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BTEC Higher National

Diploma in Software
Development Project Proposal

Ishara Dilrukshi Denawaka

CINEC Campus 0
Project Title: School Library
Management System

When I’m doing my project, I thank you very much to
everyone that has helped me in this project. First, I thank you kind Ms.Maduwanthi
to My Project Supervisor at CINEC Campus who helped me big for this.

I would also like to my deepest thankfulness to all those who

have directly and indirectly support to me for this Project and our classmates and
itself gave me a real support to me for finish this assignment very successfully.

Project Title: School Library Management System ................................................................................ 1
Acknowledgement ....................................................................................................................................... 2
Contents ....................................................................................................................................................... 3
List of Figures.............................................................................................................................................. 4
List of Tables ............................................................................................................................................... 6
1. Introduction of the School Library Management System ............................................................... 7
2. Background of the Library ................................................................................................................ 8
3. Current Situation of the Library ....................................................................................................... 8
4. Drawbacks of Existing System ........................................................................................................... 9
 Users and their functions of the system......................................................................................... 9
 Using the appropriate diagrams of the selected methodology represent functionality of
proposed system. ................................................................................................................................... 10
 Use case diagram for School Library Management System ................................................. 10
 Use Case selection Description ................................................................................................. 11
 Selection of Methodology.......................................................................................................... 12
5. Aim of the Project ............................................................................................................................. 13
6. Objectives of the Project................................................................................................................... 13
7. Scope of the Project........................................................................................................................... 14
8. Statement of the project ................................................................................................................... 15
9. Problem Background of the current system ................................................................................... 15
10. Proposed Systems .......................................................................................................................... 16
11. Functions of the Proposed System ............................................................................................... 16
 Functional requirements .............................................................................................................. 16
 Non-functional requirements ....................................................................................................... 17
12. User Requirements Specification ................................................................................................. 18
 Interviews....................................................................................................................................... 18
 Prototyping .................................................................................................................................... 18
13. Project Plan ................................................................................................................................... 19
 Work Breakdown Structure ........................................................................................................ 19
 Gantt chart .................................................................................................................................... 20

 PERT Chart................................................................................................................................... 21
 Project Planning Control.............................................................................................................. 23
14. Literature review .......................................................................................................................... 24
15. References ...................................................................................................................................... 25

List of Figures
Figure 01: Library Management System

Figure 02: Use case Diagram

Figure 03: Work Breakdown Structure
Figure 04: Gantt chart
Figure 05: PERT chart

List of Tables
Table 01: Use case Description
Table 02: Gantt chart table
Table 03: PERT chart table

1. Introduction of the School Library Management
Information Technology has revolutionized the life of human beings and has
made lives easier by the various kinds of applications. In the light of the rapid changes with the
use of Information Technology, there are many tools, technologies and systems that have been
produced and invented.

This project is concerned with developing a Library Management System for

School Library in order to make library management more efficient and easy to handle. The
Library management system enables a fully automated library service. It has the ability to
display the details of the books available in various departments, the transactions of books and
about the book holders.

The goals of this project are to provide simplicity as well as security and
efficiency to the management of School Library and also reduce managing personnel in the

This is a windows based application and only a registered user can access the
application. Library Management system is developed to automatic the task of entering the
records of new books and retrieving the details of books available in the library. This system
contains list of all books. Using this system user can issue book to the library member, maintain
their records, and can checks how many book are issued and how many books are available in
the library. This system provides separate interface and login for librarian, student and faculties.
Librarian can modify database. Using the library management system, Librarian can also
maintain the late fine of library member who return the issued book after the due date.

User can search for books and renewal of books. In the proposed system, I
assume that each member will be having an identify card which can be used for the library book
issue, fine payment etc. We can recommend for new books by just sending a message to the
librarian. Whenever library member wish to take a book, the book issued by the member,
authority will be check both the book details as well as the student details and store it in library
database. They
can view the
issue and return
dates of any book
and due they
have to pay.

Figure 01: Library Management System
2. Background of the Library
Library Management System is used by librarian to manage the library using a
computerized system where he/she can record various transactions like issue of books, return of
books, addition of new books, addition of new student etc. Proposed system is an automated
Library Management System. It also has a facility of admin login through which the admin can
monitor the whole system. Using this system student can login to the system and after logging to
their accounts they can see list of books issued and its issue ate and return date. Through this
software user can add members, add books, search members, search books, update information,
and edit information, barrow and return books in quick time. Using library Management System
student can also request the librarian to add new books by filling the book request form. Using
this system librarian can generate various reports such as student report, issue report, teacher
report and book report. Book and student maintenance modules are also included in this system
which would keep track of the student using the library and also a detailed description about the
books a library contains.

3. Current Situation of the Library

In the Current Situation all the transaction of books are done manually. In
such situations many people involved in the process of managing the library such a way that to
keep records regarding the books & students (borrowers), check the books manually, keep
records on issued books etc. all these things have to be carried out manually and if the library is
large in content handling is also a problem. On the other hand keeping large amount of
maintenance workers may cost a lot and it will not be efficient for a library. Manual record
keeping is also not a reliable method as student tend to forget things. On the borrower’s point of
view, in manual system borrower can’t find a book exactly at once as they are not ordered well.
Sometimes user might be searching for a book that is not available in the library in such
situations student get annoyed or depressed. Therefore there should be a reliable way to manage
the library system.

4. Drawbacks of Existing System
In the existing system all the transaction of books are done manually.
So it takes more time for a transaction like borrowing a book or returning a book and also for
searching of books. Another major disadvantage is that to preparing the list of books borrowed
and the available books in the library will take more time, currently it is doing as a one day
process for verifying all records.

Library Management System is a project which aims in developing a

computerized system to maintain all the daily work of library. The ‘Library Management
System’ mainly focuses on basic operations in a library like adding new member, new books,
updating new information, searching books and member and facility to borrow and return books.
This project has many features which are generally not available in normal library management
systems like facility of user login and a facility of teacher’s login. The user is able to generate
different kinds of reports like lists of student registered, list of books, issue and return reports.
“Library Management System” is designed to help users maintain and organize library.

It is used by librarian to manage the library using a computerized system where

he/she can record various transactions like issue of books, return of books, addition of new book,
addition of new student etc. Proposed system is automated Library Management System. It also
has a facility of admin login through which the admin can monitor the whole system. Using this
system student can login to the system and after logging to their accounts they can see list of
books issued and its issue date and return date. Through this software user can add member, add
books, search members, search books, update information, edit information, borrow and return
books in quick time. Using library management system, student can also request the Liberian to
add new books by filling the book request form. Using this system librarian can generate various
reports such as student report, issue report, teacher report and book report. Books and student
maintenance modules are also included in this system which would keep track of the students
using the library and also a detailed description about the books a library contains

 Users and their functions of the system

 Admin – Can monitor the whole system

 Librarian – Add member/books, search member/book, Update member/book etc.

 Member – search book, find return dates, availability of books

 Teacher – search books, availability of books

 Using the appropriate diagrams of the selected methodology represent
functionality of proposed system.

 Use case diagram for School Library Management System

Figure 02: Use case Diagram

 Use Case selection Description

Use case Selection Description

1. Use Case Name Add members and library record

2. Level Sub Function level

3. Primary actor Admin, Librarian, Member and Teacher

4. Stakeholders and interest Member: wants to register into the system.

Teacher :wants to login the system
Library: wants to register into the system and update book details.
Librarian: Maintains and create a report
Admin: responsible for the management of the transaction of fine and
also login and register details.

5. Pre-condition Members,Teachers and Library have submitted their registration form

6. Post-condition Record for a members/teachers/library has been added

7. Main success scenario  Members/teachers/Admin/ Library opens the application to access

the services of the LMS
 Members/teachers/Admin/ Library sign-up to get registered
 He/She provides correct information and secret password
 He/She got registered

8. Alternative flow  Members/teachers/Admin/ Library opens the application in their

 He/She tries to sign-up
 He/She fails and receives an error
 He/She will report an error and the error will be rectifiedas soon
as possible

9. Specific requirement  The response time for registration is 1 minute.

 The response time for registration is 1 minute.

Table 01: Use case Description

 Selection of Methodology

I have chosen the RAD (Rapid Application Development) to build up my product. It is

method for creating programming that utilizes current, ground-breaking, creating conditions and
looks to convey framework quicker and less expensive yet at the same time keep up high caliber.
Prototyping are particularly used to configuration client's prerequisite and to structure the last
framework. RAD is gone for delivering great programming in a sensibly short space of time.

There are 4 phases of RAD are follows,

1) Requirement Planning Phase – It combines of the system planning and systems analysis
phases of the SDLC. Users, managers and IT staff members discuss and agree on business
needs, project scope, constraints and system requirements.

2) User Design Phase – During this phase, users interact with systems analysts and develop
models and prototypes that represent all system processes, inputs and outputs. They use Joint
Application Development (JAD) techniques and CASE tools to translate user needs into
working modes.

3) Construction Phase- It focuses on program and application development task similar to the
SDLC. In RAD, however, users continue to participate and can still suggest changes or
improvements as actual careen or reports are developed.

4) Cutover Phase – It resembles the final tasks in the SDLC implementation phase, compared
with traditional methods, the entire process is compressed. As a result, the new system is
built, delivered and placed in operation much sooner. Its tasks are data conversion, full-scale
testing, system changeover, user training

 Advantages and Disadvantages of Rapid Application Development

 Time saving on the system development
 Can save time, money and human effort.
 Tighter fit between use requirements and system specifications
 Works especially well where speed of development is important
 Ability to rapid change systems design as demanded by users
 System optimized for users involved in RAD
 Concentrates on essential system elements from user viewpoint
 Strong user stack and ownership of system

 Less time way leads to lower system quality
 Danger of misalignment of system developed via RAD due to missing info
 May have inconsistent internal designs within and across systems
 Difficulty with module reuse for future system
 Lack of scalability designed into system
 Lack of attention to later systems administration built into system
 High cost of commitment on the user

5. Aim of the Project

The aim of this project is to develop a system that can handle and manage the
activities involved in a library in an efficient and reliable way. Less managing personnel and
easy searching availability and user profile managing are major goals in this project.

6. Objectives of the Project

 The main objective of the School Library Management system is organizing and
managing the library tasks.

 Develop a system that can replace the manual library managing system.

 Develop a database which stores user details and book details.

 Give reliable search facility for the users.

 Administrator, librarian and users should have separate logins.

 Create an easy to understand user friendly environment.

 Attractive user interfaces to navigate through the system for the users.

7. Scope of the Project
To achieve the aims and objectives of this project the main thing is to
identify the main features that involved in the system.

The system will provide the user with the following facilities

 The system ought to enable anybody to peruse the view the system yet just the clients can
employ the books utilizing their ID.

 The system permit visitor just to fundamental page.

 Since the username is special the system must give a message if the entered client name
isn't accessible.

 The system ought to enable client to login into the system.

 Upon fruitful login, an appreciated message is shown and the client will see the records

 The system ought to enable client to alter their profile detail.

 The system ought to enable client to scan for books.

 The system ought to enable the client to do propel hunt or basic inquiry.

 The system ought to enable client to hold more than one book.

 The system ought to enable client to see their saved book detail and last saved book

 The system must refresh the library data, for example, new books as entries, fines for late

 The system ought to permit just the executive to adjust the site substance.

8. Statement of the project
Numerous libraries are worked physically by a gathering of individuals. These
individuals keep records in regards to the books and understudies (borrowers), check the books
physically and keep records on issued books. Every one of these things must be done physically
and if the library is exceptionally extensive, appropriate record keeping will turn into a
noteworthy issue as manual record keeping has never been a solid strategy since individuals will
in general overlook things.

Other problems of the existing system are,

 Fast report age is beyond the realm of imagination
 Tracing a book is troublesome
 Information about issue/return of the books isn't appropriately kept up
 No focal database can be made as data isn't accessible in database

9. Problem Background of the current system

1. Previous system was time wasting because of providing the insufficient features to students
like only one book per students, there is no search engine facility, sometimes users might be
searching for a book that is not available in the library in such situation people get irritated
and waste their time.

2. In manual system we generally use the issue cards for issuing the book or if the card has been
lost then we have to make a new card again which take time and till then student have to wait
and search the database again for the student information which is completed.

3. On the other hand keeping large amount of maintenance workers may lost a lot and it will not
be efficient for a library. Manual record keeping is also not reliable method is people tend to
forget things.

4. Modify the details of members/books is large process and may lead prone to errors.

10. Proposed Systems
The main thing is to identify the main features that involved in the prosed system.
In this system, there are 4 type of users, they are Admin, Librarian, Member, and Teacher.

The advantages of the computerized system over the manual system are as follows,

Proposed Solution
 Fast access to Database
 Less error
 More storage capacity
 Search facility
 Quick transaction
 A database is there to store the user details and book details. This information can be
retrieved by the users as per their advantage.

11. Functions of the Proposed System

 Users and their functions of the system

 Admin – Can monitor the whole system

 Librarian – Add member/books, search member/book, Update member/book etc.

 Member – search book, find return dates, availability of books

 Teacher – search books, availability of books

 Functional requirements

1. User Authentication - Authentication user must authenticated before accessing

2. Update Book - Any changes in articles should be updated in case of update.

3. Add Book - New entries must be entered in database

4. Add new members - New entries must be entered in librarian/ teacher/ member databases

5. Update members - Any changes in user accounts should be updated in case of update

6. Delete members - Wrong/Expiry/Un usable entry must be removed from system

7. Find Members - Inquiry all current enrolled members to view their details

8. Delete book - Wrong/Un usable entry must be removed from the system

9. Find book - Inquiry all current available books to view its details

10. Borrow book - New borrow entries must be entered in the database

11. Calculating fine - If due date is late auto fine calculation will appear

12. Set user Permission -From this user case Librarian can give permission categorically, also
enabling/disabling of user permission can be set through this use case.

 Non-functional requirements

1. Safety Requirements - The database may get crashed at any certain time due to virus or
operating system failure. Therefore, it is required to take the database backup.

2. Security Requirements - There are different categories of users namely teaching staff,
administrator, library staff, students etc., depending upon the category of user the access
rights are decided. It means if the user is an administrator then he can be able to modify the
data, delete, append etc., all other users other than library staff only have the rights to retrieve
the information about database.

3. Software Quality Attributes - Maintain the quality of the database and application so that it is
user friendly to every user.

4. Software Constraints - The availability of required software will be constrained for the
development of the system such as database and development tools.

5. Hardware Constraints - The system requires a database in order to store persistent data. The
database should have backup capabilities.

12. User Requirements Specification
Most of the time, it becomes necessary for requirement analyst to use multiple
techniques to gather complete and correct requirements from clients and stakeholders. Here are
some of requirements gathering techniques which are I used. There are many techniques
available for gathering the requirements. Each technique has value in certain scenario.

 Interviews

Interview is the most commonly used and valuable technique. In this

technique I went to a library and I met the librarian to get an appointment to contact an interview
with him. During the interview I asks certain questions from librarian, staff and member,
regarding their requirements if they want a library management system. I ensure that interviews
cover diverse cross section of different stakeholders. It’s always beneficial to start with
unstructured interviews to gain an understanding of the current work environment; I ask library
staff about their jobs and the problems. Then I compare with the School Library Management
scenario to develop a well perform system.

 Prototyping

Prototyping help to me understand the system and further requirements and I

need to repeat the process until the application meets the major requirements. Since I have not
clear understanding about user requirements in the scenario, in this case several different
prototypes are constructed with available requirement sets.

The users of the system are Librarian, Admin, Member and Teacher of the
school who act as administrator to maintain the system. The members and teachers are assumed
to have basic knowledge of the computers and internet browsing. The administrator of the
system should have more knowledge of the internals of the system and is able to rectify the small
problems that may arise due to disk crashes, power failures and catastrophes to maintain the
system. The proper user interface, user manual, online help and the guide to install and maintain
the system must be sufficient to educate the users on how to use the system without any

The admin provides certain facilities to the users in the form of:
1. Backup and Recovery
2. Forget password
3. Data migration (Whenever user registers for the first time then the data is stored in the
4. Data replication (If the data is lost in one branch, it is still stored with the server.)
5. Auto Recovery (Frequently auto saving the information)
6. Maintaining files (File organizing)
7. The server must be maintained regularly and it has to be update from time to time.

13. Project Plan
 Work Breakdown Structure

School Library Management System

Planning Analysis Logical Screen Final Work

Design Design

Preliminary Detailed Input Output


Observation Investigation Context

Diagram Submission

Risk Management

Risk Analysis Risk


Level 0 Level 1 Level 2 Data Distinction

Figure 03: Work Breakdown Structure

 Gantt chart

Table 02: Gantt chart

Figure 04: Gantt chart 20

 PERT Chart
Activity Description Preceding Estimated Start Date End Date
Activity Duration
A Introduction 5 11/11/2018 16/11/2018

B Problem Background A 4 17/11/2018 21/11/2018

C Proposed System B 5 22/11/2018 27/11/2018

D Selecting of Metrology B 3 28/11/2018 1/12/2018

E Project Planning Control C 3 2/12/2018 5/12/2018

F Risk Management C,D 3 6/12/2018 9/12/2018

G Project Management C,E 3 10/12/2018 13/12/2018

H Requirement Analysis F 4 14/12/2018 18/12/2018

I Process Modeling H,G 3 19/12/2018 22/12/2018

J Data Modeling F,H 3 23/12/2018 26/12/2018

K Design Principles and Concept I 5 27/12/2019 1/1/2019

L Diagram Design J 3 2/1/2019 5/1/2019

M Interface Design L,K 3 6/1/2019 9/1/2019

N Coding L 15 10/1/2019 25/1/2019

O Implement N,M 5 26/1/2019 31/1/2019

P Repot Design O 30 1/2/2019 4/3/2019

Q Programming Environment P 5 5/3/2019 10/3/2019

R Testing Q 10 11/3/2019 21/3/2019

S Overall Document R 15 22/3/2019 7/4/2019

Table 03: PERT chart table


3 I

0 A 11 11 B 15 C
5 4 5
0 11

3 3 4


3 5

3 3


5 22
15 10 Figure 05: PERT chart
 Project Planning Control

1) Configuration Management - It is a process of controlling changes is system requirements

during the development phases of SDLC. It helps to manage support resources and cost after
the system become operational.

2) Software Quality Assurance Plan- It encompasses a broad range of concern and activities
that focus on the management of software quality.

2.1) Introduction to Software Quality – If the software is meeting all the specification
functional and non- functional or reliable is called Quality Product.

2.2) Software Quality Management – Settle the level of quality achieved in software,
develop the culture and make the standard of software. It totally depends on 3C s.
 Continues improvement
 Customer Satisfaction
 Continue loop of solving problem

3) Risk Management Plan

1st Step – Risk Management Planning deciding how to approach and plan the risk
management activities for the project.

2nd Step – Risk identification determining which risks are likely to affect a project and
documenting their characteristic.

3rd Step- Risk Assessment Qualitative risk analysis in which we characterize ricks, analyze
them prioritize their effect on project.

4th Step- Complete Risk Register which describe the identified risks, consequences and their

14. Literature review
A review of literature reveals that a computerized library management system will:

 Help to improve the library administrations.

 Help the Liberians with the executives data.
 Help the custodian in giving an account of the different tasks of the library.
 Increase the rate at which Tasks are finished precisely
 Obviate the need to procure extra staff with expanded interest for administrations.

Nwalo (2003) set that an automated library the executives framework includes
the utilization of a PC application on PCs in library.

Various investigations have given an account of the use of data innovation in

libraries in Nigeria. These reports incorporate that of Lawani, Azubike and Ibekwe (1992),
Mosuro (1996), Idowu and Mabawonku (1999), Ogunleye (1997) Agboola (2000), and Ajala
(2001) Nok (2006). These investigations have concurred that genuine utilization of data
innovation to library forms began in Nigerian libraries in the mid 1990s.

15. References


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