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Journal of Crystal Growth 506 (2019) 122–126

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Growth and Characterization of L-Alanine Potassium Nitrate Single Crystals T

for Nonlinear Optical Applications

M. Shanmuga Sundarama, , V. Vijayalakshmib, P. Dhanasekaranc, O.N. Balasundarama,
S. Palaniswamya
Department of Physics, PSG College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore – 641014, TN, India
Department of Physics, Erode Sengunthar Engineering College, Erode – 638057, TN, India
Department of Physics, Bharathiar University Arts and Science College, Modakkurichi, Erode – 638104, TN, India


Communicated by Min Lu In this present work, we have successfully grown L-Alanine Potassium Nitrate (LAPN) single crystals from
Keywords: aqueous solution by spontaneous nucleation solution growth method. The crystal structure and lattice para-
A1. Crystal structure meters of the unit cell of the grown LAPN single crystals have been determined using single crystal X-ray dif-
A1. X-ray diffraction fraction (SXRD) and powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) techniques. The functional groups present in the grown
B2. Nonlinear optical materials crystals have been confirmed by means of Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR) analysis. Elemental analysis CHN
B2. Dielectric Materials was performed to confirm the inclusion of potassium nitrate into the crystal lattice of L-Alanine. The UV-Vis-NIR
study has been carried out within 200–2500 nm to determine the optical transparency and the dielectric nature
of the grown LAPN single crystal. Second Harmonic Generation (SHG) efficiency of the grown crystalline
powdered sample was studied by Kurtz-Perry powder technique using a Nd: YAG laser, revealed increased SHG
efficiency with the highest of about 1.25 times in the presence of potassium nitrate compared to the standard
potassium dihydrogen orthophosphate (KDP). The dielectric constant and dielectric loss of LAPN crystal was
carried out as a function of frequency and the obtained results were discussed. The photoconductivity nature of
the grown crystal was confirmed from photoconductivity analysis.

1. Introduction various device applications because of their higher nonlinear optical

coefficient, which favours mechanical, thermal stability and a high
Nonlinear optical (NLO) semi organic crystals are widely used for a degree of chemical inertness. In recent years, the researchers has been
variety of applications such as frequency conversion, optical switching, focused their search for new artificial nonlinear optical (NLO) materials
frequency doubling, and frequency tripling etc. in which a new frontier in single crystal form which exhibiting high optical transparency, good
of science and technology is playing a key role in the emerging pho- physico-chemical properties, large laser damage threshold and large
tonics and electro optics applications. Photonics crystals used in the second harmonic generation (SHG) efficiency [6,7]. Amino acids based
application of photons for information and image processing is trade- organic materials are fascinating for nonlinear optical application as
marked to be the technology of the twenty-first century. These ne- they contain proton donor carboxyl acid (COO−) group and the proton
cessitate materials revealing second-order nonlinear optical effects and acceptor amino (NH3+) group in Zwitterionic form [8]. L-Alanine is one
hence there is a great need for device quality single crystals [1–3]. In of the smallest chiral naturally occurring excellent organic nonlinear
the last few decades, amino-acid based organic single crystals are optical material under the amino acid category, which belongs to or-
gaining significance as highly possible second-order nonlinear optical thorhombic crystal system with space group of P212121 and has a
materials. Huge efforts have been made to combine amino-acids with melting point of 297 °C [9,10]. The main aim of the present work is to
interesting inorganic materials to produce owing materials to challenge grow high quality L-Alanine Potassium Nitrate (LAPN) single crystals
the traditional inorganic materials like niobates, borates and KDP [4,5]. and to study its favourable properties via various characterization
In the contemporary world, the development of science in several areas techniques for finding its potential applications in photonics and op-
has been accomplished through the growth of single crystals. Inorganic toelectronics industry.
materials in combination with amino acids are extensively used in

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (M. Shanmuga Sundaram).

Available online 10 October 2018

0022-0248/ © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
M. Shanmuga Sundaram et al. Journal of Crystal Growth 506 (2019) 122–126

LAPN Crystals



Intensity (Counts)














10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
2 degrees)

Fig. 2. PXRD pattern of the grown LASN crystal.

Fig. 1. Photograph of the grown LAPN Single Crystals.

diffraction study confirms that the grown crystal crystallizes into the
orthorhombic structure with space group P212121. The peaks obtained
2. Experimental from PXRD data confirm high crystalline nature of the grown LAPN
single crystals and the obtained peaks position are well matches with
2.1. Crystal growth the data available in JCPDS Card No: 22-1532 [11–13]. Slight varia-
tions in the lattice parameter values show the role of added potassium
LAPN was synthesized by dissolving equimolar ratio of high purity nitrate in to the lattice of the grown crystal, which is also confirmed by
raw materials, L-Alanine (Merck) and Potassium Nitrate (Merck) in a the slight shift observed in the reflection peaks.
250 ml sealed conical flask containing 100 ml deionised water at a pH
of 5. The mixtures were stirred well continuously upto 6 hours to get
3.3. Elemental analysis
homogeneous transparent solution. The obtained under saturated so-
lution was filtered with a Whatman No.1 filter sheet. The filtered so-
To ascertain the inclusion of potassium nitrate in to the grown LAPN
lution was collected in a 500 ml crystallization dish. Then, the dish was
crystal, CHN analysis was carried out on the grown powdered crystal-
closed with a Parafilm contains few pin holes and kept in a vibration
line sample. The elemental analysis was carried out using Elementar
free clean crystal growth chamber and allowed for slow evaporation of
Vario EL III analyser. The result shows that the powdered LAPN crys-
solvent at an ambient temperature. The solution gets saturated within
talline sample contain Carbon = 39.42 (40.44) %, Hydrogen = 7.92
few days and attains supersaturation in 12 days, after which small
(7.92) % and N = 15.64 (15.72) %. The obtained results of elemental
crystals were developed from nucleus and then they are allowed for
analysis confirmed the existence of potassium nitrate in to the lattice of
further growth until they attain the reasonable size. Then the grown
the grown single crystals and the datas obtained are in good agreement
crystals were harvested in a growth period of 26 days with the highest
with the theoretical values given in parenthesis [14].
dimension of (7 × 5 × 1.5) cubic mm. The photograph of the grown
LAPN single crystals is shown in Fig. 1.
3.4. FTIR analysis

3. Results and discussion The Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectrum of the grown LAPN
single crystal have been recorded in the frequency range
3.1. Single crystal X-ray diffraction analysis 400–4000 cm−1 at room temperature by Perkin Elmer spectrometer
using KBr pellet technique and is shown in Fig. 3.
Single crystal X-ray diffraction data was recorded using Enraf From the recorded FTIR spectrum of the grown LAPN single crystal,
Nonius CAD4 X-ray Diffractometer with MoKα radiation various absorption peaks observed were assigned to the corresponding
(λ = 0.71073 Å) to obtain the lattice parameters and space group of the modes of vibration of different functional group present in the material.
grown single crystal. The single crystal X-ray diffraction data revealed The vibration peak at 2245 cm−1 is due to CH3 stretching, while the
that the grown LAPN single crystal belongs to orthorhombic crystal transmission peaks observed at 1589, 1512 cm−1corresponds to the
system with space group P212121. The space group indicates that the ammonium group (NH3+ bending). The peaks observed at 1458 cm−1
crystal is non centrosymmetric which is an elementary condition for is corresponds to the asymmetric CH3+ bending. The peak observed at
SHG applications. The lattice parameter values obtained for the unit 1412 cm−1 is attributed to symmetric stretching of CeCOO−. The sharp
cell of the grown LAPN single crystal from single crystal X-ray dif- peaks observed at 1358, 1111, 849 and 772 cm−1 are due to NO3
fraction analysis is a = 5.7686 Å, b = 6.0110 Å, c = 12.2901 Å and stretching. C-H and N-H bending is observed at 1304 cm−1. The band
α = β = γ = 90°, the unit cell volume is 426.16 Å3.
observed at 1234 and 1150 cm−1 are due to NH3+ rocking. The vi-
bration peaks observed at 1011 and 918 cm−1 is attributed to overtone
3.2. Powder X-ray diffraction analysis of torsional oscillation of NH3+. The COO− in plane deformation is
observed at peak 648 cm−1. The vibration peak at 540 cm−1 is due to
Powder X-ray diffraction analysis of the powdered LAPN crystals torsional oscillation of NH3+. The peak observed at 486 cm−1 corre-
were carried out using Bruker AXS D8 Advance X-ray diffractometer sponds to the NH3+ in plane rocking. The presence of nitro groups in
with Cu Kα radiation (λ = 1.5406 Å) was scanned over a range the obtained spectrum confirms the presence of potassium nitrate in to
10°–50°at the scan rate of 1° per min. The powder X-ray diffraction the lattice of the grown LAPN single crystal. The presence of functional
pattern of the grown LAPN crystal is depicted in Fig. 2. Powder X-ray groups are in good agreement with the reported work [15]. The

M. Shanmuga Sundaram et al. Journal of Crystal Growth 506 (2019) 122–126

100 100

Transmittance (%)


Transmittance %


20 2245

1458 1412

1589 1512




4000 3600 3200 2800 2400 2000 1600 1200 800 400 0 272 nm
Wave number (cm-1)
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Fig. 3. FTIR spectrum of the grown LAPN crystal. Wavelength (nm)

Fig. 4. UV–Vis-NIR spectrum of the grown LASN single crystal.

Table 1
Band assignments of LAPN single crystal.
about 150 μm and then filled in a micro-capillary tube of constant bore.
Wave number[cm−1] Band assignments
A Q-switched Nd: YAG laser beam with 1064 nm of wavelength, pulse
2245 CH3 stretching energy of 1.2 mJ pulse and pulse width of 10 ns and repetition rate of
1589 NH3+ bending 10 Hz was made to fall on the sample cell. The SHG behaviour was
1512 NH3+ bending confirmed by the emission of green light (532 nm) from the grown
1458 Asymmetric CH3+ bending
powdered crystalline sample. The SHG efficiency of the grown LAPN
1412 Symmetric stretching of CeCOO−
1358 NO3 stretching single crystal (35 mV) is found to be 1.25 times higher than that of
1304 CeH and NeH bending reference material KDP (28 mV) crystal.
1234 NH3+ rocking
1150 NH3+ rocking
1111 NO3 stretching 3.7. Dielectric studies
1011 Overtone of torsional oscillation of NH3+
918 Overtone of torsional oscillation of NH3+ Dielectric measurements for a good quality LAPN single crystal of
849 NO3 stretching thickness (d) 1 mm was electrode on either side with a silver coating to
772 NO3 stretching
648 COO− in plane deformation
make it behave like a parallel plate capacitor. The capacitance (Ccrys)
540 Torsional oscillation of NH3+ and dielectric loss (tan δ) were employed using the conventional par-
486 NH3+ in plane rocking allel plate capacitor method with the frequency range 50 Hz to 5 MHz
using a HIOCKI LCR HITESTER (Model 3532-50) instrument. The var-
iation of dielectric constant (εr) versus log frequency and dielectric loss
observed wavenumbers and the proposed band assignments of the FTIR (ε′) versus log frequency of the grown LAPN Single crystal are depicted
spectrum of LAPN crystal are given in Table 1. in Figs. 5a and 5b.
From the graph, it is observed that the dielectric constant and di-
3.5. Optical transmission studies electric loss shows similar variation with frequency. It is observed at
low frequency, dielectric constant and dielectric loss values of the
The UV–Vis-NIR transmission spectrum of the grown LAPN single material are high. Then the dielectric constant and dielectric loss varies
crystal was recorded on a Varian (Model-Cary 5000) UV–Vis-NIR
spectrophotometer between the wavelength region 200 and 2500 nm 140
shows an absorption edge at 272 nm in the lower wavelength region
and an absorption edge at 2500 nm in the upper wavelength region. 120
Hence it is clear that the grown LAPN single crystal has a transmittance
window between 272 and 2500 nm with nearly about 95% transpar- 100 120oC
Dielectric Constant

ency. The recorded spectrum is shown in Fig. 4. The UV–Vis-NIR

transmittance spectrum reveals that the grown crystal is transparent in
the entire visible, NIR regions and has a lower cut-off wavelength of 80 80oC
272 nm. The bandgap energy of the grown crystal is 4.460 eV. It was 60oC
calculated using Planck’s energy equation (Eg = hc nm) with the data 60 40oC
λ min
of lower cut-off wavelength. The value of bandgap energy reveals the
dielectric nature of the material. This is one of the most essential 40
property for photonics and optoelectronics device materials [16].
3.6. Second harmonic generation studies
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
The nonlinear optical efficiency of the grown LAPN crystal was log f
analysed using the Kurtz-Perry powder technique [17]. The grown
LAPN single crystals were powdered into a uniform particle size of Fig. 5a. Plot between log f and dielectric constant.

M. Shanmuga Sundaram et al. Journal of Crystal Growth 506 (2019) 122–126

1.2 photoconductivity nature and this may be due to the increment in the
number of free active charge carriers by prolonging their lifetime in the
1.0 presence of radiation [22,23].

0.8 120oC 4. Conclusions

Dielectric Loss

80oC Optical quality LAPN single crystals have been grown from aqueous
60oC solution by spontaneous nucleation solution growth method. The unit
cell parameters have been determined by single crystal XRD analysis
0.4 40oC
and they agree well with the reported values. The Powder XRD study
confirms that the grown crystals crystallizes into the orthorhombic
0.2 structure with space group P212121, which makes it ideal for dielectric
and NLO applications. The existence of potassium nitrate into the
0.0 grown crystal was confirmed by CHN elemental analysis. FTIR analysis
confirms the presence of functional group in the grown crystal. The
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 UV–Visible–NIR transmission spectrum of LAPN single crystal confirm
log f wide transparent window between 272 and 2500 nm with nearly 95%
transparency in the entire UV, visible, NIR regions. It is a significant
Fig. 5b. Plot between log f and dielectric loss.
parameter for the materials having nonlinear optical properties. The
powder SHG efficiency of the grown LAPN crystals was studied by
1.60E-007 Kurtz’s and Perry powder method using a Q-switched Nd: YAG laser. It
was found to be 1.25 times higher than that of reference material KDP.
The dielectric constant and dielectric loss of grown crystal was carried
1.20E-007 Photo Current out as a function of frequency and the results were discussed. The po-
Electric Current ( A)

Dark Current sitive photoconducting nature of the grown LAPN single crystal was
confirmed from photoconductivity study. Thus the grown LAPN single
8.00E-008 crystals with noticeable optical, photoconductivity and dielectric
properties have shown its greatest reliability in designing components
6.00E-008 for optoelectronics, photonics convertors and nonlinear optical devices.
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