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Classroom English

Teacher’s language

Teacher Student
1. Greeting
Assalamualaikum wr. wb. Waalaikumsalam wr wb

 Good morning class  Morning Sir/Mam

 Good afternoon everybody  Afternoon Sir/Mam

 How are you today  Alhamdulillah I’m good

 How are you getting on?  Alhamdulillah I’m fine
 How are things with you?  Everything is good Sir. Alhamdulillah

 Are you feeling better today, Rizwan?  Alhamdulillah, I’m better today Sir

2. Beginning the class

 Let’s begin today’s lesson

 I think we can start now OK Sir/Mam!
 It’s time to begin, please stop talking
 Settle down now, so we can start
4. Registering
 Who’s absent today?  Hendra is absent today Sir / no one is absent Sir

 Why were you absent yesterday Tom?  I was sick Sir / I had something to do Sir

6. Class instructions
 Open your Science module!
 Discuss it with your friend! OK Sir/Mam!
 Do you understand!
 Let’s go the next unit!

 Any questions?  No Sir/Mam or Yes Sir/Mam

 Louder please!
9. Closing the class

 Ok class, that’s all for today!

 I hope you can learn something new today.
 See you next meeting!
 Say hamdallah!  Alhamdulillahirrohmanirrohiim
 Wassalamualaikum wr. wb.  Waalaikumsalam wr. wb.
 Thank you Sir/Mam
Classroom English
Student’s language

Student Teacher
Assalamualaikum wr. wb. Waalaikumsalam wr. wb.

 Good morning/afternoon/evening  Good morning/afternoon/evening

Sir/Mam! Rizwan!

 How are you today Sir/Mam?  Alhamdulillah, everything is great

Being late

 Assalamualaikum, I’m Sorry Sir/Mam  Waalaikumsalam, where have you

for being late! been?
 I over slept Sir  Next time don’t do that again
 Thank you Sir/Mam  Please sit down!

Asking for going out

 Sorry Sir/Mam, can I wash my hand  Sure! or Wait a moment!

 May I go to restroom Sir/Mam

 I’m sorry Sir/Mam, Mr. Fanji is looking  Yes, please! or No, You may not
for me. Can I meet Mr. Fanji?
More expression

 Would you please explain this for me  Sure!

 Wait a minute Sir/Mam!  OK!

Student Student
 May I borrow your pencil?  Sure! / Certainly!
 Can you help me with this?  Sorry, I’m still busy

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