Patrick morandi, Christine woods,and
Brandon Sprague.
13. The pattical to practice the teaching practice.
14. This is classroom practisition many descrided transf the weather in a rekening buy a
many classroom.
15. Issuc the miggest minute change teacher the Kingston and showder a for week.
16. The program innagruated of a marriks contact and verygouji a leadership training .
17. . We have the color some one the choose and weather a second elementary teacher.
18. How the getting sentences resource small education ,sercoules endereijen and
sercoules sham.
19. The miggest minute change teacher the Kingston and showder a for week the teacher
decided about a them’s also.
20. There a drive a teacher that have to up you there have I’m so taking a know back to
make how beside important to me and something a brigen fite of one.

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