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A Happy Priest and the

New Evangelization
By Msgr. Stephen J. Rossetti

he public image of priesthood Can we begin to paint a more ac- striking figure is cited, there are some
has changed. Formerly, priests curate picture of Catholic priests? who object. “It can’t be true,” they
were envisioned as a kind of The place to begin is with the priests say. However, looking at several oth-
idyllic figure, serene and wise. In 1944 themselves, using a more scientific ap- er studies, this finding has been con-
and 1945, “The Bells of St. Mary’s” and proach. Therefore, I surveyed 2,482 firmed again and again.
“Going My Way” were two of the larg- priests (2,145 diocesan priests and 337 For example, in March 2001,
est grossing movies of all times. These religious priests working in the dioces- when the Center for Applied Research
movies received a number of Acad- es) from 23 dioceses of all sizes around in the Apostolate (CARA) surveyed
emy Awards including best picture. the U.S.A. The anonymous and con- 1,234 priests, 88 percent of the priests
Bing Crosby, with his velvet voice, fidential surveys were sent out to all strongly agreed with the statement,
played the saintly Father O’Malley. He the priests of the dioceses and the “Overall, I am satisfied with my life
was the “perfect” priest. response rate was a solid 57 percent. as a priest,” and 87 percent strongly
Today, details of priest offenders Therefore, while recognizing the stan- agreed that “I am happy in my min-
have been given blanket coverage in dard limitations of survey research, istry.” Similarly, in the 2001 NFPC
the media. The new image of priest- the results should be fairly representa- study of 1,279 priests, 94 percent said
hood is one of a lonely, dispirited fig- tive of priests around the country. they were very happy or pretty hap-
ure whose unnatural lifestyle breeds py. Likewise, a 2002 LA Times poll of
psychological disorders and even Are Priests Unhappy? 1,854 priests reported that 94 percent
sexual deviation. One of the most striking findings agreed, “Most of the time, I am happy
In both instances, the image of of the survey was the overwhelming with my life as a priest.”
priesthood is extreme and mislead- happiness reported by the priests. Time and again, surveys of priests
ing. The Bing Crosby images were When asked directly, 92.4 percent have come up with the same result:
aimed at selling movie tickets and agreed or strongly agreed, “Overall, about 90 percent of priests say they
the modern scandalous ones at sell- I am happy as a priest.” When this are happy as priests and satisfied with
ing newspapers, yet each reflected a
bit of the popular projections of the
times. Neither of these images gives IN BRIEF
us an accurate picture of the men
who minister to the people in parish- • Are priests
es, schools, hospitals and elsewhere. unhappy?
The former images came from a • Why are they
day when the Catholic faith was im- happier?
bedded in many cultures such as Irish,
Italian, French and German. Today, in • Two variables:
our increasingly secular age, adhering mental health and
to the Catholic faith is more a mat- spiritual/relational
ter of personal choice. At times, the issues
modern secular mentality slides into • Spiritual and
atheism and the Catholic faith is por- relational lives of
trayed as a repressive authority that priests
ShutterStock Photo

imposes life-denying “dogmas” on its

believers. The result, especially in its • Conclusions
priests, is thought to foster unhappi-
ness, pathology and repression. ‘Overall, I am happy as a priest.’

March 2012 The Priest 19
their ministries. And when clergy
happiness rates are compared with
other vocations and professions in
the United States, they come out the
highest. For example, the National
Opinion Research Center’s 2006 Gen-
eral Social Survey of 27,000 Ameri-
cans found that clergy, of all denomi- “The priest should mold his human personality in such a way
nations, reported the highest level of that he becomes a bridge and not an obstacle for others in their
job satisfaction and the happiest life meeting with Jesus Christ the Redeemer of Humanity.”
of any group in the United States.
Likewise, when the 2001 NFPC re- - Blessed John Paul II, I Will Give You Shepherds
sults for priests were compared with
all other age cohorts in America, they This website addresses a number of important issues
also came out on top.
Simply put, study after study on
in priestly life including, accusations against priests,
priestly happiness has found the ministry to those with pornography conflicts,
same results. When asked, about 90 loneliness, conflicts in priestly relationships,
percent priests say that they are hap- ministry to those with sexual conflicts, the crisis in
py. And this happiness rate is higher
than other professions or jobs in the
the Church and affective maturity in seminarians.
United States. Brought to you by:
Richard P. Fitzgibbons, M.D. • Peter C. Kleponis, Ph.D. and staff
Why Are They Happier?
The important question naturally
100 Four Falls Center, Suite 312 • W. Conshohocken, PA 19428
surfaces: “If priests are happier than
others, why is that so?” To look at the
sources of priestly happiness, I ran a
multiple regression equation, a sta-
tistical routine that will tell us which
variables most strongly predict priest-
ly happiness.
A number of variables surfaced,
and the full results of this study are
published by Ave Maria Press in Why
Priests are Happy. One might sum-
marize these variables in two gen-
The Stations of the Cross
based on the award-winning paintings by leonard porter
eral categories: mental health and
spiritual/relational issues. Mental-
health-related issues included such
things as growing up in a dysfunc-
tional family, having current mental
health problems, sexual conflicts,
and anger problems. The spiritual/
relational variables included such
variables one’s relationship to God, A new set of the 14 Stations for your church or chapel
view of celibacy, inner peace, having available in various sizes, framed or unframed.
close lay and priest friends. Regarding
“Loaded with complex and intelligent symbolism.”
the mental health variables, priests
– Denis McNamara, M.Arch.H., Ph.D.
were more likely to be happy if they
were not suffering from psychologi- Masterfully composed and richly detailed. Call or go
cal problems or had not had a dys- online to learn more about the symbolism and artistry
functional childhood. In this regard, iin thispowerful
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priests were about the same as the la-
ity, or perhaps a bit better off. S EGNATU R A F I N E A RTS S
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The priests in this survey were
March 2012 The Priest 21
given the Brief Symptom Inventory “I feel a sense of closeness to God,” friends. Of the 2,482 priests sur-
18 (BSI-18) which is a standardized 93.2 percent agreed/strongly agreed. veyed, 93 percent agreed/strongly
psychological test measuring depres- “From time to time, I feel a joy that agreed with the statement, “I have
sion, anxiety, and somatization with is a grace from God” elicited 94.9 good lay friends who are an emotion-
an overall combined scale called the percent who agreed/strongly agreed. al support for me personally,” and
General Severity Index (GSI). Since And for the statement, “I have a re- 87.6 percent agreed/strongly agreed
these conditions are most often en- lationship to God (or Jesus) that is with the statement, “I currently
countered in psychiatric populations, nourishing for me,” 96.1 percent have close priest friends.” These two
they should be good initial indicators agreed/strongly agreed. variables were also strongly predic-
of overall mental health. Priests reported being very posi- tive of priestly happiness; when the
The results suggested that priests tive about their relationship to God, questions regarding close friendships
are about as psychologically healthy, and this is clearly having a direct im- were combined into one variable, its
if not a slight bit better, than the gen- pact on their lives, including their correlation with priestly happiness
eral population. When comparing level of priestly happiness. The cor- was significant (Pearson’s r = .35).
the priests’ results to the norms for relation between “Relationship to
the general male population, priests God” and happiness as a priest was Conclusions
scored slightly better, and the results very strong (Pearson’s r = .53). My study and several others con-
were statistically significant. The BSI- Moreover, on many other spiritu- sistently show that priests report
18 uses T-scores with the norm being al variables, the results were likewise a very high level of happiness and
50. The priest sample scored as fol- strong. For example, 87.4 percent satisfaction. In fact, it is among the
lows: somatization scale = 48.89; de- agreed/strong agreed with the state- highest of any vocation or profession
pression scale = 48.95; anxiety scale = ment, “I feel a sense of inner peace.” in the United States.
47.48; and GSI = 49.11. These priest Not surprisingly, inner peace was The results of my study suggest
scores are slightly lower than the very strongly correlated with priestly that it is not their level of mental
mean T-score of 50 and thus a bit bet- happiness (Pearson’s r = .57) as well health that is making the difference.
ter than the general norms. as with their relationship to God Priests might be slightly healthier,
These and other tests reported in (Pearson’s r = .55). psychologically speaking, than their
the study indicate that priests’ level of Also, if priests viewed celibacy as lay counterparts, but not markedly
mental health is probably slightly bet- a gift and as a calling from God, they so. Thus, we cannot look to these
ter, but not greatly different, than the were much more likely to be happy kinds of factors to explain priestly
general male population in the U.S. priests. The correlation of the celi- happiness.
This is a good counterbalance to the bacy questions with priestly happi- The strongest predictors of priest-
suggestion that priests, as a group, are ness was likewise strong (Pearson’s r ly happiness were spiritual and re-
more psychologically disturbed. On = .47). Fortunately slightly over 3/4 lational values: inner peace, view
the other hand, it suggests that priests of the priests saw celibacy in such a of celibacy, relationship to God and
are likely to have their share of hu- deep spiritual light, thus positively relationship to others. In fact, the
man pathology, just like their lay male contributing to their satisfaction variable relationship to God was also
counterparts. with priestly life. the strongest predictor of inner peace
Since the mental health of priest- Priests also reported strong rela- and similarly one of the strongest
hood and laity are probably similar, tionships with others as well. Over predictors of having a deep integra-
it is unlikely that such mental health 76 percent agreed/strongly agreed tion of celibacy.
variables will account for the consid- with the statement, “I have a good It is likely that the strength of a
erably higher rate of priestly happi- relationship with my bishop.” This is priest’s relationship to God is the sin-
ness. However, the other general cat- remarkable when one considers that gle strongest contributor to his per-
egory of variables, spiritual/relational a recent Conference Board survey of sonal happiness as a priest. In short,
variables, did surface some remark- 5,000 American households found a priest with a strong relationship to
able findings. that only 51 percent of Americans God is a happy priest!
liked their supervisors. This, too, At the same time, priests report-
Spiritual and Relational positively contributes to priestly hap- ed strong human connections with
Lives of Priests piness. The Pearson’s correlation be- other priests, with the laity, and with
Priests were asked directly and in tween a priest’s relationship with his their bishops. John Paul II’s Pastores
several ways about their relationship bishop and his overall happiness was Dabo Vobis speaks of the priest as a
to God. When given the statement, a significant r = .38. “man of communion.” The great ma-
“I feel that God loves me personally Priests also reported strong per- jority of our priests are just such men
and directly,” 96.5 percent agreed/ sonal relationships. They said they and these interpersonal connections
strongly agreed. For the statement, had good lay friends and priest (Turn to page 51)
22 The Priest March 2012
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down grace like clouds drop down today strive to be happy, yet they of-
the dew, in mystery and beauty. ten fall short. They are seeking happi-
Jesus’ presence in the Eucharist, ness in the wrong places. The secular Need assistance organizing or
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the priest during the consecration fulfillment and happiness, but it can- Our priests can help.
at Mass, is the fullest experience of not deliver. Its message is a lie. Apostolate for Perpetual
God’s presence known to mankind As we share our own lives in Eucharistic Adoration
on earth. The wise working of God Christ with others, and as they sense
in creation and the rescuing of the Is- our inner peace and joy, it will be
raelites from slavery is seen manifest an attractive witness to everything
in the mysterious dewfall. Our prayer that Jesus taught. Our happy priests
in the canon of the Mass is that the must be one of the spearheads of the
Spirit once again descend in mystery new evangelization. The proof that
and sweetness upon simple bread and the world is seeking is written on
wine to transubstantiate them into the hearts of our priests and on the
the very Body and Blood of Jesus, hearts of all the faithful who come to Our Sunday Visitor...
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The altar is the garden of fruitfulness, share the joy that has been given to Catholic Websites...
where the dewfall of grace nourishes us so that this same joy might be in
our gifts and Christ becomes present all and that it might be complete. TP Contact the
in our midst. How fitting is this new- Advertising Dept.
ly translated prayer, and how rich in MSGR. ROSSETTI, D.Min., Ph.D., is a at 800-348-2440 ext.5
food for contemplation! TP priest of the Diocese of Syracuse and
Associate Dean for Seminary and SHRINE DESIGN
FATHER ALBRIGHT, a priest of the
Diocese of Youngstown, is religion
Ministerial Studies at The Catholic
University of America. His latest book,
ElEctronic Wax candlE StandS
The “Real” Alternative
teacher and chaplain at John F. Ken- Why Priests are Happy, is available (877) 642-7474
nedy Catholic High School in Warren, from Ave Maria Press at avemari-

March 2012 The Priest 51

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