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Gold Experience B2 Students’ Book audio scripts

Emma: Especially if it’s the middle of the

Tracks 1.1 and 1.2 night. And I suppose it has to be a
Speaker 1: Come on! I’ll buy you all a present mutual thing. You’d do exactly the
with the money I’ve won. I can’t same for them too, without even
enjoy my good luck if you don’t all thinking about it.
share it. Johnny: Any other qualities you think a friend
Speaker 2: I hate seeing books lying about! I like should have?
them all stacked in careful piles. No, Emma: Yeah. I think a true friend has to be
no, not like that, like this. I like completely trustworthy. I mean, I
everything in the right place. It want to be able to tell a friend all my
upsets me if it’s not. problems and worries, so they are
Speaker 3: Is there something wrong, Tanya? going to know everything there is to
Oh, don’t cry, love. Come and tell me know about me – my darkest secrets
about it. Don’t worry, I won’t let if you like! And I’ve got to be very
anyone hear. sure that they’re not going to betray
Speaker 4: Oh, just be quiet and do as I say, my trust and let things out to other
Amy. I’m in charge and I know best. people.
Speaker 5: Adam’s really strong, so boxing Johnny: That’s really important, I agree.
against him is going to be tough, but Emma: I had a bad experience with
I’m not going to run away from the someone I thought was a friend
challenge, even if I do end up with a once. I used to tell her everything.
broken jaw! Then one day I saw that she’d taken
Speaker 6: If you’re going to run Alan down, I’m a really horrible photo of me on her
leaving. He’s my friend and I’ll stick phone and put it up on Facebook for
by him whatever you say. everyone to see.
Johnny: That’s way out of order!
Tracks 1.3 and 1.4 Emma: Another thing. You want a friend to
be loyal and supportive. If other
Johnny: And on Line 2 we have Emma. Hi,
people are putting you down, a
Emma. Thanks for joining us this
friend should stand up for you. That’s
morning and taking part in our
a real test of friendship I think. It’s so
‘Friends for life?’ survey. So – have
easy to go along with what everyone
you been listening to our callers this
else is saying. Like if a whole group
of people are dissing your friend, you
Emma: I have. I’ve heard everyone so far.
know, saying bad things about her,
It’s a great programme by the way!
it’s not easy to stand up and say,
Some really interesting answers.
‘Hey, that’s just not on!’
Johnny: Thanks! So, as you know, we’ve
Johnny: OK, some important points there.
been talking about friendship and I
Next question. Would you say you
have a couple of questions for you,
have a lot of true friends?
Emma. Are you ready?
Emma: No way! I think if people are honest,
Emma: Go ahead.
most would say they can count the
Johnny: Right, first up – Emma, what does
number of real friends they have on
the word ‘friend’ mean to you?
the fingers of one hand! These days,
Emma: Well, I think it means different things
with social networking, people boast
to different people, but for me I
about having hundreds or even
guess a real friend is someone you
thousands of friends. But they aren’t
can absolutely rely on. You know,
real friends, they’re social
someone who’d drop everything to
relationships! Like – you’ve probably
come running when you need them.
met these people and know things
Johnny: Even if it’s the middle of the night?
about them, but you don’t really
know them, if you get what I mean.
Johnny: Absolutely. So, Emma, do you think
really good friends last for a lifetime?

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Gold Experience B2 Students’ Book audio scripts

Some callers have said that they feel Katy: Yeah – I like it. It’s not such a big place
loyalty to an old friend even if they but there’s a lot going on. The shops are
don’t particularly like them any more. good and I like all the old buildings.
Some have even said that getting
out of a friendship is a bit like getting Track 1.6
out of a boy/girl relationship when it 1 How long have you been learning English?
goes wrong! 2 Who in your family has influenced you the
Emma: Yes, I heard that caller. I’m not sure most?
whether real friends last a lifetime. I 3 Who is your best friend?
think we move on in life and we 4 What would you like to do in the future?
change, so our friends change too. 5 How do you like to spend your free time?
I’m still in touch with an old friend
from primary school but we’re not Tracks 2.1 and 2.2
that close any more. I think she’d like
Speaker 1: This creature is highly aggressive,
to be, but I’ve changed too much.
extremely venomous and the fastest
Although, in some cases – for
of its species in the world. In fact, it
example if young kids go through a
can reach a speed in the region of
bad time, the friends they have then
23 kilometres per hour. This reptile is
can sometimes last a lifetime
so aggressive that if you get near it,
because they get very close. Even if
it will charge at you and strike up to
they move away. Like if a child loses
a dozen times in a row, and each
his mum or dad when they’re very
time it strikes it will inject more
young, things like that.
Johnny: A very good point. And one final
Speaker 2: This creature is stealthy, well
thing, Emma. Some of our callers
camouflaged and has striped fur and
have said that the end of a friendship
– amazingly – striped skin beneath
can be very distressing. Do you
the fur! It’s a top predator and stalks
its prey. This mammal hunts alone
Emma: It’s true. If you’re good friends and
and most of the species live in the
something goes wrong – I don’t
jungle. Its habitat is disappearing,
know, a betrayal, or it could be that
and poachers hunt it as its bones are
you just find you don’t have much in
used in traditional medicine.
common any more – it can be
Speaker 3: This creature has the strongest bite
devastating. Like breaking up with a
of all animals, but it can’t chew. It
can regrow its teeth when the old
Johnny: And the problem is that you don’t get
ones drop out. It lays eggs, and
as much sympathy! Thank you very
these turn into male or female
much for calling in, Emma.
babies depending on the
Track 1.5 temperature at which they develop. It
sometimes swallows stones to help it
Jack: Hi! I’m Jack. dive deeper. Like all reptiles, it’s
Katy: Hi! I’m Katy. I haven’t seen you before. cold-blooded.
Are you a new student? Speaker 4: This creature has no predator except
Jack: Yes, I’m studying here for a year. I’m man. It’s the world’s largest land
from Chicago, USA. It’s a great place to predator. It can swim 160 kilometres.
live. This animal hunts seals on sea ice in
Katy: Wow! What do you like about living the Arctic. Its population is falling
there? rapidly because of the effect of
Jack: It’s a really modern city with all sorts of global warming. If the temperature
great facilities. The people are very rises and the ice melts, this animal
friendly too. But this is a cool place to live cannot hunt and will starve.

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Gold Experience B2 Students’ Book audio scripts

Speaker 5: This creature sometimes visits the was torrential rain, too. The hotel was on the sea
beach – at least, the females of the front, so you could hear the waves crashing onto
species do. The males spend all the sea defences outside. Not something I’d like
their time at sea. It eats jellyfish, and to experience again.
sometimes mistakes plastic bags for 4
food, which can be fatal. It has a I think it was January last year. I was staying
hard shell and a beak. This reptile is over with a friend for the weekend and we were
critically endangered for several going to travel into school together on the
reasons: climate change is causing Monday. There was going to be a big maths test,
erosion on its beaches; its habitat is which I most definitely wasn’t looking forward to!
disappearing because of beach But how lucky was I? On Sunday night, there
development; and its eggs are often was this massive snowstorm and my friend’s
stolen by humans. house was totally snowed in! We couldn’t open
the front door! And when we did get out, we
Tracks 2.3 and 2.4 couldn’t use the car because there were
1 snowdrifts everywhere. Great excuse for missing
I don’t think I’ve ever been so scared before. I a test! Just made snowmen and had snowball
was out in the forest hiking with some mates fights with the kids next door. Cool!
from college. We often go out there for a couple 5
of days and camp out overnight. Anyway, as you When you think of tornadoes, you naturally think
know, last summer was really dry – drought-like of the USA and Kansas but you don’t think of the
conditions, hosepipe ban, and so on. Well, we south of England! Well, one night last year the
didn’t have a barbecue because everything was dog woke us up howling in the middle of the
bone dry and it would have been way too night and you could feel the whole house literally
dangerous. But obviously someone else did! shaking! I thought it was an earthquake! The
When we woke up on Sunday morning, Dan windows were all rattling – it was a really
went outside the tent and heard this crackly frightening moment. But then suddenly it
noise in the distance. He called us and we saw a stopped. In the morning, you could see the path
yellow glow in the sky – and there was this of the tornado – across our garden, through our
horrible smell, too. It was a forest fire! Did we neighbour’s and across the park. There was a
run! line of uprooted trees and turned-over cars. We
2 were lucky that it didn’t take off the roof of our
It had been raining continuously for forty-eight house!
hours and there had been flood warnings issued
Tracks 2.5 and 2.6
on all the news bulletins. All afternoon, Dad and I
tried to do everything we could to stop the water A: OK, let’s think about this one. I don’t think
from coming in. We put sandbags outside the that’s a very good idea. How about you?
front and back doors. The emergency services B: Actually, I think it could do some good. In my
wanted everyone in our area to evacuate their opinion, the atmosphere is so polluted that
homes, but quite a lot of us stayed put. I think anything we can do to cut down on dirt and
everyone wanted to try to protect their houses as gases in the air has got to be good, don’t you
long as possible. But the sandbags didn’t do any think?
good. The water just rushed in and it was literally A: That’s a good point, but surely traffic doesn’t
knee-deep downstairs. contribute that much to air pollution these
3 days, does it?
Last year I was on holiday with my parents in B: Maybe you’re right. Perhaps it’s more about
Florida and we were there when a hurricane using up energy. Think about it – if you’re
passed by! We weren’t actually in the path of the riding everywhere, you’re not using up oil or
storm and we didn’t get the full force of it, but it gas or electricity, are you?
was bad enough! The hotel had special shutters A: I see what you mean, but personally I don’t
to board up the windows – they’re so used to think you and me riding around everywhere is
hurricanes over there – and we all went down going to make a big difference to the world’s
into a hurricane shelter. Hundred-mile-an-hour environmental problems!
gales battered the front of the building and there

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B: I have to say that I agree with you. But it will you’ll find it’s an amazing area to
help us get fitter, won’t it? study.
A: True! Right – what do you think about this Speaker 5: I used to take myself off to the
one ... garden shed when I was a kid and
do all sorts of terrible experiments.
Tracks 3.1 and 3.2 I’m surprised I didn’t blow myself up!
Speaker 1: I remember really clearly being at I was particularly good at burning the
primary school and seeing my first bottoms off test tubes, I remember.
solar eclipse. The teacher had got us Nowadays, I love working in my
to make special cards to hold in front laboratory and finding out more
of our eyes, so we wouldn’t damage about acids and gases and about the
them. I thought the whole thing was way substances combine.
so awesome. I just had to find out
Track 3.3
more about our universe –
everything: space, the stars, the Helen? Hi, it’s Dave. I’m phoning from our
planets. It’s the most fascinating field landline because I’ve lost my mobile phone –
you could work in, at least that’s again! I’m just about to leave to catch the bus to
what I think! school and I thought I’d give you a ring just to
Speaker 2: When did I first get interested in this say that I’m unlikely to be able to make the party
subject? Well, let’s see now. It all tonight. I’ve got a big science test tomorrow and
started back when I was really I must do some revision tonight, otherwise I’m
young. My parents used to take us to likely to get a big, fat zero! I was going to do it
a particular part of the coast every last night, but I needed to get my maths
year, where the rock formations were homework done. So, sorry! Anyway, I’d better go
amazing. And my dad used to take because the bus is due to arrive in two minutes.
us to hunt for fossils in the rocks. I I’ll ring you when I find my phone! Have a good
built up quite a big collection. I even time at the party!
found a bit of dinosaur bone once.
That was really exciting! Tracks 3.4 and 3.5
Speaker 3: As a kid, my favourite toys were Hi. I’m Blake Winters and my talk to you today is
always things I had to make – like about a big problem that doctors and scientists
kits or Lego. I just loved finding out are soon going to be facing. Just think for a
how things work. I was always taking moment. If you fall over outside and cut your
my motorbike to pieces and putting it hand and then it gets infected, what do you do?
together again. It drove my mum You go to a doctor who gives you an antibiotic,
mad! Then I started getting ideas for and in a few days’ time you’ll be fine. We’ve
new machines and gadgets and been using antibiotics since 1928 when an
luckily I got offered a job doing just important scientist, Alexander Fleming,
that – inventing new types of discovered penicillin. He returned home after a
equipment for the sports industry. holiday with his family and found that one of his
How lucky am I? experiments had grown mould. This had killed
Speaker 4: I decided to go into this field some bacteria and Fleming developed the first
because it’s such fun! And it’s useful, antibiotic. At the time, this was a bit like magic!
too, because you need it in so many Before this discovery, people used to die from
aspects of life – like shopping and simple infections.
playing games. It’s a world of Today we use antibiotics to treat many health
numbers and patterns and shapes, problems. When people have operations, the
and you find out about the hidden doctors use antibiotics to stop infections. People
relationships between things. I love who are having cancer treatment or organ
solving problems. I suppose I have a transplants are given antibiotics. Antibiotics have
very logical brain. I know a lot of also cured many major diseases like
people have difficulty with this tuberculosis. In many parts of the world, these
subject, but give it a chance and diseases have disappeared. Without antibiotics,
they could return.

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However, there is a big problem. Antibiotics are Track 3.6

working less successfully these days. The
Sarah: That’s a really tricky question! I think it’s
bacteria that cause infections are becoming
actually quite likely. I’m not sure when,
immune to them, and many antibiotics simply
but one day this planet will probably run
don’t work any more, especially on some
out of resources, especially if the
‘superbugs’ that you can catch in hospitals. But
population continues to grow like it is!
why is this happening? Scientists think it is
Then who knows, we may end up moving
because we have been taking too many
to the moon or to Mars or somewhere
antibiotics over the years. Doctors give them to
like that. Those are reasonably close and
patients for really minor illnesses and farmers
scientists could probably make it possible
used to give them to their animals as part of their
for us to live there. What do you think?
routine! The danger is that soon our lives could
Maria: Yeah, I’m with you on that. We’re bound
be like those people in the past who could die
to get ourselves into a big mess here on
after cutting a finger. It would affect operations
Earth, so that will be our way out!
and lots of treatments. Scientists are very
worried. Tracks 4.1 and 4.2
So, what can we do about the problem? Why
don’t the scientists develop new antibiotics? The Do you know what job you want to do when you
problem is that it takes a lot of time and money leave school? Maybe you’re one of those people
to do this. The big drugs companies that make with a vocation – you’ve known where your heart
new drugs and medicines want to produce drugs lies since you were little: to be a doctor, for
that will bring them a lot of money. They example, or an actor. But if you haven’t got a
concentrate on drugs that people take regularly, clue what to aim for, don’t worry! The right job is
like painkillers or anti-depressants. The last new waiting for you. It’s out there somewhere! So
antibiotic was developed in the 1980s. There is how do you find it? Well, a good way to start is
also another problem. It is now very hard to find by doing some work experience while you’re still
sources of new antibiotics. But the good news is a student. This means spending a week or two
– yes, there is some good news! – some clever gaining experience in a company, organisation
scientists are looking in strange places for new or institution. That way, you can try out a variety
drugs: not in clean scientific laboratories, but in of jobs and see if you’re suited to them without
river water and the dark parts of dirty houses! tying yourself down. You don’t have to commit
One scientist in America, Mark Merchant, had an yourself to anything. Work experience may be
idea. He wondered why some animals that get paid or unpaid. If it’s unpaid, you may receive
cut in fights or come into contact with dirt and perks, like free lunches or a free travel pass.
bacteria do not develop infections. Perhaps Work experience is useful even if you already
there is something in their blood that kills have a good idea what kind of job you want. It’s
infections. If so, perhaps scientists could use this a great opportunity to speak to other employees
to make new antibiotics for humans. So, he used and find out the good and bad sides of the job.
some blood from an alligator and found that You can see if you’ve got the kind of skills that
something in it killed lots of bacteria. Simon Lee the job requires, too, and whether you need to
in the UK did the same with the brains of acquire some others, fast! Another good thing
cockroaches – small insects that live in dirty about work experience is that, when you’re
kitchens. He was successful, too. Now both ready to start applying for a job for real, your
scientists need to find out more and develop a future employer can see how motivated you are,
drug to use on humans. and how much trouble you’ve taken to find out all
So there is hope for the future. But it depends on about the work. It all looks good on the job
clever scientists to find the answers and they application form, doesn’t it?
might be very surprising answers indeed!

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Track 4.3 and a less than clean T-shirt, then

you think they’re having a laugh!
1 I come up with new ideas quite easily, which is
How do they expect to work with
the public looking like that? If
2 I always do what I say I’ll do and arrive at the
they’re not that careful with the way
right time!
they look, perhaps they won’t be
3 I like working with other people in a team.
too careful with the work they’re
4 I don’t mind what I do. And I’m happy to
expected to do either!
change my hours to suit other people.
Interviewer: Point taken! But someone might
5 I think carefully before I do things and I’m also
have just dressed up for the
careful not to take risks.
interview. How can you tell that
Track 4.4 they’re not usually really scruffy?
Jenny: That’s tricky – but, for me, I always
1 In my job it takes a lot of hard work and look at the shoes. They can be a
concentration to get things right – and my boss dead giveaway! It’s amazing how
expects perfection! many people think a lot about their
2 I work very long hours and I’m usually pretty outfit but don’t worry so much
exhausted at the end of the day. about shoes! I’ve had people in
3 When things turn out right at work and I know really smart business suits in an
I’ve made a difference to people’s lives, well, it interview but with muddy, scuffed
feels really good. shoes!
4 I love my job and I can’t wait to get to work Interviewer: That’s a good tip! And how about
each day! piercings and tattoos? Does that
5 I often get a bit bored because I do the same affect your decision?
things all day – the work doesn’t vary very much. Jenny: That depends on several factors.
Firstly the type of work they’re
Tracks 4.5 and 4.6
going to be doing obviously makes
Interviewer: This week we’re talking to people a difference. If you’re employing a
in different businesses about job cleaner, then it’s not that important.
interviews and what we should and On the other hand, if the applicant
shouldn’t do to get that important will be dealing directly with the
job! Jenny Taylor is general public – as a receptionist or in the
manager of Solar Leisure Club. Hi, restaurant – then very obvious
Jenny, I imagine you’ve had to tattoos and a lot of piercings might
interview loads of applicants over be a bit in-your-face – you have to
the years. be careful about offending
Jenny: That is so true! We get people customers. Sometimes staff will
applying all the time and I like to remove piercings or cover up large
interview as many of the applicants tattoos when they’re working, so
myself as I can. Also there’s a that’s OK. I’ve certainly got nothing
whole range of jobs that we need against body art in general.
people for at Solar. In my time with Interviewer: So, what impresses you at an
the company I’ve interviewed interview?
people for bar work, restaurant Jenny: I think it’s vital for applicants to do
work, office work – you name it! some research before they come
Interviewer: OK, so how important is a person’s to the interview so that they know a
image in an interview – their fair amount about the company.
clothes, appearance? This means they can ask informed
Jenny: It’s really important. The care questions about the position
people take over their appearance they’re applying for and the work
shows how seriously they’re taking conditions. That always makes a
the whole process, and how much good impression.
they want the job! If the applicant
turns up in scruffy jeans, trainers

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Interviewer: And what about the questions you I know it’s quite repetitive, there’s not a lot of
ask? Should the applicant give variety – but at least she meets people. That’s
short answers or very detailed important if you’re sociable. It can be really
ones? That’s always something I’m enjoyable working with kids, but you have to be
not too sure about. pretty inventive to keep them happy and
Jenny: Well, to start with, the answers interested, don’t you? It’s also a rewarding job, I
need to be well thought through think.
and structured, not full of
hesitations or going on and on for Tracks 5.1 and 5.2
ages! Sometimes the applicant Charlie:Hi, I’m Charlie and I love this activity.
might not know an answer, but it’s It freaked Mum out when I told her I
good to give the impression that was taking this up. She was sure I’d
you do know what you’re talking kill myself. But it’s OK now. I go with
about. You might be making it up a group, and our leader knows
as you go along ... but if you can where the safe rocks and crags are
do that confidently, that’s a plus for for our age group. You’re all roped
me! It shows you can think on your up, too, so you can’t just drop off a
feet! Also, remember to stay mountain or anything! You’ve got to
relevant and don’t go off the point. follow the rules, though. One girl
Interviewer: Fine, I’ll remember that for my next jumped off a low rock without her
interview! And do you have any rope the other day and broke her
final advice you can give potential ankle. They had to get a helicopter
interviewees? to take her to hospital. Poor kid. It
Jenny: Well – you’d be surprised how looked really painful. Good job she
many applicants turn up chewing was wearing a helmet!
gum! Don’t! Also make sure you’ve Amanda: Is it my turn now? OK, well I’m
showered and don’t smell of stale Amanda and I got into this pursuit
cigarette smoke or body odour ... because of my older brother. He’d
that’s a real turn-off for an got himself a job as a lifeguard at a
interviewer! And I’m speaking from local swimming pool and he used to
experience here! And a final word – take me along every night for a
about punctuality for the interview. swim. Anyway, they had this really
It’s really important to get to your high board there. I watched kids
interview on time, maybe ten diving from it and it looked the
minutes early, but don’t get there coolest thing ever. And then when I
too early or it can make you look a tried it the first time, my heart was
tad over-eager! beating so fast. It’s really scary
Interviewer: Well, Jenny, a lot to think about actually, you need to know the right
there. Thanks! techniques so you don’t hurt
yourself. But the coaches teach you
Track 4.7
that so you don’t need to worry.
Student: OK, well, as you say, the photos show Joe: Hello, I’m Joe. I’ve never gone in for
jobs that students can do in the summer – during gym or team games. I mean, I don’t
the holidays. Both are also jobs that you can do belong to the school sports club or
part-time. The people in the photos are both anything. No way. I’d rather be out
young – maybe sixteen or seventeen – and they with the lads in the park, doing our
look really happy doing the jobs. The first photo own thing. I’ve always loved music. I
is of a girl working at the check-out in a used to dance around to all the boy
supermarket, so she’s spending a lot of time bands when I was a little kid. But it
indoors and talking to different people – usually wasn’t till I was in my teens that I
adults – whereas in the second photo, the boy is discovered dance – my type of
coaching some young children. His conversation dance. And urban music. We meet
is probably only with the kids. I imagine that the up – my friends and I – in the park. I
girl’s job would be quite interesting to do. I mean, bring along my boom box, and we

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practise our slides and glides. There it. It looked more like mashed potato! Try one!
are other kids doing it, so it’s useful They taste much better than they look!
to watch and pick up some moves 3
from them. It’s incredibly relaxing, Man: The latest celebrity chef TV show was
strangely enough, and it makes me broadcast last night on Channel 9 after
feel amazing. weeks of publicity and general hype! Dave
Sonja: Hey there. I’m Sonya. I’d never March’s new way of looking at traditional
heard of spinning – that’s spelt s-p-i- recipes obviously whetted the appetites of
double-n-i-n-g – until I visited our a lot of people as it was watched by a
local gym. I was looking for the staggering number of viewers – and it
dance studio but I opened the wrong didn’t disappoint. The first programme in
door, and there were all these the eight-part series also went down well
people cycling like mad to the most with the critics, although there were a few
amazing pop music! I decided to unkind tweets about what he was wearing.
have a go and after that I was Can you believe it? His guests in the
hooked. It’s good fun because you studio included some famous faces, and
do it in teams, so it’s quite they were evidently enjoying the food he
competitive. You have to watch what cooked. A book of recipes from the series
you wear, though. Sitting on a saddle will be on sale shortly. Should be worth a
for an hour can make your bottom look – maybe a good Christmas present?
sore if you haven’t got the right 4
clothes! A: You’re looking really tired. Are you OK? I’m so
sorry I couldn’t come round earlier to help
Tracks 5.3 and 5.4 with the decorating.
1 B: That’s OK. I couldn’t get down to it anyway.
Helen: Hi, Pam. It’s me, Helen. I know you’re up It’s my back. It’s really hurting and I don’t
to your eyes today and you’re probably think I could lift a paintbrush!
trying to finish off the project right now. A: This isn’t the first time, is it? Have you seen a
I’m just calling about going to tennis this doctor?
evening. I wanted to say that I definitely B: Well, I’ve been taking painkillers, but there’s
will need picking up if that’s still OK for not much doctors can do.
your dad. And thanks a lot for the offer! I A: There’s a chiropractor I go to for my shoulder
think we said 6.30-ish so that we can get – when I’ve been overdoing the tennis! You
in a quick swim first. Don’t forget your could get him to have a look at it. You never
swimsuit! I won’t be able to stay for a know.
snack afterwards as I’m meeting up with B: OK, cheers. Worth a try.
Dave to go to the cinema and we’ll most 5
likely eat later anyway. Hope you get the A: Hiya. Are you hungry? I’m just about to make
project finished OK! Call me back when a sandwich – a healthy one, mind you, with
you’ve got a minute. Bye! wholemeal bread and tuna!
2 B: Thanks, but I’ve just had a fry-up for breakfast
A: Dave – hi! How did you get on with the cup – a full English: eggs, sausages, fried bread –
cakes last night? I was thinking about you. I the works! It was brilliant.
hope the recipe was clear and that you had A: What? What about this diet you’re supposed
everything you needed. to be on? You should have had cereal and
B: Well, it was certainly interesting to try. It was orange juice like I did. You’re a nightmare.
my first attempt at cooking anything and it You’re either eating loads or starving yourself.
took ages! Everything would have been You’ll never lose weight!
absolutely fine if my sister Jenny hadn’t been B: You can talk! I’ve seen you raiding the fridge
looking over my shoulder all the time and after dinner when you’re a couple of days into
giggling. It was all going really well until it a diet! I just like my food too much and I have
came to the icing. I just got a bit distracted by to admit I don’t have much self-control.
her comments and I made a bit of a mess of

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6 gets booked out quickly, so reserve a

Man: It hasn’t been easy. Getting to the top in table well in advance. You won’t regret
my sport has required a lot of dedication it.
and sacrifices. It’s the same in most
sports, isn’t it? But I’ve got no regrets. Track 5.5
Since that moment when I saw my first A: OK, shall we start with this one? Eight hours’
Olympic Games on TV, I haven’t wanted sleep every night. Hmm, what do you think?
to do anything else with my life. Getting to B: I’m not sure. Yeah, it’s true that you need to
be on that podium became my entire get enough sleep – otherwise you can’t
focus! It completely turned my world concentrate the next day, can you?
around. I went from being an overweight A: That’s a horrible feeling – when your head is
teenager with no confidence at all, who all … what’s the word?
couldn’t stand up for himself in any B: Fuzzy! Like full of wool! I know what you
situation, to doing what I do now – mean. But I think how much sleep you need
swimming for my country. A life in sport depends on the person.
helps you in so many different ways, I just A: You’re right. Some people, like my sister,
can’t recommend it enough. need ten hours! And others, like my dad, don’t
7 need more than six. Me, too.
A: What an interesting programme that was on B: Sorry – are you saying that you need eight or
stress last night. I’m really enjoying this series six?
of documentaries. A: Six. I need about six. If I don’t get that, I feel
B: Yeah. I didn’t realise how badly it can affect awful. And I think you’re more likely to go
some people. down with illnesses, too, if you don’t get your
A: It makes you wonder if there’s any way you sleep.
can actually escape stress. It seems like it’s B: Absolutely. What about this one: ‘Eat
part and parcel of everything we do these everything you like, but not too much’? Yes,
days – from studying to working to travelling! that’s about not doing anything to excess.
B: I know what you mean. That programme was A: Sorry, you’ve lost me … to excess?
a tad scary. I’ve been thinking about it and, B: Yeah, like not too much exercise or too little.
you know, my dad never stops working. Well, A: Oh, I see what you mean. A little cake’s OK,
perhaps he ought to slow down a bit. I don’t but not too much!
want him getting ill like those people on the B: Yeah – well, to put it another way, some
programme. people say ‘a little of what you like does you
A: Yeah. But remember, these programmes do good’!
show the worst-case scenarios. They like to A: Oh yes, I’m with you there!
be dramatic. B: Then we’ve got ‘Have a good work–life
8 balance’. I agree that it’s important to get the
Woman: If you’re wondering where to go for that balance right.
special meal, then I’ve got the answer. A: How do you mean?
Look no further than the new B: Well, it’s like – it’s important to work hard, but
vegetarian restaurant, The Eagle, in you need to find time to have a good social
Gold Street. It’s got everything! It’s life, too.
easy to get to, with a bus stop A: OK, I get you. So, you don’t get too stressed
immediately outside and access to a out. That’s a good point. Some people get too
good-sized car park. And when you’re wrapped up in their work.
looking at the menu, you’ll be amazed B: Like my brother. He’s always working. He
by the range. Whoever said that needs to get a life!
vegetarian food is boring obviously
needs to go there! It serves food that I
have never even heard of – let alone
tasted! Magic! And in addition to this, if
you need any information about
nutrition or ingredients, just ask the
very informative waiters. The Eagle

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Tracks 6.1 and 6.2 all when to clap, when to cheer,

when to shout and when to be quiet!
Speaker 1: The plot is really exciting, as you can
Very weird! But I got to see the
see from the cover. I’ve got it in
future winner of the whole thing. She
paperback and on my Kindle, can
was amazing!
you believe. Each chapter ends on a
Speaker 2: My grandad got the whole family
cliffhanger, which means you don’t
tickets for my birthday. I didn’t think
want to put it down. The characters
I’d enjoy it because sixties music
are really well drawn. The heroine is
isn’t really my thing. I think my
a spy, and she’s been ordered to
grandad was being a bit selfish there
stop terrorists blowing up a
– going back to his youth! However,
government building. I just can’t wait
surprisingly, it was a brilliant
to find out what the ending is.
evening. It was a musical about
Speaker 2: The first scene is really dramatic.
Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons –
When the curtain goes up, the stage
a band from the USA – and of
is completely dark and there’s this
course they sang loads of great rock
terrible storm. Then the lights go up,
’n’ roll numbers. The acoustics were
and we see a sinking ship – then the
amazing in the theatre and the
pirates arrive! The sets and the
singers and dancers were incredible,
costumes are just amazing. We went
too. I loved it and it’s definitely
on the first night, and the actors got
changed my mind about sixties
a standing ovation. If you think
Shakespeare’s not your cup of tea,
Speaker 3: I’m one of those people who are
you’ll get a pleasant surprise!
always shouting out the answers at
Speaker 3: This is the best Iow-budget release
home! So when I had the chance to
of the year, in my opinion. Both the
actually be in the studio audience for
plot and the script are excellent, and
the filming of one of the shows, I
the car chases are really thrilling.
jumped at it. I was particularly keen
The soundtrack is sung by one of the
because this show involved
country’s top rock artists, so it’s
audience participation, so I went
bound to be a hit.
along hoping that I’d get my big
Speaker 4: As soon as you launch it, you’ll
moment! Sure enough, I was called
realise this offers you an amazing
up onto the stage to answer some
high-fantasy multiplayer experience.
questions. But I was so nervous that
There are plenty of activities to keep
my mind went blank and I couldn’t
you engaged. Whereas the last
answer a thing! That will teach me!
version felt more appropriate for a
Never again! Being in front of
single-player session, this version is
cameras and millions of people is a
great in challenge mode. It’s a great
whole different ball game.
way to test your skills, so go out and
Speaker 4: I’m really into soaps, so I was really
buy it. You’ll be glad you did!
looking forward to going to the
Tracks 6.3 and 6.4 annual TV awards ceremony in
person this year, instead of watching
Speaker 1: It was quite an experience! I went it at home on TV. We’d won two
with some mates to support a friend. tickets in a magazine competition. It
He’s a singer and he made it through was cool to see all the old familiar
to the second round of auditions. faces from the soaps there – looking
The whole thing was a bit unreal, posh and elegant in their fancy
you know. OK, it was cool to see the dresses and suits – way different
judges, and some of the acts were from the characters they play on TV!
brilliant and got standing ovations, The host was great, but I wasn’t that
but others were real no-hopers! And impressed by the speeches, though.
there were these guys near the I thought they’d be funnier. But most
stage holding up big boards to tell us winners from the different categories

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just basically said ‘thank you’ to tons think the first group are enjoying being
of people, some cried a bit and then outside and interacting with the people
they legged it! passing by. They look relaxed and
Speaker 5: I’d always wanted to go to an happy. The kids in the orchestra
outdoor gig – in spite of all the probably enjoy getting dressed up and
pictures you see of fans in tents that working together to produce some
have blown down and people sliding beautiful music!
about in rain and mud! So this year I Tracks 7.1 and 7.2
went with a group of mates to a big
festival nearby. My favourite band Julia: My best teacher took us for science.
was headlining, so I couldn’t not go, He was great at explaining difficult
if you know what I mean! It was the stuff and seemed to have endless
experience of a lifetime! It poured patience. But the best thing about
with rain and we got drenched, but him was his sense of humour. He
nobody cared. Everyone there was had a joke for every occasion,
so friendly and chilled out – just especially when things went wrong
there to have a good time, and we during an experiment, which they
did. The bands were phenomenal! often did. Anybody walking past the
We came home dirty, wet, tired and chemistry laboratory during our
broke. But what a weekend! lessons must have really wondered
what was going on because there’d
Tracks 6.5 and 6.6 be these hoots of laughter echoing
Katya: OK, to begin with, as you say, people all around the place. He encouraged
are playing music in both pictures, but us to discover things for ourselves
the places are very different. In the first and, though he was strict in some
picture, there’s a group of musicians ways, he didn’t tell us off if we
playing in the street. They’re on the accidentally burnt holes in our test
pavement and they’re playing for tubes, or created stuff that smelt
passers-by. Basically, they’re street horrible. Just as long as we were
entertainers. They can choose what they serious about investigating science. I
want to play and I imagine it depends on can’t imagine all science teachers
the people who are listening! It’s quite would be that tolerant. And because
relaxed. They can wear what they want, he made science so exciting and
too. challenging and such fun, we all did
Katya: In the second picture, however, it’s a really well in our end-of-term exams.
much more organised group. It’s an He was a brilliant teacher really.
orchestra for young people and the Robert: When I started secondary school I
people there are playing indoors, in a was really academic – I got top
big hall probably. They have to dress marks for everything. I was even
quite formally and they know exactly made form prefect in my first year.
what they’re going to play. It looks much Then I got in with the wrong crowd
more serious than the first picture. and my school work went right down.
People might be paying to listen to I got very cheeky too. I was always
them, so they have to be good, whereas in detention. In fact I almost got
in the first picture, people will only give expelled at one point, my behaviour
them money if they like what they do! was so bad. All that changed when I
The music they’re playing is obviously was put into Mr Lee’s class. He was
different, too. The orchestra are really strict on discipline and even
probably playing classical music, the bullies in the school were
whereas the street group are playing … petrified of him. If he appeared in the
I don’t know … folk, maybe? But corridor, they would run a mile! But
definitely not Mozart or Beethoven. And he was a brilliant psychologist too.
now to … what are the people enjoying He understood why kids sometimes
about playing in these places? Well, I go wrong. You know, if things are

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bad at home, or if a student is having and there’ll be all sorts of exciting things going
relationship problems, and he’d sit on! As you’ll be going to a different country from
you down and listen, and somehow me, obviously there will be some differences! But
he’d get it out of you what was going from the point of view of organisation, it’s the
wrong for you and why you were same. It will all be set up by the teachers and
behaving so badly. If it weren’t for admin staff and they do a fantastic job. It usually
him, I’d never have got to college. runs very smoothly.
So thank you, Mr Lee. You were The process starts with your application. You
tops! have to decide if you want to go, and find out
Mariana: I think my best teacher was Mrs what your parents think about it. Then you get
Lopez. She was the sports teacher matched with a particular student. The school
at my old boarding school. I went tries to consider your personality and interests –
there for five years, before we like whether you both like athletics or are keen
moved house. I go to a day school on hobbies like chess, etc., so you’ll have the
now, which I prefer. I used to get best chance of getting on. I was matched up with
very homesick away from my a student called Jean-Paul who lives in the
parents. Mrs Lopez understood that, countryside like me and who’s really into
and she was always there for me swimming – like me, too! Jean-Paul came to stay
when I was feeling down. I didn’t with me in England first. Luckily Jean-Paul and I
think I was any good at sport until I got on really well. He came to school with me
went into her class. And because I every day and told me about all the differences
didn’t seem too keen on games, I between school life here and in France. I got the
always ended up being put in an chance to see what he meant when I went to
alternative group, like cookery or stay with him in May. And you’ll find there are
sewing, which I hated. I’m not a bit lots of things they do differently when you go to
domesticated! Anyway, as I say, as Spain, too. For example, I couldn’t believe how
soon as I had Mrs Lopez as my form long the school day was in France. They start at
teacher, I changed my mind about 8.30 and go on to 5.00! Mind you, they do have
sport. She made games lessons into a two-hour lunch break – unlike here! And they
such fun, all the hard work seemed have to go to school on Saturday mornings until
to go out of it and I got more 12.00. No way students here would agree to do
confident and in the end I found I that, is there? Another thing that was different
was really good at some things. was that at school it was the teachers who
Especially swimming. I‘ve even won changed rooms for different subjects – not the
medals for that, and it’s all thanks to students. We stayed in the same classroom all
Mrs Lopez. day – apart from science, that is. I’m still not sure
which I prefer. There are pros and cons for both
Tracks 7.3 and 7.4 systems. I think I was very lucky. I got on very
Mandy: well with Jean-Paul’s family and they took me on
Hi, everyone. Miss Piper has asked me along to loads of trips to different places, so I learnt a lot
this meeting because most of you are thinking about the culture while I was there. I also had
about getting involved in the exchange some time to myself and I went round the shops
programme to Spain this autumn. You probably to get some presents for the family before I left –
want to know what it’s all about. As I’ve been on that was interesting. Some of the shops are so
an exchange, she thought I could talk a bit about different! I think that’s one of the important things
what my experience was like. Then you can ask about going on an exchange. You get to see how
me some questions. It’s good to know what people in a different country live. It makes you
you’re getting into before you sign up. more open-minded. It’s also brilliant for your
Well, I’m studying French, so our class was language! Jean-Paul’s English improved
invited to exchange with a class at a school in amazingly while he was here and now my
France. This was last May, which I think was a French is much better, too. I know there are
great time to go because the weather was stories going round about students who have
amazing. But November will also be interesting had bad experiences on an exchange, but
for you, I think, as it’s coming up to Christmas they’re very rare and often it’s because the

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English students themselves aren’t prepared to Track 8.1

try new things – like the food and drink!
Heather: Oh no! We’ve got a maths test today
Personally, I loved having the opportunity to
and I’ve left my calculator at home. I
sample a new type of cooking. I bet you’ll find
can’t manage without it. I’ll fail the
the breakfasts are quite unlike anything you’re
test and my parents will go mad.
used to! So I would definitely recommend going
What on earth am I going to do?
on an exchange. You get such a lot out of it. And
Tom: Hey, Stu. Who was that I saw you
sometimes you make real friends there, too.
with last night, eh? Uh huh! You
Now has anyone got any questions?
were, well, happy, weren’t you? And
Tracks 7.5 and 7.6 all dressed up too. How trendy was
that? Aren’t you the secret one? She
A: OK, so we’re talking about ways of improving was very pretty too, whoever she
our English outside the classroom. Right, was!
which one shall we look at first? What do you Bruce: Listen, everyone! You know the
think? exams we did last week? I got an A
B: Let’s talk about this one, shall we? grade for every single subject. Aren’t
A: Good idea. For me that’s a really good way to I clever? Our teacher said I’ll get to
improve your English – because you’re in the university, no trouble! My parents are
country and English is all around you, isn’t it? going to be well impressed, you
B: Absolutely. I think you get the feel for the know.
language and of course, you need to speak it, Kara: Psst! Have you seen Barbara today?
don’t you? That’s the important thing. When Story is, she’s split up with her
you need to do something you remember it boyfriend. Mmm, I know. Teresa told
better. Like asking for something in a café. me. She got it from Adam. And
You realise why you need the language. In Sandra said she saw them having a
the classroom it isn’t really real! row in the coffee bar last night. I
wonder what they were fighting
Track 7.7
about? Do you know? No? Well let’s
A: So, now we have to decide which is the ask one of her friends. Come on!
easiest for students to do. Leonardo: Hey, Gemma. If your heart were a
B: Yeah, we’ve said that they are all useful in prison, I’d murder to get there! How
their different ways – apart from the about coming out with me some
vocabulary lists – but which is the easiest? I time?
think going to England is the most useful, but
it’s not the easiest, is it? Tracks 8.2 and 8.3
A: Yeah, you’re right. You can definitely learn a 1
lot by going there, but not everybody has that A: Hi. How are you getting on with the new
chance. smartphone? I imagine it does everything,
B: True. So, maybe watching films? considering how much it cost! Is it living up to
A: I think that’s a good one to go for because your expectations?
everyone can easily do that – you can see the B: It’s certainly worth the money, but I must
films on TV or online. admit I’m having a few problems. I changed
B: And you can rent them or buy the DVDs, can’t networks because it’s really difficult to get a
you? signal in my area, but it’s only made the
A: Yes. OK, are we saying that watching films is problem worse.
the easiest for students to do? A: Really? I thought they were all pretty similar.
B: That and listening to music, too. We can all B: No. Before, I used to be able to get a signal
do that! by leaning out of my bedroom window, but
now I have to walk to the end of the garden.
And that’s not much fun when it’s cold and
late at night!
A: If I were you, I’d get my parents to move

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2 5
Dan? It’s Miranda. I don’t seem to have seen A: Have you seen Gary recently? He hasn’t
you for ages. You must think I only get in touch been to school and he isn’t answering his
when I need something! And I really must thank phone either.
you for sorting out my laptop last month. You’re a B: No, no one’s seen him for a few days. You
genius with technology! It’s been great since you know, I’m getting a bit worried about him.
fixed the problem and it hasn’t frozen or crashed A: Why? Do you think he’s ill?
since then. I was just wondering if you’d like my B: I don’t know. It’s just this gaming he’s into.
dad’s old PC? He’s been given a new laptop by He’s been spending longer and longer online.
his company and he was about to throw his old It’s addictive and some people spend hours
PC away. I remembered you loved updating old on end online. You know sometimes it can get
computers so I thought I’d run it past you and so bad that you don’t eat or sleep.
see if you wanted it. Get back to me when you A: I wouldn’t worry if I were you. Gary’s not like
can. that. He loves his gaming, but he knows you
3 mustn’t let it control you. I bet he’ll be back in
A: What’s up, Sally? Has anything happened? class tomorrow.
B: I’m furious! It’s Mark. We’ve been going out B: I hope so.
together for six months now and he still 6
doesn’t trust me. OK, my research for today’s lesson about health
A: What’s he done? was into something I think a lot of kids suffer
B: In the café yesterday after school I caught from these days – texter’s thumb! Do you know
him checking through the texts on my phone! about it? Because I didn’t! When Mr Taylor
He wanted to see if I’d been texting or getting asked us to find out about health problems
texts from another boy. linked to technology I spoke to a doctor friend of
A: Wow! What did you do? my dad’s and he told me that a lot of youngsters
B: I lost my temper and told him to get lost. come to him these days complaining about pains
A: But you and Mark are so good together. He in their thumbs! Apparently it’s a result of
was probably just worried that he was losing overusing your thumb when you’re continually
you. texting. It’s nothing to get bothered about. Just
B: Well, he’s lost me now. I don’t care what you lay off the texting for a while and it’ll get better.
say. It’s wrong to snoop into people’s private Or learn to text with just fingers. But I imagine
messages. How can I trust him in the future? then you’d just get texter’s finger instead!
Sorry – it’s over! 7
4 A: Did you have a good time at your dad’s
Good news! The new technology series birthday party on Saturday?
Imagine! will start next Monday evening. This B: Yeah, it was cool. My sister and I clubbed
weekly show will look at the very latest in together and got him an e-reader because as
technology all over the world. It will include you know he loves his books.
interviews with different inventors who have A: Yeah. My mum’s got one and she takes it
come up with great ideas and give them the everywhere. She wasn’t sure at first that
opportunity to talk about them. There will also be she’d get on with one. It’s such a change and
a competition to encourage teens to invent she said she loved the feel of a book and
something themselves, and the winners will being able to flick through the pages. But
come on the show to explain what they’ve done. she’s got used to the e-reader and she hasn’t
The series will appeal to all young people who looked back!
find science and technology interesting. It will B: Well, I hope it’s the same for my dad. I’m fed
also try to explain difficult concepts and ideas in up with tripping over all the piles of his books
a straightforward way to those of us who are in the living room.
baffled by them. The makers of the programme
promise it will be a fascinating insight into
technology today.

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8 in either of them, not seriously. He

A: I’m broke again. This is ridiculous. I’ve got a just likes flirting with people – it
Saturday job to save some money for our doesn’t mean anything. Anyway, my
holidays and two days after I get paid, it’s all friends won’t speak to each other
gone. any more, and I’m stuck in the
B: But I never see you in the shopping mall. middle. If I talk to one of them, the
A: I never have time these days to go out other one gets really upset. I’m
shopping. But that’s my problem. If I was getting really fed up with it all. What
actually in a shop, I’d probably think more should I do?
about what I could afford. Whereas these Speaker 2: Hi! I’m Matthew. My problem is my
days, I go online and get tempted by all these parents – they’re so strict it’s
offers. I’ve set up ‘buy with one click’ on quite ridiculous! They won’t let me go out
a few sites and it’s so easy! I find I’m ‘clicking’ any weekday evenings. They make
more and more often! me stay in and study for my exams
B: Well, you know what to do, don’t you? Avoid and they’re still months away. All my
those sites like the plague. At least until friends are allowed out and I feel
you’ve been on holiday. such an idiot that I can’t hang out
with them. Even at the weekends, I
Track 8.4 have to be home by nine o’clock! It’s
Well, as you say, both pictures show different really unfair. How can I convince
uses of technology. In the first picture, the them I’m old enough to be trusted? I
woman is wearing a very special pair of know when I need to study and
spectacles or ‘glasses’ I think you say. The when I don’t. I am seventeen, after
technology is really new, and there’s a special all!
word for them like, erm, ‘computer glasses’? Speaker 3: Hi! I’m Carla. I’ve got a problem with
Anyway, you use them to see very small my sister. In fact, she’s driving me
computer screens on them. I can’t remember mad! I have to share a room with
what they’re called. You know, the glass bits that her, and it’s impossible because we
you look through. Well, they’re very clever. I just don’t get on. She’s younger than
don’t know why she’s wearing them in this me, but only by a year, so it’s not like
picture. It may be for her job, or for fun. Maybe she’s a baby. She’s just so selfish.
she just wants to see how they work. The other She won’t share any of her things
picture, however, is definitely using technology with me, but she’s always ‘borrowing’
for work. It’s a robot that looks as if it serves the my clothes when I’m not there. She
meals in a restaurant! I presume it’s to help the goes through my letters and texts,
waitress or maybe even just to entertain the too, so I can’t keep anything private
customers! As for the problems – well, obviously from her. And she’s always telling
they could go wrong! The spectacles might not tales to Mum and Dad, so I keep
work or they might break, and the robot might … getting into trouble. What can I do?
I’m sorry, I can’t remember the exact word. It’s I’m getting really desperate now.
when you drop food or drink on the floor. Also I
Track 9.2
guess they’re both really expensive …
Amy: Did you see the graffiti on the school
Track 9.1 walls this morning?
Speaker 1: Hi! I’m Diana and I’ve got a problem. Grant: Yeah. It’s the Beat gang’s sign. But it
You see, I’ve got two best friends – wasn’t there when I left school yesterday
we’ve been friends for ages and evening.
ages, since we all started this Amy: I didn’t need to stay for music practice
school, and the three of us used to yesterday because Miss Dukes was ill.
get on really well. Anyway, they’ve So I left early and didn’t see anything.
just fallen out in a really big way, They could have done it late last night, I
over a boy in our class that they’ve suppose.
both got a crush on. It’s crazy Grant: Dan Myers was looking pleased with
because I don’t think he’s interested himself this morning. I bet it was him. The

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head should have suspended him after that aware of it and it’s very, very
the fight last week, but he didn’t. difficult to deal with.
Amy: He’s had a lot of problems, you know. Interviewer: So what exactly does it involve?
Grant: Yeah, but he didn’t have to join a gang, Rachel: Well, it’s a step on from normal
did he? He had a choice! bullying. It all happens online.
Amy: True. He could have said no when they People post vicious comments
asked him to join. But it’s hard to say no about you online – usually on
to the Beat gang leader. social network sites. It started with
Grant: I tried to give Dan some advice when he nasty texts when mobile phones
joined the gang. But I needn’t have started to become popular and
bothered! He’s just not listening to was a way that bullies could follow
anybody. their victims outside school and
into their own homes. Now, with
Tracks 9.3 and 9.4 social networking sites becoming
Interviewer: Today my guest is Rachel Brooks. so popular, this sort of bullying has
Rachel is just eighteen, but she’s reached yet another level. Not only
been working with Channel 5 to do you see the comments, but
make some fascinating everyone else can see them too!
documentaries about problems But the worst thing is that you just
teenagers face today. The first of can’t get away from it.
these documentaries is called Interviewer: Can I ask you what sort of
Cyber-bullying: the faceless haters comments?
and she’s with us today to tell us Rachel: Well, most of them are too horrible
all about it. Hi there, Rachel. to repeat but they include things
Thanks for coming on the like ‘Everyone hates you!’, ‘Don’t
programme. come to school tomorrow – you
Rachel: Thanks for inviting me. know what’s waiting for you!’,
Interviewer: Rachel, this documentary … it’s ‘You’re fat and ugly’ and so on.
quite incredible. I watched it last Terrible, insulting things.
night and I learnt an awful lot. It Interviewer: But why do people do this?
was very informative. I really had Rachel: Well, one reason is because
no idea what cyber-bullying was they’re anonymous online. The
really all about. I felt really victim doesn’t know who is posting
ignorant. the comments. And because they
Rachel: You’re not alone. A lot of people are anonymous, the bullies feel
are unaware of the problem. That’s they can say absolutely anything
why I made the programme. I they want – there are no limits.
mean, everyone knows about the They aren’t face to face with their
sort of bullying you get at schools. victim so they can’t see the effect
Many of us have seen it happening their words have and the
or even actually been through it comments just get worse and
ourselves. It can have disastrous worse.
effects on young people. It can Interviewer: I’ve heard that these people are
lead to depression or even, at its called ‘trolls’. Is that right?
worst, to suicide. Fortunately, Rachel: Yes. And these people don’t just
these days a lot of people are attack and bully people they know
looking out for it – teachers, from school. It goes further. There
parents, friends all know what to are trolls who post horrible
do and who to tell if they see signs comments on sites of people
of bullying. It still happens, but at they’ve never even met – like
least people talk about it and celebrities. For them it’s like a
there’s advice on how to deal with hobby. It’s fun!
it. Cyber-bullying, however, is Interviewer: So what can people do about this?
something else! People are not

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Rachel: That’s the big problem. There’s B: Excuse me, Stella. Before you go on, I’d just
very little you can do. Some like to say that it’s particularly difficult for kids
people try to respond to the trolls that are in their teens. They’re trying to cope
but they shouldn’t. This just with exams and stuff at the same time. In fact,
encourages them to do more. they often feel that their parents’ problems are
There’s a saying going round their fault. They start thinking that if I hadn’t
these days: ‘Don’t feed the trolls!’ done this, Dad wouldn’t have left, or
That’s probably the best advice. whatever. And the parents say bad things to
Interviewer: But it’s hard to ignore such the kids about each other. It can get really
personal messages. And if nasty. OK, what did you want to say about
everyone can see them it must be joining gangs?
so humiliating. A: Yeah, it’s interesting. It’s not such a problem
Rachel: Yes, it is. But these people are here, at least not with the traditional sort of
almost impossible to track down. gang. You know, the ones that fight with rival
They hide behind other identities gangs and have their own territories or ‘turf’, I
online. But what they are doing is think they say. But there is a lot of pressure
actually illegal. If people can get on kids to be part of a group. Everyone wants
some evidence – like a printout of to belong and not be different, so I think a lot
the messages before they delete of kids go along with what their friends do,
them – they can take them to the even if they don’t agree with it. That’s how
police. some kids get drawn into crime. And then
Interviewer: And do you think the problem will there’s being popular …
be resolved soon? B: Sorry to interrupt, but I must say that I
Rachel: Some people think that bullies will completely agree with you about the gangs.
get tired of this type of activity, but And in places where gang warfare is a
I don’t agree. And it’s not going to problem, there’s also the pressure of physical
be enough just for people to be threats if you don’t go along with the gang
more careful about who they give members. Also, once you’ve joined a gang,
their email addresses to. We need it’s very hard to try to get out of it.
more online protection from bullies A: Absolutely. Now, doing what your parents
like these. However, I think we’re a expect is a huge pressure. Sometimes it’s
long way from that at the moment. getting top grades, sometimes it’s winning
It’s all tied up with whether there races …
should be more policing of the B: Can I jump in here? This sort of pressure can
Internet and if so, how this can be be very destructive. When you want to live up
done. Maybe then the problem will to your parents’ expectations, it can affect all
disappear. sorts of areas of your life. Sometimes parents
Interviewer: OK, Rachel. Thank you so much. want too much from their kids. Then the kids
Believe me, listeners, this is a get into problems trying to be good enough.
must-see documentary. Watch out For me it’s the pushy parents at sports events
for it. Next Tuesday at 7.30. that get me angry.
A: My turn now. In my opinion, having the latest
Tracks 9.5, 9.6 and 9.7 things is a real pressure, too. It’s because
A: I want to start with this one. Kids often have to people don’t want to be different … and it’s
choose one family member to support when awful if everyone else has got a laptop or a
there’s fighting at home. I think that’s very tablet and you haven’t. But what can you do if
hard. If your parents are fighting and having your family isn’t particularly rich? You have
arguments all the time, you sometimes have to …
to take sides. That must be horrible. And if
they separate, the kids have to go and live
with just one. It can cause loads of problems.
That’s a lot of pressure. And now, to talk
about gangs …

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Track 10.1 the historical evidence shows that he did a lot of

bad things. But he was pushed into them by the
A:Have you heard of a writer called Mary
authorities at the time. He is certainly considered
Shelley? She wrote a book called
a hero. Ned’s father, who was a small-time
Frankenstein when she was only nineteen!
criminal from Ireland, was transported to
You know the book I mean, don’t you? About
Australia in 1841. Life was very hard for Ned’s
a man who created a monster from human
family and he started stealing horses when he
body parts and then brought it to life? Anyway,
was very young. However, it was when his
in the beginning many people didn’t believe a
mother was wrongly put in prison for shooting a
woman could have written such a horror story.
policeman that Ned became an outlaw and he
So they supposed her husband had written it;
hid out in the mountains with his brother and his
he was a famous writer, you see, called Percy
mates. After the gang robbed a bank in 1878, the
Bysshe Shelley.
police offered a reward of £12,000. They chased
B:I’ve just been reading about King
the Kelly gang for a long time until finally, in
Tutankhamen. He lived in Egypt in the
1880, Ned was captured and hanged. While he
fourteenth century BCE, and he was a Pharaoh
was in prison, Ned wrote a long letter about how
– a king, really. The extraordinary thing is, he
badly the poor Irish settlers were treated. This
became a Pharaoh when he was only eight or
got a lot of public attention and it eventually led
nine years old. He got married when he was
to changes in the law. So was he good or was he
still a kid, too – probably to his sister! And he
died before he was nineteen. Talk about a
Unlike Ned Kelly, another famous outlaw, Dick
short, eventful life! He’s buried in the Valley of
Turpin, was probably far less brave and romantic
the Kings and there’s a curse written on his
than his story tells us. Turpin is well known for
tomb saying that anyone who goes near it will
being a highwayman, a rider who attacked
get a horrible punishment. That’s scary!
travellers and coaches on roads throughout
Tracks 10.2 and 10.3 England in the 1730s. Turpin, who was born in
1706, was the son of a farmer. While he was
So, our project was to find out all we could about growing up and doing an apprenticeship to
famous outlaws in different countries. That is, become a butcher, he started to steal sheep and
people who lived outside the community and cattle. He ran away from the police and became
basically did a lot of robbing and other things an outlaw. He first tried to be a smuggler – which
that were against the law. These people were he didn’t do very well – and then a robber,
being hunted by the authorities, and sometimes attacking people in isolated farmhouses. Turpin
they worked in gangs and carried out crimes is said to have been very violent, and shot, killed
together, like Jesse James in the USA. and tortured his victims. Turpin is famous for his
Sometimes they acted alone, like the English beautiful horse called Black Bess and the story
highwayman, Dick Turpin. I’ll tell you more about says that he rode 190 miles from London to York
these guys in a moment. The thing about in fifteen hours, which was a record at the time.
outlaws is that they’ve often become heroes to But in fact it wasn’t Turpin who did this but
the people who read about them because they another criminal called Nevison. He was trying to
seem to have their own ideals or laws. Many establish an alibi for himself! Turpin was caught
people believe that they had a special sort of at last by pure chance. An old teacher
justice. Think of the English Robin Hood. What recognised Turpin’s handwriting on a letter that
he did was to steal from the rich and give to the he sent to his brother asking for money. Turpin
poor! People think that was a great idea! But is it showed some courage at the end of his life when
really true? Robin is a fictitious character, but he was about to be hanged. Perhaps it was this
people now believe he was based on a real that started the legends about him. Most people
person whose name was Roger Godberd. Now think that Turpin was brave, gentlemanly and
he wasn’t very nice at all! So, were these famous charming. The truth is that he was ruthless and
outlaws really fighting for justice or were they often not even very good at what he did!
actually criminals who did a whole load of nasty And finally I’d like to mention Jesse James and
things? his gang who robbed trains and banks in the
Firstly, let’s have a look at Ned Kelly. He’s USA …
probably Australia’s greatest outlaw and I think

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Track 10.4 must have been enormously heavy and in those

days transport wasn’t easy! I love this place
Ned’s father, who was a small-time criminal from
because of the mystery and because it is very
Ireland, was transported to Australia.
beautiful, with an unusual atmosphere. I think
Turpin, who was born in 1706, was the son of a
foreign and UK visitors would really enjoy a visit.
Track 11.1
Tracks 10.5 and 10.6
There are several advantages to shopping
Yes – what interesting pictures! Both pictures, as
online. First, you can shop when you want to –
you say, show important events from history but
you’re not limited to times when the shops are
the events themselves are very different. This
open. For me, one of the biggest pluses is that
one is the ... I’m not sure how you say it … the
you can access lots of similar products on your
crowning of a king or queen? And this one is
screen so then you can just sit and compare
when the first man walked on the moon. The
them, without having to traipse around the
moon photo is a relatively recent event, probably
shops. You can compare prices, too, and make
in the 1960s, whereas this other picture is a little
sure you get the best bargain around. And often
older. There’s another big difference. The
you can read reviews about the product from
second event is really important to everyone in
people who’ve already bought it. It’s really useful
the world because it was part of how man is
to know whether other people think it’s any good
exploring the universe and finding out things
or not. And then, of course, goods are often
about the world. The first event is probably
cheaper online because manufacturers don’t
important for just one country. I guess it’s maybe
have to worry about having a shop and shop
quite important for students from that country to
assistants, and all the costs entailed in all that.
know about its past because that can help them
Of course there are disadvantages to online
understand about the present day and why
shopping, too. For me, the biggest problem is
things are like they are. I do think it’s important
what to do if there’s something wrong with the
to know where we come from and what we did in
product when it’s delivered, or if you decide you
the past, but not everyone agrees! Learning
don’t want it. If you’ve bought it in a shop, you
about things like going to the moon is so
can take it back and get a refund quite easily. If
important for everyone because it’s part of how
you’ve bought it online, you have to send it back
the world is developing. It’s also really positive –
– which is a nightmare sometimes – and it can
and so much about history is learning about
take ages for the maker to send you a
wars and fighting. I think it’s good to learn about
replacement. Also, when you shop online, you
things like this!
have to go by the picture of the product on the
Track 10.7 screen. You can’t pick it up or have a really good
look at it, like you can in a shop. So it’s
One of the most famous tourist attractions in the sometimes quite hard to decide if it’s the right
UK is Stonehenge. This is an ancient group of thing to buy. One other problem can be the
huge stones in the middle of a wide green area waiting time for online purchases. If you’re
in the south of England called Salisbury Plain. ordering something for a special occasion, like a
Stonehenge is a mystery because people don’t birthday, you may find you can’t get the item
really know a lot about its history. It was probably quickly enough. You have to pay shipping costs,
built between 3000 and 2000 BCE and it is too, so the item might end up dearer than you
believed to have been a burial site. It may also originally thought.
have been a place for healing too, but this is just
a theory. The only thing people agree about is Tracks 11.2 and 11.3
that it has some sort of religious connection.
Speaker 1: The best way by far to get famous
Today groups of people gather near the stones
these days is to post a clip of
on the shortest and longest days of the year
yourself or your band on YouTube.
because they believe the stones have a special
The word gets round and before you
power. Another mystery is that no one really
know it, hundreds of thousands of
knows how the huge stones were transported
people have watched you! Isn’t that
here in the first place! The stones came from
what Justin Bieber did? You know –
somewhere quite a long way from the site. They
the young Canadian singer? He was

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like a totally overnight sensation. round the world closer. I’m not
One minute no one had ever heard talking about meeting new people or
of him and the next he had a record learning about different cultures, but
deal and millions of young girls were about how quickly we can learn
buying his CDs and wanting to marry about things that are happening in
him! Well maybe not millions – but different countries – breaking news
you know what I mean. And he’s and stuff. Before, we just used to
won awards, too. Shows the power know about the things that were
of YouTube! happening in our country, but now
Speaker 2: Companies that give bad service you can go on a news site and see
have really got to be careful these what’s just happened on the other
days. Before, they could get away side of the world! No one can hide
with ripping people off, but that was anything any more and that’s got to
before people started blogging about be a good thing.
things online. Now if you’re fed up
with something – like a product that Track 11.4
isn’t value for money or even an A: Well, personally, I think people do both! And I
airline that treats you badly – you don’t think that’s going to change. People like
can blog about it, and soon the word to leaf through magazines – there’s
is out and people can boycott the something cool about the feel of the glossy
company! Problem is, sometimes pages! And you can take one everywhere,
people make up stories or can’t you? Whereas online, you just click or
exaggerate and you can’t really tell touch to turn a page and then just read the
they’re not true. information. You can’t keep it lying round so
Speaker 3: In the past, if people thought a law that you can pick it up when you feel like it!
was unfair or didn’t like what the What do you think?
politicians were doing or something B: I’m with you on that. Another thing is that I
like that, they had to set up often tear out bits of a magazine – tips,
campaigns and write letters to the pictures I like or even website addresses. You
newspapers and things. Now you can’t do that with something online unless you
can organise an online petition and go to the hassle of printing it out. Can you
get thousands of signatures in days! imagine a newsagent’s shop without
Apparently, in our country if it goes magazines? It’s great just looking at all the
over a certain number, the front covers.
government is forced to consider the
problem. It can happen at school Track 12.1
level, too. If you think something’s
Jenny: We went abroad this year – to the
wrong, you can find out how loads of
UK. It was really exciting because
kids at school feel about it in a
we got to stay in London and go to
matter of days – and maybe get
lots of musicals. I love anything to do
something done about it. Brilliant!
with the theatre, so it was a dream
Speaker 4: I think Twitter is amazing and I tweet
for me. It’s a nightmare driving in the
all the time! But it’s a bit worrying, I
city, so we went everywhere by Tube
think, because so many people use
– which was OK, except at rush hour
Twitter and millions of people tweet
when it’s packed and you get
all the time about different things –
squashed up against people. That
and rumours can just get started and
can get you a bit panicky! We saw
spread like wildfire, even if there’s no
the sights of course – Tower of
truth to them. A sports celebrity and
London, Buckingham Palace, St
a politician had their careers
Paul’s Cathedral and the London
completely destroyed by rumours on
Dungeon. How scary was that?
Twitter last year. Now that’s not fair.
There were wax models of all these
Speaker 5: For me, the best thing about the
famous people who’d been
Internet is how it brings everyone all
imprisoned or executed hundreds of

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years ago. Not everyone’s thing, 2

maybe, but I thought it was great! If you’ve been to Rio de Janeiro, you’ve probably
Peter: For the first time ever, my parents let seen the increasingly large part of the city called
me go to summer camp and it was a ‘shanty town’. This is where houses have been
just amazing! There were about thirty built onto each other without any idea of
of us altogether – all teens. I felt a bit planning and there are no roads for cars or
scared at first because I’d gone on bikes. It can take people many hours to get to
my own but by the end of day one, I the city centre, walking up and down steps and
felt I’d known everyone for ages. through tiny lanes. Last night’s documentary
That was ace. We did loads of showed us how the new cable car system can
activities – kayaking, surfing, diving. transport people quickly over the top of this area.
Things I’d never do at home. I It was quite expensive to get up and running, but
haven’t got a head for heights, so the it has changed people’s lives here dramatically
abseiling was a bit of an ordeal. Mind and opened up new opportunities for work.
you, I got to do scuba diving the Maybe this is the answer for more of our
same day, so that more than made overpopulated cities.
up for it. 3
Florence: Mum and Dad are a bit strapped for It’s me, Ben. I thought I’d give you a ring to say
cash at the moment, so we just had we arrived safely this morning. But it was a
days out this year. I didn’t mind, terrible journey. You know my dad always gets
though – bar the day we spent at the everywhere way too early? Well, we set off for
zoo. Seeing animals in cages just the airport at five o’clock! But you’ll never believe
puts my back up. We went to the it. When we got to the airport, we found out that
seaside a few times of course – the plane was delayed – engine problems – for
always a winner, that! We only had four hours. We couldn’t get anything to eat
one wet day, and Dad took us because the restaurant staff were on strike and
bowling, which turned out to be a to top it all, the heating had broken down, and
real laugh. So it wasn’t a bad you know how icy it was this morning. By the
holiday, all in all. time they’d finally fixed the plane, the delay was
actually six hours! Not a good way to start a
Tracks 12.2 and 12.3 holiday.
1 4
B: It took me ages to get to school this morning. A: I hear you’re off to America next month. I bet
The traffic was terrible, even though we set you’re looking forward to it.
out in good time. I was late for maths again. B: Yeah – we’ll be travelling all over the country
A: Me, too. I told Dad he should have used the and seeing some of the best sights. It’ll be the
by-pass. We got caught up in the traffic jam in trip of a lifetime. I’m just a bit worried about all
the town centre. It looked like a bus had hit a the flying. You know I get a bit stressed out on
couple of cyclists. planes.
B: Yes, my mum was driving and she pointed out A: I know what you mean! I feel exactly the
how dangerous cycling in the town centre is same. It’s when the plane lifts off and you get
these days. Although I didn’t see any that sinking feeling in your stomach, isn’t it? I
ambulances, did you? try to think about something else! And these
A: No, I’m pretty sure it was just the bus that was days I usually try to sleep through long flights.
holding things up. It went into a lamppost. B: I think I’ll just take loads of magazines and
There was a big crowd of people including watch all the movies.
school kids on the pavement. I bet they were
even later than us!

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5 ghosts that people have seen in the tunnels

A lot of celebrities these days are raising money and weird things that have been found in the
for charity by doing difficult things. There was the carriages! I haven’t been that keen on going
TV presenter who went all the way down the on the Tube in the past. It always seems so
Amazon River in a small canoe, a journey which stuffy, and it’s a wonder more people don’t
took her six weeks. Then there was a famous faint because it gets so hot. But reading this,
comedian who swam the length of the River it makes me want to travel to all the different
Thames. Well, the latest to join this group of stations and check out what it says. It might
brave celebs is another comedian, John Bishop, take quite a long time, though!
who made an incredible journey from Paris to
London in five days! Tonight’s documentary
shows how he cycled from Paris to the coast,
then rowed across the English Channel and
finally ran three marathons in three days to get
to London.
I suppose the reason I chose this job is because
I’d always had a fascination with faraway places.
Ever since I was little, I’ve loved reading about
different countries and I’ve envied people with
jobs on planes, who get to visit a different place
every week! Now I get to do that, too, but I
usually stay for longer than an afternoon or
overnight! It can sometimes take several days to
do my research, interview people and visit all the
places I need to – just a like a real tourist. It’s
hard work, but it’s enjoyable, and it’s great to see
my work in print every month.
A: I’m never going to take your advice again!
Going on that Tower Elevator Ride at the
theme park was the worst experience I’ve
ever had!
B: But you said you liked scary rides. I
absolutely loved it – screamed my head off,
but I loved it.
A: Yeah – I enjoy fast, exciting rides usually but
this one was something else! I thought I was
going to be sick all over everyone!
B: Mmm – it does give you a funny feeling. I
must admit I was glad when it was over, but
that’s part of the experience.
A: I felt ill for the rest of the afternoon. You could
at least say sorry for recommending it – or
give me a bit of sympathy. It was horrible.
A: I must lend you this book I’m reading – it’s
B: Oh, is that the one about the London Tube? I
thought it looked a bit boring.
A: You’d think so, wouldn’t you? But actually I’m
really enjoying it. It’s all about the history of
the London Underground and how it was built.
There’s also loads of interesting stuff about

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Track 12.4
As you say, both photos show different rides at a
theme park and both rides are scary for different
reasons. In the first photo, the people are on a
fast-moving ride that turns people upside down
as well as round and round! That must make you
feel a bit sick! The second, however, is not up in
the air but on the ground and is frightening for
another reason. This ride tries to make you really
scared. It’s a ghost train and it is cleverly
designed so that you see ghosts and skeletons
and things like that suddenly and unexpectedly
so that it shocks you! The first ride might be
scary for another reason too – it’s quite
dangerous – the machinery could go wrong and
people could get hurt. I think some people might
worry about that too when they’re on one of
those, whereas on the second ride you’re on firm
ground, at least! I think the people in both
pictures are feeling thrilled but in the first picture
the thrill comes from speed and sensation
whereas in the second picture it comes from

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