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Body gestures in conversation


In the article, body gestures in conversation, the author “Algotiml, B” discusses about

body expressions in discussion. Gestures are body expressions of a speaker made during the

discussion. Natural Language Understanding (NLU) studies orator intentions during the

discussion that is called an act of speech classification/recognition. Act of speech classification

has been vitally used in various Natural Language Processing (NLP) applications like précising,

hate speech, and other academic forums. Classification of speaking task is often considered as

complex classification issue. The majority of researchers prefer to use Machine Learning (ML)

for bulk volume social media debates data analysis. Usually, experiments of these researchers

use synchronous conversations and non-synchronous conversations. A major part of

contemporary research highlights the English language and a few other leading languages like

French, Korean and German. Such research studies have focused on both non-synchronous and

synchronous debates. Apart from these leading languages, very few and indeed only a few

research studies have applied linguistic experiments on the Arabic language. The few conducted

research studies focus upon synchronous conversations only, in the Arabic language. According

to the available literature, Arabic language speech has not been classified for non-synchronous

debates that often occurs on social media. Social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram,

Facebook, and WhatsApp are often used by users of all ages, all genders, and all ethnicities for

communications and social debates. These platforms contain a bulk volume of synchronous and

non-synchronous behavioral and social data that is pertinent to social research studies. Twitter

user's debates can be considered as non-synchronous where users only express their feelings,
report, narrate, request, dictate and recommend; all of these types of speech parts are considered

as acts of speech. Making classification of these various kinds of acts of speech, occurring on the

Twitter platform helps in finding intentions of user's tweets. Ultimately, the author Algotiml, B.,

is trying to convey the idea of social media conversation analysis to deduce conclusion from the


Annotated Bibliography

Algotiml, B., Elmadany, A., & Magdy, W. (2019, August). Arabic Tweet-Act: Speech Act

Recognition for Arabic Asynchronous Conversations. In Proceedings of the Fourth Arabic

Natural Language Processing Workshop (pp. 183-191).

Hate Speech on Social Media


In the research paper, Hate Speech on Social Media, Albar, A. explains the topic of hate

speech use on Social Media platforms. The author argues that advances in information

communications have occurred in the past two-three decades. It has led to more global

connectivity and robust use of information technology. The surge in cyber aggression has

occurred due to technological advancements in real-life activities. Cyber aggression can be

manifested in multi facets and forms among various ages, genders, and ethnicities. However, the

center of attention of this research is online violence like stalking and bullying. This research

study is qualitative in nature and was carried out to find out the basics of cyber aggression and its

existence, depth, and penetration in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. For the sake of this reason,

this study carried out detailed interview conduction in Saudi Arabia social media users. As a

result of this study, a study model was made to explain cyber aggression in the Kingdom of
Saudi Arabia's social media circle. The findings of the study made it clear that Saudi Arabia's

society shows some level of acceptance to some cyber aggression acts. It can be attributed to a

large number of factors like understanding gap, lack of support and help, social and cultural

norms, and many other relevant factors that contribute positively towards cyber aggression.

Moreover, these things are related to the security of the overall Kingdom. Uncontrolled use of

social media and manipulation of social media yields highly negative consequences that are not

good to the strength and security of the Kingdom. Ultimately, the author tries to present the

research findings to teachers and policy framers to give more attention to the emerging terms of

cybersecurity, cyber aggression and cyberpsychology related to the use of social media (Albar,


Annotated Bibliography

Albar, A. (2017). Chapter 8: Aggression in Cyber Sphere: A Qualitative Study to Explore

Saudi Arabian Social Media. Series on Innovation and Knowledge ManagementKnowledge

Discovery and Data Design Innovation, pp. 145-170 (2017)

Bullying Prevalence in the Saudi Arabia


In the article, Bullying Prevalence in The Saudi Arabia, AlBuhairan, F. S., has

investigated roots of bullying in the Saudi Arabia. The author had studied main objective of this

research was in-depth understanding of bullying in intermediate school students of the Kingdom

of Saudi Arabia. Moreover, the study aimed to adopt preventive measures based on the findings

of this study to reduce and stop the trend of bullying in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The study

has used qualitative methods instead of quantitative methods only or a combination of both. The
research study was designed to target four schools of intermediate level in the Kingdom. All

relevant stakeholders of the education system (students, their parents, and their teachers), have

actively participated in this study. Data collection was made in the form of general observations

made, one to one interviews and study focused groups. Further, the research expansion has

identified sub-themes and emergent themes. The collected data comprised a total of 91 students

who have actively participated in this research study. The study participants comprised up of 20

parents, 31 professionals, and 40 students. The study findings identified three main themes and

further these themes have explored many sub-themes. The main themes included bullying types,

responsible factors for bullying encouragement, and social impact of bullying. Moreover, the

sub-themes comprised up of lack or absence of a safe and healthy environment, refreshment

facilities and failures in addressing public concerns over problematic behaviors. Similarly, other

subthemes that were destined to find racism in schools, aggressiveness and making infected

individuals socially isolated. This research helped in making a model that is challenging bullying

to make it lesser. From the study findings, it has been concluded that bullying practices in

adolescents have availed a thorough understanding of the issue. Finally, AlBuhairan, F. S.,

suggests that preventive measures should be taken to curb bullying (AlBuhairan, 2016).

Annotated Bibliography

AlBuhairan, F. S., Al Eissa, M., Alkufeidy, N., & Almuneef, M. (2016). Bullying in early

adolescence: An exploratory study in Saudi Arabia. International journal of pediatrics and

adolescent medicine, 3(2), 64-70.

Weak Morality in Childhood


In the present article, titled as Weak Morality in Childhood, Al-Zahrani, A. M. had

investigated cyberbullying in Kingdom Saudi Arabia’s students of Higher Education. He had

tried to find the possible impacts of cyberbullying in students. The study was done through an

online survey conducted in 287 students. The study finding revealed that students are less

inclined towards cyberbullying. However, cyberbullying among higher education students have

been found 27%. Students have faced cyberbullying from unknown people over the internet.

Additionally, students are sensitive to cyberbullying and consider it as a serious issue. The trend

of opposing cyberbullying in students occurs to stop quarrels and fighting. Gender based analysis

of students shows that males or more prone to cyberbullying as compared to female students.

Similarly, marital status has also a role in cyberbullying. The study results found that

cyberbullying is more in unmarried students as compared to married students. Additionally,

students having personal access to internet devices are more involved in cyberbullying as

compared to students who use shared internet devices. The study findings suggest policy-framers

of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia that they have the primary responsibility to control

cyberbullying by making wise policy that can be easily implemented to control cyberbullying.

Moreover, the policies must be simple and clear to everyone and the term cyberbullying should

be defined. This clarity in approach and simplicity of the policy will help in understanding the

social issue and controlling it easily. The preventive policies should be implemented in higher

schools and colleges to tackle this issue. Further, the study suggests increasing student's

awareness regarding cyberbullying and understand mature and ethical behavior in online debates

occurring over social media. Ultimately, Al-Zahrani, A. M. suggests that schools, colleges,

universities, and common folks should help the authorities in controlling cyberbullying (Al-

Zahrani, 2015).
Annotated Bibliography

Al-Zahrani, A. M. (2015). Cyberbullying among Saudi's Higher-Education Students:

Implications for Educators and Policymakers. World Journal of Education, 5(3), 15-26.

Social Media Theory Development


In the article, Social Media Theory Development, Ludwig, S., investigated the theoretical

domain of Speech Act Theory and discussed its possibility for suitable social media research

agenda-setting. He had explained the objectives of this research study were to investigate

possible strong research lines that are relevant theoretically and possess a strong conceptual

basis. It will help in stimulating online debates (occurring over social media) knowledge

progression and understandings. This study was designed upon the findings and design of

previous research studies approaches. This study has aimed to recognize how simple and basic

advances in Speech Act Theory assist further in developing social media context analytics. This

research study has made some interesting findings. According to these findings, debates

occurring over social media communications due to rapid globalization can increase output and

efficiency of assessing possible customer reviews. Additionally, it considers, the sentiments of

customers made in the reviews, social media role in product quality, level of socialization of

customers. Additionally, this research gives real-time, authentic data that is needed by many

mangers of the companies. Also, it is a need for social media diversification, formats, and

archives expansion. The steady rise in software developments and market variations. This

research study provides an answer to these various parameters and social needs to conclude text

analytics development in social media. In the past few years, online chatting and debates have
several folds increased. New relationships of various types have been established between

various parts of the world on diverse social media platforms working. The use of particular

words in debates on these platforms carries more power instead of general content that is not

convincing. Ultimately, Ludwig, S., conveyed that Social Media's new insights will help in

enhancing perception's understanding and decoding intentions from complex social media

contents (Ludwig, 2016).

Annotated Bibliography

Ludwig, S., & Ruyter, K. D. (2016). Decoding social media speak: developing a speech

act theory research agenda. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 33(2), 124–134. doi: 10.1108/jcm-


Speech Act Theory Learning


In the research study, Speech Act Theory Learning, Nordquist, R., had explained that

pragmatics is a broad field that covers Speech Act Theory as a subfield. The author has dealt

with the study of using words to express information and fulfill commands. This theory

introduction was made by Philosopher of Oxford J.L. Austin in his famous article, "How to do

Things with Words". It was further expanded and developed another famous philosopher from

the United States of America named JR Searle. Many other linguists and philosophers study

Speech Act Theory (SAT) as a better and easy tool to decipher human communications. Speech

Act Theory has become an important field of present linguistic theory in the past three decades.

According to linguistic Searle, occurs only five points of illocutionary that are achieved by

speakers in using proposition and uttering. Names of these illocutionary points are directive,
assertive, declaratory, commission and expressive. Speech Act Theory follows systematic

behavior to unravel unused implications, presupposition and speech act effects that are always

the target of critics. The usage of this theory has been found as a radical method to recast

literature theory. This theory specifically targets prose narratives instead of poetry. However, the

Speech Act Theory is not free of criticism from the critics. Some of the critics argue that the

work of Speech Act Theory work by Searle and Austin relies on intuitions that give importance

to sentences in isolation from context. However, researchers suggest that sentence makes a

grammatical unit within a text, and its isolation changes its meaning or makes it completely

meaningless. Similarly, critics argue that this theory focuses upon speaking and ignore listening.

For instance, the listener has a less active role in this theory while it's the speaker who has the

main role. Ultimately, Nordquist, R., ignores interactional aspects like that of listener feelings,

beliefs and thoughts (Nordquist, 2017).

Annotated Bibliography

Nordquist, R. (2017, August 7). Learn About Speech-Act Theory, the Definition and

Examples. Retrieved December 23, 2017, from


Cyberbullying and facts


In the research paper, Cyberbullying and facts, Olweus, D. had presented various claims

regarding cyberbullying occurring through media and possess less or no scientific support. The

author has said that bullying has been well documented and presented on print media, social

media, and electronic media in the past few years. There is a general perception that
cyberbullying has been increased and the number of bullies has been increased. Additionally,

there is also a perception that cyberbullying is a complex issue and adult students feel helpless in

the wake of cyberbullying. Opposing this argument, studying cyberbullying in proper format

shows that it is a trivial social issue. Also, affected members due to cyberbullying have not been

increased over the passage of time. The study findings come from an analysis of two large size

data sets. The data sets comprised data of Kingdom Saudi Arabia and Norway individually.

Moreover, the study suggests that the social issue of cyberbullying negative impacts have not

become a center of research studies. The study findings recommend methodologies and

techniques to oppose bullying and create bullying free environment over the internet. The

arguments are based upon simple analysis of large scale study data. Moreover, the data can be

used to make inferences about the positive and negative impacts of cyberbullying on high school

students who are exposed to cyberbullying. However, there occur some issues with research

methods and approaches to find out the exact impact of cyberbullying on adults and high school

students. Information technology experts argue that it's a lengthy process to expose bullies over

electronic media. Therefore, educational institutes and community can play an important

intervention to decrease and ultimately stop cyberbullying. Finally, Olweus, D., concludes that

there should be a systematic policy to counter bullying by reducing the prevalence of bullying

penetrated in society (Olweus, 2012).

Annotated Bibliography

Olweus, D. (2012). Cyberbullying: An overrated phenomenon?. European Journal of

Developmental Psychology, 9(5), 520-538.


Slang Evolution

In the research paper, Slang Evolution, Yasser, G., has studied Slang Evolution in

Kingdom Saudi Arabia. The author has aimed socio-linguistic investigation of the Kingdom of

Saudi Arabia youth slang. Slang use had been initiated in studies and discussions where scholars

use it to grab the attention of the public or audience. Research studies in many other countries are

fully developed, systematic and organized to find out youth slang of the kingdom as compared to

poor shabby conditions of the Kingdom. Sociolinguistics formal and theoretical discussions and

debates are not fully developed in Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia's language is a very diverse and

rich source of diversity. However, it lacks slang usage properly. The study is interested in finding

out various facets of Saudi youth slang from a sociolinguistic point of view. This study was

aimed to analyze various social factors that influence it. Moreover, the study highlights the

sources wherefrom Saudi youth get expressions of novel slangs and causative factors to the use

of these slangs. Analysis of the data collected from all over the Kingdom finds that there is no

correlation between ages and Saudi youth. For instance, in young age use of slang is very high as

compared to old age. Moreover, the study findings reveal that usage of slang is common and

more in male gender as compared to the female gender. Additionally, gender interest based

analysis shows that men's and women's interests are different. So the slang topics also vary

especially in case of sexual slang. Many scholars and linguists have tried to define and explain

slang but they have failed to do so and had reported that consensus on a single definition of slang

is difficult to make. Therefore, slang cannot be defined properly. Finally, Yasser, G., conveys the

message that slang users of diverse nature, feel themselves relax after using slang (Yasser, 2015).

Annotated Bibliography
Yasser, G. (2015). Saudi Youth Slang Innovations: A Sociolinguistic Approach,

international Journal of Linguistics and Communication December 2015, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 98-



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