Debate Draft

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Let me reiterate the following points of our speeches

The affirmative side believes with all certainty that…

The Negative Team presented the following contentions during their speeches

That is highly inacurate

Not religious rights but human right

Equal footing

You can’t stop love.

Succession, Inheritance

Income Tax




Skinner v. Oklahoma, the US Supreme Court ruled that marriage is one of the basic civil rights.
Civil Rights are rights that cover all genders, no matter the sexuality of the individual. Another
Supreme Court case in 1967, Loving v. Virginia, affirmed that “the freedom to marry has long
since been recognized as one of the vital personal rights essential to the orderly pursuit of
happiness by free men.”

What does catholism has to do with running a family.. Who cares?

"There is absolutely no language in the 1987 Constitution or any of the previous constitutions that
imposes a gender restriction in order for Filipinos to exercise their right to marry,"

Penned by Associate Justice Marvic Leonen, the decision acknowledged

same-sex couples "deserve legal recognition in some way" and said the
Constitution's plain text does not define or restrict marriage on the basis of
sex, gender, sexual orientation, or gender identity of expression.

Calida during his opening statement, argued that the state is not violating anyone's rights in limiting
marriage between a man and a woman only, saying the "ultimate goal" of any marriage is procreation
through natural "sexual cooperation."
"The State’s limitation of the definition of marriage as a union between only a man and a woman
under the Family Code is a valid exercise of police power," he said.

Civil Union

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