Sem V Syllabus St. Xavier College

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UCCMATH 511 (Semester V, Maths Hons.

Analysis – III (Metric Space & Complex Analysis)
Credits – 6, Full Marks: 70, Time: 3 Hours
The question paper will contain three parts - I, II and III. Part- I will be compulsory consisting of
10 objective type questions each of 1 mark. Part- II will contain 10 short answer type questions
each of 2 marks, out which one has to answer any 6 questions. Part -III will be consisting of 12
questions each of 6 marks, out of which one has to answer any 8 questions.

Metric spaces: Definition and examples of metric spaces. Open sphere and closed sphere,
neighbourhood, open sets, interior of a set, closed sets, Limit point of a set, closure of a set,
Diameter of a set. Metric subspaces. [3 Questions]

Sequences in metric space, Cauchy sequence. Complete Metric Space. Cantor’s intersection
theorem. dense sets. Baire’s Category theorem. Continuous mappings, sequential criterion and
characterizations of continuity by open sets. Homeomorphism. [3 Questions]

Complex Analysis: Complex numbers, Continuity and differentiability of functions of complex
variable, Analytic functions, Cauchy- Riemann differential equations in Cartesian and polar
forms. [3 Questions]

Conformal representation: Transformation, Jacobian, conformal transformation, some general

transformations, bilinear transformation. Critical points, fixed points, cross ratio, preservance of
cross ratio, fixed points of bilinear transformation. [3 Questions]

Books Recommended:
1. Introduction to Topology and Modern Analysis – G. F. Simmons
2. Metric Spaces – P. K. Jain & Khalil Ahmad
3. Complex Analysis – Churchil & Brown.
UCCMATH 512 (Semester V, Maths Hons.)
Linear Algebra
Credits – 6, Full Marks: 70, Time: 3 Hours
The question paper will contain three parts - I, II and III. Part- I will be compulsory consisting of
10 objective type questions each of 1 mark. Part- II will contain 10 short answer type questions
each of 2 marks, out which one has to answer any 6 questions. Part -III will be consisting of 12
questions each of 6 marks, out of which one has to answer any 8 questions.

Vector spaces, subspace, algebra of subspaces, linear combination of vectors, linear span, linear
dependence and linear independence, basis and dimension, co-ordinate vector of a vector
relative to a basis. Complement of a subspace, direct sum and quotient space.
[3 Questions]

Linear transformations, null space, range, rank and nullity of a linear transformation, Sylvester
law of nullity. Matrix representation of a linear transformation, algebra of linear
transformations. Isomorphism and related theorems, invertibility and isomorphism.
[3 Questions]

Linear functional, dual spaces, dual basis, double dual, transpose of a linear transformation and
its matrix in the dual basis. Characteristic polynomial and characteristic values of a linear
operator, diagonalizability, Cayley-Hamilton theorem and its applications.
[3 Questions]
Inner Product spaces, norm of a vector, Schwarz’s inequality, triangle inequality, parallelogram
law, orthonormal set, orthonormal basis, Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization process, Bessel’s
inequality. [3 Questions]

Books Recommended:
1. Linear Algebra – K. Hoffman & R. Kunze
2. Higher Algebra – S. K. Mapa
3. Linear Algebra – A. R. Vashishtha
UDSEMATH 501 (Semester V, Maths Hons.)
Number Theory
Credits – 6, Full Marks: 70, Time: 3 Hours
The question paper will contain three parts - I, II and III. Part- I will be compulsory consisting of
10 objective type questions each of 1 mark. Part- II will contain 10 short answer type questions
each of 2 marks, out which one has to answer any 6 questions. Part -III will be consisting of 12
questions each of 6 marks, out of which one has to answer any 8 questions.

Divisibility, HCF, primes, Euclid’s division algorithm, unique factorization (over N), Fundamental
theorem of arithmetic. [2 Questions]
Residue class, complete and reduced residue system, arithmetic of congruences. Fermat’s
theorem, Euler’s theorem, Wilson’s theorem. [2 Questions]
Arithmetical functions, Euler’s and Mobius functions, Mobius inversion formula and
applications. [2 Questions]

Solution of ax  b(mod m) , system of linear congruences, Chinese remainder theorem.

Algebraic congruences, Lagrange’s theorem, solution for prime power or any modulus.
Exponent of an integer modulo n , primitive roots, modulus having primitive roots, index
calculus. [2 Questions]

The Diophantine equations: ax  by  c, x 2  y 2  z 2 . Farey sequence.

[2 Questions]
Simple continued fraction with reference to approximation of irrational numbers and Pell’s
equation. [2 Questions]

Books Recommended:
1. Number Theory – G. H. Hardy & E. M. Wright
2. Number Theory – S. G. Telang
3. Number Theory – Harikisan
UDSEMATH 502 (Semester V, Maths Hons.)
Probability and Statistics
Credits – 6, Full Marks: 70, Time: 3 Hours
The question paper will contain three parts - I, II and III. Part- I will be compulsory consisting of
10 objective type questions each of 1 mark. Part- II will contain 10 short answer type questions
each of 2 marks, out which one has to answer any 6 questions. Part -III will be consisting of 12
questions each of 6 marks, out of which one has to answer any 8 questions.

Introduction to random variables (discrete and continuous), cumulative distribution

function(c.d.f.), probability mass/density functions, joint p.d.f., joint p.m.f., marginal and
conditional distributions, joint c.d.f. and its properties. [ 3 Questions]
Mathematical expectations, moments, moment generating function. Limitations and
properties, characteristic function. [2 Questions]

Discrete distributions: uniform, binomial, Poisson. Continuous distributions: uniform and

normal. [2 Questions]

Properties of a Random Sample: Basic concepts of Random Sample, Convergence in probability,

almost sure convergence, convergence in distribution, order statistics and their distributions.
[2 Questions]

Limit Theorems: Markov inequality, Chebychev’s inequality, weak law of large numbers,
Kolmogorov Khinchin Theorem, Borel Cantelli Lemma. [3 Questions]

Books Recommended:
1. Introduction to Mathematical Statistics - Robert V. Hogg, Joseph W. McKean and Allen T.
Craig, Pearson Education, Asia, 2007
2. Mathematical Statistics with Applications - Irwin Miller and Marylees Miller, John E. Freund,
7th Ed., Pearson Education, Asia, 2006
3. Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics – S. C. Gupta & V. K. Kapoor

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