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To apply our knowledge learnt in logic circuits
To have a collective mass of ideas from which to choose a final product idea
To have a product that has a fun and entertaining feature

Color game is a popular game widely found in the Philippines specially during
festive seasons. Many entertaining games of which like bingo, color game, roulette of fate
and more are to be found in place called “Perya” (a popular attraction site during festive
seasons where people go to have fun engaging in games and some occasional rides on
ferris wheel, roller coaster, carousel etc.).
The physical appearance of color game is such that there are separate platforms
in which the playing area and dice are located. A wide betting area and a raised platform
for which the dice are located.
The playing area is divided into 6 spaces/ boxes in which 6 different colors are
assigned to each one. The playing area is where the players place their bets ranging from
5 pesos up to a thousand or more. For the platform for the dice, three dice are placed on
a raised platform held by a lever. When the lever is released the dice roll and stopped
down in a catching patch. The faces of the dice are assigned with 6 different colors
corresponding with the colors on the playing area.
-For Circuit
CD 4017 (3pcs)
NE 555 (3pcs)
LED (18 pcs)
IC slot (3pcs of 8-pins slots and 16 pin-slots)
Capacitors (3 pcs each of 1 nF and 0.1uF)
Resistors (3pcs 2.2K, 2pcs each of 68k, 100k, 200k)
Switch (SPST)
Toggle Switch
Soldering Lead
9V battery
Battery clip

-For the Playing area

Cheap board
Folders (with different colors)
Cellophanes (with different colors)
Decorative tape
Small wire spacers
Bamboo strips

Soldering iron
Box Cutters
Glue gun
Multimeter/ Multi-Tester
Circuit Diagram
IC Description
NE 555

The IC 555 is one of the most popular and most widely used IC’s. It is a versatile
and extremely robust integrated circuit that is used in many applications like timers, wave
generators (pulse) and oscillators.
Operating in astable mode, the 555 work as a free running mode. The output of
astable multivibrator will continuously toggle between low and high, there by generating
a train of pulse, which is why it is known as pulse generator. This pulse will supply the
“on” and “off” state for the CD 4017.

CD 4017
The CD4017 is a CMOS Decade counter IC. A decade counter is one that counts
in decimal digits, rather than binary. It counts from 0 to 9 and then resets to zero.
The counter output can be set to zero by pulsing the reset line low. The count then
increments on each clock pulse until it reaches 1001 (decimal 9).

The circuit uses the 555 timer to produce the clock pulses required for CD4017,
which is operated in Astable mode. Output of this Astable timer circuit is connected to the
clock signal input of CD4017. It produces stream of pulses continuously, in which each
pulse increases the counter by 1. So thus each LED will light up and then off before
turning on its next LED in the sequence up to 6 then back to reset to 1. The clock time is
determined by the value of the resistor used for the 555 timer circuit. The lower the value
of resistor the faster the on and off state, and vice-versa. The counter can produce 10
outputs but since we are using it as a dice we only used 7. Six of which for the different
faces/ values and one for the reset.

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